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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Oh. I don't read urban dictionary, i got sick of all the sex position definitions that read like they were made up by giggling 12 year olds and all the preteens thinking they are clever writing, blake - fun loving,smart, cool chill guy that is the best friend you could ever have
I've heard that expression since at least the late 90's in high school....long before urban dictionary. Actually it was the first 3 links that came up when I searched it, which is why I linked it. I really don't think that the use of "starfish" in that manner is uncommon. Oh well, if I have to explain the joke, then it has failed.
Hehe you know, all the times I've posted jindal news here I have never once gotten a positive response
Well let's change that.

Politics aside, Bobby seems like a pretty nice guy. I wouldn't mind going out to eat with him once or twice, which is more than I can say for some of the other candidates.
If I could have a coke with a republican candidate (don't drink) it would be with rand paul. He is the most ideologically curious of them all, except maybe ted cruz, and he always talks so thoughtfully and I really like that
Hehe you know, all the times I've posted jindal news here I have never once gotten a positive response

Well let's change that.

Politics aside, Bobby seems like a pretty nice guy. I wouldn't mind going out to eat with him once or twice, which is more than I can say for some of the other candidates.


Well let's change that.

Politics aside, Bobby seems like a pretty nice guy. I wouldn't mind going out to eat with him once or twice, which is more than I can say for some of the other candidates.

I heard Woodrow Wilson could make a mean chicken salad.


The thread has gotten a bit rowdy lately, but let's try hard to avoid this sort of thing:

She probably fucks like a starfish though

Some of the metacommentary about Metaphoreus' posts is also probably crossing the line from joking to mean. If you don't want to argue with him don't argue with him. Even if you think his arguments are terrible in all sorts of ways, I think most would at least agree that he's presenting a conservative viewpoint more intelligently than you're likely to see it in most other places, and surely this thread is for respectfully engaging with exactly that sort of argument (also polls).
Walker's statement makes it pretty clear that the party leadership is pushing people out specifically to take out Trump by consolidating support.

Trump is so tearing up that pledge.


Gotta say I am a bit disappointed by the lightweight plan Hilldawg put forth on pharmaceuticals...

At least it's better than nothing but still...it's practically nothing.
Walker's statement makes it pretty clear that the party leadership is pushing people out specifically to take out Trump by consolidating support.

Trump is so tearing up that pledge.

That's what happens when you spend 30+ years telling people the establishment is evil and government doesn't work. They turn to a rich guy from the private sector with no political experience.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Depends. She can be locked in position by first asking the candidate their position on the current Iran deal. If she opposes it and someone follows right after by pointing out her hypocrisy along with the usual dog whistles regarding Iran (that is, if someone like Trumpo goes after her on this), she's done.

While i can see the sense in the strategy you propose, it seems far too complex an approach to be employed against her, given how the primary is playing out and the target audience.

I mean, she pulling from the same anti-establishment pool as Trump. These people aint exactly what i'd call prime material for looking into the future and gauging consequences, is all.

It's all in the meta, Meta.

They don't seem to be responding to anything, really. Look at Trump's enduring popularity. I'm not sure how you target an anti-establishment candidate with the media.

I fail to see the logic in that. It worked well for Boxer, and it was perfectly reasonable strategy. She was far worse than an empty suit, or a lackluster innovator.

I think she learns. She's no idiot. She'll know how to respond to that charge this time.



The parents CBS4’s Melissa Garcia spoke with say they’re concerned about their children seeing messages promoting pot all over town. Activists say it’s the way pot is marketed and sold that has started to create some serious problems.

“I never dreamed in a million years that this would happen to my son,” said parent Kendal, who didn’t want to use his last name.

Kendal came home one evening to find his 13-year-old son unconscious from what he says was a marijuana overdose.

He was gray. His heart wasn’t beating and he wasn’t breathing,” he said.

Kendal used CPR to resuscitate him and later talked to his son’s high school peer and supplier.

“I had heard from kids that there was 60 percent of this particular high school using drugs, and she shook her head and said, ‘That’s way low,'” Kendal said.

“Kendal’s story breaks my heart, but I’ve got to tell you we have heard that from hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of parents throughout the state,” said Diane Carlson, Smart Colorado co-founder.

Carlson says Colorado’s child and teen use of marijuana has become an epidemic.

“Kids have no idea how dangerous or harmful Colorado’s pot is,” she said.

According to a report released this month by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, Colorado saw a 29 percent increase in emergency room visits, and a 38 percent increase in hospitalizations during retail marijuana’s first year.

The study states that over 11 percent of Colorado’s 12 to 17 year-olds use pot — 56 percent higher than the national average. It also cites a 40 percent increase in drug-related suspensions and expulsions — the vast majority from marijuana.

Carlson says the culprit is its commercialization.

“Marijuana might have been legalized in our state; it did not have to mean massive commercialization and promotion of marijuana use,” she said.
This almost turned out like Carly's daughter.


A cars worth. Literally.
Yeah, one would have to consume a shitload purified THC to potentially be fatal. You definitely couldn't smoke enough. Maybe with a belly full of highly potent consumables you could have some central nervous system symptoms. Still not likely to be fatal.


I would assume that the smoke (if smoking it) in too enclosed of an area is more likely to potentially kill you just like anything that produces smoke. I believe heavy pot smokers are only at a slightly reduced risk than tobacco (not cigarettes, natch) for lung cancer/etc. just because it's the smoke, vaping/e-cig is the way to go for anything probably these days.

EDIT: Poodlestruck.

What in the...a pot overdose? Is that even a real thing?
You need to get some facts buddy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7Bqob-weFk

I finally realized who Carly reminds me of, Nancy Grace on downers.


Kane is such an embarrassment to this state.

Between her stuff and Tom Wolf being an extremely low-key Governor thus far, PA Democrats have little to say other than "well, at least Tom Corbett is gone!" Medicaid was properly expanded at least.

It sucks. I would agree that she has to go; the longer she sticks around, the more it hurts the party here.

Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, has previously called on her to resign, saying that he has not judged her innocence or guilt but that she would be impaired in her performance by such a heavy legal cloud. His spokesman, Jeffrey Sheridan, said Monday only that “We are reviewing the order.”
Stop being so neutral and call her out for what she's done already, Wolf. Of course it's going to interfere with her job.


An earlier version of this article misstated the number of Democratic state senators who would have to agree to remove the attorney general. It is several, not a dozen.
Well, thanks for clearing that up with an exact figure.




I kinda hope that we're coming up on Rubio's turn to rise in the polls, if only to see him taken down early.
He's had one before: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ep..._republican_presidential_nomination-3823.html

Follow along April 1, 2015 to June 1, 2015. He jumps from 6% to 14% and second place before tumbling back into the pack.

i guess we shouldnt sleep on Cruz? he has a decent amount of money raised
Wow, Carson doesn't have anything at all from Super PACs.
Just to note, those numbers are from July 31st. You can get "new" SuperPAC estimates sometimes on OpenSecrets. (Or if a candidate has trumpeted their fundraising elsewhere.) But we won't know the real numbers until the end of October.


He's had one before: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ep..._republican_presidential_nomination-3823.html

Follow along April 1, 2015 to June 1, 2015. He jumps from 6% to 14% and second place before tumbling back into the pack.

Just to note, those numbers are from July 31st. You can get "new" SuperPAC estimates sometimes on OpenSecrets. (Or if a candidate has trumpeted their fundraising elsewhere.) But we won't know the real numbers until the end of October.

I'm looking forward to Trump's attacks on him. He's already previewing them on Twitter this morning, calling Marco out on amnesty. This is going to be like catnip to an already-skeptical GOP base.

He's also playing the whole "the establishment is out to get me" card:


Everyone thought Citizens United and SuperPACs were going to be the game changer this cycle.

They didn't foresee Donald Trump on Twitter.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I cannot freaking believe Jeb Bush is running his economic campaign on "ending regulations" and huge tax cuts for the rich. Unreal.

He is basically the exact same "trickle-down economy" candidate his predecessors were.


I cannot freaking believe Jeb Bush is running his economic campaign on "ending regulations" and huge tax cuts for the rich. Unreal.

He is basically the exact same "trickle-down economy" candidate his predecessors were.

Why is that a surprise? It's literally the establishment playbook going back to Ronald Reagan, and it's got them fairly decent success so far.

The fact that Jeb is a bad retail politician completely unsuited for the current climate in the republican primaries doesn't change the fundamental of what the republican candidate will be pushing for - lower taxes for the wealthy, less regulation for business, with a few tokenistic efforts to keep the evangelical base onside.

My money is on Rubio now BTW. I think Kasich might be stronger, but he won't get through the primary season. I wouldn't surprised to see money and supporters shifting over from Jeb over the next few months, he's just not connecting at all and isn't improving at all either.
Biden's comments are fair. Meanwhile Clinton surrogates are dumping Biden oppo research on journalist's desks (errr well, email accounts). They're scared. I'm not saying Biden will beat Clinton - I care too much about the man to doom him with a prediction - but I think he could do well.

It seems like Clinton gets Obama's coalition by default. If Biden enters could he take enough of it to win? Wouldn't be stunned if he does better with white voters in the primary. Biden on the loose in Iowa and NH seems like it would be effective.


It seems like Clinton gets Obama's coalition by default. If Biden enters could he take enough of it to win?

The talk in Democratic Party circles is that Barack Obama has told Joe Biden that he is prepared to endorse him for president if, in return, Biden promises to let Obama have a final say in the choice of his vice presidential running mate.

According to these Democratic sources, Biden is mulling over the president’s conditional offer of support.

In addition, there is speculation among top Democratic sources that Obama has another quid pro quo for his endorsement: he wants Biden to choose an African American as his vice presidential running mate.

In this scenario, which Obama has not yet fully explained to Biden, Biden would promise to serve only one term in the White House, after which he would back his vice president to succeed him.

As Biden’s vice president, Obama is said to favor former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, a close Obama ally who is the first and only African American to have served as governor of the Bay State.

Obama has already given Biden carte blanche to use Air Force Two, the official vice presidential plane, to crisscross the country and launch an unofficial campaign.
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