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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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He doesn't need any latitude with the tea party people anymore. Him announcing he'll step down takes away all the power the Tea Partiers had over him.

If he just hates the Tea Partiers, wouldn't the biggest FU to them be passing a full spending bill, not a CR?

Even if he's completely checked out, and is only sticking around to put whatever gets handed to him on floor, wouldn't McConnel work night and day to create a full spending bill that he'll send to Boehner to get passed?

I think pigeon's basically right that this is about keeping a lid on the Tea Party until an establishment candidate can clinch the nomination. And in general Boehner has been Speaking month-to-month for years now; he's almost always just concerned with getting through the current crisis. He keeps this from blowing up by stepping down and passing a CR, where his stepping down adds credibility to his usual "next time we'll fight for real" promise. Anything that puts off another showdown until after the 2016 election is going to come across as the opposite - it's Boehner performing one last act of sabotage to undermine the noble conservative cause before leaving for a lobbying gig. That's not good for the establishment candidates at all - it supports the narrative that no matter what they say you can't trust insiders to uphold conservative principles and all that.

Edit: The establishment's main argument is that they want exactly what the Tea Partiers want, but that they know how to do politics in order to get it. They can get away with a tactical retreat if it looks like part of a larger plan, and this has basically been Boehner's approach for years. That's a very hard sell when you're proposing that Republicans not fight until after Hillary beats Jeb.



Just lol. Chris gotta eat. :D

@ronFournier: Incorrect. I'm reporting, not writing. And I think you know exactly what I'm working on ... #NextShoeDrops

Eric Boehlert retweeted Ron Fournier
well, you've written 27 anti-Hillary columns this yr, so yeah i have pretty good idea what yr working on. Eric Boehlert added,
Ron Fournier @ron_fournier
TheSportsNerd ‏@The_Sports_Nerd 38m38 minutes ago
@BuzzFeedAndrew @TheFix Have you seen @ron_fournier 's twitter posts in the last few months? yeah...obsession..it's everywhere.



Unconfirmed Member
Stop trying to make that gif a thing. It's not going to be a thing.

It wasn't a thing until someone complained about it. The complainers should have instead just been like

Now that Hillary's found to have lied about turning over all work-related emails, it should be open season on the deleted emails from the server. And whatever punishment should come for deleting public records in accordance with law.

Totally going to happen. You've nailed it.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The fact that so many on the far right have gotten so extreme that John Boehner of all people is considered a moderate...I don't know. I am losing faith in the future of our country.


Now that Hillary's found to have lied about turning over all work-related emails, it should be open season on the deleted emails from the server. And whatever punishment should come for deleting public records in accordance with law.

You betcha. We will now know the truth on Benghazi as well.


Unconfirmed Member
I think pigeon's basically right that this is about keeping a lid on the Tea Party until an establishment candidate can clinch the nomination. And in general Boehner has been Speaking month-to-month for years now; he's almost always just concerned with getting through the current crisis. He keeps this from blowing up by stepping down and passing a CR, where his stepping down adds credibility to his usual "next time we'll fight for real" promise. Anything that puts off another showdown until after the 2016 election is going to come across as the opposite - it's Boehner performing one last act of sabotage to undermine the noble conservative cause before leaving for a lobbying gig. That's not good for the establishment candidates at all - it supports the narrative that no matter what they say you can't trust insiders to uphold conservative principles and all that.

Edit: The establishment's main argument is that they want exactly what the Tea Partiers want, but that they know how to do politics in order to get it. They can get away with a tactical retreat if it looks like part of a larger plan, and this has basically been Boehner's approach for years. That's a very hard sell when you're proposing that Republicans not fight until after Hillary beats Jeb.

I guess the question is do you take that hit now, or do you bet on the new guy somehow doing what Boehner couldn't and averting the shutdown in the next few months?

I suppose I'm assuming that the new guy would have no chance at averting a shutdown, so the lesser of two evils for them is to just take that hit. If I were to assume that they'll be open to McCarthy saying to not shutdown the government, then I'd guess I'd be with you.
Damn the news channels. We need more Boehner and Trump, and less Pope.

No way, we need more coverage about 10 benign e-mails exchanged during the transition period of the administration that prove she lied by technicality, the worst kind of lie.

Truly a smoking gun that finally shows she and Patraeus teamed up to kill ambassador Stevens to further their muslim agenda. - Joey Fox


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
al-Awlaki was never found guilty, let alone tried, by the United States. He was therefore innocent.

His 16 year old son also was. Despite not having been born with a "better father" as the President's spokesman suggested.

Neither was murdered in a country in which the United States was in a declared state of war.

So you're willing to sacrifice both liberty and security (because backdoors inherently make the system insecure) so the state can act against people it dislikes? Is that what you're trying to say here?


The ridiculous thing is that the AUMF allows the govt to be effectively in perpetual conflict with terrorists.
Congress already authorized such attacks

Its looking grim. If i were a hill dawg right now i'd be running away desperately
See I think the "Liz Warren said she was a Native American LOL" "scandal" was stupid but I admire the cartoonist's confidence in their ability to put her in the background even if the main joke is spelled out. No name tag on Hillary either.

@reagan.com though lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I can't believe Jeb made that comment on "free stuff". Has he learned absolutely nothing from Mittens?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Truly a smoking gun that finally shows she and Patraeus teamed up to kill ambassador Stevens to further their muslim agenda. - Joey Fox

Ooh, good one. I like how you inserted "Muslim agenda", in accordance with my posting history. Of course, as we all know, Hillary Clinton started the rumors Obama is a Muslim, so Hillary's agenda is murkier here.
Ooh, good one. I like how you inserted "Muslim agenda", in accordance with my posting history. Of course, as we all know, Hillary Clinton started the rumors Obama is a Muslim, so Hillary's agenda is murkier here.

Hillary started the Obama is muslim rumor just to hide her own true muslim agenda which she enlisted Patraeus for (who would ever suspect him right? he's a hero). They then proceeded to plot out Benghazi, which would be carried out just before Obama's reelection to destroy his chances and give Clinton the the chance to run for Pres with Patraeus as her VP.

All of this is in those 10 e-mails and we've finally got her. Get the handcuffs.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
You laugh, but the Department of Defense already has those emails. The content of them doesn't matter for what I'm talking about. It's that she didn't provide them that calls her integrity into question, and is probably illegal.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You laugh, but the Department of Defense already has those emails. The content of them doesn't matter for what I'm talking about. It's that she didn't provide them that calls her integrity into question, and is probably illegal.

You Benghazi/emailGhazi truthers never actually bother to elaborate what you think Hillary is trying to hide.


You laugh, but the Department of Defense already has those emails. The content of them doesn't matter for what I'm talking about. It's that she didn't provide them that calls her integrity into question, and is probably illegal.

Don't worry Obama already has the handcuffs waiting for her when she gets back from her IA trip.

Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 17m17 minutes ago
Overall, It's frustrating putting together every piece on the emails, but long press conference may help everyone. Thoughts @ron_fournier?
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 21m21 minutes ago
Yes, FBI investigation is outside campaign's control, but it would be unwise to not take charge of what it can control: how it deals w/press
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 24m24 minutes ago
A few hours where reporters from all the mainstream outlets can ask any question they want might actually clear some air...
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 27m27 minutes ago
Pink press conference part 2 won't eliminate story, but if it goes well it could provide some momentum going into debate/Benghazi hearing...
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 29m29 minutes ago
Partisans have made up their minds already...but independents likely still want to have the full picture so they can decide who to support
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 31m31 minutes ago
...it's led to the intermingling of stories focusing on the emails and Huma Abedin (in which emails may have evidence, but not pertinent)
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 33m33 minutes ago
Not only that, but the whole situation on hand is a mess: multiple lawsuits handled by numerous judges on various topics...
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 35m35 minutes ago
...including with @chucktodd on Sunday/Monday, but that won't clog the spigot and drip drip stories will continue if questions persist
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 37m37 minutes ago
...often centering on the parsing of words, dates and numbers -- without any clarity over the issue. Hillary's been doing more interviews...
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 39m39 minutes ago
1. Polls show that voters want to know more about the emails, and who can blame them. The coverage has been all over the place...
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Alex Lazar ‏@AlexLazarDC 41m41 minutes ago
So, it might be time for a sequel to the 1994 pink press conference. Here's why...

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
You Benghazi/emailGhazi truthers never actually bother to elaborate what you think Hillary is trying to hide.

I believe she's just trying to hide anything that could potentially be politically damaging. Writing emails that say "pls print" might be embarrassing to her. Who knows?

My issue is with the huge IT security issue and exposure of sensitive national security information. That and people who think they're above the law:

Hillary Clinton said:
I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:
1.While I do not know what information may be “responsive” for purposes of this law suit, I have directed that all my e-mails on clintonemail.com in my custody that were or potentially were federal records to be provided to the Department of State, and on information and belief, this has been done.

For all of you about to argue what the definition of is is, please have some integrity. Then push for someone that has some to get nominated for President.
You laugh, but the Department of Defense already has those emails. The content of them doesn't matter for what I'm talking about. It's that she didn't provide them that calls her integrity into question, and is probably illegal.

Content matters. This whole saga has been about how Clinton endangered lives or leaked secrets or broke policy rules.

If the e-mails were completely benign and outside of the March 2009 to Feb 2013 period they turned over to the State Dept then what does that indicate? You assume it means she's a criminal or hiding something, but it could just as easily mean the e-mails were so trivial and unimportant that they didn't care about them.

For all of you about to argue what the definition of is is, please have some integrity. Then push for someone that has some to get nominated for President.

The full document has dates and other qualifying info on it. That quote is from a catchy image going around tea party twitter circles to get the "gotcha" hype going.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I believe she's just trying to hide anything that could potentially be politically damaging. Writing emails that say "pls print" might be embarrassing to her. Who knows?

And if that's the case, why do you care? I don't see the point in wasting millions of dollars and so much media time focusing on shit like this if it isn't relevant in any way to national security.
And if that's the case, why do you care? I don't see the point in wasting millions of dollars and so much media time focusing on shit like this if it isn't relevant in any way to national security.

We had to waste millions to know Bill Clinton got a blowjob. It's just a Republican thing, you wouldn't understand.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
The contents of the emails are important as it regards National security.

The contents of emails she didn't provide are important as it regards National security.

The contents of emails she didn't provide, if legally they should have been a part of the public record, are not important in determining whether she lied at a minimum to the American people if not committed perjury and continues to break the Federal Records Act without consequence.

I know the psychological games you're trying to play conflating the issues. And story isn't going away, regardless of how much discussion you suppress on this forum because people don't want to deal with it while not getting backed up.


The contents of the emails are important as it regards National security.

The contents of emails she didn't provide are important as it regards National security.

The contents of emails she didn't provide, if legally they should have been a part of the public record, are not important in determining whether she lied at a minimum to the American people if not committed perjury and continues to break the Federal Records Act without consequence.

I know the psychological games you're trying to play conflating the issues. And story isn't going away, regardless of how much discussion you suppress on this forum because people don't want to deal with it while not getting backed up.

This is nothing more than a witch hunt by the media and Republicans. They have spent the better part of seven months covering this trash. The story won't go away because the media and others want to finally destroy the Clinton's. No matter what she does some people will never be satisfied.
The contents of the emails are important as it regards National security.

The contents of emails she didn't provide are important as it regards National security.

The contents of emails she didn't provide, if legally they should have been a part of the public record, are not important in determining whether she lied at a minimum to the American people if not committed perjury and continues to break the Federal Records Act without consequence.

I know the psychological games you're trying to play conflating the issues. And story isn't going away, regardless of how much discussion you suppress on this forum because people don't want to deal with it while not getting backed up.

All it shows to me is incompetence at worst and a lack of knowledge about technology. Either way, you've already won. People don't believe her so whether she's a liar or not doesn't matter. Perception is more important than whatever reality there is to this story.
Is Lisa Murkowski running for another term in the Senate for 2016? If so, is she ready for another Tea Party challenge followed by a non-midterm Democratic challenger? It would just seem easier to switch parties next year and fuck all this non-sense.
"I'm concerned about IT security" has got to be one of the lamest concern trolls I've ever heard.

This is about trying to take Hilary down, period, and most people aren't even hiding their motives.


New Reuters poll:

1) 2016 National Republican Primary
Asked of 572 Republicans
Jeb Bush (R) 10%
Ben Carson (R) 18%
Chris Christie (R) 3%
Ted Cruz (R) 5%
Carly Fiorina (R) 8%
Jim Gilmore (R) 2%
Lindsey Graham (R) 1%
Mike Huckabee (R) 3%
Bobby Jindal (R) 1%
John Kasich (R) 3%
George Pataki (R) 0%
Rand Paul (R) 2%
Marco Rubio (R) 6%
Rick Santorum (R) 1%
Donald Trump (R) 30%
Scott Walker (R) 2%
Wouldn't vote 5%

2) 2016 National Democratic Primary
Asked of 608 Democrats
Joe Biden (D) 15%
Lincoln Chafee (D) 0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 40%
Andrew Cuomo (D) 2%
Kirsten Gillibrand (D) 0%
Martin O'Malley (D) 2%
Bernie Sanders (D) 30%
Jim Webb (D) 0%
Wouldn't vote

(Kind of annoyed they asked about people who literally aren't in the race, but whatever)

5) Party Identification
Asked of 1,582 adults
Democrat 32%
LD Lean Democrat (D) 7%
Republican 26%
LR Lean Republican (R) 6%
independent 17%
Don't Know 6%
None of these 7%

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
This is nothing more than a witch hunt by the media and Republicans. They have spent the better part of seven months covering this trash. The story won't go away because of people like you who don't want it to go away in order to destroy the Clinton's.

We have more pressing matters in this country than worrying about "emails" every hour of every single news coverage.

You and many others are blatantly ascribing motives to me that I've never proclaimed whatsoever.

I've been called or implied - Republican, Racist, Anti-muslim, conspiracy theorist and I guess now Clinton-hater. I'm actually socially liberal and economically conservative (independent - as a two-party system is a joke), want good people to succeed regardless of race, an atheist who doesn't care if you're religious, post about things I find evidence for, and don't hate people for being from a specific family.

All I have been arguing for is a prospective President to have integrity and follow the law. If Hillary Clinton had gotten out in front of this, admitted she had made a mistake and that she'd potentially exposed sensitive information with her special unsecured server, I would have sympathized with her to an extent. Someone who can admit an honest mistake upfront gains my respect, and would earn some leniency if I were the decision-maker (slap on the wrist comparatively). I am all about admitting mistakes, fixing the issue and then moving forward. And since this is a political thread, I would vote for someone who exhibits that mentality.


New Reuters poll:

(Kind of annoyed they asked about people who literally aren't in the race, but whatever)

LoL What is Jindal doing? He's wasting time and donor's money (who is crazy enough to back him?). Huckabee and Santorum already have the right-wing religious wing locked down; there's no room for him there.

My only guess is that he's angling for a FoxNews spot after he leaves office.
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