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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I love the GOP has become the party of Holocaust and 9/11 Revisers who take their information straight from anti-Semitic forums. There was a Trump supporter on Fox News talking about how Muslims in NJ were told about 9/11 beforehand (Taking a spin on that old conspiracy theory against Jews) just a few hours ago.

These guys will get Muslims killed and should be persecuted.
Gave a presentation about the Holodomor to 100 college students of diverse backgrounds and two of them knew about the Holodomor before my presentation?!? There were students from the U.S., El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, various European nations and two of the students knew what the Ukraine suffered through mass starvation in the 1930s.. What do they teach in high school?

Not Ukrainian history, generally speaking.
Not Ukrainian history, generally speaking.

The death toll was in the millions.

It's just bizarre how a Communist hating nation like the U.S. doesn't even remember the horrible things Communism actually did. We were in conflict with Russia for decades and we didn't pound into people's minds that "hey, the Soviet Union starved 5 million to death and the hunger was so intense that tens of thousands of parents ate their children so that's why we hate them"? How is that even possible?
The death toll was in the millions.

It's just bizarre how a Communist hating nation like the U.S. doesn't even remember the horrible things Communism actually did. We were in conflict with Russia for decades and we didn't pound into people's minds that "hey, the Soviet Union starved 5 million to death and the hunger was so intense that tens of thousands of parents ate their children so that's why we hate them"? How is that even possible?
I didn't go to highschool in US but from what I know, the history is not political like that. They don't teach much of world history apart from WW1, 2 and British imperialism. Much of the American history obviously deals with Civil War and Reconstruction. I doubt they even teach about the Irish potato famine, which was the result of British taxation policies.


No Scrubs
Gave a presentation about the Holodomor to 100 college students of diverse backgrounds and two of them knew about the Holodomor before my presentation?!? There were students from the U.S., El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, various European nations and two of the students knew what the Ukraine suffered through mass starvation in the 1930s.. What do they teach in high school?

Most high school World History courses are too busy with the Great Depression and the buildup to WW2 at that point in the time line. Don't forget that they'e only got 2 years, at best, to cover all of World History from the ancient world to the modern day--and they'll barely make it though.


Professional Schmuck
I didn't go to highschool in US but from what I know, the history is not political like that. They don't teach much of world history apart from WW1, 2 and British imperialism. Much of the American history obviously deals with Civil War and Reconstruction. I doubt they even teach about the Irish potato famine, which was the result of British taxation policies.

the what?

(no seriously I know about it but it was definitely not taught in school for more than a paragraph)


This is semantics, and nothing more
Detective Gaf is more like Creepy Gaf. I can't get behind searching through someone's entire posting history looking for something discrediting just because they annoy you. Unless it's someone trying to find a call-back or sourcing a blatant lie/contradiction, but then it's more finding what you already remember.

I agree with this. It doesn't help that the information in this case was used to make a personal attack against the guy.


Sam Seder thinks Ted Cruz will be the Republican nominee and Trump will run as an independent. Then Mike Bloomberg jumps in. What a clusterfuck that would be.


Does anybody remember Americans Elect?

It qualified to be put on the ballots as a party and users were supposed to pick a centrist candidate in a holistic primary. The financier organizers were hoping that a Mike Bloomberg type would be selected but it ended up being Ron Paul so they shut it down before the election.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
So from that Pew survey, the more affluent, college-educated, younger and white demographics expect more from government than they're willing to pay for.

You've read it wrong. That graph isn't saying what that group thinks about spending/taxation, but rather what that group thinks the American public thinks - it's clearer on the full report here (see page 119). In other words, it measures pessimism about the rest of the American electorate - the younger, whiter, wealthier and more educated you are, the more pessimistic you are about what the rest of the electorate want.

However, I do actually think it's a very bad question because it isn't clear what type of pessimism is being tested. The question survey-takers got asked is "Does the public want more from government than it is willing to pay for?". Answering yes to that could imply that either a) the public asks for too much given acceptable taxation levels, or b) the public aren't willing to be taxed enough given acceptable spending levels. That means the question lumps pessimistic small-staters and large-staters together with no real way to discern between them, which is why I think that you get some otherwise strange cleavages. You can't really make any proposals on the basis of public opinion from that question, because it doesn't tell you what the public's opinion is (other than the fact they're generally pessimistic).

In general, being young and educated makes you more in favour of public taxation, being white and wealthy makes you less in favour of it, and vice versa on spending. It's very rare to see all those four things cleave together; the reason it is happening there is because of the above: the question is just not particularly good.
Oh, I see. That makes more sense, as the initial read I had seemed odd. Two of those demographics (youth, more educated) would lean/vote Democratic, so it would be weird if they were unwilling to pay higher taxes for improved services.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
On the flipside, if you're old, poor, black and have no formal education, you're pretty optimistic about the rest of the American population, which I find... weird.
So these are currently making the rounds on black twitter...



Cross-branding your logo with Rosa Parks probably isn't the best of ideas.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
It was on her official Facebook account before it got taken down. I think it was supposed to be a tribute, given the anniversary.

It also briefly accompanied this tweet.

User 406

The death toll was in the millions.

It's just bizarre how a Communist hating nation like the U.S. doesn't even remember the horrible things Communism actually did. We were in conflict with Russia for decades and we didn't pound into people's minds that "hey, the Soviet Union starved 5 million to death and the hunger was so intense that tens of thousands of parents ate their children so that's why we hate them"? How is that even possible?

The Holocaust gets all the attention, and there's limited time in world history courses. The killing fields, the Armenian genocide, and pretty much anything in Africa or southeast Asia doesn't make the cut either.

When I was younger, I personally did know that there was a huge famine in the USSR, and separately that Stalin deliberately killed millions, but not that those were the same thing, or that the famine was deliberate targeted at Ukraine and smaller states. Granted, I went to high school in the 80's, and at that point, at most the famine was just held up as an example of Communism being shitty.

I love how the world almost ended because Russian government officials were too neglectful to tell their radar people.


Heh, growing up during the Cold War just underscores what complete fucking cowards we are nowadays for getting all scared over some pissed off religious nuts. We lived under the knowledge that humanity itself could be wiped out in a matter of hours at any given moment for half a fucking century, but now we're supposed to have an existential panic attack over some suicide bombers? Fuckin' crybabies.



American voters shift to Clinton as the Democrat gains ground against Republicans:

47 - 41 percent over Trump, compared to 46 - 43 percent November 4;
Clinton at 45 percent to Rubio's 44 percent, compared to a 46 - 41 percent Rubio lead last month;
Clinton tops Cruz 47 - 42 percent, compared to Cruz at 46 percent to Clinton's 43 percent last month;
Clinton at 46 percent to Carson's 43 percent compared to Carson's 50 - 40 percent lead last month.

Sanders does just as well, or even better, against top Republicans:

Topping Trump 49 - 41 percent;
Getting 44 percent to Rubio's 43 percent;
Beating Cruz 49 - 39 percent;
Leading Carson 47 - 41 percent.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
See, Rubio does pretty well nationally. He might just not make it to the Florida primary...but I bet he could win New Hampshire.

I can't believe how big of a hawk he is. Like I always wonder what formative experience makes people the way they are.
See, Rubio does pretty well nationally. He might just not make it to the Florida primary...but I bet he could win New Hampshire.

I can't believe how big of a hawk he is. Like I always wonder what formative experience makes people the way they are.

I think the somewhat unique background of Cuban Americans, as opposed to other Hispanic American groups, plays into a lot of Rubio's foreign policy beliefs.



10 point Trump drop
Quadruple tie between Rubio, Cruz, Carson, and Other
Jeb/McCain comparison is greatly exaggerated
Christie surgeless
Huckabee in Jindal tier
Santorum tied with Gilmore


Spitballing here, but I think Rubio is a giant hawk more because he has to overcompensate for his minority status. See also: Carly but for her gender. They know their base is very white, patriarchal, religious, and authoritarian. The base might be fearful or distrusting of Rubio and Carly, but if their aggro can be honed and focused elsewhere, then Rubio benefits.


Big Phony And Loser Nate Silver Can’t Even See Donald Trump Is A Winner! What A Joke!

OK, we’re going to do some role-playing today. We’ve been very skeptical of Donald Trump’s chances of winning the Republican nomination here at FiveThirtyEight. To really stress-test that position, Nate Silver, our editor in chief, is going to be his normal self (a Trump skeptic); Harry Enten, our senior political writer, is going to pretend he’s a Democratic-leaning political scientist who thinks the Republican Party is in a such a mood that Trump could win (we’ll call him “PhDemocrat”), and I’m going to play the role of a die-hard Trump fan named “Trumpfan1959” (drawing inspiration from the many Tweets and Facebook comments his supporters have sent us).

This was fun
See, Rubio does pretty well nationally. He might just not make it to the Florida primary...but I bet he could win New Hampshire.

I can't believe how big of a hawk he is. Like I always wonder what formative experience makes people the way they are.
Everything depends on Iowa and New Hampshire. If Trump wins Iowa he gets NH too easily and walks to the nomination. If he loses Iowa to Carson or Cruz that opens up NH to Rubio thus giving him an opening. This is Rubio's first poll over 15% by the way.

10 point Trump drop
Quadruple tie between Rubio, Cruz, Carson, and Other
Jeb/McCain comparison is greatly exaggerated
Christie surgeless
Huckabee in Jindal tier
Santorum tied with Gilmore

Do you have custom settings or did they change it? This is what the default looks like when I check it out:

Where Carson supporters end up is what determines the race, IMO.

I just can't see those people going to Rubio. They're going to Trump and Cruz.

If you believe the Q-poll, and given some of their recent results I'm dubious, They're going equally to all three. Which is really a win from Trump as he just needs to stay in place.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Everything depends on Iowa and New Hampshire. If Trump wins Iowa he gets NH too easily and walks to the nomination. If he loses Iowa to Carson or Cruz that opens up NH to Rubio thus giving him an opening. This is Rubio's first poll over 15% by the way.
Also don't forget the CHRISTIE SURGE


From November 23 - 30, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,453 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones. The survey includes 672 Republicans with a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percentage points and 573 Democrats with a margin of error of +/- 4.1 percentage points.

Still something very odd going on with Q. I'm not sure what to make of it. That's a pretty lopsided sample.
All I wanted was a Slim Jim and ten gallons of unleaded, and I wound up helping to destroy America.


On Monday, Alan Harper, an Alabama state representative who is Republican, posted a comment on his Facebook page that urges his friends to support Christian-owned gas stations and convenience stores when traveling over the holidays. Spending money at stores "not owned by God fearing Christians," he warned, could have dire consequences. "In large part, these stores are owned by folk that send their profits back to their homeland and then in turn use these funds against our country to create turmoil, fear and in some cases death and destruction," he wrote.

When asked how to tell whether a store owner is Christian, Harper responded, "Look behind the cash register."
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