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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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I barely laugh out loud, but this made me.


Wait.. What?!?!

How big could this possibly be? If there was actual interference in the election they would have to do something about it. Worst it could be is info on Russian govt. funding fake news.

I can't read twitter anymore. Everything is insane. What can I do to make things better as a straight white dude in dark blue MA?

BTW, Mattis will need a waiver from congress due to the Sec of Def needing to be a civilian and that is already getting resistance.


How big could this possibly be? If there was actual interference in the election they would have to do something about it. Worst it could be is info on Russian govt. funding fake news.

I can't read twitter anymore. Everything is insane. What can I do to make things better as a straight white dude in dark blue MA?

BTW, Mattis will need a waiver from congress due to the Sec of Def needing to be a civilian and that is already getting resistance.
I was getting the strong impression towards the end of the campaign that they were sitting on stuff to avoid making it look like the Admin was putting their finger on the dial....all while Russia was all too happily putting its foot on the other side.
I was getting the strong impression towards the end of the campaign that they were sitting on stuff to avoid making it look like the Admin was putting their finger on the dial....all while Russia was all too happily putting its foot on the other side.

It doesn't have to be politically motivated in the sense that they didn't want to appear as if they were favoring Hillary. If Russia was able to penetrate certain systems or cause internal damage, the US would never admit that simply because of the geopolitical implications and damage to public confidence.


How big could this possibly be? If there was actual interference in the election they would have to do something about it. Worst it could be is info on Russian govt. funding fake news.

I can't read twitter anymore. Everything is insane. What can I do to make things better as a straight white dude in dark blue MA?

BTW, Mattis will need a waiver from congress due to the Sec of Def needing to be a civilian and that is already getting resistance.

Why is Mattis getting resistance, I hope it's just posturing because it would be nice to have a sane and rational actor as SecDef. Do we really want to roll the dice on Trump's next pick for SecDef?

BTW I voted today in the LA runoff. It might be a long shot but another senate seat will be nice.


Oh Jesus we really are fucked for the next four years we have got to take this guy down in the next election.

He epitomizes the worst of his mindless drones. I thought he might pivot and be a normal person in office but this is weird and sad

Ironically, they said the same thing about Hitler.



Not much beyond what you can see in there -- Dem members of the senate intel committee (including Feinstein in another, classified letter) asking Obama to make public classified info.
Typically, this is intel committee code (mostly to reporters) that "there is something big in here we want you to know about."

The Guardian has a write-up here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...russian-interference-us-presidential-election


Why is Mattis getting resistance, I hope it's just posturing because it would be nice to have a sane and rational actor as SecDef. Do we really want to roll the dice on Trump's next pick for SecDef?

BTW I voted today in the LA runoff. It might be a long shot but another senate seat will be nice.

First I heard about was Gillibrand. Apparently some are serious about having a civilian in that role.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That would be a new one for republicans, Literally create a need for a bailout, and even plan to bail them out before doing so!


First I heard about was Gillibrand. Apparently some are serious about having a civilian in that role.

Well, the notion of civilian control over the military is a bedrock principle in US government, and the statute designed to ensure that the post can only be held by ex-servicepeople once they've been retired for a set of years is decades old.

Hell, the resolution that created a special exemption for George Marshall specifically states that no appointments of "military men" to the office should ever be approved again.

Though in this particular instance I think the possibility of Trump nominating someone comically unqualified would counsel in favor of granting another exemption for Mattis.

Kid Heart

��������Republicans in talks with lobbyists for a public bailout of the insurance industry when they repeal the ACA.��������


So bailouts are bad for problems caused by external circumstances, but great for unnecessary events you yourself cause? Awesome....

I seriously can't wait to see half of the "terrible" things Obama's did in office come back into vogue for Republicans since they're in charge now. Bonus points for all the comments on twitter where the irony goes straight over their head.


How big is this news for UK?


  • The Liberal Democrats have produced a stunning byelection victory to unseat Zac Goldsmith in Richmond Park, overturning a 23,000 majority to remove the former Conservative MP in a vote that became a de facto plebiscite on the government’s referendum plans. The swing to the Lib Dems was 21.5 points, putting this on a par with some of the party’s best ever byelection results (although Goldsmith was standing as an independent, so technically it was not a proper Conservative to Lib Dem swing.) Labour’s candidate came a distant third, losing his deposit.
  • Sarah Olney, the winning Lib Dem candidate, said the result would create a “shockwave” and send a clear message to the government that people do not want a hard Brexit, or to leave the single market. (See 2.52pm.)
  • The Conservatives have dismissed the result, insisting that it will not change government policy towards Brexit or Heathrow. (See 2.34pm.)

Nice victory speech at least.

A year and a half ago I was not involved in politics, I was not a member of a political party, I had never been involved in a political campaign, I had never thought about being a politician. But I knew I was a liberal. I believed in openness, tolerance, compassion, working with our neigbours around the world.

When I saw what happened at the general election last year I felt I had to get involved.

I think a lot of people in this community had the same feeling after the referendum. Richmond Park is full of people like me who felt something was going wrong, that the politics of anger and division were on the rise, that the liberal tolerant values we took for granted were under threat. We perceived the Ukip vision of Britain in the ascendancy, intolerant, backward-looking, divisive, just as we see it in America and across Europe.

Well, today we have said no. We will defend the Britain we love. We will stand up for the open, tolerant, united Britain we believe in. The people of Richmond Park and North Kingston have sent a shockwave through this Conservative Brexit government and our message is clear: we do not want a hard Brexit, we do not want to be pulled out of the single market and we will not let intolerance, division and fear win.

Rebel Leader

Oh Jesus we really are fucked for the next four years we have got to take this guy down in the next election.

He epitomizes the worst of his mindless drones. I thought he might pivot and be a normal person in office but this is weird and sad

In the next election? I hope you mean 2018 and not just 2020


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Is the Primary ever going to end in the OT?

And will anyone ever present any evidence that Dems should move further left?

No and No?



Dems really need to get their act together. I just wonder who'd be the best to take on Trump..

Holy Jesus, how could we possibly know that in 2016 when we don't know literally any of the events that will happen before the next election

Not only is this not a game it's not a poorly designed one
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