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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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The GOP is going to give Trump everything he wants as long as he abides by a conservative agenda.


But it could also be possible the GOP was unified against the Democrats. Without the big scary boogieman of Democrats, the GOP have nobody but themselves to blame, so they'll be more careful to not explode the entire country.

I don't think the election changed anything about the cracks we saw forming in the GOP this year.


Really weird jobs report. You should not have below 5% unemployment and good but not great jobs growth combined with a shrinking workforce. It looks like an unexpectedly large number of baby boomers are retiring early. Honestly at this point we need more immigration to make up their numbers and not less.

I was thinking the same thing, generally the unemployment rate doesn't drop like that with those job numbers. Has to be an outside factor.



But it could also be possible the GOP was unified against the Democrats. Without the big scary boogieman of Democrats, the GOP have nobody but themselves to blame, so they'll be more careful to not explode the entire country.

I don't think the election changed anything about the cracks we saw forming in the GOP this year.

Yep. Trump temporary saved the GOP from fixing the issues with their parties. I do think the cracks will reappear in the nesxt few years or so.


Did this get posted yesterday?


Lots more at the link, but really good information. I don't buy the idea that racism was the main factor in this election like some are trying to say. A factor, yes, but not the main one. If that were the case, these people would have voted for Trump. Instead, they merely didn't vote for Hillary.
I still think racism was the primary issue this election, but it wasn't the only issue, and I have seen people overstate its effect to dismiss other factors. It can be true that Hillary was a poor candidate who failed to motivate enough people, failed to communicate a compelling economic argument, had immense trustworthiness issues, and strategically fucked up by ignoring the region. It can also be true that Trump succeeded by galvanizing racists, including many who traditionally don't vote, while still rallying the regular republican voters who are largely racist or apathetic to racism.

There were a lot of things that caused this election to happen, and the margins were so slim that any one factor could have swung it. The issue is that it never should have been that close. I'd been telling my friends for months that Hillary is the democrats' Mitt Romney and the worst type of candidate to run against Trump.
Yep. Trump temporary saved the GOP from fixing the issues with their parties. I do think the cracks will reappear in the nesxt few years or so.

The cracks aren't ever going away. Instead if choosing to fix them while they had the chance, the GOP decided to ignore their cracks and use their party while they can.

Results in AZ, GA, and TX should frighten them.
I was thinking the same thing, generally the unemployment rate doesn't drop like that with those job numbers. Has to be an outside factor.

It's 100% a drop in the workforce. I believe ~450k dropped out. All you need to do is have enough people drop out of the workforce and you can have 0% unemployment.

The wage decline also isn't the best move.

There is a lot of chatter in financial circles on the workforce number and its causes. It can be retirement or it can be people who have given up looking for work. Both of which have dramatically different outlooks for the economy.
He had Romney suck up to him and wine and dine him and then he just picks the random dude he wanted in the beginning, leaving Romney in the dust.


Meh I don't believe the Rudy rumor considering its one guy with no other news sources backing it up. If Rudy were really the pick, you don't think there would be news agencies all over this? Yet some guy from NY1 (who never tweeted this) knows.

Rebel Leader


But it could also be possible the GOP was unified against the Democrats. Without the big scary boogieman of Democrats, the GOP have nobody but themselves to blame, so they'll be more careful to not explode the entire country.

I don't think the election changed anything about the cracks we saw forming in the GOP this year.

They already are preparing to blame obama.

"Donald trump is receiving the worst economy since Truman (?) In relative to the debt and GDP"

Or something like hat
Yeah but the economy isn't bad despite what many GOP voters believe.

If all the people who voted republican only wake up to that fact at some point in the next four years, they aren't going to credit Obama with it.


People keep underestimating the effectiveness of the right wing media machine. Reality doesn't matter anymore.


Ned Resnikoff ‏@resnikoff 4h4 hours ago

What a coincidence this happens right after Merkel announces she's running for reelection against pro-Kremlin AfD

Ned Resnikoff added,
The Hill @thehill
NEW: WikiLeaks drops trove of docs on probe into Germany's cooperation with NSA http://hill.cm/cp2WvD0

God, I hate the far lefties who gave them credibility in the '00s.


Also depending on what happens -- the retirement problem isn't getting any better in this country. This is an issue that should come to the fore much more prominently in the next four years, and I doubt Trump is the man to reform the system in any responsible manner.

Working-poor boomers post retirement age is going to be a big thing, and its going to be even more dire for Millennials.


Wiki leaks was amazing and did an historical good work for humanity. That they ended up being a Russian weapon is only a result of the US' reaction to them.
They were trash, are trash.

The US had nothing to fucking do with them being a Russian propaganda outlet, THEY WERE ALWAYS ONE.


The cracks aren't ever going away. Instead if choosing to fix them while they had the chance, the GOP decided to ignore their cracks and use their party while they can.

Results in AZ, GA, and TX should frighten them.

To a lesser event the results in western blue states like CA and WA should frighten them also. They lost WA by over 15 points and CA by over 30 points. They are never going to win the popular vote as long as they get destroyed as bad as they did in the West in this election.


Wiki leaks was amazing and did an historical good work for humanity. That they ended up being a Russian weapon is only a result of the US' reaction to them.

Nope... That they've ended-up where they are now is due to Assange being a spineless weasel, who (probably) raped at least one woman. The attempted trial and extradition proceedings shifted them to an anti-American/anti-Western-Liberal world-view (which just so happens to be Russia's default POV). "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", and all that.

To be honest, Wikileaks could recover their image immensely if Assange turned himself over. They're all about showing dishonesty and lies... except when it comes to their own.

(Also, Snowden did a far better job of showing the world the US's lies/hypocrisy).

/rant over.


Trump voter lost her home to new Treasury secretary

WASHINGTON (AP) — When Donald Trump named his Treasury secretary, Teena Colebrook felt her heart sink.

She had voted for the president-elect on the belief that he would knock the moneyed elites from their perch in Washington, D.C. And she knew Trump's pick for Treasury_Steven Mnuchin_all too well.

OneWest, a bank formerly owned by a group of investors headed by Mnuchin, had foreclosed on her Los Angeles-area home in the aftermath of the Great Recession, stripping her of the two units she rented as a primary source of income.

"I just wish that I had not voted," said Colebrook, 59. "I have no faith in our government anymore at all. They all promise you the world at the end of a stick and take it away once they get in."

"He doesn't want the truth," she said. "He's now backing his buddies."

We can say that Trump supporters will always support Trump, but a) this story proves that's not wholly true, and b) it ignores disenfranchisement with Trump and his administration.

Also, sidenote: how can someone who's lost so much still be so naive? Urgh...


Trump ran as an outsider, he will have to run as the establishment in 2020. I don't see America suddenly getting over its hatred of insiders which has been the case in every national election since 2006.
Trump voter lost her home to new Treasury secretary

We can say that Trump supporters will always support Trump, but a) this story proves that's not wholly true, and b) it ignores disenfranchisement with Trump and his administration.

Also, sidenote: how can someone who's lost so much still be so naive? Urgh...

I just can't wait to see what happens when all those lost manufacturing jobs don't come back, who will get the blame now that Republicans have complete control of washington?



Wait was the 34% of Latinos voting for Trump based off of only Exit Polls and nothing more? I thought that was somehow based off of raw polling data from demographics. Is there no formal method of simply counting down raw votes by demograpics? For some reason I assumed we could simply straight up tally "HISPANIC" identified voters post election once all the raw votes were in.

Anyway it always seemed incredibly implausible to have 34% run to Trump, that shit is bonkers even if you account for diverse demographics among Hispanic groups considering how shitty Romney did.


I just can't wait to see what happens when all those lost manufacturing jobs don't come back, who will get the blame now that Republicans have complete control of washington?

Honestly, this will be my greatest source of amusement over the next 4 years. Watching Trump voters slowly realize that not only are they not getting their jobs back, they are also going to lose their Medicaid and food stamps. Darwin award winners, all of them.




Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Wait was the 34% of Latinos voting for Trump based off of only Exit Polls and nothing more? I thought that was somehow based off of raw polling data from demographics. Is there no formal method of simply counting down raw votes by demograpics? For some reason I assumed we could simply straight up tally "HISPANIC" identified voters post election once all the raw votes were in.

Anyway it always seemed incredibly implausible to have 34% run to Trump, that shit is bonkers even if you account for diverse demographics among Hispanic groups considering how shitty Romney did.

All those numbers showing latinos and women voting for trump are based off exit polls. Polls being so accurate this election cycle means the media ran with it.


Trump ran as an outsider, he will have to run as the establishment in 2020. I don't see America suddenly getting over its hatred of insiders which has been the case in every national election since 2006.

Reagan ran as an outsider in 1984, but to your point, I don't think he had such a manifest compulsion to be respected as much as Trump does. If anything becomes his undoing, that will be part of it.

Trump isn't the second coming of Napoleon or even the Right's Bill Clinton, he's a president who won less of the popular vote than any candidate in a head to head race in decades, and is assembling an extreme, abrasive government because this might be the only chance in a lifetime to pull it off.


No Scrubs
Wiki leaks was amazing and did an historical good work for humanity. That they ended up being a Russian weapon is only a result of the US' reaction to them.

Are you kidding me? Assange is in the situation he's in because he's accused of raping a woman and ran away from any consequences. The US didn't do this to him, he did it to himself. The situation he's in is literally all his own fault.
Wiki leaks was amazing and did an historical good work for humanity. That they ended up being a Russian weapon is only a result of the US' reaction to them.


None of that is for the good of humanity, and getting back at the US or the DNC or whatever is in no way justification for hurting tons of innocent individuals. Their pure trash, that don't care about the consequences of their actions, those they hurt, and refuse to take responsibility for it. I have ntohing good to say about them.
Honestly, this will be my greatest source of amusement over the next 4 years. Watching Trump voters slowly realize that not only are they not getting their jobs back, they are also going to lose their Medicaid and food stamps. Darwin award winners, all of them.

Is Trump really going to tell manufacturers to not use machines and spend 10x the cost by switching back to manual labor like it was the 60's.

And how in the hell is he going to bring outdated and extremely inefficient coal back? Plus the very job itself is extremely dangerous, it should be a thing of the past
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