Randolph Freelander
That Truth Squad.
Like I said in the debate thread: Kaine may have lost the debate, but he just created like 30 new ads for the Clinton campaign.
Can't wait for Trump to tweet about his resorts in South Florida
CNN Instant Poll
48% Pence
42% Kaine
I'm happy enough with it.
Qasim Rashid, Esq. ‏@MuslimIQ 1h1 hour ago
I've never seen a #VPDebate like this.
Pence spent the entire debate denying Trump insults people all the while Trump was tweeting insults
Jon Lovett ‏@jonlovett 2h2 hours ago
Jon Lovett Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Trump is insulting people at the same moment Mike Pence is dodging questions about Trump insulting people.
Based on Twitter, Pence lost the Tankies for Trump vote (which consisted basically of The Intercept) by calling for war with Russia.
Why is CNN doing a focus group in VA ? Talk about being more useless than the Frank Lutz group.
Donald Trump is a very small, very insecure, very shallow man.
John King is saying how his sources inside Trump world think this debate will trigger Trump.
Everyone is saying that Pence did better than him combined with the fact that Pence didn't defend him at all.
Pence was super selfish out there. He wanted to win the debate first and defend his candidate second.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 12m12 minutes ago
Trump adviser on debate after Pence passed up opportunities to defend him: "Pence won overall, but lost with Trump"
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 9m9 minutes ago
more from adviser on Trump reaction to strong Pence debate following poor Trump showing last week: "he can't stand to be upstaged"
Like I said in the debate thread: Kaine may have lost the debate, but he just created like 30 new ads for the Clinton campaign.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 12m12 minutes ago
Trump adviser on debate after Pence passed up opportunities to defend him: "Pence won overall, but lost with Trump"
A brief dip into Nazi-frog twitter shows them furious at Pence for the Russia stuff.
Kaine didn't say anything stupid, looks good in highlights/soundbites and continued Clinton's talking points on Trump. From a solely strategic perspective, you can't ask any more of your VP. I could complain for hours but in the end it would just come back to this. The media seems pretty self-aware on the fact checking matter, so I can't even complain too much on their end either.
Whatever. I'll take it.
For better or once, Kaine was a front lines guy. He took the blows and ran defense. While Pence looked cool and calm, he's gonna be the one who feels it in the morning.
I gotta wonder how Trump's feeling about the narrative that Pence turned on him.John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 12m12 minutes ago
more from adviser on Trump reaction to strong Pence debate following poor Trump showing last week: "he can't stand to be upstaged"
No way for Pence to win in that case, if his alternative was to try make himself look worse than Trump did.John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 12m12 minutes ago
more from adviser on Trump reaction to strong Pence debate following poor Trump showing last week: "he can't stand to be upstaged"
My God....
Watching MSNBC, Kaine is looking REALLY good in these bite sized clips.
My God....
Watching MSNBC, Kaine is looking REALLY good in these bite sized clips.
To be fair, the main reason people are saying Pence won is OPTICS; he sure as hell didn't win on substance.For once OPTICS are working in Clinton's favor. Pence won, but not according to the clips everyone's going to see tomorrow morning.
To be fair, the main reason people are saying Pence won is OPTICS; he sure as hell didn't win on substance.
Mike Pence won the debate by throwing Donald Trump under the bus
This aligns with my thinking. Pence won and Trump lost. Pence was 100% self serving out there and let Kaine control the debate all so he could win on style points.
My God....
Watching MSNBC, Kaine is looking REALLY good in these bite sized clips.
He won if you watched the debate, but for everyone who skipped and is only going to see those clips royalan is watching? OPTICS are a bitch.
This could be the talking point going forward
Regarding all the talk of Pence 2020. I don't see him as a formidable candidate. He's the fairly unpopular governor of a red state who can be easily attacked for some rather extreme social conservatism. I can certainly believe he has aspirations of a presidential run, but I'd worry about him as much as Republicans should be worrying about Martin O'Malley.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 12m12 minutes ago
more from adviser on Trump reaction to strong Pence debate following poor Trump showing last week: "he can't stand to be upstaged"
Regarding all the talk of Pence 2020. I don't see him as a formidable candidate. He's the fairly unpopular governor of a red state who can be easily attacked for some rather extreme social conservatism. I can certainly believe he has aspirations of a presidential run, but I'd worry about him as much as Republicans should be worrying about Martin O'Malley.
For me, pence lost on nuclear war, he couldn't defend what Trump said and that only continues the trump is dangerous narrative.