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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I don't think that video came from the Clinton campaign, otherwise give it to other media outlets beyond Politico.

Either way, pretty disgusting.

PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Donald being Donald


Many Republican senators can barely muster a positive word about their own nominee for president. But ask them about the guy running for vice president as a Democrat, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, and they positively gush about the prospect of working with him.

“He could be a tremendous asset,” said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which Kaine serves on. “He understands the issues, he cares about having an outcome and I think he could be very effective with working with people here.”

“I don’t know anybody on the Republican side who has a bad thing to say about him. He doesn’t go out of his way to go after people politically and he’s all about policy,” added Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.).

For Hillary Clinton to have any prayer of getting things done if she wins, she'll need to reverse eight toxic, standoff years between the Obama White House and Republican Congress. Kaine could go a long way.


Daddy Kaine doing work.

Of course, until Republicans realize, or make the necessary changes (primaries) to allow change to happen, its in their best interest not to shit everything then I doubt anything will make a difference. Politicians will almost always do what they perceive to be their best interest, and until that best interest changes - change is unlikely.
So I just got back from doing canvassing for the first time today.

I think I have the right skills for it.

BTW I also called it that at worst, Clinton would walk back about the word "half".

I hope we see pollsters ask a bunch of questions to Trump supporters that would prove Clinton right.
I don't think that video came from the Clinton campaign, otherwise give it to other media outlets beyond Politico.

Either way, pretty disgusting.

PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Donald being Donald

Nah, Politico is the perfect type of outlet to leak to. It gives the story the ability to naturally spread to bigger/more credible outlets.


Trump vomited up something



has calmed down a bit.
Yeah, what a fantastic, coordinated campaign strategy this turned out to be.

You don't get in the mud with a pig like Donald. So what if he regularly insults Clinton supporters? The media had already run stories and started down the path of talking about the alt right and the David duke thing. She can continue to talk about that, but she can't be as clumsy and imprecise as he is.


Man I'll be glad when all of this is over. Clinton is most likely President and we find something else to shit bricks over the next four years.


Terrified? No.

I don't think she's infallible, however. Perhaps in your eyes, that's scary. I don't know.

Every post you have made about politics for the last three months has been about how Trump is doing too well, the media is in the tank, Clinton's campaign is terrible and NeoGAF is overconfident.

If the word Diablosing didn't exist we would have had to invent it for you.


Every post you have made about politics for the last three months has been about how Trump is doing too well, the media is in the tank, Clinton's campaign is terrible and NeoGAF is overconfident.

If the word Diablosing didn't exist we would have had to invent it for you.

Follow me that closely? I'm flattered.

Of course, you're wrong. But that's never stopped you before. Why should it now?


It's very easy to spin.

Sorry, echo-GAF. It is.

It is easy to spin.That isn't the important point though. Is the spin effective? Does the spin work and change people's minds?

I don't think so at all. People's opinions are not fluid and flexible. They are like glue in hair. Have you ever met a person who easily changed his values and beliefs (well, besides Trump). I sure haven't. People form opinions and views, often way too quickly even, and stick to those opinions and views. People already have an opinion and view of Trump and Hilary.

People already have an opinion about Trump and an opinion about his followers. This spin isn't going to change that. Will some people not like it? Perhaps, but who the hell are they going to vote for? Trump? People don't have the memory of a goldfish.

That right there is one of the major problems with the media because they seem to assume that people's opinions are fluid and flexibe and have the memory of a goldfish and many so-called pundits base their analysis on this assumption. Then the democratic bed-wetters out there get all worried that the media is going to spin it in a bad way to influence these people with fluid and flexible opinions who have the memory of a goldfish.


Every post you have made about politics for the last three months has been about how Trump is doing too well, the media is in the tank, Clinton's campaign is terrible and NeoGAF is overconfident.

If the word Diablosing didn't exist we would have had to invent it for you.

Thank You.


It is easy to spin.That isn't the important point though. Is the spin effective? Does the spin work and change people's minds?

I don't think so at all. People's opinions are not fluid and flexible. They are like glue in hair. Have you ever met a person who easily changed his values and beliefs (well, besides Trump). I sure haven't. People form opinions and views, often way too quickly even, and stick to those opinions and views. People already have an opinion and view of Trump and Hilary.

People already have an opinion about Trump and an opinion about his followers. This spin isn't going to change that. Will some people not like it? Perhaps, but who the hell are they going to vote for? Trump? People don't have the memory of a goldfish.

That right there is one of the major problems with the media because they seem to assume that people's opinions are fluid and flexibe and have the memory of a goldfish and many so-called pundits base their analysis on this assumption. Then the democratic bed-wetters out there get all worried that the media is going to spin it in a bad way to influence these people with fluid and flexible opinions who have the memory of a goldfish.
To be fair, this was more true prior to the internet age. The problem is that we live in 24/7/365 world, and things are now much more static, much more partisan. The idea of "pivoting to the center" is now a tall tale spun by pundits too old and too isolated to see that the world has changed around them.


It's very easy to spin.

Sorry, echo-GAF. It is.

Well, if we're going to let the bar be lowered into the Mariana Trench then EVERYTHING is easy to spin.

In that context Trump's response is nothing new. It's the same "NO YOU!" retort he's used in response to all of Hillary's criticisms. Hillary's the real racist, the real bigot. Hillary is the one with bad temperament. Hillary is the dangerous one. Hillary's supporters are the ones inciting violence.

Of course he was going to say something like that here. It's all he says. So Hillary can't mold her attacks on how Trump may respond, because he's going to respond to EVERYTHING. She can only hope that her attacks resonate with the people she's targeting. And I think #BasketofDeplorables absolutely hit with progressives and #NeverTrump Republicans.

His supporters? Could care less about their feelings.


It is easy to spin.That isn't the important point though. Is the spin effective? Does the spin work and change people's minds?

I don't think so at all. People's opinions are not fluid and flexible. They are like glue in hair. Have you ever met a person who easily changed his values and beliefs (well, besides Trump). I sure haven't. People form opinions and views, often way too quickly even, and stick to those opinions and views. People already have an opinion and view of Trump and Hilary.

People already have an opinion about Trump and an opinion about his followers. This spin isn't going to change that. Will some people not like it? Perhaps, but who the hell are they going to vote for? Trump? People don't have the memory of a goldfish.

That right there is one of the major problems with the media because they seem to assume that people's opinions are fluid and flexibe and have the memory of a goldfish and many so-called pundits base their analysis on this assumption. Then the democratic bed-wetters out there get all worried that the media is going to spin it in a bad way to influence these people with fluid and flexible opinions who have the memory of a goldfish.

The issue is that she's been trying to position herself as the builder of bridges, to use her own campaign slogan. This is a zero sum move with most of the electorate, on that we agree.

But she's not after most of the electorate. She's after the rather large portion of undecided voters who really dislike both candidates personally. Maybe someone that doesn't play in the mud, as she has up to now, is someone that they can hold their nose and vote for when the day comes. The statement didn't need any clarification, she should have let it stand on its own. Could have been worded better, but what was done is done.

And again, before I get accused of 'Diablosing', I don't think this is going to sink her. I don't think it's a huge misstep, but it is an unnecessary misstep nonetheless. IMO.
It's very easy to spin.

Sorry, echo-GAF. It is.

Here's how I personally can spin it:

This means the media spends less time talking about emails.

This gives Hillary the attention advantage.

This drives a further wedge between the "deplorables" and the more classical conservatives.

This WILL cause many journalists to come out and talk about how they saw these "deplorables" at Trump's rallies.

Well, if we're going to let the bar be lowered into the Mariana Trench then EVERYTHING is easy to spin.

In that context Trump's response is nothing new. It's the same "NO YOU!" retort he's used in response to all of Hillary's criticisms. Hillary's the real racist, the real bigot. Hillary is the one with bad temperament. Hillary is the dangerous one. Hillary's supporters are the ones inciting violence.

Of course he was going to say something like that here. It's all he says. So Hillary can't mold her attacks on how Trump may respond, because he's going to respond to EVERYTHING. She can only hope that her attacks resonate with the people she's targeting. And I think #BasketofDeplorables absolutely hit with progressives and #NeverTrump Republicans.

His supporters? Could care less about their feelings.

Exactly. And now these progressives and NeverTrump republicans are going to see the media talking about these comments instead of yet again seeing the media talk about her emails.


To be fair, this was more true prior to the internet age. The problem is that we live in 24/7/365 world, and things are now much more static, much more partisan. The idea of "pivoting to the center" is now a tall tale spun by pundits too old and too isolated to see that the world has changed around them.

I agree that many pundits agree and mention that we have polarized, but the way they cover the political news has remained the same. It is all about who won the daily, weekly, and monthly news cycle. The political game, he said she said, and the back and forth. All of this is under the assumption that people actually pay attention to that and that their opinions are fluid and flexible with the mind of a goldfish.

What actually matters is overarching narratives. Overarching narratives are the things that stick and influence the people who decide the election. The best overarching narratives are narratives that are re-enforced throughout the political campaign.

What Clinton said doesn't fit with her overarching narrative of corrupt lying political insider. This is why it won't really hurt her. It does fit Trump's overarching narrative and keeps it in the news.

Obama's clinging to guns gaffe fit an overarching narrative of him being an elitist liberal who looked down on the common man. Romeny's 47% gaffe hurt him because it fit his narrative of a evil businessman who didn't get to shits about the people he fucked over.

You might think that Obama's and Hilarys saying are similar because they are looking down on the 'common man', but they are in fact very different. Obama's comment disparaged positive values that people truly carried about. Hilary shit on people who are racist and hateful bigots. The only people who are going to get offended by that are people who don't like the fact that they are voting for a person who a bunch of hateful bigots are also voting for and find that very uncomfortable.
How is the media spinning it so far? I don't have cable

CNN is covering it mostly correctly. They are making sure the focus on the fact that Hillary only regrets saying "half" and even the ones that would normally play neutral are bringing up things like the Alt-Right and the other white nationalists who support Trump.
A lot of the outrage seems to be on if the media will say this was a good move or not, not actually if it was correct.
Because, Buffalo Man, this is the world we live in now. It doesn't matter if Hillary does something that is right or wrong. It only matters how someone else will perceive it. And if they don't perceive it in the "right" way, then Donald Trump has won, and everything is terrible, and we're all shills.

This is just optics world. We only live in it.
CNN is covering it mostly correctly. They are making sure the focus on the fact that Hillary only regrets saying "half" and even the ones that would normally play neutral are bringing up things like the Alt-Right and the other white nationalists who support Trump.

That's a bit of a relief. I agree with what she said and the vile attitude and beliefs of the alt-right need to be exposed and talked about because they are impeding progress.
Because, Buffalo Man, this is the world we live in now. It doesn't matter if Hillary does something that is right or wrong. It only matters how someone else will perceive it. And if they don't perceive it in the "right" way, then Donald Trump has won, and everything is terrible, and we're all shills.

This is just optics world. We only live in it.

And yet these people who worry about "optics" aren't realizing the optics of the media talking about this instead of emails.
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