Don't see the need to concern ourselves with Hillary. It's clear she has taken a quieter back seat for the immediate time. Fully expect her to continue work with her foundation and the like.
Let that woman live.
Hillary is still trying to figure out what her place is. Give her a rest.
Plouffe hasn't been that quiet at all. Also he has a real job.
Mook has never been that media friendly.
Don't see the need to concern ourselves with Hillary. It's clear she has taken a quieter back seat for the immediate time. Fully expect her to continue work with her foundation and the like.
Let that woman live.
She's not going to be leading the Revolution.
Straight up, Joe Scarborough is a paid propaganda arm of the Trump campaign and now administration.
He has been since day one, he had multiple lone visits to Trump Tower. Whether he's bribed or blackmailed is not really possible to identify.
I genuinely don't know why people watch this show, but if you do, you should spend your time instead protesting at 30 Rock or writing angry letters until he gets fired. He is actively undermining democracy.
Retro you are so far behind
I don't think the present conservative viewpoint is at all legitimate.
Neither do I think the alt-left (Bernie) has a legitimate viewpoint.
That's why I stick with the mainstream press.
CNN's morning show anchor on Tuesday called out the hosts of rival MSNBC show "Morning Joe" for being "spokesmen" for President-elect Donald Trump.
"They have always been boosters" of Trump, CNN "New Day" host Chris Cuomo tweeted about MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.
"Things turned south when trump froze them out but coverage always stilted. They are transition spokesmen now," added Cuomo, whose show is on during the same time slot as "Morning Joe."
The tweet was in response to reports that Scarborough had been advising Trump and that Brzezinski was attending a meeting at transition headquarters at Trump Tower.
The two "Morning Joe" hosts have been accused of being overly cozy with Trump in the past, though they also harshly criticized him during the campaign.
Megyn already said Trump bribed reporters with dinner, flights, and such. i imagine the same happened with mika and joe.
Looks like I wasn't the only one who noticed:
I try my best. The game is good tho who'd a thunkRetro you are so far behind
Kev got on the FF15 boat, hope he gets off in time for TLG
I try my best. The game is good tho who'd a thunk
They really think they can just repeal the law and the next day it's poof, gone, like magic?
How long have these people been in government? It doesn't work that way. It's a dismantle, not a repeal. A repeal will cause the entire industry to collapse, throwing the economy into shock and breaking the entire healthcare system. A dismantle, over several years, slowly, would ensure this doesn't happen and everything just goes back to pre-Obamacare. Which is terrible, but not industry shattering.
We are fucked.House Majority Leader: Repeal Obamacare First Then Replace Later
Just don't get sick in the meantime.
Tom Price running HHS. Holy shit.
Looks like I wasn't the only one who noticed:
How do we reach that 40.3%.
Make it easier to vote.
This is an article about how 40% of automatically newly registered voters after Oregon's automatic registration law passed turned out.
In other words, nearly half of the people who weren't registered to vote were ready to vote. The registration process was just somehow enough to stop them.
Lots of people want to vote and just find it difficult. This is a solvable problem.
This is the deputy national security adviser.
As a Defense Department official, McFarland also was accused of exaggerating her contribution to President Reagans Star Wars speech and her claims of being the highest-ranking woman in Reagans Pentagon. The latter was demonstrably not true because there were two other women with ranks higher than hers.
According to Media Matters, McFarland as a Fox News commentator made dubious claims, such as saying the Benghazi CIA compound under attack in 2012 didnt receive additional security because Chris Stevens couldnt contact Clinton via a State Department email address. Requests for security do not rise to the level of the secretary of state and its not unusual for ambassadors to not have the email address of a secretary of state, according to the Council for Foreign Relations.
In a discussion about the Iran nuclear deal, McFarland made a racially tinged comment, suggesting Saudi Arabia is dishonest about supporting the agreement because theyre Arabs and not going to say to your face something that they know is going to upset you.
White people were EXCITED for Trump.
If you want to increase turnout in a useful way, the main change would be to run a positive campaign. It's a pretty consistent finding in polsci (Ansolabehere 1994, 1999, Lau and Pomper 2001) that heavily negative campaigning depresses turnout. This was something I was worried about during the campaign - I did point out that Clinton was relying too much on attacking Trump and not spending enough time stressing her own message. Aside from that, targeted voter registration drives for Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters. The Democratic Party has a stupendously large warchest at this point and putting some of it into voter registration drives seems like a sensible plan. Finally, every additional Democratic option on the ballot increases the chances of participation - there's a strong relationship between concurrent electoral processes and turnout, and Clinton performed better in otherwise similar districts where a Democratic candidate was run than in those where no candidate was. It is absolutely unacceptable that there were uncontested seats in a number of House districts, regardless of where they are.
I was with you until you went back to Hillary. How much turnout depression are we talking about here? 2016 was still the highest turnout ever in terms of raw votes and no one would disagree it's one of the most negative campaign season ever. Even discounting for all that I think you'll still end up with close to 40% of people not turning out. How about getting 5% among the 40% to come out?
Right, but this is a chicken/egg problem. For the most part, states control the voter registration process. Republicans benefit more from reduced voter turnout because their voters are typically less marginal (more likely to have ID, or the time and capability to fill out forms, and so on), so states that Republicans control make voter registration more difficult/imposing. So to make registration easier, the Democrats need to take back statehouses - especially in states that are competitive in presidential elections. But the Democrats struggle to compete in state elections, at least partially because of the registration process. So you need a solution that works now - and that's voter registration drives. Have community organizers who can sit down with people and help them fill-out forms; have local Democrat party offices help meet the costs of ID (even transport costs!); etc.
EDIT: In particular, the death of ACORN did enormous damage to Democratic chances. Their PA chapter was pretty ferocious.
Tension is high right now, Sanders wing of the coalition fell off the face of the planet post primary for half a year till the election. Fully expect them to do the same post inauguration. People are just not invested once the spotlight is gone.
Even Tom Price?? He's as extreme as you can get.To be fair Trump's picks are what I would expect out of most republicans. That being said *vomits*
Even Tom Price?? He's as extreme as you can get.
Elaine Chao is fine. Like, she's obviously not "great", but she's what you'd expect from a typical Republican administration and what you get when you lose.
Sounds like it's more complicated than that.
Ohio State attacker said he was 'scared' to pray in public
Paranoid/mentally unbalanced individual together with rise in hate speech/crime?
I'm increasingly sure that Tammy Duckworth would be my favoured candidate if she were to run. I really hope she does so.
Obviously no point in deciding too early; there's always a chance for revelations. But I do want to see her throw her hat in.
This is it. This is a story that middle America knows. She may not look like them, but damn does she talk like them. She's not the coastal elite; she's middle America - but the future of middle America if it is to survive.
Failing that, Klobuchar is also a good option. Neither are leftist darlings, but I don't see one of those in the wings, to be honest. I'll go for anyone that can win.
You mean Tammy Duckworth - who was born in Thailand and thus is a secret Chinese plant to run the U.S. government?
Ditto.Elaine Chao doesn't cause me to lose sleep.
We've reached a new highwater mark in administration appointments.
Couple thoughts on this, though I mostly agree with this. The first issue is that I'm not sure how winnable Florida is against Trump, at least with our current vision of the future. Obama would have lost it against him and Clinton had huge success with GOTV here and still lost to the sheer surprise panhandle turnout, unless there's new information I've missed here. Unless the panhandle types abandon him in 2020 because there isn't a wall or anything, I'm not sure what else there is to do here aside from maybe hope that there's even more migration of Puerto Ricans there. It'll also be important to watch how the gubernatorial and senate races go, though as Romney learned in 2012 that's not the only indicator.I thought it might be interesting to talk more concretely about 2020 strategy, so I did some maths. I looked at state trendrates - e.g., if Florida was x% more conservative than the rest of the nation in 1980, y% in 1984, z% in 1988, and so on, how marginal would it be in 2020? (I started in 1980 because that's when the southern realignment was mostly complete; if I extend the dataset any further back the trend is weak and has no explanatory value). The main battleground states for the Democrats (relative to the 2016 map) will be Arizona, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconson, and Michigan.
Any state I've not mentioned here that was red this year is out of reach. Worryingly, that actually includes Ohio - the next Democratic president would have to win nationally by nearly a 7 point margin to win Ohio by my calculations, simply because of how quickly Ohio is reddening.
These states can also be "grouped" by how much their movement correlate with each other, which is something like "how similar electoral appeals needed to win these states will be" - that is, North Carolina and Georgia are very highly correlated. The Democratic voting base in those states moves very similarly and is probably demographically the same set of people and likely to approve of the same Democratic message.
The groups are:
{Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan}
{Georgia, North Carolina}
I think this tells us, at least, that Arizona is probably not first priority, although it is winnable, simply because Arizona requires a unique message to win relative to the other important states. Top priority is the Rust Belt set (I know PA isn't technically Rust Belt, but politically, it is a member), followed by Florida. [{North Carolina, Georgia} has more EVs between them than Florida, but winning two marginal states, even if similar, is obviously a riskier gamble than winning one.]
So I think a Democratic strategy for 2020 has to be focused on winning over the Rust Belt and Florida (plus retaining any states won this year, although this shouldn't be a worry as most states the Democrats won are moving more Democratic and this is the reason the Electoral College favours the Republicans - if the Democrats lose any states they won this year then something has gone apocalyptically wrong) . All indications are that these are where the election is won.
I know that sounds almost redundant and it's a conclusion a lot of people have reached, but I do want to stress it because a lot of people have been going on about the Sun Belt. The Sun Belt is not there yet, and will not be by 2020. It is overly optimistic to try and contest for it. Even though the Sun Belt is becoming progressively more Democratic and the Rust Belt more Republican, in 2020, the Rust Belt will still be relatively more Democratic than the Sun Belt will be.
When voting in the 2020 primaries, you need to be thinking: who can win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida?
EDIT: Also, Florida is really weird. Most states had correlates so you can put them into political groups - like, although I've listed Arizona alone, it moves in synch with the Sun Belt, it's just the most Democratic of the ones the Democrats don't already have and the only one really in range. If I listed all state groups, it would have a number of correlates. Florida, on the other hand, doesn't synch with any state and does entirely its own thing politically.
Right. She'll lose the election as badly as Kenyan born Barack Obama, a clear Muslamic infiltration of the United States presidency. I do apologize.
Right. She'll lose the election as badly as Kenyan born Barack Obama, a clear Muslamic infiltration of the United States presidency. I do apologize.