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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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We got there at 8;30, and they already had a fairly large amount of people, even though it didn't start until 9. The old ladies were fawning over the boys, and giving them doughnuts and apple cider. And then pretty much more sugar. (Which is great, because my mom managed to feed them their body weight in sugar last night).

They only had about 6 or 7 houses for us to hit on one street. I had signed up for 2 hours, but, I guess they had a group of college kids pledge for longer shifts so they gave them more places to hit up. I got 3 definite yeses to Hillary. Two houses where no one came to the door. One Jill Stein voter. And then one.....I didn't knock on the door because the place was freaking me out. We left materials at all the houses, and we actually had some stuff for Strickland this time Which...ya. It was rainy and gross out...so almost fall!

Not sure if I can go again to their next one. I know I can't on Monday night. And I probably didn't really help that much, considering we were out for less than 2 hours, but hey, I'm doing what I can this year.

Also, this shit was on fucking point, yo. We were targeting specific houses this early. Not even just a blanket canvass. Other people may have been doing that, but they knew right where they wanted us. Supremely well done. Super impressed. (Considering my 2008 experience with her campaign. I'd say this was similar to my experience with Obama 2012, but it just seemed better run today. May have been the people).

Oh, and I got to talk to this really nice paid staffer too. She let me know our Correct the Record checks were in the mail. :D
Jimmy Failon last night


Why didn't he wear the mask when interviewing the toxic puddle of anthropomorphized circus peanuts imbued with life by a vengeful God? Pneumonia is nothing compared to whatever combination of second-hand evil/stupid rolls off of Trump.

That's not a bad gag though.
Establishment Republicans really don't care about Trump repeatedly telling his supporters to assassinate Hillary.

Ds should also avoid playing the victim card as much as possible, and they're doing the exact opposite re: Trump's guards comments.

Just say "look, Trump's trying to divert attention from the fact that until he decided to run as a Republican, he was for gun control."


"Sure, Trump wants Hillary to be assassinated, but the real issue is that he once supported an assault weapons ban."
Why didn't he wear the mask when interviewing the toxic puddle of anthropomorphized circus peanuts imbued with life by a vengeful God? Pneumonia is nothing compared to whatever combination of second-hand evil/stupid rolls off of Trump.

That's not a bad gag though.
its not, but when compared to lol happy fun fun times with Trump, it comes across as "unfair" again. Maybe if he highfived Trump wearing a white hood.


Who cares if he's wearing a face mask. It's meant as a joke and a slight gag. Let's not get bent out of shape about it. You gotta be able to make fun of yourself.
Let us literally not with the Fallon thing.
LIke, seriously. This type of thing is never, ever a "thing" and it's always pre-approved by the campaign. They knew what he was going to do before she came out there. Like, Fallon is terrible. But, this is just, like, normal stupid late night whatever.
It's not Fallon per se, but overall how NBC has been complete shit this election cycle, from MTP to Tonight show. Except Katy Tur. She is total waifu. I don't know who I'd chose between Katy Tur and Kristen Powers.

Katy Tur is the Queen. She's getting promoted after November, for sure.
Jim Acosta is also on Trump's play to eclipse his previous night's comments. It's like the networks finally sprang to life in the last 24 hours. For the first time in my life, I'm seeing that they are not chasing the "next shiny object" as Jon Stewart described them.


Fallon is vapid trash regardless. I have no idea why he even has a show.

There's absolutely no reason to think that bit played badly. Regardless, it's not just Fallon that's vapid, the entire Tonight Show franchise has been vapid ever since Carson left so it's really just a continuation of the norm regardess of who sits in the chair.


I'm so glad that McCrory has decided to destroy his political career going forward, except for outside of conservative think tanks.


It's not Fallon per se, but overall how NBC has been complete shit this election cycle, from MTP to Tonight show. Except Katy Tur. She is total waifu. I don't know who I'd chose between Katy Tur and Kristen Powers.

I enjoy watching Katy, Joy and Chris bodyslam Trump surrogates on Hardball.


If this continues on through Monday, I'm more inclined to believe that we've seen some sort of shift in coverage. At this point, my expectations for media coverage are so low that it wouldn't shock me if Monday came and little further was made of it.


If this continues on through Monday, I'm more inclined to believe that we've seen some sort of shift in coverage. At this point, my expectations for media coverage are so low that it wouldn't shock me if Monday came and little further was made of it.

Chuck Todd (on NBC News last night) basically said to expect much more serious scrutiny of Trump since lots of people didn't think he had a legit chance to win until now.
Chuck Todd (on NBC News last night) basically said to expect much more serious scrutiny of Trump since lots of people didn't think he had a legit chance to win until now.

so basically, we're getting post-first-debate coverage now rather than, y'know, two weeks from now


Chuck Todd (on NBC News last night) basically said to expect much more serious scrutiny of Trump since lots of people didn't think he had a legit chance to win until now.

The fact that this is how "journalists" approach covering someone running for POTUS is absolutely infuriating. I don't care how unlikely something is, you cover the truth, you point out lies, and you confront xenophobia, racism, and fascism when those things are put up as a choice for running the country by one of the major parties of our country.

I swear, journalists in this country are the absolute lowest, laziest, and stupidest pieces of shit.
There's absolutely no reason to think that bit played badly. Regardless, it's not just Fallon that's vapid, the entire Tonight Show franchise has been vapid ever since Carson left so it's really just a continuation of the norm regardess of who sits in the chair.

Like I said the other day, Fallon is just about the only host to get why people watch these shows. Nobody is watching a talk show to see ads for a movie. They're watching them to see famous people act normal. Stuff like Lip Sync battles and board games are more popular by far.


The fact that this is how "journalists" approach covering someone running for POTUS is absolutely infuriating. I don't care how unlikely something is, you cover the truth, you point out lies, and you confront xenophobia, racism, and fascism when those things are put up as a choice for running the country by one of the major parties of our country.

I swear, journalists in this country are the absolute lowest, laziest, and stupidest pieces of shit.


Huge kudos to the Tur's, Farenthold's, and Deb's of the media world who have consistently called out Trump's lies and have produced real, hard hitting journalism throughout this cycle. The notion that you should give someone a pass for blatant lies just because of their probability of victory is not only immoral and idiotic, but I would argue that it is the reason that we have the propagation of the bullshit "both sides are the same" narrative.

The Flop

Does Hilary not want to win this? I think she thinks its hers, and she can't lose to Trump, but she's not putting in the effort like he is.

I can't wait for the debates though, and SNL needs to be back ASAP. The goldmine they have this cycle.

We all win.


Holy shit, I can't believe what just happened on CNN. They brought on Scottie Nell Hughes and a democratic state senator from Ohio (announced as a Hillary supporter) to talk about Trump's gun comments from last night.

Scottie is doing her standard spiel and this "Hillary supporter" is nodding along, and I'm thinking, why is she nodding? It gets to her turn and she says she agreed with what Scottie said and that by the way she has a strong rating from the NRA and that Trump was just trying to distinguish between his view in the second amendment and Hillary. No mention of how he lied about her stance or anything.


The Flop

Holy shit, I can't believe what just happened on CNN. They brought on Scottie Nell Hughes and a democratic state senator from Ohio (announced as a Hillary supporter) to talk about Trump's gun comments from last night.

Scottie is doing her standard spiel and this "Hillary supporter" is nodding along, and I'm thinking, why is she nodding? It gets to her turn and she says she agreed with what Scottie said and that by the way she has a strong rating from the NRA and that Trump was just trying to distinguish between his view in the second amendment and Hillary. No mention of how he lied about her stance or anything.


The media wants a close race.


Holy shit, I can't believe what just happened on CNN. They brought on Scottie Nell Hughes and a democratic state senator from Ohio (announced as a Hillary supporter) to talk about Trump's gun comments from last night.

Scottie is doing her standard spiel and this "Hillary supporter" is nodding along, and I'm thinking, why is she nodding? It gets to her turn and she says she agreed with what Scottie said and that by the way she has a strong rating from the NRA and that Trump was just trying to distinguish between his view in the second amendment and Hillary. No mention of how he lied about her stance or anything.


Thanks CNN.


Holy shit, I can't believe what just happened on CNN. They brought on Scottie Nell Hughes and a democratic state senator from Ohio (announced as a Hillary supporter) to talk about Trump's gun comments from last night.

Scottie is doing her standard spiel and this "Hillary supporter" is nodding along, and I'm thinking, why is she nodding? It gets to her turn and she says she agreed with what Scottie said and that by the way she has a strong rating from the NRA and that Trump was just trying to distinguish between his view in the second amendment and Hillary. No mention of how he lied about her stance or anything.


I don't think she was prepared for that topic.

She ended the segment well when the discussion moved to paid family leave.
The most delicious part of the birtherism backlash is that you can tell what they were thinking. They assumed the media would play softball with them again and spend hours talking about "did Hillary really start the birther movement?" only for the media to immediately say that he was 100% wrong. And it's clear they have no idea how to react given the hotel conference disaster and trying to cover it up with another "joke" about someone killing Hillary that's so transparent even CNN can see it. And they can't just wait it out because it's going to be brought up again in 9 days during the debates.

If the media keeps this up (and I think they will) this could be the major turning point in the election.


Trump's surrogates seem to be desperately trying to wish the birtherism story away. All they've got is "he was a private citizen" and "Hillary started it!" They're shocked that the deflection game doesn't seem to stick like in the past.


Trump's surrogates seem to be desperately trying to wish the birtherism story away. All they've got is "he was a private citizen" and "Hillary started it!" They're shocked that the deflection game doesn't seem to stick like in the past.

Because like in every single election that's ever held on the planet, we're starting to get to the point where we're at the business end of things where actual policies and mannerisms and responses to questions are now starting to be scrutinised at a much more minute manner. The media have had their fun with both candidates, making money out of the different stories that the race has thrown up. Now it's time for serious business, and if the emperor has no clothes or if you get found bluffing beyond the point of no return, well then, prepare for all hell to break loose in your face.


On the subject of Hillary Clinton needing to pivot to a more positive message and focus less on Trump, I agree with what Christy McDonald just said on CNN.

Hillary Clinton has a positive message. She has plans and policy that she talks about on the campaign trail. But her national message is still overwhelmingly focused on Trump, and it's contributing to the perception that her's is also a negative campaign.

I think it might be time to switch that strategy, because even I'm getting sick of all the Trump ads. Like, girl, we get it.

Get whoever Bernie's ad people were, because that is the one thing I can wholeheartedly compliment about his campaign. His ads were great. Impactful and optimistic.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
The fact that this is how "journalists" approach covering someone running for POTUS is absolutely infuriating. I don't care how unlikely something is, you cover the truth, you point out lies, and you confront xenophobia, racism, and fascism when those things are put up as a choice for running the country by one of the major parties of our country.

I swear, journalists in this country are the absolute lowest, laziest, and stupidest pieces of shit.

It's not just in America, and not just in the present time. I present for your delectation these immortal words from The Uncelestial City published in 1930.

Humbert Wolfe said:
One cannot hope to bribe or twist,
Thank God, the British journalist.
But seeing what the man will do
Unbribed, there's no occasion to.
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