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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Yes, actually, are you aware of the American voter's attention span?

The more time she spends walking back on it, the worse it looks. It's how this shit works.

She doesn't have to spend any more time walking it back, she already walked it back as much as she intended to. Now she walks it back forward, and we talk about racism and sexism for a while.


Guys, I love me an Echo chamber as much as the next guy. But let's get out of it for a sec. This was bad. BAD. The alt-right speech Didn't work either.

And I was fully in the camp that she should give it, and the liberal anti-racist side of me is ecstatic as fuck that the dem candidate is attacking this head on. But Hillary's not going for the worthless scum that make up the trump voters, she's going for the middle of the electorate. And statements like this, that put you on defense are bad.

The polls are just going to get worse.

Again. Fuck optics. This shit needed to be said. If she takes a hit for it. So be it.

They fucked up

Didn't realize that.

First headline was somewhat disingenuous, but it seems more like clumsiness than bias.


will gain confidence one day
Guys, I love me an Echo chamber as much as the next guy. But let's get out of it for a sec. This was bad. BAD. The alt-right speech Didn't work either.

And I was fully in the camp that she should give it, and the liberal anti-racist side of me is ecstatic as fuck that the dem candidate is attacking this head on. But Hillary's not going for the worthless scum that make up the trump voters, she's going for the middle of the electorate. And statements like this, that put you on defense are bad.

The polls are just going to get worse.

Is it better or worse than labeling non-white people as the full variety of things Trump has called them?


Guys, I love me an Echo chamber as much as the next guy. But let's get out of it for a sec. This was bad. BAD. The alt-right speech Didn't work either.

And I was fully in the camp that she should give it, and the liberal anti-racist side of me is ecstatic as fuck that the dem candidate is attacking this head on. But Hillary's not going for the worthless scum that make up the trump voters, she's going for the middle of the electorate. And statements like this, that put you on defense are bad.

The polls are just going to get worse.

The unfavourables for both Clinton and Trump are bad... But they're worse for Trump. If nothing else, reminding people that Trump is a racist, and has racist followers/supporters who are hoping to create a nation without Jews will ensure Trump continues to have worse unfavourables.

Let's remember, the vast majority of people don't have to love Hillary, they just have to not vote for Trump.


Dan Merica Verified account

Dan Merica Retweeted Dan Merica

HRC is MORE than happy to debate racism animating Trump's campaign, but aides said saying "half" was the issue.

12:06 PM - 10 Sep 2016


Hot take: this is fine, whatever.

As always, the question is, who does this make more likely to vote for Clinton and who does it make less likely.

Pretty clearly it helps fire up the base, which seems important this year.

I'm unconvinced it loses her any votes.

So everything is fine.
Again. Fuck optics. This shit needed to be said. If she takes a hit for it. So be it.

So if she takes a hit for this, thus putting the White House in jeopardy, that's fine? At the end of the day the goal is to keep the white nationalist out of the White House, not to score political points with the liberal base.


Is it better or worse than labeling non-white people as the full variety of things Trump has called them?

The difference? This shit is factual and seen at all of his rallies. Her campaign knew the risk. I knew the risk. Still happy she came out with it.

People need to realize a vote for trump is a vote for all that vile shit. Like I said if she takes a hit for it so be it


Even if you think Obama is a secret muslim from Kenya bent on destroying America, you think of yourself as a hero, not deplorable. And the media doesn't want to offend anyone.


Bunch of armchair political strategists up in here. This was straight out of Trump's playbook to be honest. Throw a controversial bone to your base, then walk it back with a wink and nod to your original sentiment. Well played if you ask me.


So if she takes a hit for this, thus putting the White House in jeopardy, that's fine? At the end of the day the goal is to keep the white nationalist out of the White House, not to score political points with the liberal base.

Personally I don't think we're losing that, and if she takes a minor hit for it now for it to be brought up again allowing her To tie it back to Trump and all his discrepancies then I'm perfectly fine with it.
Bunch of armchair political strategists up in here. This was straight out of Trump's playbook to be honest. Throw a controversial bone to your base, then walk it back with a wink and nod to your original sentiment. Well played if you ask me.

Hillary doesn't get to play from Trump's playbook, the media will never allow that
Probably contains all essential vitamins and minerals. [previous edition]

Missed this week of PoliGAF because of free porn day? Here's a recap.

Pence to release his tax returns. Trump will not.

Ben Carson suddenly remembers that he forgot his luggage somewhere and runs off.

78% of Americans do not believe Trump can make Mexico pay for the wall.

Sanders: Clinton should cease all operations of foundation and sever contact.

Interactive demonstration of the core problem with Trump campaign [Adam]


First press conference for Clinton in almost 300 days

Paul Krugman: Media unfairly covering Clinton [Ondore]

The Atlantic: The cowardice of Donald Trump [oblivion]

Philippine President says if Obama criticizes him on human rights, he is a son of a bitch [natureboy]

Michael Flynn interrupts briefers at intelligence briefing multiple times

Trump insinuates Clinton's old sysadmin has been quietly assassinated [whyamihere]

88 military officials support Trump but 500 supported Romney!


Greta leaves [Teggy]

Trump held a fundraiser for Pam Bondi after she dropped the lawsuit. [Chi]

Obama recognizes shadow war in Laos [Piecake]

Senate fails to fund Zika fight.


Jill Stein to be charged with tresspassing and vandalism.

Evan McMullin has not selected running mate but is locked into a name because of ballot rules. [Blastprocessing]

Clinton, Trump at Commander in chief forum

Johnson: "And what is Aleppo?" [slayven]

US officials appalled that Trump claimed he could read body language of briefers. [whyamihere]

AP finally deletes their bullshit tweet about Clinton Foundation. [BlastProcessing]

Fear of a female president. [pigeon]

At 13:13, Chris Hardball gets Rudy Giuliani to admit that Donald Trump believes Obama was born in the US. [adam]

Hillary Clinton: "As a young woman I had to learn how to control my emotions." [Veelk]

First democratic national campaign offices opened in Texas. [mo60]

Donald Trump bizarrely holds an interview on Russian state television. [John Smith]


Hillary tops Trump's support of former generals and military officials.

15 years of Trump's 9/11 lies, insults, and slights.

Trump donated $100k to citizens United after they started attacked NY AG, who was investigating Trump U. [EskimoJoe]

9/11 tapes reveal a raw and emotional Hillary Clinton [rSpooky]

Hillary Clinton: "This is becoming more and more like a reality tv show." [holmes]

Wikileaks May have withheld key Russian documents from their doc dump. [pigeon]

Jill Stein calls for a new 9/11 investigation. [ItWasMeantToBe]

Trump makes bizarre statement about Uranium the Ultimate® and "nuclear warming". [StopMakingSense]

Rudy Giuliani makes strange, surreal gestures while mocking Clinton. [Black Mamba]

Louie Gohmert Says Hillary Clinton Is ‘Mentally Impaired’ And Has ‘Special Needs’ [Excelsiorlef]

Hill and a hand-basket: Hillary calls half of Trump supporters "deplorable"

Kaine says Clinton doesn't need to apologize.[johnsmith]

post of the week: Aaronology brings all of the receipts and determines Clinton is a lifelong progressive.

News of the week [piecake]:
Defying North Carolina's Bathroom Bill in Drag.

Thanks to all our contributors, without whom this weekly report would not be possible. Until next time.


So, your argument is we don't call out racism because racists think they're awesome?

i think my argument is that the media doesn't want to dig in on reality because it might anger people. The head birther is the GOP nominee, i still find it mind-boggling that that's just a thing that's okay, like wanting to cut taxes.


Guys, I love me an Echo chamber as much as the next guy. But let's get out of it for a sec. This was bad. BAD. The alt-right speech Didn't work either.

And I was fully in the camp that she should give it, and the liberal anti-racist side of me is ecstatic as fuck that the dem candidate is attacking this head on. But Hillary's not going for the worthless scum that make up the trump voters, she's going for the middle of the electorate. And statements like this, that put you on defense are bad.

The polls are just going to get worse.

I really don't see how this is bad. One of the reasons why people are voting for Clinton instead of Trump is because they think he is a racist and promotes hate speech and division. The reason why white suburban women are voting for Clinton instead of Trump is because of Trump's racist hate speech.

Clinton telling it like it is is supposed to make these people change their minds when all she is doing is saying what these people already know? Hell, Republicans know it and have said it. They might have used more diplomatic language, but they know a chunk of their base are deplorable.

People like having their views confirmed and a lot of people think that what Clinton said is basically true. They aren't going to get into a tizzy because she said half of the republican base are a bunch of hateful bigots.

All this strikes me as the media assuming that it is bad and running with it and some Clinton supporters assuming that is bad and wetting the bed when in reality its not going to hurt her at all. Hell, what it does do is keep the conversation alive about Trump's racism and bigotry and his supporters racism and bigotry. Suburban white women are not going to want to associate themselves with that group of people because that is not how they identify themselves as.


Bunch of armchair political strategists up in here. This was straight out of Trump's playbook to be honest. Throw a controversial bone to your base, then walk it back with a wink and nod to your original sentiment. Well played if you ask me.

Yeah, speaking of armchair political strategists.

Have to wait to see how it plays out.
i think my argument is that the media doesn't want to dig in on reality because it might anger people. The head birther is the GOP nominee, i still find it mind-boggling that that's just a thing that's okay, like wanting to cut taxes.
But, like he's gotten dragged all week for the Birtherism stuff again. It happened last night on Chris Matthews. CNN even aired it the other night. It was on CBS' morning show. So, like, he's not getting away with it. And, I still believe this was a calculated attempt to keep the focus on that. There's a reason she doubled down on the use of the word deplorable, and brought up, once again, Trump's stance on birtherism. We want this issue out there. I've seen nothing to suggest that anyone in the media has been treating birtherism as okay, at least not lately.


Hillary doesn't get to play from Trump's playbook, the media will never allow that

I get what you're saying. I really do. But for me I don't care what the media will or won't allow. I'm just glad it was said because it needs to be.

Obama got SHIT for supposedly being a "secret Muslim", supposedly not born here among other things. Those falsehoods got traction. The GOP never shit that shit down like they should have.

I'm not playing that game anymore. Call that segment out for who they are.
Bullshit. The headlines are already being written, we see them now

If you need to 'clarify', specifically as she just did, then you're walking back on your original statement. Politics 101.

You should take a 300-level Politics course sometime. It goes over things like framing debates and controlling news cycles. There's also some stuff about data driven messaging.

Wild stuff.

Houurs after terrorists piloted hijacked jets into the World Trade Center’s twin towers, Donald Trump agreed to do a live phone interview on local television in New York. Alan Marcus, who was working that day for WWOR as an on-air analyst, asked the real estate mogul to step into a role that seemed fanciful at the time.

“In the year 2000, Donald,” said Marcus, a former Trump publicist, consultant and friend, “you considered running for president. If you had done that, and if you had been successful, what do you think you’d be doing right now?”

“Well,” Trump answered, “I’d be taking a very, very tough line. I mean, you know, most people feel they know at least approximately the group of people that did this and where they are. But boy would you have to take a hard line on this. This just can’t be tolerated.”

Compared to the flame-throwing temperament he has demonstrated throughout his current presidential campaign, the most striking revelation of the video from September 11, 2001—plucked exclusively at POLITICO’s request from the WWOR archives—is Trump’s composure and tone. A decade and a half before pledging to “bomb the shit out of” ISIS and proposing a deportation force and a Muslim ban, Trump didn’t talk about retribution or leap to conclusions about who was responsible. In fact, he avoided identifying potential enemies—any terrorist organization or Muslims in general. He spoke cogently and even poignantly about New York’s changed skyline and the need to never forget.

Only parenthetically in the middle of the 10-minute conversation did Trump turn to a favorite topic—size. “40 Wall Street,” he said, referring to his 71-story building blocks away from the now-collapsed twin towers, “actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest—and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest. And now it’s the tallest.”

Marcus chalked up the remark to “Donald being Donald. … He is the brand manager of Trump, and he is going to tout that brand, and he does it reflexively,” he said. “Even on that day.”



Is that something you truly believe or is it meant to be tongue-in-cheek? how would clinton leak this to politico

Not necessarily by Clinton. Could be something they dug up and sat on for a while. I was more referring to the timing not the source though the oppo comment suggests Clinton, sorry about that.
Is that something you truly believe or is it meant to be tongue-in-cheek? how would clinton leak this to politico
Like, you give the information to a staffer, and then the staffer calls a contact at whatever news organization you want to give the information to.

Dad just showed up at a Pop Warner game. XD


I actually think the "apology" was well played judging by how it's being handled by surrogates on the news.

It gives her surrogates an out on the "half" remark while allowing them to double down on the main charge of her statement: that Trump is bartering on hate.
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