He can put on some Herbie HancockThe alcohol is courtesy of John Boehner. A note was attached.
"Paul, tough break, get drunk on me, use the bucket to ice down your marbles. Yours, B."
He can put on some Herbie HancockThe alcohol is courtesy of John Boehner. A note was attached.
"Paul, tough break, get drunk on me, use the bucket to ice down your marbles. Yours, B."
I just can't fucking believe it. These people are fucking deranged. I hope they are all admitted to a mental institution.These fuckers on CNN lololol
Please Red Wedding this fucker, Hillary.
So like, they're talking about how millennials may not know these stories.
How? I'm a millennial. I was growing up while Bill was in office. I knew about all this crap, even as a kid. Maybe I was weird (admittedly, I watched a lot of news even as a kid) but I thought all this stuff was well known.
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next.
With all due respect dude, you're in Texas, what did you expect?
That is what we call anecdotal and not representative of the electorate at large.
omg omg omg
Supposedly the unreleased Apprentice videos have Trump using the n-word. :O
omg omg omg
Supposedly the unreleased Apprentice videos have Trump using the n-word. :O
Hahahahaha if true. Source?
Obama must be watching all this with nearly maniacal glee
Trust me I understand that as I lived here all my life. And in no way am I saying this is representative. I'm speaking to the thought processes and reasoning of most Trump supporters.
"Talking over me does not make what you are saying true" - damn, Jake.
Kayleigh, spare us, you are terrible.
These stakes keep getting raised.
I'm shaking.
This is insane.
If her response works well, Trump is finished. If it's not nuanced just right, she could end up hurting her image with parts of her base.
I guess I'll preempt this with some booze.
Yup. Here's hoping someone is willing to take the $5 million hit.
An old Apprentice producer.
omg omg omg
Supposedly the unreleased Apprentice videos have Trump using the n-word. :O
Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 19m19 minutes ago
Source confirms Willey, Broaddrick, Jones as well as Shelton in debate hall. The women who've accused Bill Clinton may also be in spin room
I firmly believe he's going to go nuclear now. And Hillary will just answer the questions of the voters.
Yup. Here's hoping someone is willing to take the $5 million hit.
It's not about how things actually played out. It's about how it's presented, and how that presentation will look to parts of the base.I don't think so. Whatever thing she did wrong, has been eclipsed byt such a dipshit by Trump
Yep, I want her to destroy him, but she shouldn't get dragged down to his level because that's what he wants
So like, they're talking about how millennials may not know these stories.
How? I'm a millennial. I was growing up while Bill was in office. I knew about all this crap, even as a kid. Maybe I was weird (admittedly, I watched a lot of news even as a kid) but I thought all this stuff was well known.
I'm counting on you Cuban
Cuban already said he isn't gonna get involved in this.
You should be hoping a Hillary PAC gets it done...
Wasn't there a rumor that the Clinton family had access to a "family ending" oppo that they were holding back?
I want whatever that is out Monday. Trump does not deserve kid gloves. Smear him to Hell and back.
get ready y'all.@TheRickWilson:
I'm going to say this now:
Strap in.