Bam Bam Baklava
Gotta wait for the big poll tomorrow
There will also be a release by USA Today/Suffolk.
Gotta wait for the big poll tomorrow
Gotta wait for the big poll tomorrow
What are you: a cuck?
The problem is that right now Hillary campaign is not out there making any case for her. Hopefully after labor day that changes.
Hillary crushed Bernie and Obama in Latino votes in both the 2008 and 2016 primaries so it seems confusing that she would do so much worse with Latino voters against "they're rapists" than Obama did against Rmoney.
Obama deporting more people than all other President's combined since the start of the last century is probably playing a hand in this.
As others have said, his numbers are pretty flat.
Yeah, and since Trump's own team did not dismiss Nieto, it's giving more credence to the fact that Trump did lie. What a mess.
These numbers are certainly very high.Obama deporting more people than all other President's combined since the start of the last century is probably playing a hand in this. Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesnt include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.
President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obamas numbers dont reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.
I'm searching for this on Mexican social and traditional Pena Nieto now telling people he has 'witnesses' about what was said, according to Axe on CNN
CNN reporting that Peña Nieto is pretty pissed at Trump and is leaking to the Mexican press that he has "witnesses" to the fact they did talk about Trump's wall.
Per Josh from TMP:
I'm searching for this on Mexican social and traditional media.
Holy shit, perhaps I was too worried about calm and collected Trump after all.CNN reporting that Peña Nieto is pretty pissed at Trump and is leaking to the Mexican press that he has "witnesses" to the fact they did talk about Trump's wall.
Per Josh from TMP:
I'm searching for this on Mexican social and traditional media.
CNN reporting that Peña Nieto is pretty pissed at Trump and is leaking to the Mexican press that he has "witnesses" to the fact they did talk about Trump's wall.
Per Josh from TMP:
I'm searching for this on Mexican social and traditional Pena Nieto now telling people he has 'witnesses' about what was said, according to Axe on CNN
Oh my god, now the Trump team is saying that they knew their positions so there was no point is trying to negotiate.
See my post from last week
This is a real fucking pivot.
These numbers are certainly very high.
As much as I love the guy, pretty harsh.
Still confident hispanics will turn out pretty high for Hillary in the end though.
CNN reporting that Peña Nieto is pretty pissed at Trump and is leaking to the Mexican press that he has "witnesses" to the fact they did talk about Trump's wall.
Per Josh from TMP:
I'm searching for this on Mexican social and traditional media.
fuck off, nate
fuck off, nate
CNN reporting that Peña Nieto is pretty pissed at Trump and is leaking to the Mexican press that he has "witnesses" to the fact they did talk about Trump's wall.
Per Josh from TMP:
I'm searching for this on Mexican social and traditional media.
CNN reporting that Peña Nieto is pretty pissed at Trump and is leaking to the Mexican press that he has "witnesses" to the fact they did talk about Trump's wall.
Per Josh from TMP:
I'm searching for this on Mexican social and traditional media.
As nice as this is to see, it won't mean a thing unless Nieto grows a spine and produces some receipts.
... Please do it.
As nice as this is to see, it won't mean a thing unless Nieto grows a spine and produces some receipts.
... Please do it.
I'm perhaps a bit too biased to respond rationally but I understand that.Ugh, what people leave out is that Obama's presidency came after the biggest wave of undocumented immigration to the U.S. in history too, hence, a record number of deportations followed.
Indeed. A shame. I knew it wouldn't work after it became plainly obvious how crazy the GOP were and are.Obama and W massively increased deportations to appease "moderates" so that amnesty could be passed.
But Obama deported way too many people and his idea that House Republicans would pass this bill just if he deported a bunch of people turned out to be a fantasy. Obama tried to be a "serious person" then instead of a good person and then got fucked over anyway by a political party that didn't care about bipartisan outreach.
The thing about 538 that makes no sense to me is that things were way tighter in 2012 and Silver kept assuring everyone that it's all good even after the first debate but now anything other than big Clinton leads is a travesty.
Back after a few days without my laptop / GAF login
Franklin & Marshall poll of Pennsylvania (Likely Voters):
Clinton 47%
Trump 40%
McGinty 43%
Toomey 38%
Dems continue to look strong in the Keystone State.
Back after a few days without my laptop / GAF login
Franklin & Marshall poll of Pennsylvania (Likely Voters):
Clinton 47%
Trump 40%
McGinty 43%
Toomey 38%
Dems continue to look strong in the Keystone State.
Back after a few days without my laptop / GAF login
Franklin & Marshall poll of Pennsylvania (Likely Voters):
Clinton 47%
Trump 40%
McGinty 43%
Toomey 38%
Dems continue to look strong in the Keystone State.
The thing about 538 that makes no sense to me is that things were way tighter in 2012 and Silver kept assuring everyone that it's all good even after the first debate but now anything other than big Clinton leads is a travesty.
This was the only downside of the big bounce, the return to normal would be focused on like no one could have ever seen it coming.
Did trump do his speech already? Was it bad?
Back after a few days without my laptop / GAF login
Franklin & Marshall poll of Pennsylvania (Likely Voters):
Clinton 47%
Trump 40%
McGinty 43%
Toomey 38%
Dems continue to look strong in the Keystone State.
From the "smartphone" thread:
Man, didn't realize it was that high.
I can see why Harry & others were scoffing at landline-only polls.
I'm surprised it's that high too considering pretty much all the people over 40 that I know still have landlines.
No, he's late. Guess that guy at the RNC who praised his punctuality was lying.Did trump do his speech already?