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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Pillowgate didn't take off, Coughgate it is:

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 12m12 minutes ago
Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive “hacking”
or coughing attack, yet it is #1 trending. What’s up?


Pillowgate didn't take off, Coughgate it is:

Lmao. And that trend dropped off after like an hour.

Regarding your post just above. It's clear he's being graded on a curve. Media has glossed over many scandals. Only now they are getting some pushback from their peers.


I think it'll be a bit before we see the fruits of Clintons seeds. Right now her and her surrogates are out there.

People like Biden, Kaine, Michelle, Barack and Bernie will be making the case for her in swing states which will be covered at least locally. And clearly Hillary is making herself more visible. Unfortunately people want to talk about coughing.

That said dems need to show unification and their contrast of Trump while Hillary needs to talk policy. She shouldn't focus on being more "likable". That won't change. Just go out there and do your thing.

Need a SuperPAC to play Obama going "you're likable enough Hillary" from the 2008 campaign over and over again.




If they drilled into that day and night wouldn't that tank Trump's support?

I would think. Because it's not just bad optics there's definitely more there. Media as a whole needs to hammer on it though.

Like I want Clinton to mention it but knowing this media they'll tie it back to emails somehow.
Looks like the campaign will go on overdrive during this month

Both first lady Michelle Obama and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren have joined a growing list of prominent Democrats hitting the trail in the coming days for Hillary Clinton, as the campaign looks to present a united front behind an array of high-profile party figures.

Warren, who campaigned with Clinton earlier in the general election season, will start the homestretch on Friday in Philadelphia. The first lady, meanwhile, will campaign for her Democratic White House predecessor on Sept. 16 in the Northern Virginia suburbs, joining a list other prominent elected officials and celebrities backing Clinton's candidacy

Former primary rival Bernie Sanders campaigned for Clinton in New Hampshire on Monday and plans to make more appearances for her, while the Mothers of the Movement, whose children were victims of gun violence, will also return to the trail, a campaign official said, as will Vice President Joe Biden, who appeared with vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine in Pittsburgh on Monday.

The Clinton campaign is aiming to present a united front behind the candidate, touting the wide level of party support behind her in comparison to Trump and the Republican Party. Others hitting the trail in the coming days include Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, NARAL president Ilyse Hogue, disability rights activist Anastasia Somoza, former Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Delaware Gov. Jack Markell, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro and actors Tony Goldwyn, Don Cheadle and Audra McDonald.


In a bid to mobilize women voters, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is launching dozens of voter registration events, roundtables and phone banks across the country in the next week.

Among the surrogates participating in the week of "Women Together" activities is Chelsea Clinton, who will return to the campaign trail after the birth of her second child with two days of events in Carlisle and Scranton, Pa., on Wednesday and Thursday.
In all, the campaign plans over 150 events across the country this week as part of its goal to register more than 3 million voters for this election.
I don't have the link but the Post had a blog about the whole disparity between focusing on Clinton vs trump with corruption.

One of the best points was that with all these emails clinton has made the work easier to get a story out while Trump requires actual work and investigating.

As we've seen a decline in the funding for investigation by journalists (counting meetings from publicly provided schedules isn't investigative journalism) we will see more of this offloaded reporting which is shallow, inaccurate and dependent on the candidates or public figures themselves actions. Clinton deleting the emails (not that she should have) would have preventing all these stupid Clinton foundation stories but since she decided to comply in contrast to Trump's refusal to release his taxes (which would open new "easy stories") th journalists choose the path of least resistance.

I think Trump and the right wing media in general grasp this. If you stone wall they eventually just go to the easier target.
I finally got actually contacted about plans to help the Hillary campaign.

Looks like next week I'll be canvassing Monday through Friday.


Have any other Californians here been reading up about our ballot measures? It's kind of insane just how many important initiatives we're putting up to a vote. To name a few:

-Repealing the death penalty
-Instructing all state officials to use the extent of their constitutional power to overturn Citizens United
-Marijuana legalization
-Various gun reforms requiring registration + preventing some people from purchasing firearms

Not that I have to tell PoliGaf, but seriously, don't forget to vote.
My girlfriend (who's pretty educated on politics but hardly follows the day-to-day minutia) just texted me to tell me she saw Clinton was leading in Texas.

It'll be interesting if that's the big discussion point rather than Trump having a small lead in a CNN poll.
I don't have the link but the Post had a blog about the whole disparity between focusing on Clinton vs trump with corruption.

One of the best points was that with all these emails clinton has made the work easier to get a story out while Trump requires actual work and investigating.

As we've seen a decline in the funding for investigation by journalists (counting meetings from publicly provided schedules isn't investigative journalism) we will see more of this offloaded reporting which is shallow, inaccurate and dependent on the candidates or public figures themselves actions. Clinton deleting the emails (not that she should have) would have preventing all these stupid Clinton foundation stories but since she decided to comply in contrast to Trump's refusal to release his taxes (which would open new "easy stories") th journalists choose the path of least resistance.

I think Trump and the right wing media in general grasp this. If you stone wall they eventually just go to the easier target.

To me, if anyone wants to push certain subjects about Trump. The Clinton campaign or Democrats needs to be the ones to push it. Expecting the media to do is naive. It does seem like dealings are not as public as Hillary's.
Well.. that is interesting. And uncomfortable. I'll still vote for him over the other guy but this is a pretty huge issue for me.

Unfortunately it means that Missouri won't be where sensible gun control takes place any time soon, but there are still a lot of areas that will benefit from not having a Republican Governor.


aka andydumi
I'v been a lurker since the 2012 election and i have to say i am very disapointed. I'm from the Netherlands myself and i'v always felt a kind of love for the USA and its culture. But i just can not believe a person like Trump is actually getting 40+% of the vote. I'm sure he won't win looking at the electoral map but its insane than he is getting this much support.

Would you imagine if Barrack Obama did half the things this idiot did? He would'nt even get 10% of the vote.

That's the problem with a strict two party approach. You are basically guaranteed a baked in 20-30% votership simply from party sided diehards. Do some minimal pandering and you get yourself to 30-40%, it's the hump to near or over 50% that kills you.


Unfortunately it means that Missouri won't be where sensible gun control takes place any time soon, but there are still a lot of areas that will benefit from not having a Republican Governor.
Oh definitely. I'm right next door to Kansas, I know the dangers of a government all controlled by the Republican Party all too well. Compromise is all part of the game, I guess. He seems to be pretty liberal on other matters, so I suppose it is what it is.


I just saw that segment of the interview with David Muir where Trump said of Hillary "I just don't think she has a presidential look. And you need a presidential look. You have to get the job done."

Muir attempted to clarify what he was talking about, "When you talk about her not looking presidential, are you talking about aesthetics?" he asked.

"I'm talking about in general," Trump said.

Why not just come out and say "She's a broad okay? We don't need no dames in the White House."
I don't think Trump is up by 2 and I don't think Hillary is up in Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Polls are just crazy right now. I thought the weekly surveymonkey would tighten but it stayed the same and LAT is now basically tied. Then CNN comes out of nowhere and these wacky state polls show close races in blue and red states.

No clue what the hell is going on.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Unfortunately it means that Missouri won't be where sensible gun control takes place any time soon, but there are still a lot of areas that will benefit from not having a Republican Governor.

Gun control is not effective at a local level anyway. The states have virtually no borders.
That CNN poll....something doesn't feel right. Ignoring the party breakdown, because that's self-reported and you don't really adjust for that (although it seems weird).

If she's leading non whites 70-18 and if she's winning college educated whites 45-30 (or whatever it was).....to get to Trump +2 you have to assume that the number of non college educated whites is astronomical. I'd lvoe to see that breakdown.
This 24 hour news cycle has killed journalism. Every story no matter the evidence or facts gets air time and a panel is allowed to play football with it. Hosts interject rarely if ever, unless the guest is being total nutball lunatic (says WHO?!). The news itself is covered in segments, with the one with the most entertainment value shoved in the last 10 minutes of the hour in the hopes of glueing the viewers around so they get zapped with the shitty ads about medicenes for erectile dysfunction with side effects of heart failure.

I really want a new media watch/source thats web based. Imagine today's media during McCarthyism. There wouldnt be Ed Murrow of today.
Wolf: "Good evening we have another explosive allegation from Senator McCarthy against citizens suspected of communism. Joining me to discuss this latest attack is Sen. McCarthy spokesman Jeffrey Lord and also joining me is a democratic strategist and the host of Huffington Post's "watch puppies dance" podcast Mr Johnny Upsidedownpants good evening gentlemen"

I want to fund a daily web program thats nothing but facts delivered in the most serious manner possible. Make it completely black and white reel to capture the 50's CBS newsroom feel.
That CNN poll....something doesn't feel right. Ignoring the party breakdown, because that's self-reported and you don't really adjust for that (although it seems weird).

If she's leading non whites 70-18 and if she's winning college educated whites 45-30 (or whatever it was).....to get to Trump +2 you have to assume that the number of non college educated whites is astronomical. I'd lvoe to see that breakdown.

It reeks of "we need dat horserace" fuckery from the media. I mean, holy shit, it hits EXACTLY the day after Labor Day and 1 day before the Commander In Chief thingy?



No Scrubs
This 24 hour news cycle has killed journalism. Every story no matter the evidence or facts gets air time and a panel is allowed to play football with it. Hosts interject rarely if ever, unless the guest is being total nutball lunatic (says WHO?!). The news itself is covered in segments, with the one with the most entertainment value shoved in the last 10 minutes of the hour in the hopes of glueing the viewers around so they get zapped with the shitty ads about medicenes for erectile dysfunction with side effects of heart failure.

I really want a new media watch/source thats web based. Imagine today's media during McCarthyism. There wouldnt be Ed Murrow of today.
Wolf: "Good evening we have another explosive allegation from Senator McCarthy against citizens suspected of communism. Joining me to discuss this latest attack is Sen. McCarthy spokesman Jeffrey Lord and also joining me is a democratic strategist and the host of Huffington Post's "watch puppies dance" podcast Mr Johnny Upsidedownpants good evening gentlemen"

I want to fund a daily web program thats nothing but facts delivered in the most serious manner possible. Make it completely black and white reel to capture the 50's CBS newsroom feel.

I'd be down with that.
This 24 hour news cycle has killed journalism. Every story no matter the evidence or facts gets air time and a panel is allowed to play football with it. Hosts interject rarely if ever, unless the guest is being total nutball lunatic (says WHO?!). The news itself is covered in segments, with the one with the most entertainment value shoved in the last 10 minutes of the hour in the hopes of glueing the viewers around so they get zapped with the shitty ads about medicenes for erectile dysfunction with side effects of heart failure.

I really want a new media watch/source thats web based. Imagine today's media during McCarthyism. There wouldnt be Ed Murrow of today.
Wolf: "Good evening we have another explosive allegation from Senator McCarthy against citizens suspected of communism. Joining me to discuss this latest attack is Sen. McCarthy spokesman Jeffrey Lord and also joining me is a democratic strategist and the host of Huffington Post's "watch puppies dance" podcast Mr Johnny Upsidedownpants good evening gentlemen"

I want to fund a daily web program thats nothing but facts delivered in the most serious manner possible. Make it completely black and white reel to capture the 50's CBS newsroom feel.

In all seriousness, you just said "panel". The only format that gets a panel is broadcast media. So stop watching broadcast. Read print/web formats only. Problem solved.
Oh definitely. I'm right next door to Kansas, I know the dangers of a government all controlled by the Republican Party all too well. Compromise is all part of the game, I guess. He seems to be pretty liberal on other matters, so I suppose it is what it is.

Exactly. I am sick of seeing people in the OT threads complaining about Democrats daring to try and expand the "Big Tent" to include moderate conservatives and business type conservatives.

Democrats can't be competitive outside if blue leaning states without being pragmatic about which battles they pick.

Ideally the way to have Democrats as influential as possible is to win enough seats that individual democrats in red seats can each vote blue on 1 or 2 issues while still having democrats overall get more than just 1 or 2 things passed.

That CNN poll....something doesn't feel right. Ignoring the party breakdown, because that's self-reported and you don't really adjust for that (although it seems weird).

If she's leading non whites 70-18 and if she's winning college educated whites 45-30 (or whatever it was).....to get to Trump +2 you have to assume that the number of non college educated whites is astronomical. I'd lvoe to see that breakdown.

Is it that she is winning college educated whites by 15 points or is just that she is winning among college educated whites in the age group of 30-45?
To me, if anyone wants to push certain subjects about Trump. The Clinton campaign or Democrats needs to be the ones to push it. Expecting the media to do is naive. It does seem like dealings are not as public as Hillary's.

I think this is the problem. The media used to actually go digging for stories now they just wait to litigate campaign narratives.

That's not good for democracy and means the 4th estate is pretty useless.

In all seriousness, you just said "panel". The only format that gets a panel is broadcast media. So stop watching broadcast. Read print/web formats only. Problem solved.
Media matters gets no play because they're a progressive group. Mainstream media wouldnt dare bring them into the discussion. Besides, its not what I'm suggesting. You can have a dozen fact check groups but they will never rise above partisan wars.

Print has no comparison with television/web. Problem is not solved.
does the ground game even matter?

i've seen it as an explanation behind the possible "floor/ceilings" that trump/clinton have maybe hit, maybe giving hillary a 1/2pt advantage

It's a big deal, but still not widely studied since both sides usually have comparable ground games. Just the GOTV stuff is insanely important. Statistically, most Americans haven't voted in 4 years (or 8 if you held out in 2012). It's completely possible that registrations have lapsed, polling places have moved or closed, etc... So you need a good network to get the info out there that the time to check on this stuff is now (that is, months ago).

Trump's probably got a decent number of supporters who will show up to a polling place they haven't been to in years, find out it's closed, then likely just go home mad about rigged elections. Or some of them needed to update their registration. Or get an absentee ballot. These voters are less prepared than Clinton's.

Three polls came out -- Clinton +6, Clinton +1, Trump +2. Pretty consistent with Clinton being ahead by less than 5 points. Not ideal but there's still a ways to go.

I'm glad WaPo did 50 states even if the polling window isn't perfect because at least it can help show what's in play and what's safe. Demonstrates Trump's weaknesses everywhere, even in GOP strongholds.

I continue to be a little worried that it seems like we're polling two different universes rather than just getting varying looks at the same universe. Distribution should be normal but it feels two-humped instead. That suggests methodological problems somewhere.

If Trump is really that close we should expect to see him lead in more state polls, especially PA/IA/OH. Not seeing those yet.

I still suspect pollsters are just over-weighting his favorable demographic at the expense of the ones he's losing. The picture of the electorate that they keep using just doesn't seem likely at all. But at the state level, the pictures look much more likely, which is why she's sitting at like 273 EVs right now without any toss-ups. I think when you change that electorate makeup, you're only going to get that result in reality if places like West VA or Oklahoma have really high turnout. Great for the popular vote nationally, but it won't get Trump any more EVs. He's already got the states that look like that demographically, and he's losing badly.

I'v been a lurker since the 2012 election and i have to say i am very disapointed. I'm from the Netherlands myself and i'v always felt a kind of love for the USA and its culture. But i just can not believe a person like Trump is actually getting 40+% of the vote. I'm sure he won't win looking at the electoral map but its insane than he is getting this much support.

Would you imagine if Barrack Obama did half the things this idiot did? He would'nt even get 10% of the vote.

A lot of people seem to be surprised this year at just how many racists we have in this country. It's a lot! I'd argue that damn near all of the people voting Trump are racist (to varying degree, none below acceptable levels).

Some professor is doing a math seminar at my university about a puzzle from FFXIII-2.


I used graph theory to solve those fucking astrarium puzzles in Dragon Age: Inquisition. I hate graph theory, but I hate those puzzles more.

Well.. that is interesting. And uncomfortable. I'll still vote for him over the other guy but this is a pretty huge issue for me.

Just look at Louisiana. Compromise is worth it, sticking to your guns on everything isn't.
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