Rebel Leader
I have no idea what to email to my states senate

I think they're the same argument. Crab is valuing the filibuster because it lets the Democrats stop some of the worst things Trump or Paul Ryan might want to do, and it can be used this way because actually there are Republican Senators who would also be opposed to those things but who want to pass other things that the Democrats are opposed to. The argument is that the Democrats should not obstruct the not-as-terrible things that those few Republicans want so that those Republicans don't make the calculation that it makes sense to give Trump and Ryan what they want so that they can get the things the Democrats are obstructing. If there's a hostage-taking here it's the Democrats taking hostage policy that McCain et al. want unless they're willing to let a majority of the Senate make law.
CatherineForNV: Racism has no place in our justice system.
If you think this is playing politics, you don't understand how to play politics. If the Democrats use the filibuster on *everything*, even small things, it will be eliminated for the next Senate session. Then, Trump and co. can put something absolutely horrific stuff through in 2018, and we really are fucked. If the Democrats pick their battles and make sure they always manage to use the filibuster on something where they can pick off a moderate Republican to go with them, the filibuster can survive until 2018. In 2018, the Democrats can then block everything, and hope they retake the Senate for 2019 so they aren't at risk of losing it again.
I'm not saying don't use the filibuster. I'm saying: be very careful when you use it. It needs to be used on the big stuff, and we need to make sure it is still around to be used in 2018. The filibuster survives only so long as moderate Republicans feel they need us. If we go nuts with it, they'll pick Trump over us. The Democrats are not in the same strategic position as the Republicans were; they can't expect to just mirror old Republican strategies and have them work.
Eh, I was exaggerating. Not literally everything.
But, on things that really matter, they need to take a stand. Medicare. PSLF. Student loans. Climate Change stuff. They need to be able to tell the American voter in 2018, "We stood up and did our best to stop it."
Here's the first filibuster scenario. Should democrats filibuster the appointment of Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, and Mike Pompeo?
Catherine Cortez Masto calls a spade a spade RE: Sessions.
Yes Catherine Fornv!
I think you guys are underestimating the amount of terrible legislation coming through compared to the amount of acceptable legislation though. In terms of optics I don't think it matters much.
Here's the first filibuster scenario. Should democrats filibuster the appointment of Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, and Mike Pompeo?
The first high-profile cabinet rejection by the Senate was in 1834, when President Andrew Jackson lost a fight to get Attorney General Roger Taney named as treasury secretary, in the bitter fight over the Second Bank of the United States.
The Senate rejected Taney’s nomination by a 18-28 vote, but a determined Jackson was able to get Taney appointed as the Supreme Court’s chief justice in 1835 when his Democratic party had a slim Senate majority.
The next nomination fight over the cabinet involved a senator who had played a key role in Taney’s rejection: John Tyler of Virginia.
By 1843, Tyler had become president, after William Henry Harrison died, and he was openly feuding with his own Whig party. On March 3, the Senate rejected Tyler’s nomination of Caleb Cushing’s as treasury secretary three times on the same day. Three other Tyler nominees were later rejected by the Senate, giving him a record six cabinet rejections.
A third historic cabinet rejection came in the troubled administration of President Andrew Johnson. Johnson’s attorney general, Henry Stanbery, resigned his position to defend Johnson at the president’s Senate trial after his impeachment.
Johnson survived the trial, and he nominated Stanbery to resume his job as attorney general in 1868. The Senate promptly rejected Stanbery’s nomination.
I just realized how little I know about Masto and googled her and she sounds amazing, should have expected no less from Reid's successor. Also... I find her very, very attractive haha
Yeah, Masto fucking rules.
For and infrastructure bill the biggest fight will be how. I can easily see a GOP bill having privatized roads etc etc. SO I pray the Dems will be able to argue against it.
Most of these fights will be trying to convince moderate Republicans. Susan Collins and John McCain will probably be extremely important. Winning the LA runoff would be good too.For and infrastructure bill the biggest fight will be how. I can easily see a GOP bill having privatized roads etc etc. SO I pray the Dems will be able to argue against it.
the Dems have to find ways to make the GOP pay a political price for everything that they do. every vote that they take has to be used against them. (this is the benefit of being the opposition party, I suppose)
SCOOP: Chris Van Hollen to be named DSCC Chairman. Story coming momentarily ...
This feels like hazing.
This feels like hazing.
This feels like hazing.
You'd think that the GOP controlling all three branches of government would make it easy for them to own all of the disasters heading our way. Yet, they never paid a single electoral price for their years of obstruction and dysfunction, and were actually rewarded for it handsomely over and over again.
This feels like hazing.
You'd think that the GOP controlling all three branches of government would make it easy for them to own all of the disasters heading our way. Yet, they never paid a single electoral price for their years of obstruction and dysfunction, and were actually rewarded for it handsomely over and over again.
Most of the country is made of low-information voters that blame the president and their party for everything. As far as they knew, Obama and the dems were at fault for not getting an Infrastructure bill passed for example. This has been true for every administration ever.
Most of the country is made of low-information voters that blame the president and their party for everything. As far as they knew, Obama and the dems were at fault for not getting an Infrastructure bill passed for example. This has been true for every administration ever.
Don't worry, most of the right wing and conservatives have argued that 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault, and some have even placed blame on Obama.
I was going to say there's a difference between a low-information voter and someone who subscribes to right-wing propaganda, but is there even a difference anymore?
Ironically, I first heard the phrase "low information voter" from Rush Limbaugh.
Nobody is saying roll over. Come the fuck on, this is a simple argument!
The Democrats can ONLY filibuster if, at the start of a congressional session, there are not 50 votes to abolish the filibuster.
Most Republicans agree with Trump on most things. They want to abolish the filibuster so they can do these things. These are A Republicans.
Some Republicans agree with Trump on some things but not others. They want the filibuster to stay if it means they get more of the things they agree with and less of the things they do not. These are B Republicans.
If the Democrats filibuster *everything*, then B Republicans get more of what they want by abolishing the filibuster. This means in the 2018 session, Trump has free reign.
If the Democrats strategically filibuster things that B Republicans don't want and then only a small selection of additional things that are very important to them, then B Republicans get more of what they want by keeping the filibuster. This means in the 2018 session, the Democrats can block anything monstrous.
You have a choice between blocking really bad things now, and blocking really bad things later OR blocking everything now and nothing later. And if you block nothing later, blocking everything now was pointless because they'll do it later.
Note that this does not imply we have to vote for anything. Just: our power to block is limited, we cannot overuse it.
How safe are the senator seats that Trump has named for his cabinet? Can any of them be picked up? Any strategy that can improve Democrats position?
I feel for Tim Scott, but he has to vote against Sessions.
Do you really want to die with your legacy consisting of being the only black man to support Jeff Sessions for attorney general? Die on your feet, not on your knees.
How safe are the senator seats that Trump has named for his cabinet? Can any of them be picked up? Any strategy that can improve Democrats position?
For and infrastructure bill the biggest fight will be how. I can easily see a GOP bill having privatized roads etc etc. SO I pray the Dems will be able to argue against it.
i don't get it. someone please explain
Sessions's seat could be picked up if the controversy plagued Alabama Governor appoints a Senator that knew about the governor's sexual affairs and didn't speak up.
It's unlikely otherwise.
Only Sessions so far and his seat is as safe as it gets.
I think you guys are underestimating the amount of terrible legislation coming through compared to the amount of acceptable legislation though. In terms of optics I don't think it matters much.
Here's the first filibuster scenario. Should democrats filibuster the appointment of Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, and Mike Pompeo?
The 2018 Senate map is brutal. Dems have to defend 25 seats (several in red states), Republicans only 8. Even in an otherwise good year (which is likely) where Dems make gains in the House and in governorships and state legislatures, it will be an uphill fight just to keep the Senate seats we have.
And people are saying to wait for 2018? Man fuck that. We are probably going to lose more seats then gain.
Catherine Fornv <3Catherine Cortez Masto calls a spade a spade RE: Sessions.
Yes Catherine Fornv!
The only consistent views he's expressed over his lifetime are the racist ones.So much for Trump being a secret NY liberal Democrat.
Also, we should target states that have voter suppression laws to overturn as much as possible.I think the biggest value in 2018 is picking up governorships and state legislature seats, to both build out a bench for 2020 but also make sure we're in good standing for redistricting after the 2020 census. We can make gains in the House too (not sure if it's possible to win the majority though; maybe if we had done better than fucking 5 wins this year) but Senate will be more about stopping the bleeding.