There's a lot of angry ass white people who feel that they're losing out to minorities. I see this every day with my midwestern relatives on facebook. They're wrong and at best diet-racists, but they vote.
Yes, I could compile a list, but if I learned anything from the gaming side it's that listwarz are not a productive way to discuss anything. I'm not saying we abandon it, but de-emphasize it at a national level only in the immediate term. There are governorships and state legislatures that need a stronger sell to middle class apathetic white people. I'm not prescribing a formula for every seat in every district in the country.
Sorry, but Democrats deemphasizing it on a national level will only hurt them.
Now, do I think that Democrats running in, for example, Iowa need to rephrase their message to white voters? Unfortunately yes, but only for those running at a state level, NOT national level.
50 state strategy means that you have Democrats in blue and indigo states remain focused on appealing to progressives and minorities, but have Democrats in red and magenta states focus on winning by being blue dogs that focus well on state and local issues.
And like in 2008, you combine that with a POTUS nominee who's campaign focuses on being charismatic and energetic to get liberals, progressives, and minorities everywhere turning out in massive numbers so that you end up with:
- Democrats winning lots of states/districts on the state and local level even if they don't vote democratic for POTUS.
- Turning states considered safe red blue just as a result of REALLY high democratic turnout.
lmao I'll try that next time.
Speaking of sports analogies though, the "we'll run a better candidate next time" talk worries me. There's absolutely no reason to assume that this will happen. This is the kind of thinking perpetually bad sports team management uses. "We only lost this year because of our injuries", "we would have been great if we just had one more reliable reliever", etc. We can't rely best-case, or even decent-case scenarios to win. And even if we have another Bill or Barack appear out of nowhere, they're not going to get us to october baseball alone if our rotation is garbage and we can't get anyone on base. Or something.
Unless Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders end up the 2020 nominee, it's going to be VERY easy to run a better candidate because, unless the GOP is fucking psychic, the GOP won't know who will be the nominee four years from now.
One of the reasons Hillary lost was that EVERYONE knew she would run again as soon as Obama won reelection, so the GOP spent 4 effing years attacking Hillary relentlessly.