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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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I just watched Weiner. Holy shit, what an amazing movie. The guy is pathological and in complete denial. Huma is unhappy as shit throughout. At one point he yells at the documentarian for asking him a question.

Must see for everyone.


I just watched Weiner. Holy shit, what an amazing movie. The guy is pathological and in complete denial. Huma is unhappy as shit throughout. At one point he yells at the documentarian for asking him a question.

Must see for everyone.

That fucking scene when he says "Isn't the point of a fly on the wall to not talk" or something like that.
Не забывайте про нас, русских!
Since you're all so crazy, here is a little more of the new Hair Mouse:

Donald was not an outdoorsy child, but there was something uniquely disgusting about nature that motivated an occasional boyhood excursion. He would sometimes leave the house early in the morning and follow the nearby railroad until a housekeeper retrieved him. There was always extra laundry for the maid when his father returned from business. Those were the best days to sneak away.

There were few things that captivated young Donald more than the terrific and lethal force of an oncoming locomotive. He walked along the tracks to a small embankment where he often sat to watch them pass. It was far enough from the action to feel safe but close enough to the noise to feel dangerous. He was not a daring boy but this, he thought, was very daring.

Donald took a seat on the embankment and pulled a stone from pile he had made last time. Last time, a train didn’t come, so his stones stayed put. He liked to show trains he was not afraid by throwing rocks at them.

He took one up and waited.

The early morning was calm, but cold. He wished he had worn a jacket. Actually, he wished the train would come. If the train would come, he wouldn’t be waiting in the cold. Just as his impatience began to boil to a full-fledged fluster, he heard the lumbering vibration of a train in the distance.

“Hurry up!!” He shouted, just as the train appeared. He stood up jubilantly and readied his first stone. Its sudden appearance startled him, but also left him satisfied. He fancied himself a budding Mussolini: he made the trains run on time.

He cranked his arm back as far as he could and prepared to catapult his first stone at the machine. His eagerness had gotten the best of him before and he had thrown many stones before the train was close enough to actually hit. But the rock he had chosen this time was particularly good for throwing at trains and he was determined to make it count. The earth hummed louder as the great iron horse galloped towards him – but it was still too slow for his liking.

“HURRY UP TRAIN!” He shouted again.

“What is your hurry, Donald?” asked a voice behind him. He stayed concentrated on the train. No housekeeper was going to drag him home before he nailed the train.

“I want to hit the front of the train. That’s the hardest part to hit,” he said.

“Are you not afraid, Donald?” The voice asked him again.

“I’m not scared of a stupid train. It can’t go anywhere but straight. I’m going to hit it right in the face.”

“To the contrary, Donald. Its track is what makes a train most dangerous.”

“My rocks are dangerous,” young Donald replied, growing anxious to finally loose his first stone. The train got louder and louder as it closed the gap. The earth hummed more fiercely and leaves began to fall off the trees. Though they seemed green on their branches, the leaves fell anyway and became dead and brown as they touched the ground. He had never noticed that happening before. He wasn’t sure it ever had.

“The train cares not for your rocks, Donald. The train does not even notice them. To the train, you do not exist. The best you could ever hope to be is in its way, and be assured it would destroy you. The tracks do not confine the train; they ensure its destiny. Nothing else matters but the course it has chosen – and nothing can stop it.”

Donald’s arm went slack. Suddenly, he was afraid of the train.

“But it can’t get me from here, right?” Donald asked with failing bravado.

“It has already gotten you, Donald. Here you are, transfixed by its eminence, convinced it even notices you. But it does not, Donald.”

Young Donald let his stone fall to the ground. The train rushed by and whipped his hair from one side of his head to the other. It seemed to be gone much more quickly than it came.

“Nobody sees me,” he said, “not even the housekeeper has come for me yet. She has too much laundry to do.”

“But I see you, Donald…

Young Donald was seized by a great rolling itch. It never went away.


That fucking scene when he says "Isn't the point of a fly on the wall to not talk" or something like that.

Yeah, you have to wonder right there if he regretted his decision for giving them access. Why did he do it? He obviously knew these things were going to come up. Why didn't Weiner pull the plug when the new scandal broke? They just filmed on...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Holy shit...

@teagangoddard Wow… Reuters/Ipsos poll: Clinton leads Trump by 15 percentage points among those who have already voted

@kyle griffin Out of 12 battlegrounds, DEM early/absentee voters outpacing GOP in 8: CO, IA, MI, NC, NV, OH, VA, WI —NBC analysis of TargetSmart data.


Anyone else just get the crazy long Podesta campaign email describing the Comey situation?
John Podesta (addressee Changed to Friend) said:
Max FisherVerified account
Comey letter gets weirder and weirder. FBI hasn't read the emails, don’t even have legal authority to do so.
CNN calling this bullshit the October Surprise.

CNN has been looking for something to make this race exciting ever since the debates ended. It's amazing how they have consistently put ratings above the news. Of course it has also probably benefited dens because it's mostly been about Trump.

Also is anyone still defending Comey?



A weird lady. Proof, if anyone needed more:

Jill Stein

Nuclear power is dirty, dangerous, expensive and obsolete. First of all, it is toxic from the beginning of the production chain to the very end. Uranium mining has sickened countless numbers of people, many of them Native Americans whose land is still contaminated with abandoned mines. No one has solved the problem of how to safely store nuclear waste, which remains deadly to all forms of life for much longer than all of recorded history. And the depleted uranium ammunition used by our military is now sickening people in the Middle East.

Nuclear power is dangerous. Accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima create contaminated zones unfit for human settlement. They said Chernobyl was a fluke, until Fukushima happened just 5 years ago. What’s next - the aging Indian Point reactor 25 miles from New York City? After the terrorist attack in Brussels, we learned that terrorists had considered infiltrating Belgian nuclear plants for a future attack. And as sea levels rise, we could see more Fukushima-type situations with coastal nuke plants.

Finally, nuclear power is obsolete. It’s already more expensive per unit of energy than renewable technology, which is improving all the time. The only reason why the nuclear industry still exists is because the government subsidizes it with loan guarantees that the industry cannot survive without. Instead we need to invest in scaling up clean renewable energy as quickly as possible.


Basically the FBI is just now going through the process of getting the authority to look through this stuff.

Basically Comey shouldn't have done what he did. He never should have sent out a letter and with more and more coming out it's looking like he wanted to throw a bone to the GOP.

He would have had more merit had he completed this investigation and then gave a statement on what it was.


JFC. I really want to know what was in Comey's brain when he pulled this stunt. How did he think this would shake down? Did he think he had a real "gotcha" that would stick? How could he think that?


Basically the FBI is just now going through the process of getting the authority to look through this stuff.

Basically Comey shouldn't have done what he did. He never should have sent out a letter and with more and more coming out it's looking like he wanted to throw a bone to the GOP.

He would have had more merit had he completed this investigation and then gave a statement on what it was.

God, my respect for Comey has plummeted in the past 24 hours. For whatever reason, I was willing to handwave all of his questionable shit earlier in the investigation. Now, this has made me reevaluate the whole process in a new light. He has conducted this entire investigation outside of the norms of a standard FBI investigation and he hides behind the this election being a special circumstance to justify it. He's fucked this whole thing up from the get go.
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