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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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She has already given a detailed summary of her complete medical history from a doctor:
The fact that the media doesn't talk about this fact every time the discussion of her health comes up is ridiculous.

I saw Kellyanne Conway talking about how they expect Hillary to disclose her health records, otherwise she's being shady. Why wasn't this brought up? Fucking ridiculous.


First tragedy, then farce.
As expected the Dr.Oz thing turned out to be a farce even before it happened. Good, now I don't have to eat a handful of his woo woo coffee beans. The double standards of our media continue. Let's say HRC is not transparent while Trump obfuscates anything and everything.

They are absolutely grading this election on a scale

"well, he is an angry loony hack compulsive liar with no knowledge of anything at all, so he's doing pretty ok!"

"She is super experienced, qualified candidate who shuns media attention. And we're super fucking mad that she's never really allowed a press pool to follow her around and let us write click-bait articles about what we see so lets label her secretive and not trustworthy and really hammer her for anything she does even if she has done that thing better than her opponent did."

Clinton Foundation v. Trump Foundation
Clinton medical disclosure v. Trump medical disclosure
The entire Presidential Forum debacle
The "he's just kidding" defense for everything
Grading the entire RNC on a scale of "he's never done this before"


My favorite thing about this is that in 2012, the media narrative was "it's a toss up", while Silver was there like "um, no it's not." Now he's saying the opposite despite polls that clearly imply a strong, consistent advantage for her.

Like any good statistician, I think Nate just likes to condescend. ;P
"Guccifer 2.0" just dumped the DNC's "Pay-to-Play" list. Runs through donations to the DNC through Nov 2008 by individual and certain websites have broken down which of those individuals were granted positions in the government after the donations.

Won't link the list or the breakdown, but everyone can find it.

I guess Brazille's email yesterday was a preemptive shot.


No Scrubs
The fact that the media doesn't talk about this fact every time the discussion of her health comes up is ridiculous.

I saw Kellyanne Conway talking about how they expect Hillary to disclose her health records, otherwise she's being shady. Why wasn't this brought up? Fucking ridiculous.

Because she'd just ignore it. Everyone used to try and talk sense to her, but you can't knock her off a talking point with a nuke.


First tragedy, then farce.
"Guccifer 2.0" just dumped the DNC's "Pay-to-Play" list. Runs through donations to the DNC through Nov 2008 by individual and certain websites have broken down which of those individuals were granted positions in the government after the donations.

Won't link the list or the breakdown, but everyone can find it.

I guess Brazille's email yesterday was a preemptive shot.

Not gonna go anywhere I don't think.

The DNC stuff not directly tied to Clinton has not really moved the needle much at all.


Why is it that deplorable people would "go away" rather than vote against the Muslim Kenyan black president? Seems odd to me.

People who are generally disengaged from the political process. Low income households - who aren't really indoctrinated to either party and forgo voting. People who might be looking at the current election as more of a spectacle and are going to vote Trump just because they view this action as a "fuck you" to the system. These people are unlikely to ever vote again unless the next candidates also present this type of spectacle around the election without concrete policy and just a "colorful" persona. So overall that's one group I think is real dangerous this election.

There was also a sizable amount of white voters who sat out 2012(6.6 million). This is the other group and I think it's most sizable in the Rust Belt, people who voted in 2008 and didn't show up in 2012. These people do have real problems which have only continued to grow so whether it's Trump or 3rd party candidates - they are looking for an alternative.

The third subset is youth, Obama not only had a very large amount of youth voters showing up in 2008/2012 what he also did is absolutely decimate Romney/McCain among this demographic. This is something which seems unlikely to repeat with Clinton. Whether it's youth not showing up or a subset of them simply voting third party not allowing Clinton blow Trump out of the water among this age group.

There is other things I'd worry about but those are three main factors. Especially if turnout is lower/equal to 2012. Doesn't help that there is definite frustration out there that the recovery hasn't helped those who need it most.

Regarding new leaks - seems Guardian also has a pretty big and exclusive one:

Among the documents are several court filings from the case, as well as hundreds of pages of email exchanges obtained by the prosecutors under subpoena. The emails involve conversations concerning Walker, his top aides, conservative lobbyists, and leading Republican figures such as Karl Rove and the chair of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus.

Trump also appears in the files, making a donation of $15,000 following a personal visit from Walker to the Republican nominee’s Fifth Avenue headquarters.

In July 2015 the state’s supreme court halted the investigation, saying the prosecutors had misunderstood campaign finance law and as a result had picked on people and groups “wholly innocent of any wrongdoing”. Highly unusually, the court also ordered that all the evidence assembled by the prosecutors be destroyed and later held under seal.

Among the new material contained in the documents are donations amounting to $750,000 to a third-party group closely aligned to Walker from the owner of NL Industries, a company that historically produced lead paint. Within the same timeframe as the donations, the Republican-controlled legislature passed new laws making it much more difficult for victims of lead paint poisoning to sue NL Industries and other former lead paint manufacturers (the laws were later overturned in the federal courts).

CNN appears to be going all in on Trump's health

"Guccifer 2.0" just dumped the DNC's "Pay-to-Play" list. Runs through donations to the DNC through Nov 2008 by individual and certain websites have broken down which of those individuals were granted positions in the government after the donations.

Won't link the list or the breakdown, but everyone can find it.

I guess Brazille's email yesterday was a preemptive shot.

This doesn't appear to be covered by anyone major (not even Fox), it doesn't appear to really be anything of interest
Trump just gave Clinton a massive opening. They need to release the medical info they had planned today to really twist the knife in this joke of a Dr. Oz appearance.
Trump just gave Clinton a massive opening. They need to release the medical info they had planned today to really twist the knife in this joke of a Dr. Oz appearance.

Yep, make him look like a fool when that episode airs tomorrow. Of course I'm sure that despicable piece of crap (I'm not going to even dignify him with his title) Oz is loving this


Oh, the poor enthusiasm gap will dog Hillary wherever she goes.

I'll pull a CNN since it seems we have some primary returners who believe bullshit. Sanders supporters were way more enthusiastic than Clinton (they weren't), Trump supporters are way more enthusiastic than Clintons (they aren't).

Are we honestly back to using rally sizes as enthusiasm scales? We are back to this idiocy?
Oh, the poor enthusiasm gap will dog Hillary wherever she goes.

I'll pull a CNN since it seems we have some primary returners who believe bullshit. Sanders supporters were way more enthusiastic than Clinton (they weren't), Trump supporters are way more enthusiastic than Clintons (they aren't).

Are we honestly back to using rally sizes as enthusiasm scales? We are back to this idiocy?

Come on you know you want another Mitt.

"But....the rallies. I really thought >choke< we would win!"


Of course the Dr Oz thing was a farce, but the fact that aren't going to talk about anything about his physical or medical history? Laughable

Clinton campaign needs to release hers. Hammer him on this and then tie it back to his taxes.


No Scrubs
These people are going to be very confused when Trump doesn't get a bounce in the polls after the debates, aren't they?

As long as he doesn't eat his own shit on stage during the first debate he'll have done well in people's eyes--due to the low expectations--but after that he'll be viewed as "for real" and judged on the same scale Clinton is. That's when the real damage will be done.


While the Melania immigration thing isn't really my favorite issue since for the most part it doesn't matter, she just tweeted "proof" she didn't break the law in the most Trump way possible. Basically the lawyer is saying she was never in the US in 1995, so it is impossible for the Max photo shoot to have happened in 1995, and that it actually happened after she got her Visa in October 1996.

Which is weird because the report is that the photos appeared in the January 1996 issue of Max (nsfwish pics.)

Maybe the initial report just had the wrong date for the issue? Given that the entire world seemed to have moved on from this, it's just weird to see her bringing it back up in a way guaranteed to look odd. I don't think it was ever hurting Trump, so why not just ignore the issue as they try to with other actually relevant things?


He just judged harshly last week at the debate thing. I don't think he "just needs to show up"
Yeah, after Lauer's performance and Trump being Off-Script Trump (saying Typically Trumpy things), I have a bit of hope that he'll be judged properly. Especially if Twitter seizes on a few moments and pushes a narrative.

The CiC forum was a great dry run. I'm glad that it happened the way that it did.


Unconfirmed Member
This election infuriates me. The double standards, the grading on a scale, the whataboutisms, the ignorant voting populace, the pathetically dismissive media that have continuously perpetuated a close horse race, which by virtue of repetition has actually started to narrow and resemble one.

To all the young voters out there who are otherwise staying home because it's Clinton on the ticket and not Bernie or a different democratic candidate: you are stupid.

To everyone else voting for Trump: you are also stupid.

Good grief.
The poop throwing might actually help him with his core voters.

Yes but they're in. He has to convince the moderate republicans he's not a total nutjob.

Some pundit on the radio said all he has to do is show up with his teeth brushed and shoes tied lol

He doesn't have to do much, people expecting Clinton to wipe the floor and the media praising her are in for a disappointment. She'll win in terms of policy, but TRUMP'S NEW TO POLITICS, HE WAS RUNNING A BUSINESS SO OF COURSE HE DOESN'T KNOW SHIT.

And to be fair we can blame the media, but people don't give a shit.


At the debates Clinton just needs to show a contrast and her knowledge on everything. I don't know how the debates will play out but that's what she needs to do.
I think the key if for Clinton to give him enough rope to hang himself. The media didn't give a shit about her actual answers last week, but they loved his idiotic answers on the generals/etc


If any voter screen or poll as whole assumes black voters or hispanic voters aren't going to turn out , they are absolutely delusional.

Some folks were making that assumption in 2012, all while state governments were restricting voting, etc.

When you try to disenfranchise folks, they are more motivated to turn out no?

Colorada, Virginia, and Pennsylvania appear to be off the board, still not bothered.
Bloomberg Ohio poll party ID breakdown: 34% I, 33% R, 29% D. 2012 exit polling was: 38% D, 31% R, 31% I. 2004: 40% R, 35% D, 25% I.

What the fuck is going on. Why are they basing closer to 2004? Which was you know, BEFORE the intense polarization of teaparty politics? Ann Selzer is pretty respected, so I'm flummoxed.


I think the key if for Clinton to give him enough rope to hang himself. The media didn't give a shit about her actually answers last week, but they loved his idiotic answers on the generals/etc

Thing is. Trump has said a lot of vile shit over the course of his campaign. Make him revisit it.


Unless trump is literally in the lead right now I don't think we need to worry about him winning Ohio. Hilary will win that state by a few percentage points on November 8th.


I think its very possible Trump wins Ohio, Like probably around 50%. The good news is Clinton has an insane number of paths to victory including countless viable ones that don't need OH.

A lot of people keep pointing it out but Clinton has very solid leads (even now) in PA, NH, VA, CO, MI and WI... That's 273 votes (or 272 without ME-02).
well I hope u guys are right. I am diablosing a bit right now. I do believe it's mostly because of enthusiasm, while Hillary being radio silent in August certainly didn't do her any favors.

I am worried that we are putting all our bets on the debates to turn the tide but I don't feel so confident that it's such a slam dunk for Hillary. I really hope I am wrong.
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