That's it, time to deport Hindus and Atheists."I will fight to bring us together as one American people. Imagine what our country can accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one god, saluting one American flag." - Donald J. Trump, just now.
"One god."
This one:
I doubt they will learn after their post mortem several years back. Look where they are now. The damage will be done if Trump loses.I wonder if the republicans will learn the same lesson after this election that the conservatives in Canada learned about bashing muslims/immigrants to an extent because I have a feeling trump's going to do historically bad with muslims and minorities in general especially if he continues to do what he has been doing today and in general in the last year or so. By historically bad I mean posisbly even worse than polls are currently showing.
Indeed. I sometimes wonder who is playing Hillary on their side. Is it based on the real deal or some caricature that they have fabricated the last 25+ years?It makes me wonder who's playing Trump for her/what the debate prep is like. Hopefully they are thinking about this exact thing.
lol. He's an asshole and he probably doesn't even believe in God."I will fight to bring us together as one American people. Imagine what our country can accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one god, saluting one American flag." - Donald J. Trump, just now.
"One god."
Guilty as charged.Everyone posting Trump lines like it's his first time saying them
Because they have the most awkward model of any major forecaster and will literally include any poll from anywhere in their sample. Honestly nothing has changed since yesterday. Looking at their updates it seems to be the result of adding some polls from freaking February and still including the LA Times poll on a daily basis.Why the fuck did Trump gain ground at Fivethirtyeight between yesterday and today??
Everyone posting Trump lines like it's his first time saying them
Which one?!?!
Which one?!?![/mg][/QUOTE]
Why the fuck did Trump gain ground at Fivethirtyeight between yesterday and today??
This is my actual concern for the debates:
Clinton will deliver calm, direct, and satisfying answers to the people who are actually listening. People who are not won over, or don't like her, will just think she was boring.
Trump will say things that don't make sense and repeat halves of sentences that amount to nothing of any substance, but they will satisfy people he has already won over and the media will praise his temperament.
Then post-debate polls will come in and nothing will have changed at all. All things considered, I think this is the worst case scenario. It's still enough to keep me up at night because I have adult onset colic.
Sabato's crew jumped the gun by making this Lean D, but they compromised themselves by moving it back to Tossup out of panic. McGinty's clearly got the edge.A pattern!
Sabato's crew jumped the gun by making this Lean D, but they compromised themselves by moving it back to Tossup out of panic. McGinty's clearly got the edge.
I'm greedy. I want polls showing that we'll know really early on Election Night.If the worst case scenario is the polls don't change after the debates, that still means Hillary wins, so how is that worth losing sleep over
NC absentee ballot statistics through 9/18
I think this is a definite possibility. I hope Hillary has some one line zingers ready in response for Trump's bullshit because it's a lot easier to drop a drive by strongman lie than it is to rebut them. Clinton, like Obama, can get bogged down in the weeds (because she cares and knows about the details) and that can certainly be a negative against Trump, but when she's on point with quick, snappy rebuttals, she's hard to beat.
If the worst case scenario is the polls don't change after the debates, that still means Hillary wins, so how is that worth losing sleep over
Why the fuck did Trump gain ground at Fivethirtyeight between yesterday and today??
If the worst case scenario is the polls don't change after the debates, that still means Hillary wins, so how is that worth losing sleep over
Even if she wins, which I would personally still be very happy with, given her current momentum, my guess it's because of how hateful Trump and his campaign has been, some of the members here will have wished Hillary could have won by a far bigger margin to delegitimize him and his supporters as much as possible.If the worst case scenario is the polls don't change after the debates, that still means Hillary wins, so how is that worth losing sleep over
Wow. Updated for today. This is pretty incredible for Democrats.
Dem ground game in NC is supposed to be good.
Wow. Updated for today. This is pretty incredible for Democrats.
Even if she wins, which I would personally still be very happy with, given her current momentum, my guess it's because of how hateful Trump and his campaign has been, some of the members here will have wished Hillary could have won by a far bigger margin to delegitimize him and his supporters as much as possible.
Still, does make me miss Romney and McCain of all people...![]()
Dem ground game in NC is supposed to be good.
Woah, did anyone expect this?
Why is unaffiliated up so much as well? Hillary's ground game grabbing random people who aren't normally into politics, or angry white people who never vote who are voting this year?
ShhhhIf the worst case scenario is the polls don't change after the debates, that still means Hillary wins, so how is that worth losing sleep over
Good stuff.Wow. Updated for today. This is pretty incredible for Democrats.
Why is unaffiliated up so much as well? Hillary's ground game grabbing random people who aren't normally into politics, or angry white people who never vote who are voting this year?
I can actually remember the exact moment I became a Clinton supporter.
It was still during the primary and I was a Bernie guy. I said I would always vote for Clinton in the GE, but I would rather vote for Bernie. So I was no buster.
I had watched a lot Bernie interviews and I was tiring of how his answer to every question was the same. Billionaires. Wall Street. Over and over. And then I happened to stumble upon an interview Maddow was doing with Hillary and decided to watch it and see how the interviews differed. I was just amazed at how much HRC seemed to know her stuff. And it occurred to me that this was a woman who had a real answer to every question, not just an ideology to repeat.
But the thing that actually won me was Maddow asked her if HRC had any plans to court Sanders supporters and her eyes went wide, she leaned forward, and she said that she had 3.6 million more votes than him (might have been a different number, don't remember exactly). Her message and her plans were already favored by 3.6 million more people. And the energy that she just shot that out, almost with irritation, really hit me. Like, damn, she's right. Why are we pretending she isn't winning? And I was really impressed that she just cut through the bull shit. Because everybody at the time was talking about how HRC was going to court Sanders voters, even when she was winning. But nobody ever asked Bernie Sanders how he would court HRC voters, even when he was losing.
And I thought that this was the person I would want to debate Donald Trump.
So I want that HRC on stage. The HRC that basically says "can we fucking not?" and doesn't entertain the bull shit. That's my president.
Is this not Bedwetters Anonymous?? This is supposed to be a safe space!
Indeed. I sometimes wonder who is playing Hillary on their side. Is it based on the real deal or some caricature that they have fabricated the last 25+ years?
Isn't the fact that terrorists have gone from pulling off crazy complicated mass murders like 9/11, to amateur IEDs that don't kill or wound anyone a pretty solid sign that whatever we're doing to combat them is working? Just a thought.
Jesus Christ, why is emailgate still going? Hillary should ever touch email again if she gets elected.
Isn't the fact that terrorists have gone from pulling off crazy complicated mass murders like 9/11, to amateur IEDs that don't kill or seriously wound anyone a pretty solid sign that whatever we're doing to combat them is working? Just a thought.
Good stuff.
Obama 2012 + NC + AZ + GA + NE-2 is the best possible outcome that's still within the realm of possibility. Anything more than that is liberal pipe dream "omg Clinton wins Texas" territory (which could still happen if Trump severely implodes but I'd put that at the 1% end of the spectrum of possibility).
Isn't the fact that terrorists have gone from pulling off crazy complicated mass murders like 9/11, to amateur IEDs that don't kill or seriously wound anyone a pretty solid sign that whatever we're doing to combat them is working? Just a thought.
We'll see how it goes! I would be happy with a 2012+ performance at least though.I still think a justin trudeau or Obama 08 like win margin is possible for her.A win margin like that will be above 7 points definitely. Voters will probably break for her late.She just needs to make sure tro run as positive of a campaign as possible in the next two months or so.
Ah, so he's lazy as always. And I'm not worried at all. I'm pretty confident in her, but I'm certainly a bit more of a realist the last week and a half.No one is. He's thinking up zingers with Giuliani and Ailes over cheeseburgers at his club house. That's not a joke, by the way.
Keep worrying about Clinton though guys
As a little baby who's never directly been involved in a presidential campaign, what does "good ground game" look like?