Well, that Super Mario Run thread on Gaming side was... illuminating. Apparently the reason Trump won was because... some people feel that "damsels in distress" is a sexist trope that we should be seeing less of in the gaming industry and encouraging other approaches and they should just... shut up about that and keep those opinions to themselves or else we're doomed to have another four years of Trump because people are trying to have discussions on what they feel is and isn't sexist? And that this apparently isn't a rare refrain and there were a surprisingly large number of people chiming in just to say "this is why Trump won" (granted, a number of them are probably alts but even counting that...)?
*Sigh.* I can literally feel the Overton window shifting to the right, when stuff like the "damsel in distress" trope that has been talked about for years before Trump was relevant, with series like Mario and Zelda being case-in-point examples, are nonetheless somehow treated as some new thing and how Trump apparently won... *Sigh.*
And since that thread was locked (and rightly so, because even beyond that, the thread in question somehow got... even weirder with someone slamming the NYT and insisting that the alt-right aren't neo-nazis derailing the thread) I just need to rant about something else for a bit here, so please bear with me and thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this. Just really need to get something out of my system that occurred to me while reading the thread.
There seems to be a common-place opinion in the thread that even if the damsel in distress trope is wrong, we're nonetheless talking about Mario Bros games and since that's just how the Mario Bros games are and have been for decades, it's just how it is and no big deal regardless and just is what it is, just a part of what makes Mario "Mario" for better or worse.
But then, using the same logic, what about the other stuff that are common complaints about the series? That is to say, stuff like the "Bah Bah"s and the reused music and reused NSMB aesthetics. People have been complaining about that stuff for years now, and rightly so cause it is all kind of old and done and it would naturally be nice to have something new and fresh and see some hot new takes on what can be done with those aspects of the series.
But the whole refrain to defend Peach constantly being kidnapped and the use of the damsel in distress trope is that we shouldn't have new ideas and that that's simply a part of what makes Mario "Mario." But if that's the case, then the "Bah Bahs" and the music and the aesthetics have been with us since NSMB released on the Nintendo DS back in 2006. That is, they've been part of the series for just over a decade now and since they have survived and persisted just fine despite the complaints they could just as easily be said to be part of what makes Mario "Mario." Therefore, if people can't complain about the use of the damsel in distress trope with Peach because that's an inherent part of the series or whatever, then surely the same must be said about the music and aesthetics as well at this point? That people just need to "get over it" just like they do with Peach being a damsel because that just is how it is, for better or worse and people just need to find or make their own games if they don't like it?
Of course, one can shift to talking about how the series didn't always have one aesthetic, while the series has had Peach as a damsel from the beginning, so one is part of the core of the series and one isn't. But yet, just like the aesthetic used to change more often, at the start of the series Peach's role was more in flux as well. I mean, she was a playable character in SMB2, the same as any other. So if one wants to appeal to the series roots, and how Nintendo used to mix things up more often with the aesthetics and that's why that's a valid change, because of stuff like SMB2 USA one has to contend the same applies there. And if one tries to pivot from there to how whether a Peach is a damsel or not isn't literally killing anyone or anything, so whatever, well, whether the games have Bah Bahs or the same music or the same aesthetics and themes or not also isn't literally killing anyone and could just as well be used to shut down any discussion of ways in which people feel the series can be improved (since that is in fact what it's about at the end of day--people discussing ways in which they feel that the series can be improved and made to be even more than what it is. People might disagree about what those ways are, but it's nonetheless what's at the core of the discussion, so that isn't a very fruitful or beneficial approach for anyone.
So that being the case, why is it that complaints about one thing the series has been doing for just over a decade that haven't seemed to impact the series success at all and that Nintendo seems very likely to continue doing because of that regardless of any complaints are nonetheless deemed valid and are something that most fans agree on for one reason or another, but yet complaining about a certain other aspect of the series is treated as taboo or off-limits using the circular logic that that's just how it's always been, and thus how it always must be, take it or leave it, or else you're erasing history or something?
Of course, that's a rhetorical question. It's because because one inherently involves identity and gender politics which many wish they could ignore (which they could easily do by just not clicking on such threads if that truly was their wish, and voila, wish granted, but alas...) and the other doesn't and so they naturally try to shut down discussion of one and not the other.
It's just... rather alarming that the amount of people determined to completely derail or shut-down such discussions is as large as it appears to be, even on a site like NeoGAF, despite the best efforts of the moderation staff (and of course, to be clear here, I'm not saying that people need to agree with the premises of the article the thread was about. It's fine to have differing opinions. But the sheer amount of derision, and attempts not to have a discussion, but to entirely shut-down the discussion altogether or otherwise completely derail it? Those are a different matter entirely and am what I'm referring to here).
I mean, I've followed GamerGate stuff for a while and knew that stuff was no joke and needed to be taken seriously and was always saddened by those who felt that stuff wasn't a big deal because even then I knew they were wrong and that even if those people were small in number that didn't make their views or actions any less dangerous. But even so, even despite having followed that stuff for a while now, I'm still shocked at the sheer extent of how pervasive this stuff is, with naturally the results of this election being the biggest wake-up-call of all.
Like, I said, I knew it was common... But even so, I still underestimated the sheer amount of people who seem completely opposed to anything involving or resembling whatever they deem to be identity politics or political correctness. Of course, even if the nonsensical premise that "this is the stuff that made Donald Trump win" is correct (the reasons he won are multi-faceted and can't be narrowed down to any one factor) that's by no means any reason to abandon such beliefs. On the contrary, it's the reason why we have to double down and protect and fight for what we believe in to make sure it's not lost because if we just let it go ourselves, what do we have to hang on to? But I just fear that no matter how badly Trump messes things up, victory will not come as easily in 2018 and 2020 as some may thing. I desperately, desperately hope I'm wrong but when simple topics like that one generated the sheer amount of vitriol and dismissive replies and the shocking amount of people who seem agreed that that is the type of thing that let Trump win I just can't help shaking the feeling that things are going to get a whole ton worse before they get better.
If anyone actually read all the way through this, I sincerely thank you for being crazy enough to bear with all of that. xD Like I said, this was just kind of a rant of some stuff I needed to get off my shoulders after reading that thread and since that thread itself was locked, I didn't really know where else to put this, so you guys are the lucky winners who get to read my ramblings I guess. xD But seriously, thank you all and wish you all the best (even those of you who disagree with me. You too!) and hope that we all manage to find a way through all of this craziness together! ^__^