Had a lively talk with my mother and stepfather about the debate just now.
Mom honestly thinks that Trump's back on track. I told her that he plugged a few holes but in the end he's got a sinking ship still full of holes. I think my mother gets a bit too hung up, also, on Trump's base. I kept telling her "stop talking about his fans, of course they're solid, they eat this shit up, there's no changing them. Its the undecideds that matter here."
Stepfather agreed with me overall though.
Hillary took some hits, had some stumbles, but she also did decently. Trump rambled, was petty, his body language was threatening at times, belittled, lied, handwaved away the tape recording.
Yeah he'll probably recover a few points from this. But the cat's out of the bag, here. Those endorsements aren't coming back.