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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Print has no comparison with television/web. Problem is not solved.
Most print journalism are also available in web format. So I mean NY Times, The Guardian, WaPo, The Daily Beast, WSJ, whatever, just pick whichever you feel best represents the truth according to your best judgment. Nobody can fix television because it suffers from incentive problems.


No Scrubs
Media matters gets no play because they're a progressive group. Mainstream media wouldnt dare bring them into the discussion. Besides, its not what I'm suggesting. You can have a dozen fact check groups but they will never rise above partisan wars.

Print has no comparison with television/web. Problem is not solved.

If you were willing to do once a week and in a podcast format we could probably do it ourselves. The issue then becomes funding and where that comes from.
it is. though it can't solve all problems.

NY has very low gun crime as does most of the north east do to local gun laws.

I think Suikoguy's point was that it requires at least a regional response to matter. NY's low gun crime (so the argument goes) is less a function of NY's laws, but that the surrounding states also have those laws, and so the traveling crime doesn't happen as much.

If a state passed gun laws like NY in isolation (say Mississippi), then there are enough states surrounding it that don't have those laws (AR, LA, TN, AL) that the move in MS wouldn't do as much.


No Scrubs
I think Suikoguy's point was that it requires at least a regional response to matter. NY's low gun crime (so the argument goes) is less a function of NY's laws, but that the surrounding states also have those laws, and so the traveling crime doesn't happen as much.

If a state passed gun laws like NY in isolation (say Mississippi), then there are enough states surrounding it that don't have those laws (AR, LA, TN, AL) that the move in MS wouldn't do as much.

NY still does get the travelling crime, but yes this is not only a local issue but a national one. The problem there is Congress won't do jack so it has to be done state by state.
If you were willing to do once a week and in a podcast format we could probably do it ourselves. The issue then becomes funding and where that comes from.
Well I think there is market for good, hard journalism. Jon Stewart, Colbert and John Oliver have done more for journalism than the clowns in the 24 hr news media. Of course they infuse humor to the story and that's one of the reasons why they are successful, but I dont know if incentivizing a truth based coverage is a good start. And fuck the panel format.
This is dead heat politics, time is a flat circle.
Dead Heat was a good start. It never took off because it was mostly just a bunch of opinions from internet nobodies. People spoke their passion pieces and once it was off their chest they did not come back. But the content, if yoh read it, was really good. But what I'm talking about right now is lets revive Walter Cronkite from his grave for half an hour a day (or for an hour once a week).
Tomorrow, Sony is unveiling their new game console.

It's a PS4 that does 4K and VR better most likely.

<half a million people have asked for this, but I guess that didn't stop the Vita.
Well I think there is market for good, hard journalism. Jon Stewart, Colbert and John Oliver have done more for journalism than the clowns in the 24 hr news media.
There is a difference between having a good story and having coverage of every story, ever. Every once in a while John Oliver drills into an asshole for 20 minutes. Cute, but real journalism is about getting as much of the facts out there as possible. You think Jon Stewart isn't reading the NY Times?
There is a difference between having a good story and having coverage of every story, ever. Every once in a while John Oliver drills into an asshole for 20 minutes. Cute, but real journalism is about getting as much of the facts out there as possible. You think Jon Stewart isn't reading the NY Times?
I dont even know what you're arguing.
I dont even know what you're arguing.
I don't know what you're arguing! You said there's a market for good, hard, journalism and then said Jon Stewart did more for journalism than anyone ever did. I think that's a weird thing to say when the comedy news format is "pick something obviously ridiculous and drill baby drill for 10 minutes". That's a fine niche but it's not better journalism than mainstream outlets considering those institutions are managing finite resources and trying to cover, like, everything, while John Oliver can pick anything that pisses him off, manufacture one story with lots of arm waving, and then be done for the week.


What the hell happened?? Are you kidding me? I know we can say well it's just one poll blah blah but isn't labor day when the polling really starts to count more?

I paid less attention to the news after the convention hype started to die down but what the hell did Hillary do to make this race so much closer again? Was it just that she needed to campaign more?

Wow, now I understand why everyone says "disblosing" means "to panick illogically".

I remember how people were freaking out in late June early July because of that Trump rebound, talkinh about whether the Democrats made a mistake, bla bla.

And then, the DNC happened, just as planned. The plan was always to lay low during August, knowing that they could afford to cede the major headlines to Trump and not put the race in danger.

As everyone can see by the average of 3 polls out this morning and othera in the last days, it's not in danger.
I don't know what you're arguing! You said there's a market for good, hard, journalism and then said Jon Stewart did more for journalism than anyone ever did. I think that's a weird thing to say when the comedy news format is "pick something obviously ridiculous and drill baby drill for 10 minutes". That's a fine niche but it's not better journalism than mainstream outlets considering those institutions are managing finite resources and trying to cover, like, everything, while John Oliver can pick anything that pisses him off, manufacture one story with lots of arm waving, and then be done for the week.
Jon Stewart catches pundits, hosts and surrogates saying insane shit and goes to work. He's not a journalist, but he's doing the work of one! I used him as an example to illustrate the fact that watching half an hour of his show will give you more reality dosage than watching daily clown show in news, not that we want a clone of his show. John Oliver manufactures outrage over facts, and nothing is wrong with that. I want a program to report news and deliver facts, not perceived facts or hearsay, in cold manner. I dont know why you're so opposed to this novel idea? I'm not saying start a news channel with its own reporters, jeez. This is why the term truthiness is genius. Media pursues truthiness because it feels real, but it isnt. It drives narratives and brings the ratings.
Literally every aspect of this Hillary coughing nonsense story is infuriating.

I just needed to say that somewhere.

Yeah. I'm fairly disgusted by certain posters' obsession with Hillary coughs.

It's like these idiots think we only hated Ted Cruz for the booger stuff instead of for his horrible policies.
Yeah. I'm fairly disgusted by certain posters' obsession with Hillary coughs.

It's like these idiots think we only hated Ted Cruz for the booger stuff instead of for his horrible policies.

the mid-west is ragweed hell. She is now going to coastal Florida and she will be completely coughing free


Wow Blitzer actually called General Flynn on his absolute stupidity. This is fun. No it's not a contradiction....

Edit for context:

Flynn argued that Obama should have taken the meeting with Duerte, called him a son of a bitch too and then worked together, you can't just take your ball and go home.
Blitzer brought up Trump saying he would have told the pilot to turn the plane around and go home when China didn't have the red carpet stairs, etc.

Flynn said they aren't the same thing.


Tomorrow, Sony is unveiling their new game console.

It's a PS4 that does 4K and VR better most likely.

<half a million people have asked for this, but I guess that didn't stop the Vita.
>5.0 tflops or no deal Sony.

Why is Clinton giving a press conference on a plane? I hope she's on anticoagulation medicine given her history of clotting.


The problem of truthiness and caring about narrative more than fact is mostly a problem of TV talk shows and they are pretty explictly editorial rather than straight news. The actual straight news in print and TV is in a pretty good place. It's just less popular and harder to sustain.
Have any other Californians here been reading up about our ballot measures? It's kind of insane just how many important initiatives we're putting up to a vote. To name a few:

-Repealing the death penalty
-Instructing all state officials to use the extent of their constitutional power to overturn Citizens United
-Marijuana legalization
-Various gun reforms requiring registration + preventing some people from purchasing firearms

Not that I have to tell PoliGaf, but seriously, don't forget to vote.

Democratic state, and Ill be voting yes for most of these things.


Of course Tarkus, self-proclaimed Rubio supporter, wants more tflops in the new PS4.

someone please add an appropriate gif I am on mobile


Of course Tarkus, self-proclaimed Rubio supporter, wants more tflops in the new PS4.

someone please add an appropriate gif I am on mobile
I need 1080p/60 in my life for all games. The rumored 4.2 tflops wouldn't be able to reach this on many games.


Below: not Rubiot

Jon Stewart catches pundits, hosts and surrogates saying insane shit and goes to work. He's not a journalist, but he's doing the work of one! I used him as an example to illustrate the fact that watching half an hour of his show will give you more reality dosage than watching daily clown show in news, not that we want a clone of his show. John Oliver manufactures outrage over facts, and nothing is wrong with that. I want a program to report news and deliver facts, not perceived facts or hearsay, in cold manner. I dont know why you're so opposed to this novel idea? I'm not saying start a news channel with its own reporters, jeez. This is why the term truthiness is genius. Media pursues truthiness because it feels real, but it isnt. It drives narratives and brings the ratings.
What's the difference between news and facts? Aren't facts an essential part of any "news story"? I think what you want is more fact checking. And you especially want more crossfire network-to-network fact checking with callouts, like Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow do.
According to some people in that Hillary cough thread, choosing to drink water for a cough is the same thing as being so obsessed with constantly talking during a debate that you don't even wipe your damn face.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Also Jack Remington writes for Vox now


I generally agree with a lot of his points as someone who dose interact with public figures, its annoying to not be able to use a tool because it could be twisted. And I rarely see anything that is actually revealed by these emails besides OPTICS!

I like FOIA but what's in the public interest needs to be better defined, information overload makes it easier to twist something fast and then nobody pays attention to the follow up clarification

does anyone know if whatsapp/telegram messages are FOIAable since they are encrypted

Yglesias' argument is better than Jack's. In fact, his reasoning is similar to the reasoning for attorney-client, physician-patient, and priest-penitent privileges against testifying in court. But I'm not quite persuaded by it, for several reasons:

  1. As Yglesias notes, in-person and over-the-phone conversations aren't subject to FOIA. Why isn't that accommodation sufficient for frank discussions? It seems to me that at this point, we're balancing two interests: that of the government employees in having frank discussions via email (or Whatsapp or what-have-you)--not their interest in having frank discussions at all--and the public interest in government transparency. Isn't it obvious which should prevail?
  2. Email isn't exactly like letters or memos, but neither is it exactly like a personal chat. Maybe it shouldn't automatically be treated like the former, but that doesn't come close to showing that it should automatically be treated like the latter. Unless Yglesias has some better system of sorting emails into disclosable versus nondisclosable than presumed-non-disclosure, I think we should simply err on the side of disclosure.
  3. It's not clear to what extent fear of FOIA leads to a different outcome than a general fear of leaks.
  4. We have good reason to want records from executive agencies regarding inputs, as well as outputs. We ought to know why they're doing what they're doing, and not merely know what they're doing.
  5. At bottom, the problem is frank conversations that are (or could become) politically embarrassing. That's not a good reason to exempt the conversations from disclosure--in fact, the whole point of FOIA was to remove that as an excuse for non-disclosure.
You later suggest that FOIA should include more exemptions. Depending on the exemptions, I might or might not agree with that, but it's still a much better suggestion than Yglesias' presumption against disclosure.
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