Interesting side-question to waste time til the debates:
President-King Crab seizes control of the United States of America and begins redesigning control of the constitution unilaterally, as is his wont. The House of Representatives is given 687 seats, as the cube root law of assemblies would suggest, and elected on the basis of a single nationwide constituency with proportional representation (D'Hondt, if you really want to get pedantic). The minimum percentage necessary for a seat is 5%. The Senate is abolished, and President-King Crab rules with total disinterest, appointing as head of state whomever the legislature suggests.
Accordingly, given the tendency of the number of parties to approach the geometric mean of the number of possible parties combined with risk averse rational voters, seven separate political parties emerge, either through the collapse of the Democratic and Republican coalitions or the emergence of new electoral blocs.
What do these seven parties look like? What are the different ideological compositions?