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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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The aides at Senator Mike Lee's and Senator Orrin Hatch's offices sounded pretty distraught after talking to them about Jeff Sessions so... I don't know, call your Senators' offices, especially if you're in West Virginia or Indiana.

... Why is CNN letting Tom DeLay on television? DeLay let Hastert rape children. DeLay should be in prison, not on TV.

I would never willingly step foot inside Indiana or West Virginia.


So I'm traveling for a bit but when does this vote for AG go down? It seems I should find the numbers for Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman and tell them to vote against Sessions?

EDIT: Granted I can count on Brown to vote against Sessions sans me saying anything to be fair
Collins and the Utah senators seem like the best hopes for blocking him.

Mike Lee LOVES Jeff Sessions, not going to happen.

Get libertarian groups to go after Rand Paul and start calling him over and over again to not confirm Sessions. We need libertarians to be going after Rand and telling him not to confirm an anti-drug AG.

So I'm traveling for a bit but when does this vote for AG go down? It seems I should find the numbers for Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman and tell them to vote against Sessions?

Tell Portman (who has a gay son) that Sessions thought that sodomy should be an imprisonable offense.


So I'm traveling for a bit but when does this vote for AG go down? It seems I should find the numbers for Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman and tell them to vote against Sessions?

Likely not until early February. Trump has to actually be in office to nominate him, then Sessions will have to testify in front of a committee or two first.


So I'm traveling for a bit but when does this vote for AG go down? It seems I should find the numbers for Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman and tell them to vote against Sessions?

EDIT: Granted I can count on Brown to vote against Sessions sans me saying anything to be fair

Portman's number is:

I've already called him.


Likely not until early February. Trump has to actually be in office to nominate him, then Sessions will have to testify in front of a committee or two first.

They'll happen in early January, after the new session of Congress convenes but before Inauguration Day.


Ironically, Sessions racism that poisoned him on the national stage made him a more viable candidate for Alabama Senate.

One door closes, another one opens.

Many Trump supporters without a college degree are actually doing really well on average. Makes pinning down voting demographics based on income very erratic.
Easier to model majority of college educated vote Democrat, and white uneducated exploded in 2016 for Trump.
That set of charts deserves its own thread.

This one in particular really makes it clear just how bad know-nothing populist economics on the left and right are. If the "poor countries" are being exploited- why do they like globalization so much? (Answer: because their standard of living is exploding upward!)
This is how you get beaten by Trump.

Look at Bannon long term strategy

He absolutely — mockingly — rejects the idea that this is a racial line. “I’m not a white nationalist, I’m a nationalist. I’m an economic nationalist,” he tells me. “The globalists gutted the American working class and created a middle class in Asia. The issue now is about Americans looking to not get f—ed over. If we deliver—” by "we" he means the Trump White House "—we’ll get 60 percent of the white vote, and 40 percent of the black and Hispanic vote and we’ll govern for 50 years. That’s what the Democrats missed, they were talking to these people with companies with a $9 billion market cap employing nine people. It’s not reality. They lost sight of what the world is about.”

Yes, sure. You have risen people out of poverty outside your country maybe because of that reason or because you wanted to open the floodgates for firms to exploit asymmetries between local systems. If the balanced is messed up, and it is, there's going to be a reckoning.

Your reality isn't universal, stop characterizing people within a different set of circumstances as know nothing. We need to try to close our blind spots, even the ones that exist because of racist motivations. He is definitely racially motivated. But, there's something else in which he wraps his perspective.

You can't use people for their votes and their discard them for their views. There's always a reckoning to pay.


This is how you get beaten by Trump.

Look at Bannon long term strategy

Yes, sure. You have risen people out of poverty outside your country maybe because of that reason or because you wanted to open the floodgates for firms to exploit asymmetries between local systems. If the balanced is messed up, and it is, there's going to be a reckoning.

Your reality isn't universal, stop characterizing people within a different set of circumstances as know nothing. We need to try to close our blind spots, even the ones that exist because of racist motivations. He is definitely racially motivated. But, there's something else in which he wraps his perspective.

You can't use people for their votes and their discard them for their views. There's always a reckoning to pay.
Yes, we have risen people out of poverty outside our country. This is how catch-up economics work- developing countries have a far higher rate of GDP growth than developed countries.

The imbalance here is in the favor of the Western countries! We have the upper hand! Reality is universal. But people are myopic. They fail to understand that the problem isn't the outsiders- it's them.

Know-nothings are know-nothings. Their circumstances are irrelevant. They are wrong, and listening to their wrong ideas leads us backwards.

Clinton got 2/3rds of the vote in California. The problem is not the future, w/ people in cities, where economic power now lies. (and where it's really always been) The problem is the dregs of the past holding us past.

edit: Also, Bannon's strategy is not viable. They are already on a path to alienate minority voters while at the same time they are part of a political party whose economic plans are self-destructive and who cannot implement proactive economic plans. It's a fantasy world, its just a matter of time before the wheels fall off.



Fuck the GOP and what they did to Garland, now they're vowing this?

Obama please. Appointment Garland in the recess. On the eyes of history, there will be no negative consequences to this.

Effing. Do. It.

Obama has been blocked from making recess appointments all year. The GOP exploited some loophole that lets them keep a guy in the office during recess to count as the Senate being still in session.


Yes, we have risen people out of poverty outside our country. This is how catch-up economics work- developing countries have a far higher rate of GDP growth than developed countries.

The imbalance here is in the favor of the Western countries! We have the upper hand! Reality is universal. But people are myopic. They fail to understand that the problem isn't the outsiders- it's them.

Know-nothings are know-nothings. Their circumstances are irrelevant. They are wrong, and listening to their wrong ideas leads us backwards.

Clinton got 2/3rds of the vote in California. The problem is not the future, w/ people in cities, where economic power now lies. (and where it's really always been) The problem is the dregs of the past holding us past.

This is the exact sort of rhetoric that lost us the election and allowed a right nationalist who is going to trample all over your ideals get into the White House.


This is the exact sort of rhetoric that lost us the election and allowed a right nationalist who is going to trample all over your ideals get into the White House.

We've been trying to improve their circumstances for the past 8 years and have been blocked at every turn. And suddenly it's our fault?

OT is fucking insane w the ratio of Trump and alt-right/racism/white nationalism topics...



I hope Kennedy, RBG, and Breyer hang on for another 4 years so this could potentially bite them in the ass.

Their plan is pretty obvious. They will keep the filibuster in place until or unless Democrats use it to block something the Republican caucus agrees with Trump on. Then they nuke it, probably using the same method Reid did. That keeps it in place if Democrats take the Senate back in 2018 or 2020 so they can go back to obstruction in a Democratic administration.
Yes, we have risen people out of poverty outside our country. This is how catch-up economics work- developing countries have a far higher rate of GDP growth than developed countries.

The imbalance here is in the favor of the Western countries! We have the upper hand! Reality is universal. But people are myopic. They fail to understand that the problem isn't the outsiders- it's them.

Know-nothings are know-nothings. Their circumstances are irrelevant. They are wrong, and listening to their wrong ideas leads us backwards.

Clinton got 2/3rds of the vote in California. The problem is not the future, w/ people in cities, where economic power now lies. (and where it's really always been) The problem is the dregs of the past holding us past.
You are myopic too. It isn't that I disagree with the facts. I disagree with your conclusion. There's no winning elections with your views. There's no such thing as know nothing. This self perception of you as enlightened is nothing but hubris mascarading as knowledge. This is how you start coming up with "post-fact society" in order to continue making sense of what happened without confronting the fact that you were wrong and prisoner of a perspective.

I guess in many words, consider the fact that the same thing that you accuse others could be happening to you as well. Individually no perspective is complete. That doesn't mean that your conclusion changes but how it was formed is more inclusive and comprehensive.



Fuck the GOP and what they did to Garland, now they're vowing this?

Obama please. Appointment Garland in the recess. On the eyes of history, there will be no negative consequences to this.

Effing. Do. It.
This is the game thats going to be played every day for the next 2 year. Pass our bullshit or nuking the filibuster.

It's just a ploy. They are going to nominate scalia jr anyway but want to scare the democrats from filibustering. There is a heavy price for the GOP to pay for nuking the filibuster, it's going to come from their own freedom caucus. McConnell doesn't want to pay the price because it involves batshit crazy things that a lot of Republicans are going to have to oppose. Things like backing medicare privatization which will kill a senator from florida, but opposing will also get him primaried.

Look at the argument against obstruction earlier in this thread. Obstructing regressive tax cut will result in nuking the filibuster which will result in muslim internment camps. So we should capitulate on tax cuts. Internment doesn't have 50 votes in the senate, but we are going to talk ourselves into getting scared about it so we can give up on tax cuts.


OT is fucking insane w the ratio of Trump and alt-right/racism/white nationalism topics...


Seeing as they've just seized control of the most powerful country in the history of the world and are pursuing policies that will lead to the end of our species by the end of the century, I'd say it's justified
One of the best posts in that Kanye thread was when someone noted that Kanye complained about racism in the fashion industry but now is telling blacks to stop focusing on racism


I have to go in on this. The idea that the "Left" created Trump because "we didn't treat them nicely enough" is one of the most bullshitty, transparently false, asinine narratives to possibly ascribe to this.

The GOP has been obstructing progress in this country for 3 full decades now. They have destroyed the ability of government to function and have sown the seeds for this fascist BS that we're now seeing sprout up around us. They are using a rigged system that overemphasizes their lily white tiny towns in elections to cling onto power, because the only way they can win is to cheat.

This is not the fault of liberals for playing "too rough" This is not the fault of black people for videotaping police. This is not the fault of Democrats for embracing sound economics and moving away from discredited bullshit.

This is on the literal white supremacists now running the GOP.
Do other countries that had Civil Wars still feel the pains and problems from the war 150 years later?

It seems like since the Civil War, we've never been able to settle down. For the last 150 years, the old Confederacy has continuously tried to remove rights from African Americans, and long for the days of the 1800s when they could own another human being. And every time we declare "this is just the dying breath of the Confederacy" they end up coming right back in full force for a few years until it settles down again.

Is this a problem with all Civil War nations, or just ours due to it being racially focused?

I would guess size plays a factor. This country is large enough that if you really wanted to, you could live out your whole life comfortably without ever leaving the South (and indeed, most do down here). Without a mixing of ideas, people just get feedback over and over again. If you mention Democrats down here, you get an instant "those baby killers?" response. It's not even deliberate anymore, just a reflex.

Also, more people post-Civil War should've cracked down on this shit faster, but if we're being honest, most of the Union didn't really care about slavery either. They just wanted the war to end quickly and move on.

To piggy back another question onto yours about civil wars in other countries, how many other countries have a civil war, then see one of their rebelling regions come back but use the battle flag of treason as their state flag? Here in MS, we don't even blink when we see the damn thing on every building and bumper sticker.
You are myopic too. It isn't that I disagree with the facts. I disagree with your conclusion. There's no winning elections with your views. There's no such thing as know nothing. This self perception of you as enlightened is nothing but hubris mascarading as knowledge. This is how you start coming up with "post-fact society" in order to continue making sense of what happened without confronting the fact that you were wrong and prisoner of a perspective.

I guess in many words, consider the fact that the same thing that you accuse others could be happening to you as well. Individually no perspective is complete. That doesn't mean that your conclusion changes but how it was formed is more inclusive and comprehensive.

Greenhouse gas emissions are increasing the global temperature.

This is truth, anyone who disagrees is a know-nothing.


I would guess size plays a factor. This country is large enough that if you really wanted to, you could live out your whole life comfortably without ever leaving the South (and indeed, most do down here). Without a mixing of ideas, people just get feedback over and over again. If you mention Democrats down here, you get an instant "those baby killers?" response. It's not even deliberate anymore, just a reflex.

Also, more people post-Civil War should've cracked down on this shit faster, but if we're being honest, most of the Union didn't really care about slavery either. They just wanted the war to end quickly and move on.

To piggy back another question onto yours about civil wars in other countries, how many other countries have a civil war, then see one of their rebelling regions come back but use the battle flag of treason as their state flag? Here in MS, we don't even blink when we see the damn thing on every building and bumper sticker.
Was gonna thread this at some point - http://www.rollcall.com/news/opinio...-the-midwest-the-real-bubble-is-rural-america The white bubble is real.

Was trying to let the influx of threads calm down a bit before doing it, but that doesn't seem to be happening.
You are myopic too. It isn't that I disagree with the facts. I disagree with your conclusion. There's no winning elections with your views. There's no such thing as know nothing. This self perception of you as enlightened is nothing but hubris mascarading as knowledge. This is how you start coming up with "post-fact society" in order to continue making sense of what happened without confronting the fact that you were wrong and prisoner of a perspective.

I guess in many words, consider the fact that the same thing that you accuse others could be happening to you as well. Individually no perspective is complete. That doesn't mean that your conclusion changes but how it was formed is more inclusive and comprehensive.

Defeatism is totally woke now. But hey, at least you can smugly pat yourself on the back for not being one of those racist rubes while the world turns to shit around you.
Greenhouse gas emissions are increasing the global temperature.

This is truth, anyone who disagrees is a know-nothing.
No, it means they know nothing about that topic. Does that mean they know nothing about their specific circumstances? Their life's problems, their anxieties? It adds no value to dismiss them wholesale for their specific views on climate change.


I have to go in on this. The idea that the "Left" created Trump because "we didn't treat them nicely enough" is one of the most bullshitty, transparently false, asinine narratives to possibly ascribe to this.

The GOP has been obstructing progress in this country for 3 full decades now. They have destroyed the ability of government to function and have sown the seeds for this fascist BS that we're now seeing sprout up around us. They are using a rigged system that overemphasizes their lily white tiny towns in elections to cling onto power, because the only way they can win is to cheat.

This is not the fault of liberals for playing "too rough" This is not the fault of black people for videotaping police. This is not the fault of Democrats for embracing sound economics and moving away from discredited bullshit.

This is on the literal white supremacists now running the GOP.

I'm saying that you're not helping any by coming off as an aloof liberal elite who doesn't care about how people actually react to their jobs drying up. I'm not saying you're actually wrong in your analysis, but that the disconnect that liberals have with a wide swathe of the populace is why they voted for the guy making crazy promises.

People in the Rust Belt to not care about how globalization benefits someone in Vietnam, or GDP ratios, or whatever. You have no solutions for them and saying "we'll forget you guys, youre all dying and you all suck anyway!" helps nothing.
Thousands of Muslims in New Jersey did not cheer on 9/11.

Hillary Clinton does not worship Satan.

Hillary Clinton did not order the assassination of Vince Foster.

The overwhelming majority of undocumented immigrants are not criminals outside of entering the country illegally.

Hillary did not propose raising taxes on middle class families.

There is truth and there is not truth. Arguing about the relativity of truth is garbage that people should be ashamed of.


This is the game thats going to be played every day for the next 2 year. Pass our bullshit or nuking the filibuster.

It's just a ploy. They are going to nominate scalia jr anyway but want to scare the democrats from filibustering. There is a heavy price for the GOP to pay for nuking the filibuster, it's going to come from their own freedom caucus. McConnell doesn't want to pay the price because it involves batshit crazy things that a lot of Republicans are going to have to oppose. Things like backing medicare privatization which will kill a senator from florida, but opposing will also get him primaried.

Look at the argument against obstruction earlier in this thread. Obstructing regressive tax cut will result in nuking the filibuster which will result in muslim internment camps. So we should capitulate on tax cuts. Internment doesn't have 50 votes in the senate, but we are going to talk ourselves into getting scared about it so we can give up on tax cuts.

The fear is that Senate republicans will fall in line, as they usually do. If there was a major terrorist attack on US soil, which could very well happen, I could see Senate republicans approving a bill for internment camps.


I'm saying that you're not helping any by coming off as an aloof liberal elite who doesn't care about how people actually react to their jobs drying up. I'm not saying you're actually wrong in your analysis, but that the disconnect that liberals have with a wide swathe of the populace is why they voted for the guy making crazy promises.

People in the Rust Belt to not care about how globalization benefits someone in Vietnam, or GDP ratios, or whatever. You have no solutions for them and saying "we'll forget you guys, youre all dying and you all suck anyway!" helps nothing.
We did have solutions for them. The GOP blocked them.

What the rust belt wants *member the '50s* ain't coming back. We can only do the next best thing, helping them adapt.
You are myopic too. It isn't that I disagree with the facts. I disagree with your conclusion. There's no winning elections with your views. There's no such thing as know nothing. This self perception of you as enlightened is nothing but hubris mascarading as knowledge. This is how you start coming up with "post-fact society" in order to continue making sense of what happened without confronting the fact that you were wrong and prisoner of a perspective.

I guess in many words, consider the fact that the same thing that you accuse others could be happening to you as well. Individually no perspective is complete. That doesn't mean that your conclusion changes but how it was formed is more inclusive and comprehensive.
What you are saying simply boils down to "but how can anybody really know the truth". Where facts, research, history don't matter, because you can't trust any sources.

That is a weapon of authoritarians. Sowing dissent and confusion, where people can't tell what's true and what's false? It lets them get away with stuff because people don't know what to pay attention to .

I know my perspective is incomplete. That's why I rely on a lot the collective knowledge of others to guide it.
Thousands of Muslims in New Jersey did not cheer on 9/11.

Hillary Clinton does not worship Satan.

Hillary Clinton did not order the assassination of Vince Foster.

The overwhelming majority of undocumented immigrants are not criminals outside of entering the country illegally.

Hillary did not propose raising taxes on middle class families.

There is truth and there is not truth. Arguing about the relativity of truth is garbage that people should be ashamed of.
Big red X.
Was gonna thread this at some point - http://www.rollcall.com/news/opinio...-the-midwest-the-real-bubble-is-rural-america The white bubble is real.

Was trying to let the influx of threads calm down a bit before doing it, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

Great piece. I have the same experience as the author does, almost exactly. And when people from my hometown in north Mississippi do travel at all, they only stay in the South anyway. It's always down hunting on the coast, or staying in the mountains in TN, or going fishing on the GA coast. They would literally never leave the South if they had the choice, and most do.


The fear is that Senate republicans will fall in line, as they usually do. If there was a major terrorist attack on US soil, which could very well happen, I could see Senate republicans approving a bill for internment camps.

Falling in line is easy to do in opposition. Much harder when Ryan, the freedom caucus, etc has bills that will make you lose your job as a senator.

If the GOP really had the votes and political will for internment after a major terrorist attack, they can nuke the filibuster at that time. In fact, if they are going to take such a drastic measure, nuking the filibuster would be the least of their issue.

So what do we get from the fear of nuking the filibuster. Nothing. If the country gets to a dark enough place that internment camps are a reality, the filibuster isn't going to stop them. Courts might, but let's give them the court in hope of keeping some procedure that can be removed on a whim in case we ever need it.
We did have solutions for them. The GOP blocked them.

What the rust belt wants *member the '50s* ain't coming back. We can only do the next best thing, helping them adapt.

What you are saying simply boils down to "but how can anybody really know the truth". Where facts, research, history don't matter, because you can't trust any sources.

That is a weapon of authoritarians. Sowing dissent and confusion, where people can't tell what's true and what's false? It lets them get away with stuff because people don't know what to pay attention to .

I know my perspective is incomplete. That's why I rely on a lot the collective knowledge of others to guide it.

Big red X.

I'm saying the accretion of knowledge that you have doesn't makes you better, and regardless of that we need some of their votes. Thus, dismissing them wholesale doesn't really enable us to make the world better if we cannot achieve certain level of understanding with some of them.
Education is a much stronger predictor for voting Trump than income, but I'm guessing that education is just a proxy for segregation.

I should run a regression on this. A lot of Arizona and Texas white people (many of whom probably have Hispanic friends) were pretty horrified by Trump, but Iowa white people (most of whom probably have no non-white friends) loved Trump. If you're highly educated, you're more likely to go to a job that has some diversity in the city around the job.

And going to college allows you to meet non-white people too.
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