Hmmm...I wonder what other things this person wrote about.
"It’s Time for Bernie Sanders to Apologize to his Supporters, and to President Obama"
"For Hillary Clinton: The Girl Who Dared."
"If You are Voting for Jill Stein, Here is What I know About You" (lol)
"Top Five Reasons why you Can’t Compare 2008 with 2016" (thought Hillary could beat John McCain, lol)
And here's a real knee-slapper! (from the 2008 vs 2016 piece):
Donald Trump became a version of Bernie Sanders. Bernie’s complaints became Donald Trump’s complaints. He copied Bernie’s stump speech because he saw it was igniting an anger, a fury against rural whites in America. Both Bernie and Trump awakened resentment towards Black America and its black president
1. What an idiot at thinking that Sanders bred resentment toward Black America and Obama.
2. So Bernie tapping into the same anger that led Trump to victory is suddenly going to veer off course because he's an atheist or a Jew or whatever? What a very convenient argument.
I wonder who she thought was going to win Michigan.
Oh, and instead of Bernie Bros, she went with "Bernie Brats." Yep, no delusional bias there. She also scoffed at the idea that this election was about a revolution. Very nice job.
Last one:
"Okay Bernie Bros — You Lost. Either Go to Trump/Stein or Go Away" (LMAO!!!)
Just another Hillary supporter rehashing the same garbage of what they thinks makes a winning/losing candidacy. And I find it extremely ironic that Hillary supporters were the only ones talking about what makes Bernie bad. Almost as if they're convincing themselves, rather than it actually being true (you literally every other thing that was discussed)