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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Hopefully Sanders doesn't actually try to run again. He and Biden are too old.

Now Harris and Cortez-Masto are New enough that the GOP won't be able to create a narrative on them.
I think the election of Obama versus the nomination of Clinton shows that you need to run new unknowns to win. Because anyone with any record of actually legislating or compromising is tarnished.

Sanders seemed squeaky clean because he spent his career sitting on the sidelines, complaining at the ones doing the heavy lifting and never accomplishing shit. His one major initiative (VA reform) went up in smoke because the GOP are shitheads.

Masto and Harris, as you say will benefit from being the minority party in a particularly unproductive Congress. Frankly while the threat of an Obama veto went a long way towards deterring any serious legislation by the GOP over the last two years, the freedom caucus makes the whole thing like herding cats. I'm a little skeptical as to how much they'll actually be able to ruin under President Trump.
Masto should really be working on promoting as much pro-LGBT legislation as possible if she wants to get through the primary since she came around on gay rights in... 2015.

She's super talented, but that's going to a major issue in a national primary.


CCM didn't just come around on gay rights in 2015. Rather, she did her job to the definition when other AGs at the time weren't in order to advance gay marriage rights. She was working under a Republican governor and state legislature so that might have been a reason for it, but yeah, it would hurt her in a Democratic primary in 2020, especially compared to someone like Harris.

ZiweVerified account @ziwe

Ronda Rousey lost because the white working class didn't feel inspired

This one got me

Masto should really be working on promoting as much pro-LGBT legislation as possible if she wants to get through the primary since she came around on gay rights in... 2015.

She's super talented, but that's going to a major issue in a national primary.

I thought we were supposed to moving away from identity politics. Thats what the media and several gaffers told me. We gotta put those issues on the backburner.

Bloomberg did A Pessimist's Guide to 2017 in wake of Brexit and our Pres-elect.

Includes stuff like:
- Islamic State, exploiting U.S. disengagement from the world, runs its drug operations out of Afghanistan and radicalizes Central Asia.
-China falls into its deepest recession of the modern era.
- Slamming what he calls #CrookedChina, Trump tweets at 3:17 a.m. on the morning of his inauguration that he’s planning to label the country a currency manipulator and slap “huge” tariffs on incoming imports.
- Amazon, Apple and Google reveal widespread government wiretaps of the passive listening software on smartphones and Echo-like connected home devices, while Wikileaks turns on Trump with a series of embarrassing leaks.
- (After Trump ends rapproachment with Cuba) Given their historical ties, President Raúl Castro lets the Russians reopen an intelligence base in Havana.
- mass deportations
- mexico's economy tanks after Trump pulls out of NAFTA!
- Theresa May and Merkel lose!
- Anti-immigration candidate Marine Le Pen becomes president of France, then holds a referendum on leaving the EU.
- A movement emerges combining college students, Black Lives Matter activists, former Occupy Wall Street protesters and anarchists. Trump attempts to impose emergency restrictions and curfews in major cities
Happy New Year everyone!


"In the U.K., Theresa May is ousted by a hard-liner after Brexit talks go awry." very unlikely but this is a pessimist's guide!

Just saw that. I can see some of the stuff listed in that article happening but like I said I don't think it's likely that Le Pen and Merkel loses. wilders is questionable since it's a center-right wing party versus a right wing party which probably won't end up well for the PVV. The same is true for Merkel and Fillion where they both are facing a right wing party. Le Pen also has to deal with her daughter plus finding an effective way to differentiate herself from Fillion.



Happy New Year, Losers!
Democrats should get behind marijuana legalization. I think it's a winning issue that will gain votes and enthusiasm without losing any. No Democrat will abandon the party over that issue. I don't understand why they are so hesitant on the issue.

I don't smoke and have no interest in doing so, so I don't feel this way for selfish reasons. I just think it would be good politics and policy.
Democrats should get behind marijuana legalization. I think it's a winning issue that will gain votes and enthusiasm without losing any. No Democrat will abandon the party over that issue. I don't understand why they are so hesitant on the issue.

I don't smoke and have no interest in doing so, so I don't feel this way for selfish reasons. I just think it would be good politics and policy.

Kinda feel like it was Obama in office stopping the broad support of it, now though it makes sense as personal freedom/vet care/state revenue/decriminalization platform. Can't think if any reason not to.
My professor from Germany thinks that since AfD mostly pulls fron the CDU that the SPD, Greens, and the Left might form a coalition to replace the Grand Coalition.
My professor from Germany thinks that since AfD mostly pulls fron the CDU that the SPD, Greens, and the Left might form a coalition to replace the Grand Coalition.

I guess it takes fascists for the SPD and Greens to finally work with the Left (and vice-versa), although they've worked together on a lower level too.

I'm skeptical that AfD will get anywhere near the support it needs for anything, though. I suspect we still see Merkel in 2018.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Democrats should get behind marijuana legalization. I think it's a winning issue that will gain votes and enthusiasm without losing any. No Democrat will abandon the party over that issue. I don't understand why they are so hesitant on the issue.

I don't smoke and have no interest in doing so, so I don't feel this way for selfish reasons. I just think it would be good politics and policy.
Isn't like 2/3 of the country for it? Seriously it's a no brainer.
Democrats should get behind marijuana legalization. I think it's a winning issue that will gain votes and enthusiasm without losing any. No Democrat will abandon the party over that issue. I don't understand why they are so hesitant on the issue.

I don't smoke and have no interest in doing so, so I don't feel this way for selfish reasons. I just think it would be good politics and policy.

I agree, but I think it should have a little footnote saying that we'll allow states to decide.

And it needs to be tied to a Criminal Justice Reform and Drig Policy Reform platform.


Organized leftist protest movements, Trump trying unsuccessfully for fascist crackdowns, California defying Trump and SilVal organizing against him, and the GOP turning on itself? This is supposed to be the pessimistic timeline?

The rest of this seems pretty bad though, although saying Theresa May gets ousted by a hard-liner is kind of like saying Stalin might get supplanted by an authoritarian dictator.

edit: holy shit, guys, the reason people don't want to talk about legalizing marijuana is that you and three other college kids aren't actually representative of America, did you literally learn nothing from this year
Organized leftist protest movements, Trump trying unsuccessfully for fascist crackdowns, California defying Trump and SilVal organizing against him, and the GOP turning on itself? This is supposed to be the pessimistic timeline?

The rest of this seems pretty bad though, although saying Theresa May gets ousted by a hard-liner is kind of like saying Stalin might get supplanted by an authoritarian dictator.

edit: holy shit, guys, the reason people don't want to talk about legalizing marijuana is that you and three other college kids aren't actually representative of America, did you literally learn nothing from this year

Marijuana won almost everywhere this year, it's popular.


For people that wanted Obama to be meaner on Trump and Russia, LBJ, the biggest bastard of all time, didn't attack Nixon for committing treason but not having enough proof.


So, are people at the DNC not allowed to have a favorite?
If not, are you in favor of prosecuting people for thought crimes?

After all, for the minor things in the email, none of it, with the exception of Donna leaking two obvious debate questions, amounted to any actual actions taken to favor a canidate.

When you start to act favorably for your favorites? No, you can't have favorites. And I don't know why you're even asking this question. When was the last time someone (in ANYTHING) announced that they had a favorite and didn't, in some way, try to tip the scales for their favorites? "I have a favorite, but I won't do anything about it." Said no one ever. As if the DNC was filled with robots, devoid of all human emotions who wouldn't act on all of the nonsense that they were advocating. It was wide-spread enough that some definitely tried.

And on trying to justify the debate question: just own it. They cheated for Her Majesty and there's no way around it.
edit: holy shit, guys, the reason people don't want to talk about legalizing marijuana is that you and three other college kids aren't actually representative of America, did you literally learn nothing from this year

Your condescending attitude is becoming boring. It's been a long time since I was a college student.

And I clearly said it would be a way to get new voters. Half the country doesn't vote. This year taught us that you can win by appealing to voters who usually stay home, and marijuana is the type of issue that could get a chunk of those people off their asses without turning off any existing Dem voters.

Not to mention that polls and referendums show that it is bigly popular. It's a no-brainer.


Unconfirmed Member
edit: holy shit, guys, the reason people don't want to talk about legalizing marijuana is that you and three other college kids aren't actually representative of America, did you literally learn nothing from this year

Wait, what were we supposed to learn from this this year that should make us realize that marijuana is a losing issue?

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Do you really think democrats focused too much on the college kid demographic this year? In what way did they do that?


When you start to act favorably for your favorites? No, you can't have favorites. And I don't know why you're even asking this question. When was the last time someone (in ANYTHING) announced that they had a favorite and didn't, in some way, try to tip the scales for their favorites? "I have a favorite, but I won't do anything about it." Said no one ever. As if the DNC was filled with robots, devoid of all human emotions who wouldn't act on all of the nonsense that they were advocating. It was wide-spread enough that some definitely tried.

And on trying to justify the debate question: just own it. They cheated for Her Majesty and there's no way around it.
'They' meaning Donna Brazile? Because there's no evidence that the DNC rigged votes or anything in Hillary's favor, now is there? Instead they had to bow to the Holy Messiah whose white maleness meant everything was rigged against him and really unfair, yes?


Wait, what were we supposed to learn from this this year that should make us realize that marijuana is a losing issue?

My assumption is that you guys aren't white supremacists but it turns out a lot of America is so I figured this would make you ask some questions about the universality of your beliefs
My assumption is that you guys aren't white supremacists but it turns out a lot of America is so I figured this would make you ask some questions about the universality of your beliefs

Take it from Jeff Sessions, even the KKK likes weed.

Weed winning in Nevada seems to suggest weed is a good issue.
Weed isn't really a Liberal or Conservative thing.

It's kind of been lumped into a Liberal thing, but then a red state like Alaska passes it, so it's not really a hardline left leaning issue. It's probably fine for the Democrats to throw their full support behind it, it seems bipartisan.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
When you start to act favorably for your favorites? No, you can't have favorites. And I don't know why you're even asking this question. When was the last time someone (in ANYTHING) announced that they had a favorite and didn't, in some way, try to tip the scales for their favorites? "I have a favorite, but I won't do anything about it." Said no one ever. As if the DNC was filled with robots, devoid of all human emotions who wouldn't act on all of the nonsense that they were advocating. It was wide-spread enough that some definitely tried.

And on trying to justify the debate question: just own it. They cheated for Her Majesty and there's no way around it.

Well, into 2017 and BernieBros just won't give up.
Good rebuttal by the way, I hope you don't have kids (good luck never favoring one over the other). Then again, maybe you will only have one and name him Bernie! Solves that problem.

I love the last time I asked this question, the response was "Oh the Debate Schedule!" which was set before Sanders entered the race. Nobody can point to any actions of tipping the scale, and you get posts like Mimic made here.
We have a whole set of emails that were not supposed to be made public, and no proof can be provided that they "cheated for Her Majesty". I don't think BernieBros will ever give up their delusion that the DNC did. It's pathetic.
Happy 2017! It's going to get much worse.

Have seen some people who think the election was the end of all this.


Ha ha ha


This isn't the end, guys, this is the beginning.


Unconfirmed Member
2021 is still so far away.

And don't even make me think about waiting until 2025.
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