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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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On some days I fully internalize how shit Trump is and how fucked a lot of things are about to become.

This is one of those days.

Also Morning Joe is basically becoming a propaganda arm at this point.

Joe Scarborough has always been a right wing dirtbag. This is nothing new.


you can't put a price on sparks
So Manchild PEOTUS moving on from voter fraud and on to jailing/revoking citizenship of those who burn flags.

This is going to be a LONNNGGGGGG 4 years

It's like he prepared a list of canned controversial tweets to just randomly post when current scandals aren't happening fast enough.

Where does this flag burning thing come from? Reaction to what?
It's like he prepared a list of canned controversial tweets to just randomly post when current scandals aren't happening fast enough.

Where does this flag burning thing come from? Reaction to what?

Some stupid report on Fox & Friends at 6.25am, I guess:

Katherine FauldersVerified account
‏@KFaulders Katherine Faulders Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Timing of Trump's tweet lines up w/ Fox segment at 6:25AM on students burning the flag http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/11/2...sachusetts-college-that-removed-us-flags.html …

Chances that he apologizes for 8 years of Obama?

Oh lord. I am going to need to start using other languages to express how fucked we are.

Apologize? Trump mentality says he won, no apologies for winning.

Jennifer Jacobs ‏@JenniferJJacobs 2h2 hours ago Washington, DC
The 2nd stop on Trump's "thank you tour" is tentatively scheduled for Des Moines, Iowa in early December, transition officials tell me.


Read somewhere on twitter, I think, that waking up to the new Trump tweets is like sliding back into the denial phases of acceptance for his presidency on the daily. I can see where the person was coming from.
Have we gotten so desperate that we would be okay with another Dubya 4 years (minus heartless Cheney) or four years of Mittens?

I'm not someone who believes Trump will throw us into a world ending nuclear war. Or end Democracy or any of that drastic stuff. He'll just be a trash can tier Republican president. Second term Bush style, likely worse.

But I can't really think of too many things Romney wouldn't sign that Trump will or vice versa.

It's the house being bonkers that really should raise eyebrows. They're outright insane in there.


Holy shit, morning joe reached a new low. They really tried to justify Trumps comments about flag burning.

Mika went as far as comparing it to a hate crime. Jesus Christ Wtf???

Straight up, Joe Scarborough is a paid propaganda arm of the Trump campaign and now administration.

He has been since day one, he had multiple lone visits to Trump Tower. Whether he's bribed or blackmailed is not really possible to identify.

I genuinely don't know why people watch this show, but if you do, you should spend your time instead protesting at 30 Rock or writing angry letters until he gets fired. He is actively undermining democracy.
Can I just say it is incredible what we are witnessing? Every day I shake my head and what someone as deranged as Trump is able to get away with and every day I shake my head at what is to come. We are fucked folks.
House Majority Leader: Repeal Obamacare First Then Replace Later

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters Tuesday on Capitol Hill that his preference is for the new Congress to move immediately to repeal Obamacare, and then deal with passing a replacement plan later.

"My personal belief. Nothing has been decided yet. I would [go through] and repeal and then go to work on replacing," McCarthy said. "I think once it is repealed you will have, hopefully, fewer people playing politics."

Just don't get sick in the meantime.
They really think they can just repeal the law and the next day it's poof, gone, like magic?

How long have these people been in government? It doesn't work that way. It's a dismantle, not a repeal. A repeal will cause the entire industry to collapse, throwing the economy into shock and breaking the entire healthcare system. A dismantle, over several years, slowly, would ensure this doesn't happen and everything just goes back to pre-Obamacare. Which is terrible, but not industry shattering.


They really think they can just repeal the law and the next day it's poof, gone, like magic?

How long have these people been in government? It doesn't work that way. It's a dismantle, not a repeal. A repeal will cause the entire industry to collapse, throwing the economy into shock and breaking the entire healthcare system. A dismantle, over several years, slowly, would ensure this doesn't happen and everything just goes back to pre-Obamacare. Which is terrible, but not industry shattering.

The House has no idea how to govern. They never had to.

If there is hope it lies in the proles Senate.


totally agree that Dems need to stop slobbering over ever GOP politician who showed even a modicum of backbone this election cycle. stop giving people permission to vote GOP, particularly in these college educated suburbs. HRC parading around McCain was embarrassing. if we want to have a moderate vs liberal governor election in states like MA, fine, but that choice should happen in the primary, not in the general. big tent party, right?



That's both hilarious, and scary. It would really be something if they repealed it immediately without replacement, because the shock to Americans (and America) would be immense, and that could only work in Dems favour, both politically, and for creating a better healthcare system in the future.

But, yeah, that's also scary - because actively wanting so many Americans to go without healthcare coverage even though it's both politically and actually better in the long-run is a somewhat sociopathic view to take.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Gizmodo had a long write up and how Reddit has completely lost control to Trump supporters.

It's scary, scary stuff.

Yeah, it got progressively worse since the primary. Many of the more innocuous subreddits are even shit now.
They really think they can just repeal the law and the next day it's poof, gone, like magic?

How long have these people been in government? It doesn't work that way. It's a dismantle, not a repeal. A repeal will cause the entire industry to collapse, throwing the economy into shock and breaking the entire healthcare system. A dismantle, over several years, slowly, would ensure this doesn't happen and everything just goes back to pre-Obamacare. Which is terrible, but not industry shattering.

That is what some of the GOP plan to do at a quicker pace, but dismantling would include getting ride of the individual mandate and some want to keep the per-conditions portion. I heard the will hurt the health industry as well.


Gizmodo had a long write up and how Reddit has completely lost control to Trump supporters.

It's scary, scary stuff.

Everything has been going downhill since Ellen Pao became the CEO and they broke off from Conde Nast.

The sub communities are still pretty good to use at least. If you have an interest or want to see something in a genre its fine but their General News and Politics boards have always been a mess.


Gizmodo had a long write up and how Reddit has completely lost control to Trump supporters.

It's scary, scary stuff.


Like I said, the mod team of Reddit won't pull the trigger out of fear of backlash.
This is a monster of their own creation though, they're responsible and as far as I'm concerned, are just letting it bomb the site.

Despite how people here have defended it, you have to be absolutely blind to not see the Donald's tainted shit across reddit.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They really think they can just repeal the law and the next day it's poof, gone, like magic?

How long have these people been in government? It doesn't work that way. It's a dismantle, not a repeal. A repeal will cause the entire industry to collapse, throwing the economy into shock and breaking the entire healthcare system. A dismantle, over several years, slowly, would ensure this doesn't happen and everything just goes back to pre-Obamacare. Which is terrible, but not industry shattering.

I honestly don't see any hope for the next four years. It's going to take decades to fix the damage that is going to be done. I don't know if I have the stomach for it, to be honest.

I mean, look at this:

Washington Post said:
But that drop, it turns out, is even more pronounced among poor whites. Gallup-Healthways tells me that among whites without a college degree who have household incomes of under $36,000, the uninsured rate has dropped from 25 percent in 2013 to 15 percent now — a drop of 10 percentage points. It’s often noted that the law has disproportionately expanded coverage among African Americans and Latinos. That is correct, but it has also disproportionately expanded coverage among poor white people.

And yet these people keep voting against their interests because of what Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, et al., tell them.

Like I said, the mod team of Reddit won't pull the trigger out of fear of backlash.
This is a monster of their own creation though, they're responsible and as far as I'm concerned, are just letting it bomb the site.

Despite how people here have defended it, you have to be absolutely blind to not see the Donald's tainted shit across reddit.

It's broken the entire site. You can't even avoid it most of the time by hiding in some of the smaller "safer" subreddits because they always seem to bring their pestilence with them into even those places

And they get away with things other subreddits would have been banned for years ago.

Like I said, the mod team of Reddit won't pull the trigger out of fear of backlash.
This is a monster of their own creation though, they're responsible and as far as I'm concerned, are just letting it bomb the site.

Despite how people here have defended it, you have to be absolutely blind to not see the Donald's tainted shit across reddit.

Holy crap, that's a fantastic piece of work right there. I've been telling people for a long time that this was going to be Reddit's ultimate downfall and now I finally have an easy thing to point them to so that anyone can understand it.



How do we reach that 40.3%.


aka andydumi
I honestly don't see any hope for the next four years. It's going to take decades to fix the damage that is going to be done. I don't know if I have the stomach for it, to be honest.


And yet these people keep voting against their interests because of what Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, et al., tell them.

In all honesty, my brother in law fits perfectly in that category. In his thirties, no degree, barely holds a job, "artist" on the side, and essentially living off in-laws but in his own place. The hate he spouted pre-election was surprising and not at the same time.

But the prevailing thread is not that he is happy or grateful he now has insurance, it's that he has it because otherwise he would have to pay a penalty, and it's too expensive. Conservative state, so not even a dream of Medicare expansion or subsidies. He would probably gladly have it if it were cheaper, or go without as he's healthy and young.

Perversely, this is exactly what will likely be delivered to him by Republicans. Either a return of the ultra cheap barebones plans for health young adults, or elimination of the mandate, so he can go without. And he, and others like him, will then be very happy with the government he elected and gladly follow them for a decade or more until he ages, health starts failing and realizes he needs real coverage not a "teenage" plan. But by then the damage is done.


But 2016 is the highest turnout ever in terms of raw votes.

White people were EXCITED for Trump.

No idea how you reach those folks. People just don't care.

Make voting a national holiday. Extend early voting nationally.

Get rid of voter ID laws.

Have people go into poor neighborhoods and bus people to poling stations.


I don't want the bar to reaching bigger demographics simply being an appeal with charisma jerking off some subset of voters who generally do not give a fuck. Too many people asking to be inspired by a historically boring as fuck institution like the federal government.



How do we reach that 40.3%.

Depends upon demographics. Did they just turn 18? Are they in suburban areas where they feel insulated from "bad stuff" like sexual assault and heroin overdoses? Are they flipping burgers at McDs or Trust Fund kiddies?

Likely, they hit all those points and more I haven't mentioned. So, you'd need to create a wide range of resources, educational materials and bright shiny graphs (or something) to get them to use their vote, and use it consistently.

White people were EXCITED for Trump.

No idea how you reach those folks. People just don't care.

Make voting a national holiday. Extend early voting nationally.

Get rid of voter ID laws.

Have people go into poor neighborhoods and bus people to poling stations.

All of these are things the Dems would do, if they were in power. Unfortunately, they're not, so you need grass-roots activism and motivation (whether through the DNC or DNC aligned PACs).

I don't want the bar to reaching bigger demographics simply being an appeal with charisma jerking off some subset of voters who generally do not give a fuck. Too many people asking to be inspired by a historically boring as fuck institution like the federal government.

Education and motivation of the voting base. Fuck the worries about policy being boring, because you know what? Policy is what affects people. Make it personal - do people have a gay friend? They may not be able to get married in the future. Does their sister-in-law need emergency contraception or an abortion? Does their brother need drug rehab?

Make it personal for people before they get affected, not after.
Elaine Chao is fine. Like, she's obviously not "great", but she's what you'd expect from a typical Republican administration and what you get when you lose.


On a morbidly curious note, have we heard anything from Robby Mook since Election Day?

I honestly don't see any hope for the next four years. It's going to take decades to fix the damage that is going to be done. I don't know if I have the stomach for it, to be honest.

I mean, look at this:

And yet these people keep voting against their interests because of what Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, et al., tell them.

It's really really hard for me to sympathize for poor white conservatives who do this to themselves. If you're a Republican who stands to lose health insurance, Medicare, etc. under a Trump presidency that you voted for, then you get what you fucking deserve. I feel bad for the lower-income people who didn't vote for this and are going to suffer anyway.


Mandatory voting.

Australia has mandatory voting, and still elects nutbag lunatic right wingers. I think we have to proceed on the basis that the people who don't vote generally reflect the voting intentions of those who do vote, and focus on getting out our base to the polls rather than the notion that making everyone vote would help.


On a morbidly curious note, have we heard anything from Robby Mook since Election Day?

No... I was thinking about him earlier, actually. Mook, Plouffe and Hillary herself have been very quiet.

I do wonder if they're actively looking at ways to impeach Trump on Inauguration Day. A lot of what Turmp is doing now would be wayyyyy out-of-bounds if he were actually POTUS, not PEOTUS.
No... I was thinking about him earlier, actually. Mook, Plouffe and Hillary herself have been very quiet.

I do wonder if they're actively looking at ways to impeach Trump on Inauguration Day. A lot of what Turmp is doing now would be wayyyyy out-of-bounds if he were actually POTUS, not PEOTUS.

Hillary is still trying to figure out what her place is. Give her a rest.

Plouffe hasn't been that quiet at all. Also he has a real job.

Mook has never been that media friendly.
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