oh boy
If Romney endorses McMullin or Johnson then we get Utah.
Come on you rich bastard, endorse one!
oh boy
It's been like 2 minutes.
ppftffffffffft teleprompter speech
Is trump healthy??He's sniffing alot.
MonmouthPoll ‏@MonmouthPoll 8m8 minutes ago
Trump 34
Clinton 28
McMullin 20
Johnson 9
Shares my values:
Trump 24 yes
Clinton 29 yes
oh boy
What is up with these shitty streams? Why are these on TV?
Is there a link to Trump speaking?
Unshackled.ppftffffffffft teleprompter speech
Donald Trump was once the executive producer for a reality TV show called Lady or a Tramp, which promised turn party girls into sophisticated women through a series of etiquette classes and competitions.
He's sniffing alot.
Trump going full globalist conspiracy. Full breitbart.
Trump going after the Illuminati now.
Maybe stick with Power Rangers, haimy.Okay this was kind of funny from the Podesta hack (they're talking about Bernie)
Haim Saban is a goddamned idiot.
Okay this was kind of funny from the Podesta hack (they're talking about Bernie)
Haim Saban is a goddamned idiot.
FixedTrump: She should be locked up.
Kellyanne: Why is nobody talking about all of the people who've been locked up as a result of laws passed by Hillary Clinton when she was a Senator?
This is 100% a setup for the Trump News Network.
This is 100% a setup for the Trump News Network.
5PM HannityTrump/Breitbart TV coming soon.
That's not how you do ellipsis.
Trump going after the Illuminati now.
this is what the alt-right seesTrump going after the (((Illuminati))) now.
How long before a reporter gets murdered because of this rhetoric?
This is pure dogwhistle anti-semtism
If the Trump campaign does proceed with lawsuits, it would be a break from past practice, and it will give both the Times and the Post the opportunity to pursue discovery and request information on Trump's entire sexual history, because Trump would have the burden of proving falsity and actual malice.
5PM Hannity
6PM Coulter
7PM Gingrich
8PM Breitbart Hour
9PM Alex Jones