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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Here's a great article in RollingStone on how the media is buying this "Russia Hacked the election" story hook line and sinker without any evidence.

WMD anyone?


Already has been covered in the OT. Some key details you missed:

1) The author is a rapist who has worked for Russia

2) No, the CIA did NOT claim with certainty that Saddam had WMDs.

3) It's not just the CIA that says it was Russia, the FBI and 16 other agencies all agree with CIA that Russia hacked the Democrats.

but something tells me you were just doing another drive-by post....
Already has been covered in the OT. Some key details you missed:

1) The author is a rapist who has worked for Russia

2) No, the CIA did NOT claim with certainty that Saddam had WMDs.

3) It's not just the CIA that says it was Russia, the FBI and 16 other agencies all agree with CIA that Russia hacked the Democrats.

but something tells me you were just doing another drive-by post....

Worked in Russia, but not for Russia exactly.


Already has been covered in the OT. Some key details you missed:

1) The author is a rapist who has worked for Russia

2) No, the CIA did NOT claim with certainty that Saddam had WMDs.

3) It's not just the CIA that says it was Russia, the FBI and 16 other agencies all agree with CIA that Russia hacked the Democrats.

but something tells me you were just doing another drive-by post....

Hacking the Dem's is a very different thing than hacking the election.

Personally, I I think the DNC hack was more likely done by an insider upset at their treatment of Bernie.

Also, is there a source for the rape charge or Russia?


I always like people groaning at a "lack of evidence" that then immediately just give a non-sourced, dumb explanation without evidence of their own.


Unconfirmed Member
Here's a great article in RollingStone on how the media is buying this "Russia Hacked the election" story hook line and sinker without any evidence.

WMD anyone?

This is a bad article and you should feel bad for sharing it. The Bush administration pushed the WMD narrative because it was a great risible pretext to invade Iraq, which is something they wanted to do regardless. This was in the face of evidence to the contrary from intelligence sources. In this case it is the intelligence agencies that are waving the red flags, the administration is making it known because it is important to know, there is literally no other end game beyond that at this point.

Yes more evidence and corroboration will be nice. I am hoping we get some when the report is released.

Anybody who tells you you can't with a high confidence interval tell who did this without catching them in the act has no fucking clue what they are talking about. Source: several years working in the cyber security industry focused on APT and threat intelligence.

Hacking the Dem's is a very different thing than hacking the electiion.
literally no one is claiming this

Personally, I I think the DNC hack was more likely done by an insider upset at their treatment of Bernie.
you post an article complaining about "no evidence" then post un-sourced conjecture that runs counter to the assessment of over a dozen intelligence apparatuses. Got it.
Hacking the Dem's is a very different thing than hacking the election.

Personally, I I think the DNC hack was more likely done by an insider upset at their treatment of Bernie.

Also, is there a source for the rape charge or Russia?

The CIA never claimed that Russia literally hacked the vote. They, and 17 other agencies, are saying that Russia hacked the DNC to help Trump and hurt Democrats.

And again, there is no evidence it was an "insider". The insider shit is just the Alt-Right claiming that Seth Rich was somehow murdered by the DNC for leaking the emails.

As to the rape charges, I'll direct you to the post from the OT thread your article was brought up in:

The writer of the article wrote in Russia for over a decade.

He spent most of that time abusing Russian girls while his partner threatened to murder Russian women who didn't want to get an abortion.

I think he just spent a year abroad in Russia while in school.

No? He started off his work career in Moscow as the co-creator of the magazine "The eXile"

The charges of sexual abuse by Taibbi are from... Taibbi's books.


There's no admission of rape by Taibbi (unlike Ames who gleefully admits to rape), but there is admission of sexual abuse of his female employees.


Hacking the Dem's is a very different thing than hacking the election.

Personally, I I think the DNC hack was more likely done by an insider upset at their treatment of Bernie.

Also, is there a source for the rape charge or Russia?

Before or after the Sanders campaign suddenly gained access to sensitive information from the Clinton camp?

People forget that Sanders had two campaign heads who fanned the flames of "it's so unfair?!" and basically vowed the blow the whole thing up.


Hacking the Dem's is a very different thing than hacking the election.

Personally, I I think the DNC hack was more likely done by an insider upset at their treatment of Bernie.

This post is a good example of the normalization process that will be used to justify and allow continual Russian interference in American elections

Thanks for contributing to the advance of fascism


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
lol @ Kevitivity, just keeps posting links and owning himself.
No one in here or anyone with credibility is arguing Russia hacked the election resulto. Hell why would Trump lose the popular vote if that were the case.

Like even conservatives want to look into this so unless you just don't want to believe anything negative about Russia I don't know why you are taking such a strong stance.
From the NY Times: Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking

Aren't Democrats part of the electoral process? You are making a semantic and rather fruitless argument. Plus it detracts from the actual issue. A foreign entity intervention to undermine the Democratic elections process as a whole and tilt the elections to their endorsed candidate.

I think that's the actual issue.


Aren't Democrats part of the electoral process? You are making a semantic and rather fruitless argument. Plus it detracts from the actual issue. A foreign entity intervention to undermine the Democratic elections process as a whole and tilt the elections to their endorsed candidate.

I think that's the actual issue.

Since conservatives don't believe Democrats are real Americans or that they're entitled to participate in the political process, it makes sense that they support foreign powers hacking them


Hacking the Dem's is a very different thing than hacking the election.

literally no one is claiming this

I don't know whether it's intentional or just lazy wording, but people have been saying that Russia "hacked the election" for a while now. And it's obvious what that implies.

"Meddled in the election" or "hacked the DNC's emails" don't pack as much of a punch (or roll off the tongue), so I can see why everyone says it. But it's definitely misleading.
Finished all of my Ph.D. applications. Hopefully will be starting a Ph.D. in Economics at one of these schools next fall...


So many applications to schools that aren't useful politically, I'm sorry D:

Hopefully some interesting political work going on in each area though.


Finished all of my Ph.D. applications. Hopefully will be starting a Ph.D. in Economics at one of these schools next fall...


So many applications to schools that aren't useful politically, I'm sorry D:

Hopefully some interesting political work going on in each area though.

Noooo run away Ph.Ds aren't worth iiiiiiiit


Of course they aren't, but I need the pain.

And I like economics research papers.


Master Degrees are better. Your employment opportunities actually increase, unless you are hellbent on staying in academia.
Noooo run away Ph.Ds aren't worth iiiiiiiit


I'm generally in agreement though, unless you want to be a researcher at a think tank or government or be a professor. (Hint: the last one is nearly impossible unless you are prepared to sacrifice A TON. And then you have to be really fucking lucky.)

But if you have your heart set on a PhD, then I have four pieces of advice in choosing a program:

1. Ask around about your prospective advisor and find out what percentage of students they graduate, how stingy they are about primary authorship, how long their students take to graduate and whether students like working with them. If you get a bad personal vibe from interacting with them, RUN. Your relationship with your advisor will be the most important one throughout grad school.

2. Do not choose a program that only has one or two advisors you'd want to work with. If you end up clashing with your advisor, you want to have multiple escape hatches.

3. Go to the program that offers you full, guaranteed funding for the average number of years it takes to finish the PhD in your field, at the very least. (Also: research fellowships > teaching assistantships. You can always opt to teach; you can't always opt to be paid to do research.) Do NOT follow your heart to a program that makes you pay for your degree. It ain't worth it. And it's not standard in for a PhD in a traditional field like econ.

4. All else being equal, go somewhere you might actually want to live. The PhD can take an eternity and a nice environment can help keep morale up (doctorates, as a rule, suck -- very few people LOVE their PhDs all the way through).

But good job getting those apps in and I wish you the best of luck. :) (Really! I liked my PhD 95% of the time and want people to enjoy the ride but I got lucky and know a lot of people who endured too much hardship for very little payoff.)

Of course they aren't, but I need the pain.

And I like economics research papers.

Are you going to like writing them, revising them 10 or more times, trying to please your advisor and coauthors and fucking bitchy egomaniacal anonymous reviewers who make opaque and unreasonable requests of you?

(I spent today working on a manuscript. I love writing, love the research process but fuck publishing. Fuck it so hard.)


I'd like to know if any of you are actually elected officials. I ran for a small local district this November with the Dems and won. I can say that without a doubt, local politics are spicy, maybe even spicier than national.
Speaking of Master degrees, I put a lot of work into my Master's application for a handful of School Counseling programs for the fall 2017 semester today:

Central Michigan University (Alma mater for my B.S. in Psych, which I just finished)
Western Michigan University
Wayne State University

Just have to have my professors finish some letters of recommendation and I can send them off. Considering a few other options as well, but I'd rather not go out of state if I can help it. Of course, I did get burned this past semester by putting all my eggs in Central's program for the Spring 2017 semester only to get turned down and have to do this second pass, so I might have to suck it up and do it whether I like it or not. Still, hopefully that's not necessary and I manage to get into one of those three. And the main reason I got turned down the first time is because I completely bombed the interview because I was being stupid, and I won't let that happen again, so I can only hope it's not too much of an issue at all.

In any case, hopefully we both manage to find something that works for us, ItWasMeantToBe19 and everything ends up going well


I'd like to know if any of you are actually elected officials. I ran for a small local district this November with the Dems and won. I can say that without a doubt, local politics are spicy, maybe even spicier than national.

I've thought about it before but decided against it for two reasons

1. My fiance would hate it
2. lol I'm a communist, I'm not gonna get elected to anything



1. Ask around about your prospective advisor and find out what percentage of students they graduate, how stingy they are about primary authorship, how long their students take to graduate and whether students like working with them. If you get a bad personal vibe from interacting with them, RUN. Your relationship with your advisor will be the most important one throughout grad school.

Number 1 messed me up most. I was doomed to fail in grad school. I got into it via the backdoor with an advisor who didn't know what he was doing. Then I changed advisors. The second advisor was great... in the beginning. Then we lost our lab tech and our most senior grad student and it all went to hell. I floundered and got super depressed because my advisor became so hands off and didn't care.

I'd like to know if any of you are actually elected officials. I ran for a small local district this November with the Dems and won. I can say that without a doubt, local politics are spicy, maybe even spicier than national.

Local politics is where things actually get done... and where corruption and shit people are actually taken to task. I respect anyone who runs for a local office and can get important things done.


I've thought about it before but decided against it for two reasons

1. My fiance would hate it
2. lol I'm a communist, I'm not gonna get elected to anything

Tbh, if you campaign hard and people see that you care (+you have support/funds), then I don't think it's too hard to get elected. Honestly, from my anecdotal experience people seem to respect passion and authenticity at the local level. Can't help about your fiance though haha

Local politics is where things actually get done... and where corruption and shit people are actually taken to task. I respect anyone who runs for a local office and can get important things done.

Yeah I agree. I've already witnessed borderline unethical behavior from my colleagues. Transparency is pretty nonexistent.

I feel kind of odd since I'm only 19, and I've been on GAF for a while now. Scrolling through my post history and seeing how I've grown over the years(and continue to do so) makes me happy this account can't be connected to me without a lot of work.

Also, party-building. Once my term is up, I feel like travelling to some County in a red state and working to build the Dem party. Being an aspiring politician in CA is almost like wasting your time since there's better places to be, if that makes sense.
Number 1 messed me up most. I was doomed to fail in grad school. I got into it via the backdoor with an advisor who didn't know what he was doing. Then I changed advisors. The second advisor was great... in the beginning. Then we lost our lab tech and our most senior grad student and it all went to hell. I floundered and got super depressed because my advisor became so hands off and didn't care.

This is why the advisor thing usually is the first thing I mention to prospectives. :( Students often have no clue what havoc that one person can easily cause in their lives and it sucks to have watched minor variations of "shitty advisor relationship" drop so many friends into pits of despair. (Oddly, few seem to understand that they CAN quit and lead happy, fulfilled lives.) It sounds like you escaped and moved on, though?


This is why the advisor thing usually is the first thing I mention to prospectives. :( Students often have no clue what havoc that one person can easily cause in their lives and it sucks to have watched minor variations of "shitty advisor relationship" drop so many friends into pits of despair. (Oddly, few seem to understand that they CAN quit and lead happy, fulfilled lives.) It sounds like you escaped and moved on, though?

Eh... I was in graduate school for 6 years thinking I would get a Ph.D. I ended up with a Master's. Crippling anxiety thinking I wasn't good enough caused me not to be able to get through my comps. It took me two years to find a job, even with a master's degree.

I will say, though, the day I told my advisor I would take a master's instead of a Ph.D, I felt the world lift off of my shoulders and I felt so goooooood.
Hacking the Dem's is a very different thing than hacking the election.

Personally, I I think the DNC hack was more likely done by an insider upset at their treatment of Bernie.

Also, is there a source for the rape charge or Russia?

Personally I sometimes think every human besides me on earth is a programmed robot, and I'm the only sentient being. That doesn't make it true.

What about the 50 gazillion pieces of evidence in the form of news articles, statements by the former (read your own link) and current intel community, 18 intel divisions, even some Russians themselves admitting that they played a role in the hack? There is ZERO evidence that some staffer is responsible for DNC hack. ZERO. You're making shit up to satisfy your worldview.
I've thought about it before but decided against it for two reasons

1. My fiance would hate it
2. lol I'm a communist, I'm not gonna get elected to anything
Hey now, there's, uh, Kshama Sawant who is pretty radical. Seattle is different than New Jersey tho

I'd like to know if any of you are actually elected officials. I ran for a small local district this November with the Dems and won. I can say that without a doubt, local politics are spicy, maybe even spicier than national.
If you don't mind me asking, what was the position and did you face any meaningful competition? How did that go? I worked on a state legislative campaign but I'll probably end up doing local work in 2017 if I'm not too busy trying to make sure I graduate lol

Oh, and I'm in a swing county in a red state :p
Are you going to like writing them, revising them 10 or more times, trying to please your advisor and coauthors and fucking bitchy egomaniacal anonymous reviewers who make opaque and unreasonable requests of you?

(I spent today working on a manuscript. I love writing, love the research process but fuck publishing. Fuck it so hard.)

Likely not!

Thank you for the tips though.
Eh... I was in graduate school for 6 years thinking I would get a Ph.D. I ended up with a Master's. Crippling anxiety thinking I wasn't good enough caused me not to be able to get through my comps. It took me two years to find a job, even with a master's degree.

I will say, though, the day I told my advisor I would take a master's instead of a Ph.D, I felt the world lift off of my shoulders and I felt so goooooood.

Lol, I can believe how good that felt. :) And hey, two years un/underemployed sucks a ton but at least you aren't in the 8th, 9th, 10th year of a PhD (after which it may have taken you a year or two to find a decent job anyway).
There are a lot of local government positions where people won't give a fuck what political party you are. Of course this mainly applies to small town politics.


Hey now, there's, uh, Kshama Sawant who is pretty radical. Seattle is different than New Jersey tho

If you don't mind me asking, what was the position and did you face any meaningful competition? How did that go? I worked on a state legislative campaign but I'll probably end up doing local work in 2017 if I'm not too busy trying to make sure I graduate lol

Oh, and I'm in a swing county in a red state :p

I don't mind at all! I live in the unincorporated area of a big County where the only governing body is a small parks and recreation district. The race for the Board was surprisingly fierce since there's new tax money rolling in so the board members have a lot of leeway in deciding how it gets distributed. Three seats out of five were up for reelection and two incumbents were running for reelection out of six people total. Me and my running mate, the only Democrats, and an incumbent won the seats.

It's been a pretty fantastic experience so far. Campaign work was exhausting, but rewarding since it was a coordinated campaign that focused on all local and state seats and measures. Plus it's a great stepping stone for the future once I graduate college.


Since conservatives don't believe Democrats are real Americans or that they're entitled to participate in the political process, it makes sense that they support foreign powers hacking them

I noticed a dude on some website calling democrats anti-american and that he was happy that the anti-americans lost the election.


Man, I just realized I didn't tell y'all the good news.

2016 may have been a shit year, but for me, it ended in one very positive way, at least. I got a job at a major liberal network (which I will leave undisclosed for the time being).

I'm in the big leagues now, boys. :D

Is that you, Shaun King?

I am coordinating with my local dems for when I return to the states. Figure I'll have ample time on hand to help ameliorate the Dems in Tampa. At least until I likely go to grad school in the fall (hoping to get a EdS in School Psych)!

So, not only does this ex-CIA operative not say what you're saying, but neither does anyone in that video clip, nor does the news chyron. He is not making any new claims about Russia's actions. He is saying that if there is conclusive evidence Russia interfered with the election in order to sway the vote, then that is grounds for a new vote. That particular opinion may be considered extreme, but it's not a claim the election itself was hacked, and wasn't what you were talking about in the first place, anyway.

MIMIC's point that there has been some lazy conflating of "interfering with the election" and "hacking the election (vote)" in general discussion is likely more valid, although this clip actually demonstrates that officials and major press outlets, at least, have been specifically careful not to make that conflation.

I bring up this little subset of a subset of an argument only because I'd like you to think about how and why you linked to something that clearly does not say what you thought it said, why you might have thought it did, and how that relates to, well, everything that happened in the election this year.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What I don't understand is why Obama wouldn't go for corporate tax reform. He's a corporatist and this would seem to be good policy in that the current policy is stupid. So what am I missing?
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