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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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I remember how defeated people were becoming during the first debate (2012), and the deflation after it ended.

Very optimistic about this year though!
Bush voting for Hillary is quickly becoming a story. CNN has it as their top story currently on their website.

I actually think they're stupid and stubborn enough to not do that
Sen. Flake already tipped their hand, I'd be surprised if the leadership doesn't have some kind of plan to confirm him in the lame duck.

Which would make it really funny if Democrats then filibustered Garland because the GOP decided to leave this up to the next president and they should uphold their end of the deal, but I doubt they will (and aside from a few laughs, I kind of doubt Clinton would appoint someone else).


How big would it be for big daddy Bush to come out and say he is voting for hillary?

We should be. Substance won't matter in the debate. Trump will dominate the headlines the next day. His sound bytes will get more play than anything Clinton says.

Only way Clinton is the headline after the debate is if she collapses on stage.
I agree with you, but at the same time this will be seat of the pants Trump, the version of Trump that gets in the most shit
Hillary should do that trick where she turns into a swarm of screeching bats and blocks out the moon. A bit crass for the debate stage, but this isn't a normal election.


And she's at one of her weaker moments in the election - probably the weakest she's been too (Trump's bump was about his "strength" rather than her weakness). I'll be very curious to see how North Dakota looks in October.

South dakota also looked kinda close like a month or two ago. Like their was like a 5 or 6 point different or less than that between trump and hilary in 538's model.I wish we could get more polling from the dakotas because I think those states may end up as lean or likely republican in this election depending on hilary's national margin.
How big would it be for big daddy Bush to come out and say he is voting for Hillary?
Can she get the trifecta? GHWB, GWB, and Jeb!?

I really want Kasich to get fed up with everything and just say, "Fuck it, I'm voting for Hillary. I hate to say it but I'll take the risk of four years of her with a GOP House versus four years of Trump."


contribute something
Twitter leans left during the day and late at night it becomes like The Purge where motherfuckers are out blasting whatever fucked up hashtags they can manage to get trending till morning. Like it's weird watching trends past midnight.

Middle schoolers in Indiana can't use the internet until their parents go to bed


Kills Photobucket
I agree with you, but at the same time this will be seat of the pants Trump, the version of Trump that gets in the most shit

Yeah, right...

Lester Holt: "Mr. Trump, can you explain why you used charity funds to pay your legal fees?"

Trump: "Hillary had a private Email"

Lester Holt: "Moving on then, Madam Secretary, what do you have to say about your Emails? I will also have five followup questions..."
Yeah, right...

Lester Holt: "Mr. Trump, can you explain why you used charity funds to pay your legal fees?"

Trump: "Hillary had a private Email"

Lester Holt: "Moving on then, Madam Secretary, what do you have to say about your Emails? I will also have five followup questions..."

I don't think any of the moderators want to get destroyed like Lauer. I wouldn't worry that much.
That specific family gathering was in Butler County. One of my Bernie or bust sisters is in Warren, the other is in Hamilton County.

I'm familiar with their outreach programs. Hillary's Walnut Hills office is less than a block away from my home, and it's obvious she has more of an established presence. I'm not sure how hard those programs effect Union and Suburb voters though.

Warren and Butler county are pretty much the largest population 'red' counties in the state. Republicans of course get more of their votes from Cuyahoga/Hamilton/Franklin/Montgomery because there are a lot more people there.

Warren and Butler never seem to change that much in that Republicans usually get about 60-65% of the vote in Butler and 65-70% of the vote in Warren. It is a little interesting though that Dem turnout went down in Warren in 2012 while Rep turnout went up. Do know this: these counties are literally 90% pure white (where you report white only as race) per census data.



Yeah, right...

Lester Holt: "Mr. Trump, can you explain why you used charity funds to pay your legal fees?"

Trump: "Hillary had a private Email"

Lester Holt: "Moving on then, Madam Secretary, what do you have to say about your Emails? I will also have five followup questions..."

Can only hope at this point


Real talk. Some of yall just shouldn't watch the debates if you're already calling it a loss and know exactly what the headlines will be a week from now.


Nate Cohn now asking why the Upshot/Siena FL Clinton+1 poll was Adjusted Leader Trump+1 on 538. I'm not questioning the 538 model, it's just really funny.

Nate Cohn Verified account

@ForecasterEnten out of curiosity, what's the reason we're adjusted to t+1. siena doesn't have a d house effect in your ratings
Nate Cohn now asking why the Upshot/Siena FL Clinton+1 poll was Adjusted Leader Trump+1 on 538. I'm not questioning the 538 model, it's just really funny.

I believe they adjust the polls based on national. Basically, if the race is tied Nationally, they expect Trump to win Florida by 1-2 points.


I believe they adjust the polls based on national. Basically, if the race is tied Nationally, they expect Trump to win Florida by 1-2 points.
So they're adjusting this week's polls based on the last two week's polls... Makes sense!

I'm glad people like Cohn are questioning their model and methods.


Kills Photobucket
Real talk. Some of yall just shouldn't watch the debates if you're already calling it a loss and know exactly what the headlines will be a week from now.

Debate itself will be great. I don't fear the debate.

I fear the media coverage of the debate the next day.


I'm convinced Trump is gonna play the straight man he played when going to Mexico. The problem being is that put on the spot like he was in Mexico, he doesn't have anything to say of substance. Dude is bombastic filler 100% of the time and without that it's just straight BS that someone has to catch him on.

I don't think I've ever seen a serious Trump longform interview that went well for him where he wasn't being his typical asshole self. He always slips without fail while trying to present a serious case.


Debate itself will be great. I don't fear the debate.

I fear the media coverage of the debate the next day.

We can't worry about that right now. We just can't. I'm not worried about the debate barring her fainting on stage. She needs to talk policy and show her contrast to Trump. That's it.

Also Trump is a fucking idiot.


ABC News Politics
.@realDonaldTrump: "There's nothing like doing things with 'other people's money'"


Professional Schmuck
Real talk. Some of yall just shouldn't watch the debates if you're already calling it a loss and know exactly what the headlines will be a week from now.

Seriously. If Trump doesn't literally piss his pants or have an actual heart attack on stage, the narrative is 'Trump holds his own'.

I mean unless Hillary goes all in and Trump gets flustered and has a proceed governor moment.
Yeah, right...

Lester Holt: "Mr. Trump, can you explain why you used charity funds to pay your legal fees?"

Trump: "Hillary had a private Email"

Lester Holt: "Moving on then, Madam Secretary, what do you have to say about your Emails? I will also have five followup questions..."
Hillary Clinton: "Let me go back to Trump's charity for a bit. The NY AG is currently investigating Trump Foundation for fraudulent activity. Washington Post recently uncovered $358,000 paid by the foundation to settle lawsuits in what's clearly a self-dealing racket. We also found out that Trump used $30,000 of the donor money to buy a nice portrait or two of himself. This is clearly illegal under state laws. This is a violation of trust. I want to stress this fact to all your viewers."

Trump: "Shes lyin. Crooked hillary! Hillary you're so crooked. Clinton Foundation is a pay to play scheme. Why did you delete emails"

Hillary will have to fact check the shit out of him.


Godcohn calling out his Trash inferiors.
They need to be called out for some of what they're doing like heavily weighing landline only polls and not adjusting the weight given to pollsters like Ipsos even though the pollster in question has drastically altered their methodology.

I wonder if this adjustment business will hurt 538's final election prediction eventually.

Naw, they'll just say something like, "Hey, our numbers said they had a decent chance!"


Seriously. If Trump doesn't literally piss his pants or have an actual heart attack on stage, the narrative is 'Trump holds his own'.

I mean unless Hillary goes all in and Trump gets flustered and has a proceed governor moment.
My hope is even if Trump "holds his own" it at least means Hillary relatively maintains her current lead which is good enough for me.


Professional Schmuck



That's it, that's your cue. Do your thing, video people. This is Trump's 47% moment.
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