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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Alterverse possiblity:

Trump picks Romney as SoS to appease the establishment,

Trump inauguration,
Trump impeachment,
Pence passes to Ryan,
Ryan passes to Romney

Romney becomes the 46th President


Alterverse possiblity:

Trump picks Romney as SoS to appease the establishment,

Trump inauguration,
Trump impeachment,
Pence passes to Ryan,
Ryan passes to Romney

Romney becomes the 46th President
It'd be more likely that we get Trump Impeachment- > Romney as VP, Pence resigns/abducted by aliens/etc.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

I'm glad Trump wanting to do business in India has now increased the odds of nuclear holocaust.

Trump's team views Pakistan as a terrorist state so his first meeting with Pakistan is going to be hugely important... It's gonna be bad.
Kurt Eichenwald needs to calm down and quit angrily arguing with nobodies on twitter, before he gets himself into trouble. Looking at his feed is a bit crazy right now.


I don't know guys, I think Republicans are right, Obama is wrong.

First you keep the poor whites jobless by giving them false hope and keep them away from taking up new skills. Then you take away their healthcare so you increase the chance of them dying off earlier. When they all die off, that solves the problems of having to pander to dumb stupid people. Smells like progress to me.

Why was Obama so focused on saving the poor sickly people? He's holding back progress.


At least in France Sarkozy's potential return to power has been nipped in the bud by being defeated in party primaries there. Get fucked Sarko you insecure, far right arsehole!
The sheer amount of "liberal" handwringing these last two weeks have dissolved any modicum of hope I had that we won't get fucking destroyed in 18 months.


So has the left realized that they were the reason that Clinton lost? Weren't our numbers way down this year?

Yes. Nearly 10 million fewer Dem voters than in '08, about 6 million fewer than '12. A number of Obama voters went for Trump this time, but many just didn't vote at all.
The sheer amount of "liberal" handwringing these last two weeks have dissolved any modicum of hope I had that we won't get fucking destroyed in 18 months.
Yea, it's scary. Clinton didn't pass the purity texts, now millions of minorities are at risk. Just how quickly liberals/progressive talked about how we should be focusing on white men first and foremost.....ugh.

If getting skullfucked three midterms in a row wasn't enough to make people realize this nothing is.
Taking the wrong message away from this loss.
i'll take a sarkozy over a lepen :'(

A Sarkozy vs. Le Pen runoff would be a grim proposition if there ever was one though :-/ That stupid line about Clinton vs. Trump being a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich? In the case of Sarkozy vs. Le Pen it would actually be true.


He was moving very close to Le Pen in his rhetoric. A choice between the two in the General would have been an awful position for ordinary French voters.

ya its pretty sad election
my vote for 2nd turn is pretty much "please stay the fuck in EU at all cost"
Yes. Nearly 10 million fewer Dem voters than in '08, about 6 million fewer than '12. A number of Obama voters went for Trump this time, but many just didn't vote at all.

These numbers are currently 6 million and 2.4 million, respectively.

With at least 3 million more votes left to count.


Looks like the story is coming out that Melania and Baron won't be staying with Trump at White House and will remain in NY. Judging by the outlets that have picked it up this looks be another Trump-fed distraction.

Is it sad that I read this more as Trump literally wanting nobody but himself assocated with the White House? The dude barely shared his spotlight with Pence. I get the feeling he'd like all the press shots and so on to be of just him going forward.


These numbers are currently 6 million and 2.4 million, respectively.

With at least 3 million more votes left to count.

The fucking flyover states are what fucked us. Probably 100,000 votes made the difference. If millions of us Californians don't matter we really should just fucking secede.


The fucking flyover states are what fucked us. Probably 100,000 votes made the difference. If millions of us Californians don't matter we really should just fucking secede.

shhhhhh as long as black urban votes get diluted then the electoral college protects us from californiagarchy


And Clinton was not a terrible candidate. Flawed, but not terrible.

The entire liberal faction of GAF, and the Berners, hating her now is infuriating.

Kid Heart

Technically they later tweeted a correction, for whatever that's worth.

And this is where post truth comes in.

People will leak the original tweet to their groups and spread it around, despite there being a correction. The only way to stop that is to completely tweet the incorrect video they put out.

But they wont. We need the Patriot AI to clear the filth on the internet.
If the economy's doing well over the next 4 years, don't be surprised if white America votes for Trump in droves again.

no matter how many deportations, brown people bans, and stop and frisks there are.


Ah yes. Terrible fiscal situation. Lots of new people with healthcare, unemployment down, gas prices near $2...

But do tell me about all of the fucking economic anxiety happening in the US today.
Ah yes. Terrible fiscal situation. Lots of new people with healthcare, unemployment down, gas prices near $2...

But do tell me about all of the fucking economic anxiety happening in the US today.

I mean the rural town in upstate NY that my family moved too was a dying factory town just had a new nano-tech factory open there. Which gave a lot of the younger kids and vocational school kids an avenue to work, gasp, rural blue collar jobs.

It's almost like the narrative is bullshit and exploiting people who live in an area that's been dead for decades by promising them the moon and the stars when you ain't got shit for them in reality.

Ridiculous. I hope the recession hitting us soon makes them realize just how bad they done fucked up.

I think 12 years without a recession would be a record

The cycle is 2-3 every 15 years. Other than the severity of the last one, we're in arguably the best shape economically, globally speaking, in human history.
If the economy's doing well over the next 4 years, don't be surprised if white America votes for Trump in droves again.

no matter how many deportations, brown people bans, and stop and frisks there are.
Hell Romney promised 6% unemployment by the end of his first term, and Obama got it under 5%. If Romney had gotten even that 6% Republicans would be calling to carve his face in Mt. Rushmore.
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