Alex Burns
Alex Burns‏ @alexburnsNYT
Love Actually remake where Hugh Grant waits for Billy Bob Thornton to return to the U.S. and then gets catty
Heh, I was totally thinking of this scene earlier.
Alex Burns
Alex Burns‏ @alexburnsNYT
Love Actually remake where Hugh Grant waits for Billy Bob Thornton to return to the U.S. and then gets catty
This can't be true because it would mean Trump is lying.
I feel the exact same way. Most of PoliGAF does not.
I hope you are right, especially with how PRI managed to get dicked in the last general election. At least I am confident an opposition candidate will win in two years. Better than nothing.I don't think impeachment is realistic, but in Brazil, 60% of the Senate that impeached Dilma, were either under investigation for corruption or already found guilty of it.
So, it's not the most improbable thing that could happen.
I'm seeing fervent negative reactions against Peña even from diehard supporters of the PRI, the ruling party. This might very well collapse the limited support he has in Congress and around the country.
To illustrate my point:
I mean, yes, but also, we haven't had an election to test these polls yet and historically -- historically -- polling vastly overstates 3rd party numbers. The 3rd party numbers could be higher than previous years, but polling could also be overstating them. Both of those things can be true.
I hope you are right, especially with how PRI managed to get dicked in the last general election. At least I am confident an opposition candidate will win in two years. Better than nothing.
Why the fuck didn't he say that during the press conference?
so Trump lied to the press about who is going to pay for the wall
A lesson for all our "vote third party" enthusiasts in hereThe PRI keeps winning because the opposition is hopelessly divided. A candidate hasn't won the Mexican Presidency with more than 50% of the vote since Carlos Salinas, when there were barely any fair elections at all. After that, the vote share for each winning candidate has dropped to the paltry 33% and 35% won by Calderon and Peña Nieto respectively, and Congress isn't any better.
That's why the PAN/PRD coalitions are so effective and why Americans like to stick with their two-party system. Unless you have a parliamentary system (and even then, there's gridlock), multi-party presidential democracies usually end in gridlock.
And he would never do that. :jnc
Yup, it's just you and cartoon soldier out there fighting the good fight. Must really make you feel confident in your position!
this is bad
I was joking, if you didn't happen to pick that up.
I've been confident in my position since I was the first one on here to declare Trump would win the primary. I hold that victory high and will continue to do so.
A lesson for all our "vote third party" enthusiasts in here
I was joking, if you didn't happen to pick that up.
I've been confident in my position since I was the first one on here to declare Trump would win the primary. I hold that victory high and will continue to do so.
I was joking, if you didn't happen to pick that up.
I've been confident in my position since I was the first one on here to declare Trump would win the primary. I hold that victory high and will continue to do so.
you have the tendency to worry too much. Take a chill before you hyperventilate by the first debate.
just because you win the primary doesn't mean you're going to win the GE
Black Mamba said:Counterpoint: you argued with me that Ben Carson could win it all.
So, yeah.
I honestly wasn't sure.I was joking, if you didn't happen to pick that up.
Didn't you sing Walker's tune as the nominee at one point or was that PD?
The PRI keeps winning because the opposition is hopelessly divided. A candidate hasn't won the Mexican Presidency with more than 50% of the vote since Carlos Salinas, when there were barely any fair elections at all. After that, the vote share for each winning candidate has dropped to the paltry 33% and 35% won by Calderon and Peña Nieto respectively, and Congress isn't any better.
That's why the PAN/PRD coalitions are so effective and why Americans like to stick with their two-party system. Unless you have a parliamentary system (and even then, there's gridlock), multi-party presidential democracies usually end in gridlock unless they have a stable unified society. Mexico doesn't, despite what Americans or the rest of the world think about us.
We're a very multicultural and divided society, along class and racial lines, but also geography. The North, Mexico City, South and the Maya regions have huge differences between them.
A lesson for all our "vote third party" enthusiasts in here
Trump toning down the rhetoric and it being reflected in the polls is a little scary.
Trump toning down the rhetoric and it being reflected in the polls is a little scary.
Senator Harry Reid says Democrats should move to curtail the filibuster if they win the White House and Senate in November only to run up against persistent use of the tactic by Republicans.
Unless after this election there is a dramatic change to go back to the way it used to be, the Senate will have to evolve as it has in the past, Mr. Reid told me, referring to a former tradition of rarely mounting filibusters. But it will evolve with a majority vote determining stuff. It is going to happen.
Supreme Court nominations represent their own challenges. Some Democrats in the Senate, particularly women, have been very reluctant to lose the ability to use the filibuster to block an objectionable nominee seen as a major threat to abortion rights. That was one reason nominations to the court were not included in the 2013 changes. But should Republicans decide to block a Supreme Court nominee early in a Clinton administration after refusing this year to take up the nomination of Merrick B. Garland, Democrats could be spurred to take extraordinary action.
Mr. Reid said he hoped things didnt reach that point and encouraged Republicans, should Democrats prevail, to be more open to a working partnership.
I hope that Republicans, after this election, come back and say, We are not going to use this very much, Mr. Reid said.
If not, though, The Senate is going to have to wind up being a democracy, he said. And that means, the majority not 60 votes would rule.
Nah. The PRI wins because they have an electoral machinery extremely well organized in rural areas where your job depends on your party of choosing winning. This is also a problem with the PRD and PAN, but not so much. The PRI has never won an election because of ideological grounds. They are ideologically devoided in their presentation, unlike the PAN and PRD.
The PRI is dead. The only reason they won 2012 was due to hopes and nostalgia of a strong, authoritarian state that would be able to calm down the cartel violence. With the current administration not being able to reach such goal, the PRI has become effectively irrelevant in presidential elections.
Which makes me wonder even more what the fuck were they thinking when they allowed Peña to have this reunion with Trump. Calderon or Andres Manuel WOULD NEVER.
What? Who thinks Trump is winning the GE?
Trump campaign confirms Trump's lying:
Trump campaign confirms Trump's lying:
I knew it! Reid is starting to send signals.
A Democratic Senate Might Need to Curtail Filibuster, Harry Reid Says
I hope that Republicans, after this election, come back and say, We are not going to use this very much, Mr. Reid said.
Bwahahahaha...oh, Harry. You so crazy.
Bwahahahaha...oh, Harry. You so crazy.
Tony Fabrizio
If @realDonaldTrump speech tonight is anything like Mexico visit would not be surprised to see national 4-way ballots TIED in a week.
Trump pollster:
I knew it! Reid is starting to send signals.
A Democratic Senate Might Need to Curtail Filibuster, Harry Reid Says
Thinks Trump will sink so low that he'll tie Gary Johnson?
Eh, that's a bit much IMO.
Trump toning down the rhetoric and it being reflected in the polls is a little scary.
Yeah he's clearly exaggerating, the media is picking up on the Trump lie.
Nieto threw him under the bus.
I think if Clinton wins with like 52+% of the vote, then it'll be OK. But if she wins the election 45/42/12/1 (Clinton / Trump / Johnson / Stein) - then the GOP is going to be able to make a faux-legitimate argument that the country did not want her to actually be president, and just chose her to stop Trump from being elected (and they will quickly disavow Trump). Then they run on an Anti-Clinton campaign in 2018 and take over the Senate & House (if they haven't already), and prep for 2020. I'm not sure the US can handle 4 more years of gridlock with the infrastructure falling apart the way it is.
Congress is still directly elected; gerrymandering or not. Leave it this way - imagine if W had replaced Ginsburg in 2007, and this election you have the Dems take the House and the Senate and the presidency, but be unable to pass anything because a conservative SCOTUS chosen 10 years ago is going to block anything remotely progressive. Progressives are all on board with SCOTUS having power because we've had the presidency for 8 years, and we are on pace to tilt it towards us for a good 20 years assuming Clinton wins. We want it tilted for us so that even if a clear majority of Americans want different policies than we do, it wouldn't matter.
Yeah, that's a freaking problem.
I think that theory will be put to the test.
I knew it! Reid is starting to send signals.
A Democratic Senate Might Need to Curtail Filibuster, Harry Reid Says