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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
What in the world, CBS. Our media is just garbage.

And Clinton was not a terrible candidate. Flawed, but not terrible.

The entire liberal faction of GAF, and the Berners, hating her now is infuriating.

Saying she wasn't a good candidate is nowhere near "hating her." These hyperbolic comparisons need to stop.

She would have made a fantastic president, though.


What in the world, CBS. Our media is just garbage.

Saying she wasn't a good candidate is nowhere near "hating her." These hyperbolic comparisons need to stop.

She would have made a fantastic president, though.

Blaming her for the entire implosion if the DNC is a bit hyperbolic also... Just saying.


If the economy's doing well over the next 4 years, don't be surprised if white America votes for Trump in droves again.

no matter how many deportations, brown people bans, and stop and frisks there are.

I'm figuring there will be a recession by 2018.

Our economy usually averages a recession every ~5 years, and its been 6-7 since the last one (admittedly a historic one). A new one is inevitable, and GOP policies on taxes, spending and Wall Street deregulation are going to seriously exacerbate it.

I do worry that as long the sky doesn't fall and nukes don't go off in the next four years, then voters will be complacent enough with re-electing Trump.


will gain confidence one day
To me, it's looking like Trump may end up so disenchanted with the necessities of the job that he may not go for a second term. Maybe one of his kids or Bannon will run.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I think 12 years without a recession would be a record

10 years and 1 quarter is the record for the US. Currently, you're at 7 years and 1 quarter (since the second quarter of 2009) more or less exactly. You'd normally expect a return to recession in the next few years or so, but that might not be the case this time because of the severity of the 2008 recession - some economists argue there's a fair amount of slack still.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
To me, it's looking like Trump may end up so disenchanted with the necessities of the job that he may not go for a second term. Maybe one of his kids or Bannon will run.

This may depend on how well Pence and the gang orchestrate a permanent vacation for Trump, sending him around on victory rallies and public appearances. Trump craves attention and adoration.

It is why he wants to rally only in red states, where it's safe and he can assume the yokel throngs will go apeshit for him.


Blaming her for the entire implosion if the DNC is a bit hyperbolic also... Just saying.

The DNC has unmade itself since 2010. They lost the state races because they were too good to play by the new Citizens United rules. They will fail even more in 2018 because on that front nothing will change.

I hope that they get a lot of the purity test brigade into positions that will need to take responsibility for the shellacking that the dems will take in the midterms so the party is positioned better for the GE to actually get shit done.
The NC GOP is disputing the election results and talking about mass voter fraud because McCrory lost.

The NC GOP has fully taken the throne from the Kansas GOP at this point.


The NC GOP is disputing the election results and talking about mass voter fraud because McCrory lost.

The NC GOP has fully taken the throne from the Kansas GOP at this point.

"We did everything we could to prevent black people from voting, so that proves there was voter fraud."
I've never seen this much Obama on CNN in the last 2 years

they don't seem to cut away from his press events lately they stay on it all the way
I wonder if they are trying to bait Trump


I mean the rural town in upstate NY that my family moved too was a dying factory town just had a new nano-tech factory open there. Which gave a lot of the younger kids and vocational school kids an avenue to work, gasp, rural blue collar jobs.

It's almost like the narrative is bullshit and exploiting people who live in an area that's been dead for decades by promising them the moon and the stars when you ain't got shit for them in reality.

Ridiculous. I hope the recession hitting us soon makes them realize just how bad they done fucked up.

The cycle is 2-3 every 15 years. Other than the severity of the last one, we're in arguably the best shape economically, globally speaking, in human history.
My man...

Youre not talking about SUNY Polytechnic in Utica, are you?
I can't believe we didn't cheat in this election.

What was the point of not cheating.

The GOP cheated all over the place with Comey and bullshit in NC and Wisconsin and... we didn't cheat :(
What in the world, CBS. Our media is just garbage.

Saying she wasn't a good candidate is nowhere near "hating her." These hyperbolic comparisons need to stop.

She would have made a fantastic president, though.
She wasn't a great candidate. She also wasn't a terrible candidate.

She also ran the wrong campaign. Which is not the same necessarily as bad. But definitely wrong.

Nobody's under any illusions about her skills as a retail politician or an orator though.

We're talking 100k or so votes here.


Unconfirmed Member
She wasn't a great candidate. She also wasn't a terrible candidate.

She also ran the wrong campaign. Which is not the same necessarily as bad. But definitely wrong.

Nobody's under any illusions about her skills as a retail politician or an orator though.

We're talking 100k or so votes here.

We're also talking about Donald Trump as her freaking opponent.

Even if she won the electoral college, having such a close presidential election and poor senatorial election this year of all years is a pretty big cause for alarm within the democratic party.
I can't believe we didn't cheat in this election.

What was the point of not cheating.

The GOP cheated all over the place with Comey and bullshit in NC and Wisconsin and... we didn't cheat :(

Our voters don't like it when we cheat. Hell, our voters punish us for doing stuff that LOOKS like cheating, even when it's totally above board.

Pivoting, not sure how to feel about this whole "Trump calls of Israel trip" business. On the one hand, Bibi condemning the Muslim ban is... good? Is that the word? Not used to using it in the context of stuff Bibi says/does.

On the other hand, considering the number of anti-Semites in the white house right now, widening the gap between the US and Israel feels kind of dangerous to me as a Jew; it's one with when Obama denounces the settlements and other terrible things the Israeli government gets up to, it's another when the Trump admin starts distancing itself. The former felt like pressure to get Israel to do the right thing, the latter makes me nervous.
Our voters don't like it when we cheat. Hell, our voters punish us for doing stuff that LOOKS like cheating, even when it's totally above board.

Pivoting, not sure how to feel about this whole "Trump calls of Israel trip" business. On the one hand, Bibi condemning the Muslim ban is... good? Is that the word? Not used to using it in the context of stuff Bibi says/does.

On the other hand, considering the number of anti-Semites in the white house right now, widening the gap between the US and Israel feels kind of dangerous to me as a Jew; it's one with when Obama denounces the settlements and other terrible things the Israeli government gets up to, it's another when the Trump admin starts distancing itself. The former felt like pressure to get Israel to do the right thing, the latter makes me nervous.

That was from last year, but there's a lot to be nervous about Trump and anti-Semitism, yeah.
We're also talking about Donald Trump as her freaking opponent.

Even if she won the electoral college, having such a close presidential election and poor senatorial election this year of all years is a pretty big cause for alarm within the democratic party.
I don't know whether she ran ahead or behind the target Senate races.

Yes her opponent was Donald Trump. And he unexpectedly was able to tap into something.

But I think the degree of alarmist reaction, which I was party to, and has subsided to some extent, is not warranted.

Does there need to be introspection. Yes.

Does this wholesale burn it all down mentality have merit. No.


I can't believe we didn't cheat in this election.

What was the point of not cheating.

The GOP cheated all over the place with Comey and bullshit in NC and Wisconsin and... we didn't cheat :(
Obama's fundraising restrictions: part of the problem.

When they go low? You have to at least parry the low.


The Autumn Wind
John Dickerson: "Mhmm"

Fuck him and fuck the fucking media.
To be fair, calling out blatant lies would show partisanship and bias. Can't have that.

The NC GOP is disputing the election results and talking about mass voter fraud because McCrory lost.

The NC GOP has fully taken the throne from the Kansas GOP at this point.
May as well crosspost:

So we're a dictatorship now. Fantastic.

I think this election has actually discouraged me from participating in politics, and yes, that includes voting. I know that's exactly what these people want, but it's become obvious their methods work and their supporters are happy to accept it. I honestly don't see how this can be fought.

And I know everyone here is going to tell me to "keep fighting" and whatever else, but seriously, look what just happened. Democrats got completely slaughtered. If Donald Trump as president wasn't enough incentive to get out the vote for Democrats, I don't see any hope of it against "normal" Republicans.

I think the results of 2018 midterms are going to prove me right, unfortunately. It's pretty dire.


I don't know guys, I think Republicans are right, Obama is wrong.

First you keep the poor whites jobless by giving them false hope and keep them away from taking up new skills. Then you take away their healthcare so you increase the chance of them dying off earlier. When they all die off, that solves the problems of having to pander to dumb stupid people. Smells like progress to me.

Why was Obama so focused on saving the poor sickly people? He's holding back progress.

When do the Millennials start dying off, too?

They're going to get a disintegrated model of living. Hell, you can argue it's happened with unsustainable college costs and the rise of precarious living.

We will all become the poor whites, just at a different rate.

Stock up on cardboard for meals, fam.


I think 12 years without a recession would be a record

The timing isn't the thing -- its the actions taken to mitigate and prevent the worst of its effects, safeguards which are going to be dismantled.

If Trump gets a serious recession, weird things are going to happen.
I mean, this letter is a terrorist threat, but I want to focus on just one part of the letter.


"go back to your God Forsaken land!" is being said to a Muslim woman I believe or at least someone they believe is a Muslim. They clearly think she comes from the Middle East.

... Christianity was started in the Middle East.

The American Taliban are... Desperately unintelligent.


I mean, this letter is a terrorist threat, but I want to focus on just one part of the letter.


"go back to your God Forsaken land!" is being said to a Muslim woman I believe or at least someone they believe is a Muslim. They clearly think she comes from the Middle East.

... Christianity was started in the Middle East.

The American Taliban are... Desperately unintelligent.

Real Christianity was started in 'merica, tho.

Because 'merica exists by itself and stuff, I think. Yeah.


I mean, this letter is a terrorist threat, but I want to focus on just one part of the letter.


"go back to your God Forsaken land!" is being said to a Muslim woman I believe or at least someone they believe is a Muslim. They clearly think she comes from the Middle East.

... Christianity was started in the Middle East.

The American Taliban are... Desperately unintelligent.

Is this real? This "neighborhood watch" needs to be reported to the policy immediately. And I'd seek legal advice immediately if I received that letter.
New Upshot story on rural voting power.

It is ridiculous.

States that comprise 17% of the US population can theoretically hold a Senate majority.

If California and Wyoming had the same EC representation, CA would have 159 electoral college votes.


Also, fam, got a question for you all.

How was the DNC elitist, corporate shills who are "out of touch with America on every level" if a Wikileaks email implied they were going to use TANF to start funding a basic income for American citizens? One may dislike the route they'd take, but they were considering one.

Doesn't this kind of show that Hillary and the DNC were not only adopting Obama's concerns that such a program is now mandatory for the future, but they were...dare I say it, being proactive to get a system in place before the paradigms started to change?

Instead we got the orange Fallout-timeline character running things, a guy prone to inherit the first major losses of jobs via automation who ran on a restoration campaign circa 1986.

We're fucked, fam. :(


Why does the US even have a census then? Isn't that supposed to balance the electoral college to something representative.

Because we're required by law to have 435 House seats (or 535 electoral college votes, I forget which). Because smaller states would blow a fucking gasket if we said "Sorry- you're too small to have any seats in the House." So we end up with Wyoming getting a congressman because they have to, then weighting the rest of the states so you end up with relative proportions that are tilted against the biggest ones.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If the economy's doing well over the next 4 years, don't be surprised if white America votes for Trump in droves again.

no matter how many deportations, brown people bans, and stop and frisks there are.

One of the few good things about Trump being president is that he'll almost assuredly be in the middle of a recession, if not cause one since he's going to gut Dodd-Frank.
Also, fam, got a question for you all.

How was the DNC elitist, corporate shills who are "out of touch with America on every level" if a Wikileaks email implied they were going to use TANF to start funding a basic income for American citizens? One may dislike the route they'd take, but they were considering one.

Doesn't this kind of show that Hillary and the DNC were not only adopting Obama's concerns that such a program is now mandatory for the future, but they were...dare I say it, being proactive to get a system in place before the paradigms started to change?

Instead we got the orange Fallout-timeline character running things, a guy prone to inherit the first major losses of jobs via automation who ran on a restoration campaign circa 1986.

We're fucked, fam. :(
It's weird how distorted the image of Clinton became, such that it has become impossible for her to care about people in her own right...

I was reading a column in the Times that referenced this:

An article of a somewhat mocking tone about her naivety in attempt to help people.

What could have been.
One of the few good things about Trump being president is that he'll almost assuredly be in the middle of a recession, if not cause one since he's going to gut Dodd-Frank.
I'd like to imagine that doing this would stir up some kind of outrage, but the GOP could pass a bill that legalizes puppy murder and their poll numbers would rebound after like a week.


Unconfirmed Member
Our voters don't like it when we cheat. Hell, our voters punish us for doing stuff that LOOKS like cheating, even when it's totally above board.

Pivoting, not sure how to feel about this whole "Trump calls of Israel trip" business. On the one hand, Bibi condemning the Muslim ban is... good? Is that the word? Not used to using it in the context of stuff Bibi says/does.

On the other hand, considering the number of anti-Semites in the white house right now, widening the gap between the US and Israel feels kind of dangerous to me as a Jew; it's one with when Obama denounces the settlements and other terrible things the Israeli government gets up to, it's another when the Trump admin starts distancing itself. The former felt like pressure to get Israel to do the right thing, the latter makes me nervous.
I think the antisemitism in the cabinet, while alarming, isn't a predictor of relations with Israel. they will double down on backing Israel regardless of their conduct and find a common enemy / boogeyman in a defanged Iran. They hate the "globalists" not their brothers in arms against Islam.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'd like to imagine that doing this would stir up some kind of outrage, but the GOP could pass a bill that legalizes puppy murder and their poll numbers would rebound after like a week.

See, the Wall Street issue is kind of interesting in that there's like 90% of people who seem to hate the banks. Which sounds good...if it weren't for the fact that half of those people think the solution is to let them do whatever they want.
Also, fam, got a question for you all.

How was the DNC elitist, corporate shills who are "out of touch with America on every level" if a Wikileaks email implied they were going to use TANF to start funding a basic income for American citizens? One may dislike the route they'd take, but they were considering one.

Doesn't this kind of show that Hillary and the DNC were not only adopting Obama's concerns that such a program is now mandatory for the future, but they were...dare I say it, being proactive to get a system in place before the paradigms started to change?

Instead we got the orange Fallout-timeline character running things, a guy prone to inherit the first major losses of jobs via automation who ran on a restoration campaign circa 1986.

We're fucked, fam. :(
Wow, they discussed getting rid of the 5 year limit too. that would've pissed the fuck off the GOP and racist white people if they ever did that.
"bringing jobs back" could be stimulative... for a brief period. and be disastrous soon after. which kind of spooks me, it'd be good short term politics so there's incentive

? I think a lot of capital would flee pretty quickly if China stopped importing goods from the United States.

A trade war with China could also cause a breakdown of the Chinese economy (which is in bad shape already) and that could cause a bunch of different bad shit to happen that we can't even comprehend right now.
See, the Wall Street issue is kind of interesting in that there's like 90% of people who seem to hate the banks. Which sounds good...if it weren't for the fact that half of those people think the solution is to let them do whatever they want.
90% of people also support background checks for gun purchases.

GOP: "I am against background checks"
Dems: "I am for background checks"
America: "Waaaaahhhhh I can't make up my mind, both sides are the same!"


Unconfirmed Member
New Upshot story on rural voting power.

It is ridiculous.

States that comprise 17% of the US population can theoretically hold a Senate majority.

If California and Wyoming had the same EC representation, CA would have 159 electoral college votes.
I once calculated the minimal % of the population that could bring the senate grinding to a halt (filibuster) by counting the 20 least populace states. It was alarming.

Edit. Found my post (from 2013 😫) A filibuster can happen with the senate representation of about 12% of the US population.
Why does Maryland ban atheists from public office.

What the fuck is this. It's fucking Maryland.

The other states that ban atheists from holding office are all from the Confederacy so that makes more sense, but Maryland?
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