I don't really get why this notion won't die that "Obama" means racism and sexism and the resentment of the upheaval of traditional social order have disappeared. If anything it has intensified it.
It's not remotely fair that you still have to pander to this.
And it doesn't mean don't run women or minorities. But it does mean that everyone should be fully aware of what they're up against.
This is a definite issue. People go "Ah, yeah, no, rural voters voted for economic reasons against Clinton", but given the rural counties relative lack of liberal ideals compared to urban areas, it's just as likely they thought "No, a woman can't deal with money, or big business deals".
The NYT Public Editor piece features this line:
They voted for Donald Trump and don’t consider themselves homophobic, racist or anti-Muslim
I think that a lot of people lie to themselves, and that implicit sexism in rural areas was a big thing.
Now, the argument I've seen against this is "Oh, but they voted for Obama, so why didn't they vote for Clinton?". As though being an African American male and a white woman are somehow equal. I think that sexism is more ingrained in society, and that the perception of women needing to be perfect to get the job is
far greater than the perception of an African American needing to be perfect. Certainly, racism still exists, and I think certain demographics within the country are angry that an African American President has occurred at all, especially when you think of the poorer and conervative end of society.
please don't write that women shouldn't run for president
I think there's a difference between saying "a woman shouldn't run", and saying that "this is what is needed for a woman to run". As Shinra says, people need to go into this with eyes wide open, and that implies (to me) that a candidate who is a woman needs to be
so amazing, she very well may not exist for the next 10 years.
People can say that Clinton had baggage and wasn't very charismatic, and both are true (to an extent), but she was literally
the most experienced candidate in recent history. In a post-truth society, people need to realise that 60 million cracks in the glass ceiling doesn't mean anything when people still question women's right to choose what to do with their own body, or that woman are still paid less than their male counterparts, even in the liberal States (the tech industry, for instance).
Just the fact that she was a woman played against Clinton's chances, and this is even more bizarre when you watch footage of her being motherly, or talking about relatives (the town hall where a girl asked about bullying, another town hall with a girl afraid of her parents being deported, Hillary talking about her mom). All three showed her in a positive, caring light. And I can bet that all three had (some) men in conservative areas thinking "Why ain't she home cookin' dinner for Bill?"
National ID isn't going to happen without an amendment and that isn't happening.
Obama needs to start a non profit to get poor people IDs in critical states. I would donate monthly.
I would absolutely donate to this, too. Fuck my Patreon donations to glamour models and photographers, this would be more important.