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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Maybe Clinton shouldn't have clarified her sentence on what was half but honestly, the media can be so full of shit. I don't see it being wrong when her intention was to rope everything that Trump has done.


has calmed down a bit.
She did the right thing, this was an unforced error and the reckless phrasing just distracted from the core message about elements in the Trump campaign. It feels like a spin room in here, this was not good for her.


Bullshit. The headlines are already being written, we see them now

If you need to 'clarify', specifically as she just did, then you're walking back on your original statement. Politics 101.

Here's the problem with this line of thinking:

The Clinton campaign is intelligent. It's smart. It would not leave a comment like this in the open for 18(?) hours unless it meant to. If it were a mistake, not only would a correction be sent out quickly (with a transcription of the speech), but you wouldn't have the VP pick defending the gist of the speech.

"Half" may have been the wrong word to use, but it's done something that otherwise would not have happened - it's got everyone talking about the racist element of the party of Trump. It's not "Are there racists supporting Trump?", it's "How many racists are supporting Trump?"

And for the media that aren't clarifying the walk-back on "half" specifically - well, that's the media being fuckwits with a bias against accurate reporting when it comes to Clinton. Soundbiting it down to 5 words or less.
This is a pretty dumb study imo.

They asked 4 overly simple questions to make generalizations about someone's racial sentiments.

1. Over the past few years, Blacks have gotten less than they deserve (disagree).

2. Irish, Italian, Jewish, and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors (agree).

3. It's really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if Blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites (agree).

4. Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for Blacks to work their way out of the lower class (disagree).

Answers to these questions are complicated, and to expect someone to fully agree or disagree is absurd. So if you agreed with 2 of these statements, you have low-racial resentment? But then if you agree with one more you suddenly have high racial resentment? This is classic social sciences, in which academia finds their conclusion first and reverse engineers there way to agreeable data. Watch the hands people.

and fwiw that study also states "research has shown that White liberals also harbor racial resentment against Blacks."

FWIW, I was just lurking the thread, but I recognize those questions from a commonly used scale in racial bias research... I'll see if I can find it. It's weird they wouldn't use the whole scale though.

Edit: I'm pretty sure it's the "Symbolic Racism 2000" scale. It's been a while since I used it but it's pretty common. I can't post the actual scale, but here's a link to the abstract: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/0162-895X.00281/abstract

Edit 2: I actually found the scale now, but I can't share due to copyright. The original scale is 16 questions. The original authors had them in 4 themes, but the questions selected here don't seem to have much in common, other than being generally highly related to the overall factor. It seems kind of weird honestly, but I haven't looked at the current study you brought up.


That's my fear too. It'll all be about how she had to clarify her remark and the actual merit will be brushed off. Wish she had just let it sit.

Yeah I know we all want the best for Clinton's campaign and sometimes that prevents us from realizing that something might be a wrong. But as I've said before, if Clinton had to walk back on her comment in any way it would clearly be worrisome. Right now we are trying to find justification and make sense for why she 'expressed regret' for saying half but she should have stuck with that. The media won't report her complete statement or the complete comment she made yesterday, just the fact that she said half are deplorable and then backed off from that. Truly a dumb move.

Here we were thinking that this was an elaborate campaign strategy or some high risk/high reward situation but nope.
Lindsey Graham said that all of Trump's supporters were racists and that 35% of the GOP was back when he endorsed Ted Cruz on the Daily Show.

"35% of the Republican Party is racist" wasn't really covered much though.


I seriously doubt this will be the last time she comments on the issue so I don't think the "walk back" will be all that problematic even if media outlets cover it incorrectly. The take away from all this is that she is on the offensive and should continue to make the associations with the Trump campaign and these fuck wads since the media is too scared to actual report on the blatant racism and bigotry.


This is a pretty dumb study imo.

They asked 4 overly simple questions to make generalizations about someone's racial sentiments.

1. Over the past few years, Blacks have gotten less than they deserve (disagree).

2. Irish, Italian, Jewish, and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors (agree).

3. It's really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if Blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites (agree).

4. Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for Blacks to work their way out of the lower class (disagree).

Answers to these questions are complicated, and to expect someone to fully agree or disagree is absurd. So if you agreed with 2 of these statements, you have low-racial resentment? But then if you agree with one more you suddenly have high racial resentment? This is classic social sciences, in which academia finds their conclusion first and reverse engineers there way to agreeable data. Watch the hands people.

and fwiw that study also states "research has shown that White liberals also harbor racial resentment against Blacks."

This post is about how you have high racial resentment.


Yes Clinton will never have a chance to elaborate on this over the next week when she is asked multiple times about it. The first headline is permanent.


Can you all explain why you think the AP headline is unfair?

Because there is no regret. She only expresses regret for saying half. But the original sentiment is still valid. So it's an entirely false headline where news outlets have her walking back the entire statement, which she isn't.

Anyway, it's no wonder she's distrustful of the media when they do this lazy shit over and over while allowing Trump to skate by with zero issue. They can't get basic shit right and that's a major problem right now.


Yes Clinton will never have a chance to elaborate on this over the next week when she is asked multiple times about it. The first headline is permanent.

She'll definitely be asked about it. And she'll be able to hammer the point home.

I mean if anything hopefully we won't be hearing about emails for a while ;)
This was always dumb. When you are running for president you can't blanket insult millions of people (unless you are Trump). This was always going to be walked back to some degree and you can never count on the media to cover that walk back/correction the way you want them to. It was an unforced error, period


Yes Clinton will never have a chance to elaborate on this over the next week when she is asked multiple times about it. The first headline is permanent.

Yes, actually, are you aware of the American voter's attention span?

The more time she spends walking back on it, the worse it looks. It's how this shit works.
Because there is no regret. She only expresses regret for saying half. It's an entirely false headline.

Your first and second sentence contradicts each other.

The AP headline is in agreement with your second sentence.

Are we reading the same headline?

Clinton says she regrets calling 'half' of Trump supporters 'basket of deplorables'; says many are hard-working Americans
Your first and second sentence contradicts each other.

The AP headline is in agreement with your second sentence.

Are we reading the same headline?

Clinton says she regrets calling 'half' of Trump supporters 'basket of deplorables'; says many are hard-working Americans

They corrected it. Original tweet is still up though.
A proper media would be right now showing all the deplorable things his supporters have said and done to validate her statement but now it will become a stupid topic.


Your first and second sentence contradicts each other.

The AP headline is in agreement with your second sentence.

Are we reading the same headline?

Clinton says she regrets calling 'half' of Trump supporters 'basket of deplorables'; says many are hard-working Americans

You're literally not reading the same headline. The original headline, quoted in this thread, omitted the words "'half' of". Do you have a different source?

Edit: ah, it got edited


Yes, actually, are you aware of the American voter's attention span?

The more time she spends walking back on it, the worse it looks. It's how this shit works.

Every time she's asked about it, it raises the question of how racist Trump and his followers are. Every time. It doesn't matter if she walks back the half repeatedly, the fact that she's overtly stating that Trump and the supporters at rallies are racist means that it'll stick.


Your first and second sentence contradicts each other.

The AP headline is in agreement with your second sentence.

Are we reading the same headline?

Clinton says she regrets calling 'half' of Trump supporters 'basket of deplorables'; says many are hard-working Americans

They fucked up
The media is so accustomed to Democrats apologizing at the drop of a hat that they didn't even read the statement before putting out articles on it.


has calmed down a bit.
A proper media would be right now showing all the deplorable things his supporters have said and done to validate her statement but now it will become a stupid topic.

It would not have validated her statement because the part of her statement that non die hard liberals have a problem with is the part she walked back and no video could validate that.


With that I'm done with the news for today. Of course AP would twist things. They've been doing that recently. I wish she hadn't even walked a back "the half" thing. I want her to stay it again to make it clear she's not walking back anything else she said. Here I thought the media, outside of Fox News, were handling it fairly well. Ugh.


Guys, I love me an Echo chamber as much as the next guy. But let's get out of it for a sec. This was bad. BAD. The alt-right speech Didn't work either.

And I was fully in the camp that she should give it, and the liberal anti-racist side of me is ecstatic as fuck that the dem candidate is attacking this head on. But Hillary's not going for the worthless scum that make up the trump voters, she's going for the middle of the electorate. And statements like this, that put you on defense are bad.

The polls are just going to get worse.
The story will now be "Hillary insulted Trump supporters and had to walk it back". Like it or not, this is what happens with the media we have. She was right, but she (and her people) should have known better.
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