Joe Shlabotnik
The trainwreck of town hall just makes me more nervous for Sunday
Well you really had your finger on the pulse of the nation during the last debate, so I'm nervous now, too.
The trainwreck of town hall just makes me more nervous for Sunday
How does this make any sense at all?
The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey finds Clinton with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters and Trump with 42%. Yesterday, Trump had a two-point lead, 43% to 41%. Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson picks up seven percent (7%) of the vote, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein has two percent (2%). Another two percent (2%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.
444k people joining the workforce is good - just not enough jobs were created to keep up so unemployment crept up. It is what it is.
Also can we also promptly retire the term nothingburger?
So cartoon soldiering is bedwetting despite evidence to the contrary. Like, omg Trump is going to win California or something.I guess cartoon_soldiering can replace diablosing.
The trainwreck of town hall just makes me more nervous for Sunday
It's not dreadful, consensus prediction was 171k though I believe.
So cartoon soldiering is bedwetting despite evidence to the contrary. Like, omg Trump is going to win California or something.
Mess with the best, die like the rest.He's trying to get it called "cartoon soldiering."
EDIT: damnit Shinra, I even checked the rest of the page.
156K vs 171K is a complete rounding error. After revisions the final number could be anywhere from 70 to 250K. Everything else points to slow but steady growth, just like we've seen for the last several years. Only big number is the 444K growth in the labor force.
Larry Sabato's updated map:
There's one on Nov. 4th but that's too close to the election to materially affect anything unless we lost like 300K jobs.Is this the last report before the election?
Jobs report is fine and the last realostic chance for something major in the economy to shift before the election.
Clinton 65
Trump 30
Billions of jobs are leaving just one jobs are leaving believe me
There's a bug going around and it's called Rolaksatox.I think I caught Hillary's plague. I think we have a symbiotic relationship where she has to take my life force in order to be healthy.
I give my life to Queen and country. I'm also dying.
Werk queen.
Not enough people get this, but the Clinton Camp has every voter IDed and modeled in the battleground states. Every voter. Think about that
Doubt it. Scott will be a douche and probably snub him. Can't be seen with the President if he's a Democrat.
So Clinton knows where Adam lives.Hnnnnng....
This is better than Obama won in 2012, although that makes sense, given Romney was on the ticket.
Why isn't she 50 points ahead smh Bernie would have done better #JillStein2016Massachusetts
Clinton 65
Trump 30
And it's causing people to be gagging on the eleganza.There's a bug going around and it's called Rolaksatox.
I agree. And even in the unlikely event the town hall is a draw, the foreign policy debate gives us another bite at the apple. I keep going back to Trump's insane meeting with the New York daily news editorial board. Get him blathering about foreign policy and he's worse than Gary Johnson. And add on the fact that losing three debates in a row to a dead woman is uniquely bad for Trump's message of strength through winning, and this thing could still turn into a rout that puts the House in play.I really think we're one good debate performance away from breaking open into a high single digit race and putting the House back on the table. Maybe Democrats won't be favored, but could have a strong 30-40% chance if Hillary's ad push and surrogate advatange helps her finish strong.
Doubt it. Scott will be a douche and probably snub him. Can't be seen with the President if he's a Democrat.
Clinton 65
Trump 30
New PPPoll of OH gives Clinton a one point lead both H2H and in the 4-way:
H2H: 48/47
4 way: 44/43/5/2
Why isn't she 50 points ahead smh Bernie would have done better #JillStein2016
I guess cartoon_soldiering can replace diablosing.
David Letterman said:Ive known Donald Trump for a long time and I always thought he was exactly what New York City needed to have: the big, blowhard billionaire. By God, Im Donald Trump and I date models and I put up buildings, and everything is gold. Nobody took him seriously, and people loved him when he would come on the show. I would make fun of his hair, I would call him a slumlord, I would make fun of his ties. And he could just take a punch like nothing. He was the perfect guest.
So now, he decides hes running for president. And right out of the box, he goes after immigrants and how theyre drug dealers and theyre rapists. And everybody swallows hard. And they think, oh, well, somebodyll take him aside and say, Don, dont do that. But it didnt happen. And then, I can remember him doing an impression, behind a podium, of a reporter for The New York Times who has a congenital disorder. And then I thought, if this was somebody else if this was a member of your family or a next-door neighbor, a guy at work you would immediately distance yourself from that person. And thats what I thought would happen. Because if you can do that in a national forum, that says to me that you are a damaged human being. If you can do that, and not apologize, youre a person to be shunned.
I kept telling people he will absolutely not get elected. And then David Brooks said hell get the nomination and he will be crushed in the general election. And I thought: Yeah, thats exactly whats going to happen. I stand by that. The thing about Trumpy was, I think people just were amused enough about him to keep him afloat in the polls, because nobody wanted the circus to pull up and leave town.
David Letterman said:If I had a show, I would have gone right after him. I would have said something like, Hey, nice to see you. Now, let me ask you: what gives you the right to make fun of a human who is less fortunate, physically, than you are? And maybe thats where it would have ended. Because I dont know anything about politics. I dont know anything about trade agreements. I dont know anything about China devaluing the yuan. But if you see somebody whos not behaving like any other human youve known, that means something. They need an appointment with a psychiatrist. They need a diagnosis and they need a prescription.
My queen knows where I am at all times. I am always in her heart.So Clinton knows where Adam lives.
So Clinton knows where Adam lives.
Even before that, thanks to the restraining order.
New Marist state polls out "soon." Maybe today.