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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Jeremy Corbyn is what Bernie Sanders would be if he had never realised oh shit I'm unelectable as a full on socialist and then even when elected never caucused with the Democrats. And then somehow won the primary.
Sadly, I'm not sure if this is a thing because Trump or a thing because it's man vs woman.

Probably a mix of both. It's pathetic how a woman has to be better than a man to be seen equal.

Women (and minorities in general) have to work twice as hard to be considered half as good.

And, also, I want to scream at MSNBC trumpeting that "Trump is leading among military!"

No. Fucking. Shit. I mean, you mean to tell me the Republican is winning the military?! That's opposite of 2012:


and in 2008


and now?


But, let's ignore the fact that Hillary's running 10 points better because HORSERACE! TIGHT! EMAILS!


god, i can't wait until the first debate

Anyone have a good drinking game that won't kill me? Should I take a shot every time trump mentions building a wall?


I'm going to drink everytime Trump pisses me off.
You are already dead


The swirl of scandal around Donald Trump’s donation to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is intensifying, with the Republican nominee and his aides vigorously pushing back against the idea that he bought the decision by Bondi to not pursue an investigation into his Trump University.

The controversy whipped back up last week when news emerged that Trump paid a $2,500 fine because his foundation improperly donated $25,000 to Bondi’s political election committee in 2013 (tax-exempt charitable groups are not allowed to make political contributions).

Following the donation in 2013, Bondi’s office declined to join a fledgling multi-state probe into Trump’s real estate seminar program. The links between the two continued, with Trump hosting a lavish fundraiser for Bondi at his Mar-a-Lago resort in March 2014, and Bondi endorsing Trump in March of this year.

While Trump and Bondi say there’s no fire underneath the smoke, the Manhattan businessman’s political wheelings and dealings are now drawing more scrutiny, especially because Trump’s campaign has been driving hard at the idea that Hillary Clinton engaged in pay for play through her Clinton Foundation and her tenure at the State Department.

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday morning brushed aside questioning from George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” remarking that Trump “has supported many, many Republican candidates” while suggesting that the two stories are not comparable in scale or consequence.

Co-host Mark Halperin tried to press Conway, saying, "You're just asking people to accept the timing as a coincidence, given the contribution came right around the time her office was making a decision?"

"Yes, they say that they never discussed it," Conway said about Trump and Bondi, adding, "I think there is absolutely no equivalence between that and Hillary Clinton using the State Department as a concierge for foreign donors to move hundreds of millions."

The Trump campaign is also facing a new crop of editorials, with the Miami Herald saying it’s “puzzling” why Trump’s controversy is not getting “equal billing” to that associated with the Clinton Foundation.

“Unlike the faux scandal over the Clinton institution, there were actual victims here — people who paid good money to Trump University and feel they were duped. Why is Pam Bondi not investigating that?” the Miami Herald editorial board wrote in an item titled, “Donald Trump’s gift to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi deserves a closer look.”
Literally, not even lying, Andrea is on Hardball and the FOURTH word out of her mouth was email. SHOCKINGLY, the panel tore her apart immediately.
Andrea Mitchell is the worst.

Also while I know the VA has some massive issues with timing the care actually provided by most accounts seems to be pretty good. It's weird hearing people talk like it's the worst organization in the country


Despite the Florida poll today, other polls weren't so bad for Hillary, especially that Arizona poll.

Good Nate (Cohn) also mentioned that polling during Labor Day weekend is usually a bad idea. It won't be until Friday that we get non-Labor Day-affected polling.


The first thing I'm doing with my green card is going back to Canada for Christmas.

Well that and getting a non-"for work only" social security card.
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