I think Washington has a Republican upper house. Massachusetts has had Republican governors. Stuff like that.
I think Washington has a Republican upper house. Massachusetts has had Republican governors. Stuff like that.
I think Trump will step down some time after the Mid Terms. I don't think he has/had any real interest in Governing. Anchored in the White House for 4 years at his age it will be like Prison for him.
Third term, it has to be done folks, so true.Trump will drop out of the primaries. Trump will drop out of the general. Trump will not show up to the debates. Trump will not win the election.
He stayin
Because this. We occupy like <10% of the land. Even in blue states you have districts that are massively red. Lots of them.
Razor thin margins, I guess. And massive gridlock even if a Dem gets back into the White House.![]()
Because this. We occupy like <10% of the land. Even in blue states you have districts that are massively red. Lots of them.
LolThird term, it has to be done folks, so true.
So, I had some (probably unoriginal) thoughts and thought I'd get some thoughts back.
The Left has always had this sense of moral superiority to be arbitrarily "above" the tactics that the Right tend to use, but if it's to survive and push back against what we're facing now it needs to fight fire with fire. The immediate response tends to be "oh, so the left should pander to racists", but there's nothing that says those tactics must come with bigotry.
Part of the problem is that the Left will too often eat itself on most any issue due to internal grievances. It's why nothing ever gets fucking done, because nobody can agree on what to do next, how to be inclusive, what to do/say when someone fucks up, what have you. It's happening right now with everyone arguing on what to do next, how to combat Trump, who to pander to, etc...Hell, we're still arguing on what to do next and how we're fucking it up already.
You see this with the Green Party, even thinking about voting for Clinton or any other Democrat is sacrileg, and despite their platforms being aligned in goal, have one thing out of line and it's all sell-outs and corrupt capitalist pigs. It's what happened in (yes I'm going there) Nazi Germay with left-wing groups unable to come coalesque against Hitler, it's what happens so many times in history.
Right-wing groups will tolerate strange bedfellows as long as the end goal is close enough to what they want. This allows them to work and utilize the tactics of the fringe group to meet their ends while simultaneously claiming "I can't control what other people do!".
Basically, left-wing groups care about the process to get to the end goal, whereas right-wing groups care about getting to the end goal processes be damned. To be clear, it's absolutely true that all groups, including liberal/left-wing groups, need to be inclusive towards marginalized people. But so often everything stops dead in its tracks as we try to do that. To me, it seems far more effective to argue and course correct while the car is running, not stopping and starting the car at each fork in the road.
I do wonder how strategic voting could help with this. Canada apparently has some groups working towards strategic voting. Basically people in certain counties agree to vote for certain candidates in a way that lets . I'm unsure how that effective that system would be for the US system, but I'd imagine there's something similar enough to be able to use that system effectively.
I agree with this but not in the way you're advocating. We don't need to pander to racists. What we need to do is lock them the fuck up. Find some legal pretense and some precedent for mass incarceration and then do it to them. Start at the local level in every state where democrats own the legislature. You can start with a war on drugs that focuses on heroin and meth addiction and literally give millions of rural voters felonies and prison sentences.
Maybe then we'll start seeing voting reform, can't have disenfranchised (white) people after all.
Doesn't even have the newest MacBook Pro. Sad!
Josh Newman won? Dems have a supermajority in the state legislature now. whooooo.
If there's a special election we need to compete hard here in 2017 first. Do whatever we can to be a stick in Trump's eye.This is a huge pickup opportunity for Dems in 2018. Price's seat (GA-6) went from Romney's margin being greater than 60% in 2012 to Trump +1.5% in 2016.
So obviously it sucks that California is being so underrepresented this election, but I have one big question:
What do the population shifts look like for when states have to be redestricted in 2021? Or to put it another way: Which states will get more electoral votes and which states will lose electoral votes?
Because this. We occupy like <10% of the land. Even in blue states you have districts that are massively red. Lots of them.
That's the thing republicans do. Stand your ground laws. Abortion restrictions. Voter suppression tactics. They literally have a boiler plate law that they shove through every state legislature while we slowly and steadily engage in debate and shit.
Fuck that.
Start with a massive war on drugs aimed at rural areas, then disenfranchise rural districts by passing laws that allow for voting places based on population sizes - make conservatives have to drive for hours to find a voting place, institute stop and frisk in rural areas under the pretense that they're more likely to own weapons and thus be a threat to law enforcement.
On down the line.
Literally do every single thing to them that they do to us and then think of a handful of things they don't do, and do those too.
I don't want to put Republican voters in jail, but I'm totally for making it way more difficult for them to vote.
I don't want to put Republican voters in jail, but I'm totally for making it way more difficult for them to vote.
That's the thing republicans do. Stand your ground laws. Abortion restrictions. Voter suppression tactics. They literally have a boiler plate law that they shove through every state legislature while we slowly and steadily engage in debate and shit.
Fuck that.
Start with a massive war on drugs aimed at rural areas, then disenfranchise rural districts by passing laws that allow for voting places based on population sizes - make conservatives have to drive for hours to find a voting place, institute stop and frisk in rural areas under the pretense that they're more likely to own weapons and thus be a threat to law enforcement.
On down the line.
Literally do every single thing to them that they do to us and then think of a handful of things they don't do, and do those too.
That's the thing republicans do. Stand your ground laws. Abortion restrictions. Voter suppression tactics. They literally have a boiler plate law that they shove through every state legislature while we slowly and steadily engage in debate and shit.
Fuck that.
Start with a massive war on drugs aimed at rural areas, then disenfranchise rural districts by passing laws that allow for voting places based on population sizes - make conservatives have to drive for hours to find a voting place, institute stop and frisk in rural areas under the pretense that they're more likely to own weapons and thus be a threat to law enforcement.
On down the line.
Literally do every single thing to them that they do to us and then think of a handful of things they don't do, and do those too.
You either die the hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
You either die the hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Better yet, just fuck their hive mind up by having a shitload of liberals infiltrate their right wing news bubble, then start fake right wing news that causes infighting between them.
Basically, target the far right with the same kinds of hyper-normalization that Russia has been targeting other countries with.
You ever hear of the term anti-hero?
Well me and Vahagn are Anti-Deplorables.
Pretty much. I was a massive idealist 8-10 years ago. Now I realize we were functionally and politically dumb in decrying Reagan as racist instead of learning from him and employing his tactics.
Well you are behind the times if you are focused on the 80s.
Just look at what the far right is doing right now for ideas:
- O'Keefe smear video campaigns
- Special Interests funding SuperPACs to keep their party in line.
- Voter intimidation through poll watching (I mean how hard can that be when these fuckers get scared the moment they see a black guy?)
- Fake News
- Having hackers target opponents
- Internet Mob Justice
Trump's about to reinstititute all of Reagan's worst shit. I'm saying we should have learned from Reagan and did this by now. And we should keep doing it. As well as incorporate newer things like rural stop and frisk, population based voting sites etc.
Read that NPR article. It's just one guy but he says he tries that misinformation shit with liberals all the time, it doesn't bite. Liberals go to a magic show and they know it's a magic show. Conservatives go to a magic show and turn it into a religion.
Infiltration makes sense, but you're not going to convince liberals of conspiracy theories like O'Keefe and those idiots do.
I think Republicans have a tendency towards this. Bush won reelection in 04 by like 2 points and some tens of thousands of votes in one state (Ohio) and he and the GOP took it as a rubber stamp for privatizing Social Security and passing constitutional amendments left and right.The thing that will make trump and the republicans defeatable in midterm or general elections is if they think they can abuse the power they have right now like what harper and the CPC thought after they won a majority in 2011, what the Alberta PC's kinda thought after the 2012 provincial election in Alberta and the stuff they pulled after they won that election.and etc.
Oh I'm not saying you convince liberals. I'm saying that you start making Trump supporters scared by having O'Keefe type liberals start sending people to trick Republicans into admitting to crimes, then post the videos online.
The upside to liberals being the ones that still have a firm grasp on reality is that it means you can trick conservatives into attacking each other by making them think their friends are enemies.
And stop thinking like it's too late. It's never too late to start sending some emboldened liberals on missions to take advantage of the GOP lack of grasp on reality.
Alternatively we can send massive amounts of liberals to get punched in the face by angry conservatives and then file battery and assault charges and push to reject plea deals that don't include a felony.
Well, it'll help when Ryan tries to privatize Medicare and Social Security and there's real and tangible consequences in their lives. My dad's just about to start getting SS, there's no way he wants them fucking with it.How are you going to create infighting among Republicans that help Democrats?
The biggest problem with these mouthbreathers is that although they're incredibly stupid, they're just smart enough to realize that they always, always, ALWAYS have to vote Republican.
Democrats don't really need to pull a lot of the stuff the republicans and right wing media have done in the last decade or so to win a future general or midterm election. It's a very bad idea to play dirty to much.
Lmao solid planAlternatively we can send massive amounts of liberals to get punched in the face by angry conservatives
When asked his opinion on gold he said that it is not an economic commodity and that if you want advise on when to buy it investors should ask a psychiatrist.
While it shouldn't be assumed that they're an easy win, history would indicate that the party without the presidency will do well at midterms. It's easier to rile people up when they've been taking L's and don't have to run on their compromised achievements and problems.I haven't seen any good signs for midterms other than the assumption that people will want to do something.
I haven't seen any good signs for midterms other than the assumption that people will want to do something.
Jesus Christ, it's been a month
Instant gratification is how Trump won
Agreeeeeeeed.I also think that we need to stop cheering Republicans that aren't complete morons and convince less politically engaged people that the only good Republican is one that just lost his seat.