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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Every Clinton spinner tomorrow should say something along the lines of:

"I think Tim Kaine won the debate, but it is clear that Gov. Pence is a better debater than Donald. He actually knows the issues. And the smartest thing he did, and he's a smart guy, was to refuse to defend Donald."
I think as time goes on people will see this as more of a win for the Clinton Campaign than anything. Pence did great in a straight up head to head, but he did nothing to help the Trump Campaign, and continually outright refused to defend him on virtually everything.
I think this debate was a wash. It's not going to move the needle. There's not going to be any bump, and the trendlines will continue to favor Clinton as Trump inevitably goes back under the spotlight. But I question Team Kaine's debate strategy of being an attack dog. Hillary trounced Trump in the first debate. Kaine needed to ride that momentum forward. Hillary already mentioned all the nasty things Trump said about Women/Mexicans/Muslims etc to a much larger audience, so there was no point in bringing those things back again. I think the overall goal was that Pence is gonna play this good 'ol Indiana farmboy image, but we will tie him to Satan angle. I don't think it needed to hammered in. Pence has enough dirty laundry to fill 3 debates by himself. He's underwater in Indiana and is holding massive L's in the state courts. In contrast with Kaine's record in Virginia, where everyone loves him to death. What Kaine's debate strategy inadvertently allowed is for Pence to re-introduce himself to America which imo is a bigger deal, and it made Kaine less likeable.


Clinton is crushing it in the polls right now and all Kaine had to do was not do anything to fuck it up and hold his own. He absolutely did that even if Pence looked more composed.

I think Pence did a good job spinning the fact checking into a negative attack thing, but just on optics he won, even if he was unable to defend his running mates statements.


will gain confidence one day
How long into the 2nd debate will Clinton wait before saying to Trump, "your own VP won't stand up for you or what you've said. So what does that say about you?"


Don't think it'll move the needle at all but it will give a bit of play to the Trump/Pence relationship.

But who really gives a shit about that honestly, I can't see an undecided voter being moved one way or the other on that.

How long into the 2nd debate will Clinton wait before saying to Trump, "your own VP won't stand up for you or what you've said. So what does that say about you?"

Now if that is the long game, that might elicit a reaction from Trump that does some damage to him.


The abortion back and forth was kind of one of the more impressive parts of the debate to me, because Pence totally marched merrily into that for no good reason. I mean it was in response to a question asking for times when the candidates put their public duty above their personal faith and Pence just goes into a big spell bragging about how much he's publically imposed his own beliefs on people, what? lol

I mean I get it was pretty much to segue into "No trust me guys Trump really is Christian" but nobody ever has or will buy that.
How long into the 2nd debate will Clinton wait before saying to Trump, "your own VP won't stand up for you or what you've said. So what does that say about you?"

If she really wanted to get under his skin she could say something along the lines of "You seem to be having trouble, would you like to tag in Pence to clean this up for you?"

She shouldn't really do this, but it would be fun to watch


Kills Photobucket


I think this debate was a wash. It's not going to move the needle. There's not going to be any bump, and the trendlines will continue to favor Clinton as Trump inevitably goes back under the spotlight. But I question Team Kaine's debate strategy of being an attack dog. Hillary trounced Trump in the first debate. Kaine needed to ride that momentum forward. Hillary already mentioned all the nasty things Trump said about Women/Mexicans/Muslims etc to a much larger audience, so there was no point in bringing those things back again. I think the overall goal was that Pence is gonna play this good 'ol Indiana farmboy image, but we will tie him to Satan angle. I don't think it needed to hammered in. Pence has enough dirty laundry to fill 3 debates by himself. He's underwater in Indiana and is holding massive L's in the state courts. In contrast with Kaine's record in Virginia, where everyone loves him to death. What Kaine's debate strategy inadvertently allowed is for Pence to re-introduce himself to America which imo is a bigger deal, and it made Kaine less likeable.

Pence was gonna do that whether Kaine went in on him or not. Kaine's strategy was probably the most viable, given the circumstances. Clinton campaign knows Pence can't properly defend Trump on any of the accusations they threw at him during the debate, so they can dictate the outcome of the debate and squeeze ad snippets out of Pence and Trump contradicting each other. The HRC campaign got everything they wanted tonight.


First tragedy, then farce.
How long into the 2nd debate will Clinton wait before saying to Trump, "your own VP won't stand up for you or what you've said. So what does that say about you?"

That's the plan. They knew Pence wouldn't defend him on the comments and they went for advertising material 100% and got it.
How long into the 2nd debate will Clinton wait before saying to Trump, "your own VP won't stand up for you or what you've said. So what does that say about you?"

That would be an amazing troll. You might actually see blood trickling out of Trump's ears.

Edit: OMG its happening!

HRC's twitter said:
Lucky to have a partner like @TimKaine who stood up for our shared vision tonight—instead of trying to deny it. #VPDebate


I'm pretty sure that was the strategy coming in now after watching the debate. Pence wins immediately after the debate, but it's really Pence wins for 2020. While Clinton can now have all this wonderful ammo he gave them for ads.


Almost every line that we criticized Kaine for sounding scripted is coming across REALLY WELL in these clips.

Kaine's aggression and relentless pressing of his points versus Pence's noncommittal defense is going to work more for the Clinton campaign going forward.
The highlight for me was watching Pence actually respond to a question about homegrown terrorism, a question that specifically sought to discourage discussion of terrorism from abroad, by literally ONLY acknowledging the latter. Hell, he actually sounded like he was claiming that homegrown terrorism was too small an issue to focus on.


will gain confidence one day
The highlight for me was watching Pence actually respond to a question about homegrown terrorism, a question that specifically sought to discourage discussion of terrorism from abroad, by literally ONLY acknowledging the latter. Hell, he actually sounded like he was claiming that homegrown terrorism was too small an issue to focus on.

Ugh, I hated that so much.
Moderators are impossibly weak for not asking "would you shoot down Russian planes over Syria?" when they talk about Syria.

I mean... It's a position you could hold, but at least point out that saving Syria may involve war with Russia.

My favorite part of the debate was when Pence praised a cop who might have straight up murdered a guy.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Ugh, I hated that so much.

The only way to really combat lone wolf homegrown terrorism is to provide a support structure via free mental health and reduce the stigma of using it. A tall order, but about the only solution I can think of.

Intelligence operations tend to fail due to lack of communication and planning that occurs with a edit: group lone operation. Honey pots are probably the best option, but if they don't have to go to shady locations to get guns and other weapons, than even that won't work all that well.


First tragedy, then farce.
Moderators are impossibly weak for not asking "would you shoot down Russian planes over Syria?" when they talk about Syria.

I mean... It's a position you could hold, but at least point out that saving Syria may involve war with Russia.

The ultimate chicken hawk Republican failing.

Talk real tough on Syria, North Korea, Iran, South China Sea. Not willing to do shit about any other than to say they would be 'strong' and not weak like the Muslim Kenyan.


CNN fact checks Pence's clinton foundation claim about receiving money from foreign governments but not about saying only 5% of their money goes to charity.

Thanks for valuable information.
Moderators are impossibly weak for not asking "would you shoot down Russian planes over Syria?" when they talk about Syria.

I mean... It's a position you could hold, but at least point out that saving Syria may involve war with Russia.
That's a silly question. Do you think a Republican will waffle that question? Of course they will shoot down a Russian plane over syria. With a nuclear missile. The chickenhawks looove to puff their chest on hypotheticals like these. And if it means war with Russia, then even better. America's got the bigger dick, that's the answer.
Mental illness isn't the cause of homegrown terrorism. Most domestic terrorists are losers who have nothing in their lives and feel like violence is the only thing that can make them have importance and control.


That's a silly question. Do you think a Republican will waffle that question? Of course they will shoot down a Russian plane over syria. With a nuclear missile. The chickenhawks looove to puff their chest on hypotheticals like these. And if it means war with Russia, then even better. America's got the bigger dick, that's the answer.
Ask Trump the question and laugh at what happens.
Ask Trump the question and laugh at what happens.

"Well of course I mean look you got Russia this guy is all over the place and we're doing nothing. We don't stand up anymore and Russia is laughing at our face. You see the peace deal we couldn't keep it together, and Russia is now flying all over Syria. So Putin is a much strong leader than Obama who is leading from behind, and we are sick of not winning any more."


will gain confidence one day
The only way to really combat lone wolf homegrown terrorism is to provide a support structure via free mental health and reduce the stigma of using it. A tall order, but about the only solution I can think of.

Intelligence operations tend to fail due to lack of communication and planning that occurs with a group. Honey pots are probably the best option, but if they don't have to go to shady locations to get guns and other weapons, than even that won't work all that well.

Domestic security isn't an area of expertise for me, but while I agree with the need for improved, low-cost mental health treatment services (and healthier social expectations around them), I'd probably add:

- Gun restriction reforms
- Wider economic support systems (such as housing first policies and maybe a UBI)
- Stronger intervention in domestic violence cases
- Educational reforms

Oh and having an overall less hostile public discourse, but you can't exactly legislate that.


Didn't watch de debate live, only managed to catch your reactions, a few moments on the radio and soundbites. Gonna watch the whole debate now. Anybody got the best link to watch it?

And that CNN instant poll is fine. Practically the debate was a wash and most Trump supporters don't seem to be that enthusiastic about Pence's "victory" since Trump didn't come out better from this debate.

Hillary on the other hand, practically recieved 0 damaged and Kaine defended her pretty well. He did his job as running mate.
Hillary is going to come out Sunday and open with "I think both our running mates, Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, did excellent jobs in Tuesday's Vice Presidential Debate. Don't you agree, Donald?"

That compliment should be enough to unhinge Trump for the remainder of the evening.
Domestic security isn't an area of expertise for me, but while I agree with the need for improved, low-cost mental health treatment services (and healthier social expectations around them), I'd probably add:

- Gun restriction reforms
- Wider economic support systems (such as housing first policies and maybe a UBI)
- Stronger intervention in domestic violence cases
- Educational reforms

Oh and having an overall less hostile public discourse, but you can't exactly legislate that.

You also need (maybe built into those support systems, but not strictly economic) some programs that are designed to step in when people withdraw from the external society into cesspits (for lack of a better term). A big problem with these lone wolf types is that they actually aren't crazy (we say they're crazy because they kill people, but then we say they killed people because they were crazy. This is a tautology). They're not actually mentally ill, but they are frequently submerged in toxic communities (mostly online) that echo back and forth and place a high value on violent behavior.

A lot of these people shoot up places because they believe that they'll be heroes to these various communities. And they aren't wrong. You either shut down the communities (problematic for both moral and practical reasons) or you strongly discourage the public at large from diving into these groups.


will gain confidence one day
Hillary is going to come out Sunday and open with "I think both our running mates, Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, did excellent jobs in Tuesday's Vice Presidential Debate. Don't you agree, Donald?"

That compliment should be enough to unhinge Trump for the remainder of the evening.

I know I already said a thing about this, but Pence's performance is the perfect way to attack Trump's leadership abilities.

"You say you're a tremendous leader, but your own people won't defend you when it counts."

Something like that.
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