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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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All of this would even be fine if he hadn't made his name on being the calm, "this race is not a toss-up" guy in 2012, and the polling for that race was much worse for the Dems than this one is! Somehow the Dems are doing better in the polling, but Silver's model (yes, yes, NowCast isn't Polls Plus or Polls Only, but all of the damn models have really lost their distinguishing features recently) says the race is less certain than before.

Yeah, I'd really like to see the forecast show the his odds trendline for the 2012 election in the background, both because I would know when to panic, and because I think this election has been more favorable for longer.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think this could be tough for Kaine.

Moderator: Question
Kaine: Um ok but economy
Pence: EMAILS~~!!!
Kaine: *defensive*
Pence: AH HA!

I mean Trump really fucking sucked so bad last time he barely hit Killary on anything.
I'm looking at a bunch of polls and it looks like a tie at best.

Which is a god damn tragedy. Biden was fantastic in that debate, while Paul Ryan was basically talking to votes like they were children who needed reassurances. I would say Biden easily had more "oh snap" moments as well where he put Ryan on the back foot.


If I was writing the eventual Trump movie, I'd make the post-credits stinger be that Trump gets a Twitter DM. It's from Hillary! She explains that she actually was in charge of her own twitter account the whole time, not an intern. She spams lol a bunch and the camera zooms out to show a defeated Trump sitting alone on January 20th, 2017 watching Hillary be inaugurated.

Also she's Thanos


If I was writing the eventual Trump movie, I'd make the post-credits stinger be that Trump gets a Twitter DM. It's from Hillary! She explains that she actually was in charge of her own twitter account the whole time, not an intern. She spams lol q bunch and the camera zooms out to show a defeated Trump sitting alone on January 20th, 2017 watching Hillary be inaugurated.

Also she's Thanos
The USA Freedom Kids must have a part in the soundtrack!



Yeah, I'd really like to see the forecast show the his odds trendline for the 2012 election in the background, both because I would know when to panic, and because I think this election has been more favorable for longer.




TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How much impact does time have on the forecast? Like shouldn't the fact we're 35 days away start to shrink his chances even if polls froze where they are now?

Is NC voting yet?
Which is a god damn tragedy. Biden was fantastic in that debate, while Paul Ryan was basically talking to votes like they were children who needed reassurances. I would say Biden easily had more "oh snap" moments as well where he put Ryan on the back foot.

And I seem to remember a lot of Republicans calling Biden a bully in that debate. Fast forward 4 years and they nominated a real bully and proud of it.


Uh oh. Pence was on the debate team in high school. Kaine is ducked.

And I seem to remember a lot of Republicans calling Biden a bully in that debate. Fast forward 4 years and they nominated a real bully and proud of it.

Biden unleashed 2 debates worth of fury on Ryan, since he had to pull his punches against Palin.
Man, that Kansas Rep who was just on the CBS stream was awful. The guy straight-up said when asked, "Trump has advocated committing war crimes, how do you reconcile that?" that the rules of engagement were bogus.

Fucking hate these people. Scum of the earth.


I'm getting pre-debate jitters. Somebody reassure me. Kaine being a lawyer is good, but I don't know if he'll be able to wreck Pence.
It's true, VP debates don't matter. You can be a primitive caveman like Quayle and display your idiocy to everyone and still not damage your ticket.


remember me
Here's another story I think we missed.

He hires the best people!


Wallach was one of Trump’s top executives for perhaps the most critical decade of the business magnate’s career. He helped Trump craft multimillion-dollar deals, built relationships with global real estate moguls, and spearheaded projects that would help lift Trump’s businesses out of bankruptcy.

But before, during, and after working for Trump, Wallach was a habitual criminal. Over a period of 30 years, he collected at least 15 arrests in five states, four separate felony convictions — for crimes including forgery, grand larceny, and making false statements to prosecutors — and three jail sentences, according to an extensive Globe review of court records.

Trump was apparently in the dark about all of this until near the end of their long association. Through a campaign spokeswoman, Trump confirmed, however, that he knew of Wallach’s theft habits during the last year he employed him.

The best part

Wallach, who lives and works in Southampton, N.Y., initially declined to discuss details of his criminal past. “All I’m going to say to you is that whatever happened, happened as a result of dealing with an insane boss who should never be president of the United States,” he told the Globe. “End of point, end of conversation.”
I didn't realize "Farmville" was actually the place where the debate was happening. I thought it was some weird political inside joke about the location being in the middle of nowhere or something


Guess not


I'm looking at a bunch of polls and it looks like a tie at best.

Biden won based on the GIF output alone. The fact that we're still using the Diamond Joe "This fuckin' guy, can you believe it?" GIF 4 years later has to count for something.

Yawn at all of these leaks. Gimme something good, Russia.

I'm surprised this Clinton Foundation "leak" didn't have a folder marked "HUMA FUTA XXX." There must be a reason her sexuality isn't called into question when seemingly everything else up to and including where she keeps her urine is fair game. Maybe Trump has a sex tape floating around... with Giuliani. And Chris Christie shows up partway through and spends the video eating french fries and quietly sobbing to himself.
If Pence freezes in front of the camera like he did in that interview with ABC on the RFRA, I think that could spiral things further for the GOP. Most likely no one will give a shit about this though
Haha, I guess it's hard to win a debate when your positions are absolute shit. Explains why Ted Cruz is such a shitty debater. I remember all the people hyping him up.

To be fair we don't know how he would do 1-on-1 as opposed to the clown show the primaries were but yeah he's a little too bone chillingly creepy to seem very persuasive.
Why does the VP debate always seem more intimate than the presidential debates? The candidates sit down, relatively close to each other, and it seems a bit more casual overall.


I think that, barring a big negative, this debate won't matter. But considering how unusual the top of the ticket is, I think there will be a little more scrutiny here due to it being the more "traditional" debate, and it'll be worth a few news cycles of one of them fucks up somehow.

I don't doubt Kaine's command of the issues over Pence. Kaine's policy wonk and Pence is an idiot who's good at hiding that fact behind conviction. My only fear is Kaine will be too cordial, and it'll be perceived as weak.
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