I just had one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life and I thought I was recording it and it WASN'T RECORDING UUGHGHGJGHH
I just wrapped up a brief conversation with a "both sides" armchair political in which I replied to every one of their points with lyrics from Panic at the Disco's "Camisado".
This was literally the peak of my terrible existence and I failed to immortalize it.
He was like "The GOP will dump Trump and everyone will forget he was ever here. Politics won't change."
And I said "this was no accident, this was a therapeutic chain of events."
And he was like "yeah, but what could they do? You can't deny democracy."
And I said "you can't the kid from the fight. Take the fight from the kid."
And he said "but the GOP isn't going to deny their nominee and endorse Hillary."
And I said "talk about your regular decorated emergency."
And he said "this is what I'm talking about. People hate politics because people like Hillary Clinton cheat and lie and don't even care about the country. People like Trump just because he's not that. They're just too dumb to tell he's just as bad. This is why I'm note voting."
And I said "well, it's not so pleasant and it's not so conventional, it sure as Hell ain't normal, but we do, we do."
And he smiled and got up and felt like I had agreed with him. This. Was. My. Miracle. FUCK.