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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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It's only been a day. I'm still nervous about Hillarys control of the narrative with the media. I am hoping your right.

The cracks were forming last week with the forum stuff, but Hillary getting sick and the deplorables stuff distracted from it.

This has been building for awhile.

if anything it's pretty far center-left

The heavy support for Hillary over Bernie during the primaries should have tipped off people that this place isn't really as far left as you'd think.


It sounds kind of illegal.

Apparently it is legal as of 2007 by the ruling of the 9th circuit court... but with the noted potential for further review to overturn the decision if it becomes a spectacle in the public eye. Not the strongest grounds, but for now legal.

Sounds like a really great way to get scammed into voting for Johnson.

But yeah, since it relies on faith I guess this will just end up happening.


The cracks were forming last week with the forum stuff, but Hillary getting sick and the deplorables stuff distracted from it.

This has been building for awhile.

The heavy support for Hillary over Bernie during the primaries should have tipped off people that this place isn't really as far left as you'd think.

Still would consider myself pretty far left -- made a calculated vote for Bernie during primary to push the narrative left -- but still always wanted Clinton over him because I just didn't think he actually had good ways to go about getting his policies done.

That being said, I tend to agree Poligaf is left of center -- not neo-con left but just "normal left -- rather than far left on here.
OT thread is interesting.

More like brutal.

I mean, I agree that there's no way a reasonable person could vote for Trump without intentionally dismissing his racism or ignoring it out of ignorance or just straight up agreeing with it. But people used similar levels of bombast against Romney supporters in 2012, so I feel like they should have saved those statements for an actual pseudo-fascist.
Wait until the post-first-debate-Trump-exceeded-expectations-by-not-drooling-on-self-horse-race-narrative and then the media (*cough*CNN*cough*) will be the worst again.


Kills Photobucket
Wait until the post-first-debate-Trump-exceeded-expectations-by-not-drooling-on-self-horse-race-narrative and then the media (*cough*CNN*cough*) will be the worst again.

Only way Clinton is the story coming out of the debate is if she collapses on stage. Trump sound bytes, good or bad, will be the headline the next day.


Wait until the post-first-debate-Trump-exceeded-expectations-by-not-drooling-on-self-horse-race-narrative and then the media (*cough*CNN*cough*) will be the worst again.

Trump just bit the hand that fed him. That ain't gonna let it down after that hotel fiasco and grade him on a curve.


Trump just bit the hand that fed him. That ain't gonna let it down after that hotel fiasco and grade him on a curve.

When the heads of major news organizations meet in a backroom and decide it's time to make Trump pay, that's when the "liberal media bias" gets real as fuck.
Flashback to 2008:

by Mark Halperin

Nomination fights are tribal matters. There are certain lines candidates from the same party cannot cross when trying to win. In general election battles, there are fewer rules and constraints.

If Clinton is not able to come back and beat Obama, there will be a fair amount of (to borrow one of her phrases) coulda-shoulda-woulda on behalf of her campaign: things she could have done that she chose not to do -- or was not able to do.

The McCain campaign is staffed with savvy, experienced operatives who have closely watched the rise of Obama, and they have learned from Clinton's failure to take down her Democratic rival.

Things McCain can do when running against Obama that Clinton has been unable to do well or at all:

1. Play the national security card without hesitation.

2. Talk about the Iraq War without apologies or perceived contradiction.

3. Go at Obama unambiguously from the right.

4. Encourage interest groups, bloggers, and right-leaning media to explore Obama's past.

5. Make an issue of Obama's acknowledged drug use.

6. Allow some supporters to risk being accused of using the race card when criticizing Obama.

7. Exploit Michelle Obama's mistakes and address her controversial remarks with unrestricted censure.

8. Play dirty without alienating his party.

9. Dismiss Obama's brief national tenure from his own lofty platform of decades in the Senate -- there will be no ambiguity about who has more experience as conventionally defined.

10. Use his sterling war record to reinforce his image of patriotism and valor -- and contrast it with his opponent's.

11. Emphasize Barack Hussein Obama's unusual name and exotic background through a Manchurian Candidate prism.

12. Employ third party groups like the NRA to hit Obama on issues that might turn off general election voters. Perhaps an ad such as this will run in Ohio: "So, what do you really know about Barack Obama? Did you know he supports meeting with the head of terrorist states? Do you know he wants to get rid of your right to own a handgun? Do you know he is calling for the repeal of the law preventing gay marriage? Do you know he is for a trillion-dollar tax increase? What do you really know about Barack Obama?"

13. Face an electorate less consumed with "change change change" (the main priority for Democratic voters) and keenly interested in "ready from day one" as an equally important ideal.



Please let this be the start of a more coordinated effort:


"Clinton camp: GOP leaders should denounce 'disturbing behavior' from Trump"

Maybe the Clinton campaign will FINALLY start hanging Trump around the GOP's neck like they should have done from the start. You want the Senate and gains in the House? Link Trump to the GOP.


Hopefully this signals the campaign is done trying to win Republicans.

If they won't denounce Trump, drown them in him.
Hmm, wouldn't an expanded EITC from taxing the rich more be more politically possible than raising the minimum wage because the former could be done through reconciliation?
I saw Hillary Clinton at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

Ben Affleck is cool.
Trump just retweeted an article from Townhall that praised Trump for embarrassing the media and that called the "birther issue" "silly."

But he did not call once again for someone to shoot Hillary Clinton in the tweet and neither did the article.
I can see why people have been saying Bernie has been such a horrible, useless idiot when stumping for Hillary. An interviewer asked him what he would do if Trump won, and like an idiot he responded "oh I'll get depressed :( then I will figure out where to go from there"

Just say Trump is not getting elected. Dont even entertain the scenario. Ugh, completely useless. But still I think he should camp out in NH and show his face for millenial turnout.


LOL - did Don Lemon tell Corey to show him the receipts?


The Legacy of Whitney Houston is widespread.

I can see why people have been saying Bernie has been such a horrible, useless idiot when stumping for Hillary. An interviewer asked him what he would do if Trump won, and like an idiot he responded "oh I'll get depressed :( then I will figure out where to go from there"

Just say Trump is not getting elected. Dont even entertain the scenario. Ugh, completely useless. But still I think he should camp out in NH and show his face for millenial turnout.

Bluntly his usefulness was supposed to be getting his followers on board and that pretty much happened as much as it is likely too around the convention and all that took was his endorsement.

The rest are too far gone. The cult of Sanders has long stopped being about what Sanders actually wants, he created a small monster and has no control over it anymore.


Kellyanne was so full of shit on Maher's show. Kerry Washington has to be one the most well informed celebs I've heard speak about politics.

First Kellyanne is on repeating several times that "Hillary has NO policies! She NEVER mentions a policy! She has NO plans! It's just Trump Trump Trump it's all she can think about teehee ^_^" then not 5 minutes later as soon as they go to panel Ralph Reed lists off like 7 different specific Hillary policies that are a threat to the nation according to him. I was screaming at Bill for not picking up on that. Back to back, within minutes, on tape, on the same show they make two different attacks on Hillary that directly contradict each other. On top of BOTH being lies. I was screaming. Smarmy bullshit is off the freakin' charts.

I also am noticing how the Republican talking heads are basically praising Obama at this point. All "Oh Obama was fine, but HILLARY will do this and that!!! Hillary even disagreed with Obama this one time, the monster :-("

These people define shameless.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
First Kellyanne is on repeating several times that "Hillary has NO policies! She NEVER mentions a policy! She has NO plans! It's just Trump Trump Trump it's all she can think about teehee ^_^" then not 5 minutes later as soon as they go to panel Ralph Reed lists off like 7 different specific Hillary policies that are a threat to the nation according to him. I was screaming at Bill for not picking up on that. Back to back, within minutes, on tape, on the same show they make two different attacks on Hillary that directly contradict each other. On top of BOTH being lies. I was screaming. Smarmy bullshit is off the freakin' charts.

I also am noticing how the Republican talking heads are basically praising Obama at this point. All "Oh Obama was fine, but HILLARY will do this and that!!! Hillary even disagreed with Obama this one time, the monster :-("

These people define shameless.

Yeah, he did a fairly shitty job pushing back against Conway.
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