"Ive been talking with a number of fellow local and state leaders from around the country about the future direction of the Democratic Party," Buttigieg wrote Tuesday in an email to POLITICO, when asked if he is planning to run for DNC chair. "I am staying focused on South Bend, but I do care deeply about where our country is headed. Its clear the party needs to connect better with communities like my hometown, where working people are looking for economic fairness and for leadership that focuses on our shared values."
Buttigieg did not respond to followup questions about his interest but Democrats familiar with the mayor's thinking say he's received encouragement in and outside his state about running and is taking that support seriously.
A Harvard graduate, Rhodes Scholar and lieutenant in the Navy Reserve, Buttigieg is considered one of the few Democratic rising stars in increasingly red Indiana.
"If you're going to talk about Midwestern stars you gotta be hearing rumors about Mayor Pete Buttigieg," said Jason Critchlow, chairman of South Bend's St. Joseph County Democratic Party. "I mean it's not just that he's this rising star in Indiana. With the problems that the Democratic Party is facing right now, here's a guy in Indiana that's succeeding on all levels with every level of voter, the blue collar voter, the white collar, professional voters. So it doesn't surprise me at all, especially given his background."