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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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ah, makes sense

This is the internet, the same internet that still plays a certain song about never giving up as a prank

Well, in this case:

The EC is going to give us up, let us down, is going to run around and desert us. It's going to make us cry, say goodbye (To America), we're gonna be surrounded by lies (From Trump), and boy are we gonna hurt.


Errrrrrr... Hum.

Rebecca Leber ‏@rebleber 3m3 minutes ago

It's getting kind of awkward now. pic.twitter.com/afWwdBnTpW

Unrelated to that, but relevant to the conversation of Trump and war:

Is Trump Starting Something With China He Can’t Finish? Beijing laughed at Trump’s hard-right advisers. Now that he’s rewriting decades of U.S.-China policy, it's deploying bombers.
(May require free registration)
Initially excused in Beijing as understandable missteps by a political novice, the president-elect’s provocations represent the first volley of a deliberate, aggressive new posture toward China that seeks to reshape the relationship between the world’s two biggest economies. Powered by a coterie of hawkish China advisers, Trump seeks to challenge Beijing’s growing military and economic heft in the region by embracing Taiwan, deploying more ships and planes, landing more basing agreements with partners like Vietnam, and forging bilateral trade deals to replace the all-but-dead Trans-Pacific Partnership.


House conservatives want Trump to undo regulations on climate, FDA, Uber

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), the incoming chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, used a meeting with Donald Trump to deliver a list of 232 regulations that the incoming president could repeal immediately. “We felt like it was important to put together a real working document,” Meadows told CNN.

The list, shared by Meadows’s office, includes President George W. Bush’s order restricting access to executive branch papers and Federal Aviation Administration regulations that limit overland supersonic flights. The rationale for repealing that last regulation, in its entirety: “Make Sonic Boom Again.”

That’s as frivolous as the document gets. The rest of it, in no particular order, recommends undoing as many of President Obama’s initiatives as possible.

Some low lights:

National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School as Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

National Forest System Land Management Planning

Food Safety and Inspection Services

Food and Nutrition Services (Child and Adult Care Food Program)

Commodity Credit Corporation (Agricultural Conservation Easement

Rural Utilities Services, Agriculture (Rural Broadband Access Loans and Loan Guarantees; Correction) LOL, fucking over the rural voters that got you elected, nice!

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services

National Organic Program

Removal Of Mandatory Country Of Origin Labeling Requirements For Beef And Pork Muscle Cuts, Ground Beef, And Ground Pork (Do you care where your meat comes from? If yes, FUCK YOU!)

Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Clean Water Rule: Definition of Waters of the United States"

Office for Civil Rights: Transgender and Gender Non-comforming Students

Child Care And Development Fund (Pro-Life, lol)

Food Labeling: Revision Of The Nutrition And Supplement Facts Labels (GMO Labeling? There won't be any fucking labeling now)

Read the list of 232 regulations

I can go on and on and they are ALL horrifying, all of them. Those who are not in the very upper middle class, you are fucked if they pass even a fraction of these. They're going to destroy everything we have ever built for ourselves. Absolutely everything.
The hell is with Republicans and school lunches? Spite a Democratic social thing, but it literally ruins the health of millions of children. How can you possibly justify something like that?
One China is I think I can't see China backing down on. Like, ever, and certainly not something as ridiculous as a renegotiated trade deal. Trump's a moron for acting like he can treat it like a bargaining chip. The US needs China way the hell more than China needs the US, so the US even starts from a lousy bargaining position. I think China would be wiling to afford a period of partial economic panic while it weaned itself off the US if it eventually led to taking Taiwan back. Unlike Trump, the leadership there is willing to think long-term.
Russia, Syria and Iran are besties so I dont see Trump starting a war with Iran despite his cabinet full of sabre rattlers. In fact, I see US fully kowtowing Russia on foreign policy under Trump who doesn't know shit about the world and will learn it from Putin, Flynn and Manafort.


The hell is with Republicans and school lunches? Spite a Democratic social thing, but it literally ruins the health of millions of children. How can you possibly justify something like that?

Liberal elites hate fast food and are forcing elitist food on our children (lol).
The list, shared by Meadows’s office, includes President George W. Bush’s order restricting access to executive branch papers and Federal Aviation Administration regulations that limit overland supersonic flights. The rationale for repealing that last regulation, in its entirety: “Make Sonic Boom Again.”

Sonic fans are insane.


I remember back when we argued that the Supreme Court should be a good reason why people should back the Dem ticket wholeheartedly, and some guys said that wasn't good enough.

Those times sure are nostalgic given how many other reasons have popped up lately.
Fuck GMO labeling for school lunches (or any food), fuck prioritizing organic food, and fuck mandatory labeling of country of origin for meat. That shit is all about appealing to different lobbies and nothing to do with health.

Of course, that's just some inane shit in the details, lots of these regulations make sense.


Honestly, while the Russia stuff is concerning and worries me to no end, I still think Comey's actions were the most egregious and responsible for Hillary's loss. The Russian hacks were against private organizations, and the information they leaked amounted to a whole lot of nothing. The people who fell for that shit were already long gone, basically Bernie fans who were stupid enough to believe the DNC rigged the election and were never going to vote for Hillary, or Trump supporters who already thought she was a swamp monster. The Comey letter's suggestion of "reopening" the investigation actually affected level headed people, and caused more of them to stay home or vote third party than any other single action.


House conservatives want Trump to undo regulations on climate, FDA, Uber

Some low lights:

I can go on and on and they are ALL horrifying, all of them. Those who are not in the very upper middle class, you are fucked if they pass even a fraction of these. They're going to destroy everything we have ever built for ourselves. Absolutely everything.

So, basically, completely eradicate any of Obama's legislative accomplishments and wipe his administration from history.
I remember back when we argued that the Supreme Court should be a good reason why people should back the Dem ticket wholeheartedly, and some guys said that wasn't good enough.

Those times sure are nostalgic given how many other reasons have popped up lately.

Don't even get me started. This past year made it even clearer that the dems penchant for thinking the world revolves around the presidential vote and nothing else is so self-destructive.

Imagine if all the people who couldn't cope with voting for either candidate said "but you know what, I'm going to at least see what I can do about the downticket". This situation would be a lot less dire. But you know, people are unfortunately reactionary by heart.


Oh. They want to get rid of the provision that opens up all roles to women in the military.

Someone needs to make a thread on this fuckery.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
It just becomes clearer and clearer that the modern republican party is a corporatism movement selling itself to white people under the guise of neo-confederacy and white identity politics.

What some see as disgusting and literally evil is just another day at the office for people who see the human race as nothing more than a mechanism to extract wealth from only for the sake of having more and more. Combined with the further societal damage done by the lunatic true believers that go along for the ride, who actually do want to recreate 19th century society.

Rebel Leader

The hell is with Republicans and school lunches? Spite a Democratic social thing, but it literally ruins the health of millions of children. How can you possibly justify something like that

If you're pre-born you're good, if you're preschool you're fucked.


It just becomes clearer and clearer that the modern republican party is a corporatism movement selling itself to white people under the guise of neo-confederacy and white identity politics.

What some see as disgusting and literally evil is just another day at the office for people who see the human race as nothing more than a mechanism to extract wealth from only for the sake of having more and more. Combined with the further societal damage done by the lunatic true believers that go along for the ride, who actually do want to recreate 19th century society.

Noam Chomsky has been saying this shit for years. The Republican Party is no longer just another political party. They are an active enemy of the United States government. They campaigned on it. "Drain the swamp!" "We're going to tear it all down." Make government so small that you can drown it in a bathtub.


Because Republicans aren't good people

Like literally end of story.

It would be interesting to create a narrative that weaves a few different amoral R and R-leaning threads together:

Republicans don't care for women. That's women's health rights, but also matters of consent, equal pay, equal opportunities. See how many Senators pushed the Pussygate tape only in relation to women they are related to - they see women as subservient "things".

Republicans don't care about national security. See the number of GOP politicians who don't care about Russia's interference, but also the number who don't care about the Bush administration's email issues.

Republicans don't care about children's health.

Republicans don't care about corruption or conflicts of interest, unless it's the opposing party.

Republicans don't care about the climate.

Republicans don't care about jobs being lost to automation.

Republicans don't care about voting rights.

Republicans don't care about the truth.

Evangelical Christians don't care about their fellow man, in ways that would make Jesus blush if he were alive. The fact that so many Evangelical leaders came out against Trump, and still the Religious Right shrugged and went "Well, he may be against abortion, so fuck the rest of mankind".

Perhaps Palmer Luckey was on to something with his vested interest in r/TheDonald - that memes are actually the way forward. All of the above is abhorrent, so how do you get people to actually give a fuck, other than having pictures of Harambe exclaiming the opponent is the devil?

Edit: This is a legit question, btw. It genuinely should not be difficult to make people notice this shit, so how can the GOP and R-leaners realise a narrative, whilst the Dems just sit and whine? Where's the initiative, and the action?


Based on past trends, it's pretty likely they take the house. The senate is an uphill battle, but it's doable if Trump messes up horribly in 2 years

It won't happen. Past trends don't take into account the insane gerrymandering that has taken place. I would love to eat my words on this one, but I'm willing to bet money we still have a republican house in 2018/19.


6. Mr. President-elect, you have said repeatedly in speeches during your thank-you tour that you will bring the U.S. together — that we're one country, and we need to be united. But at those same speeches, talk of unity is combined with statements that criticize, even mock those who opposed you. How does that serve the unity you say needs to come about? And can you please list some specific examples of things you will do to help that unity take place?
I can't really imagine Trump having satisfactory answers for anything.


That list is just... Disgusting.

The Freedom Caucus is disgusting.

This country is just disgusting.



If I were patriotic and loved this country I would be heartbroken.


Perhaps Palmer Luckey was on to something with his vested interest in r/TheDonald - that memes are actually the way forward. All of the above is abhorrent, so how do you get people to actually give a fuck, other than having pictures of Harambe exclaiming the opponent is the devil?

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. We joked about them not being journalists, but it's probably the most effective way of ingraining into the larger populace how awful the Trump administration is.

It doesn't reach Trump voters? I don't think that matters right now. Colbert has been getting back into gear since the election and I think him being attacked by the alt-reich is a good indicator that he's effective.
Telling me that my concerns about Bernie's wing of the party ignoring minorities are mythical is not a great way to make them go away.

More YouGov fun! I'm open to seeing any other numbers, but this seems to be some of the more easily accessible data on these kinds of topics. Of course, if anyone has any other data that contradicts this, I'm open to seeing it. Unfortunately there's some missing data on other issues such as criminal justice, so I would be curious to see any numbers on that.

In May 2016, people who preferred Clinton and considered gay rights not very important or unimportant: 32%
people who preferred Sanders who considered gay rights not very important or unimportant: 23%

Clinton supporters were more likely to support an amendment allowing states to ban gay marriage than Sanders supporters (25% to 16%), and Sanders supporters were more likely to oppose it (77% to 63%)

The most important issue for both Clinton and Sanders supporters is the economy (19% and 18%, respectively). For those who consider gay rights the most important issue, Clinton supporters are at 4%, and Sanders supporters are at 2%. For those who consider immigration the most important issue, Clinton supporters are at 2% and Sanders supporters are at 1%.

The issue by far that Black primary voters cared most about was Social Security (24%), with the economy second (17%). Hispanic primary voters cared most about the economy (30%), with immigration second (15%).

The "dislike" percentage for Blacks, Hispanics, and every other non-white demographic (11%, 28%, 40%, respectively) was higher for Clinton than it was for Sanders (5%, 11%, 11%), though both were well-liked overall.

More Black people thought Clinton cared about POC than Sanders (71% vs. 65%) and more Black people thought Sanders did not care about POC compared to Clinton (17% to 13%). But more Hispanics thought Sanders cared about people of color than Clinton did (67% vs. 58%). Other non-white demographics also agreed Sanders cares about POC more than Clinton (63% to 41%)

By a slight margin (45%-43%), black folks support single-payer at a higher rate than white people (though there is a bigger "not sure" percentage for black people). Weirdly enough, all the 65+ people who qualify for Medicare are the least likely age group to support single-payer, and the most likely to oppose it. 60% of Clinton supporters also supported single-payer.

Black (56%), Hispanic (57%), and non-white (58%) majorities supported tuition-free college. White people are the least likely to support it (only 38%)

Clinton supporters were more likely to see Immigration as very important or important (84%) compared to Sanders supporters (71%). Trump supporters at the time were at 97%.

Clinton supporters were more likely to support a border wall (27%) than Sanders supporters (22%). Sanders supporters were also more likely to oppose it (72% to 66%)

Majorities of both Clinton supporters (72%) and Sanders supporters (69%) believe in someone who should be willing to compromise to get things done.

A higher percentage of Clinton supporters (18% to 14%) think illegal immigrants should be required to leave the US.

There's a lot of other data that's relevant to this topic as well. But overall, the polling data at the time did seem to show a preference for Clinton by black folks (though Sanders is still strong), and a preference for Sanders with every other POC. And on the issues that are generally seen as specifically "minority" issues, it's mostly a wash between Clinton/Sanders supporters. And of course, on the issues that people claim Sanders spends too much time on...those are the issues minorities (and everyone else!) care about the most.

So at least this data, taken during the primary (back when Sanders was supposedly "damaging the party" and supposedly everyone hated him, which is why I picked this date) doesn't seem to match that the idea that minorities are turned off by Sanders, or that they don't care about the issues Sanders and his supporters care about or that Sanders supporters in huge numbers somehow care less about the issues minorities care about. It also doesn't seem to show Sanders supporters as hating on compromise, FWIW.

So, while your concerns on a personal level are obviously not mythical (I can't change how you feel personally, obviously), the idea that your view is a common trend among minorities overall (which seems to be a popular viewpoint in a lot of online circles) does seem to be false. Again, I'm open to seeing any other data that shows the opposite. Maybe this has all changed in recent weeks and minorities totally don't like Sanders anymore, and dislike his constant economic message, and are all lying to pollsters, but considering that majorities across all demographics (except rich people and Republicans) still have a favorable opinion of him, that would seem unlikely. And the "most important issue" numbers still hold up, even in more recent surveys. Everyone cares the most about economic and economic-related issues.

All this info certainly seems a bit different from the "only white people like him and his leftist views and a ton of his supporters want to throw minorities under the bus to talk about class all the time and minorities aren't trying to hear all that" viewpoint that seems to still be popular, but maybe I'm missing something.

I think the far more boring and accurate assessment is that Sanders talks about economic issues a lot because everyone cares primarily about economic issues, across all demographics. People are welcome to call him a "one issue candidate" because of this, but it certainly seems like people are "one issue voters", by that standard. And the issues that are considered "minority" issues, Sanders supporters are more likely to support the progressive views on those, (as mentioned, it'd be good to see numbers on criminal justice, since that's a big missing piece I haven't been able to find yet).
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