Schumer's already talked openly about challenging Trump cabinet nominees
He's not going to roll over for Trump. His goal is probably more to cause divisions between Trump & his party, which I think is a very good strategy for a minority party
Didn't Trump say repeatedly during the election cycle he would have no problem sitting down to talk with Kim?
He's taken like 9000 stances on each world leader other than Putin and Duterte.
N. Kocherlakota said:We are only beginning to see the impact of tight policy choices on our economies Given these kinds of macroeconomic outcomes, it should not be surprising that we see increasing signs of social fracturing and disengagement in many developed countries.
The process of social fracturing and disengagement to which I referred continued apace in 2016. In the UK, Britons voted to break away from the European Union. In the US, a political outsider used a platform of economic isolationism to defeat a string of establishment candidates from both major parties.
There will be elections in France and Germany in 2017. I expect large, and possibly decisive, repudiations of the political establishment in both votes.
Will policymakers begin to engage in the kind of fiscal/monetary easing that is needed to heal our economies and our societies? Possibly there is talk from the incoming American administration of increases in government spending and tax cuts. But many elected officials (and professional economists) have also expressed strong opposition to these policy choices.
Those opponents should bear in mind that there are grave risks associated with overly tight macroeconomic policy and the accompanying shortfall of aggregate demand.
He's taken like 9000 stances on each world leader other than Putin and Duterte.
What does this even mean? Is the "Nice!" sarcastic?
Interesting interview with a biographer of McConnell, who really paints him as the striving, win at all costs, say anything to anybody, focus only on raisng money type of politician that people claimed Hillary was -
Sadly Kentucky is to red of a state to even think of getting a good enough democrat to challenge him. I do hope that since he has a lot of power right now that he doesn't just focus on winning the 2018 midterm elections. In the last election cycle when his senate seat was up for grabs if I recall he drove himself a bit crazy because people thought Ashley Judd was going to challenge him.
Edit: It may be possible for a democrat to challenge him 2018 and be successful(probably) since he only won his last two elections by 5.94 and 15.5 points respectively which is as not as big of a margin compared to past elections before 2008 and 2012.
His seat isn't up until 2020. The Kentucky state Democratic Party isn't all that bad, though.
Eh. The Kentucky Democratic Party died this year and it's probably never coming back.
Deirdre Walsh
Deirdre Walsh‏ @deirdrewalshcnn
News: House GOP passed rules change moving independent Office of Government Ethics -- will now be part of Ethics Committee -weakens OCE
Dems need to wake the fuck up. You can't compromise with these people.
So they are now in charge of investigating their own ethics violations. This should be headline news, and the media won't do anything.
GOP is dirty. Democrats need to start playing that way.
And so it begins. We've got 4 years of this shit. I don't think Dems are going to show up in midterms.
I mean, relative to a lot of other states in similar situations it's not that bad. The Attorney General and Secretary of State are still Democrats.
Better than Democrats having no statewide offices like a lot of their neighbors.
And so it begins. We've got 4 years of this shit. I don't think Dems are going to show up in midterms.
Saw this yesterday. Made my stomach turn.
A picture is worth...
They will
Having a pity party doesn't do anything
Do they really want more republican fuckery...
I want to remain hopeful
But here we are with a Republican controlled government. Honestly, the only way I see it going south for them is if the Republicans do extreme fuck ups left and right that won't be ignored by the media.
The Dems are going to be engaged in an internal war for a long time.
Losing this election was bad. It's rended rifts within the party that were barely held together. You have one side of the party that is openly questioning the institution of the party. So, this war is going to happen and it's going to impact 2018.
I mean, I hate to be negative, but it took dozens of dead soldiers almost daily plus an American city looking like a 3rd World nation after a hurricane plus a ton of specific corruption scandals to knock the GOP down in '06, then McCain likely still had a decent shot in '08 if the economy hadn't collapsed.
The actual problem is that between 25-30% of American's basically don't believe Democrat's should win elections...ever. That any win by a Democrat is basically illegitimate.
The Dems are going to be engaged in an internal war for a long time.
Losing this election was bad. It's rended rifts within the party that were barely held together. You have one side of the party that is openly questioning the institution of the party. So, this war is going to happen and it's going to impact 2018.
My wife is rewatching West Wing right now and the way they torture themselves over any single word that comes out of the administration compared to Trump, it's just...
I'd like to believe this...Hot Take: Trump's presidency and total Republican control of government is going to help to unify and reinvigorate the Democratic Party
The Dems are going to be engaged in an internal war for a long time.
Losing this election was bad. It's rended rifts within the party that were barely held together. You have one side of the party that is openly questioning the institution of the party. So, this war is going to happen and it's going to impact 2018.
Hot Take: Trump's presidency and total Republican control of government is going to help to unify and reinvigorate the Democratic Party
This is pretty much the only thing that my hope rides on.Hot Take: Trump's presidency and total Republican control of government is going to help to unify and reinvigorate the Democratic Party
Hot Take: Trump's presidency and total Republican control of government is going to help to unify and reinvigorate the Democratic Party
The thing is, it's not even about the Dems being united or coming out to vote. The main problem is constant Republican kajigerring the institutions to make it difficult for Dems to get elected. Shit like gerrymandering, voter ID laws and the shit that the Republicans are attempting in North Carolina, imagine all that but on a federal scale.
Hot Take: Trump's presidency and total Republican control of government is going to help to unify and reinvigorate the Democratic Party
Hotter take: younger voters will initially be angry, but infighting within the democratic party will be fruitless and will cause them to become so demoralized and apathetic because of the republican full control of government and unprecedented attacks on anyone but rich white people that they won't vote in 2018 because they'll feel it's useless.
Trump in the past recommended war with North Korea so sleep well.
Hotter take: younger voters will initially be angry, but infighting within the democratic party will be fruitless and will cause them to become so demoralized and apathetic because of the republican full control of government and unprecedented attacks on anyone but rich white people that they won't vote in 2018 because they'll feel it's useless.
The thing is, it's not even about the Dems being united or coming out to vote. The main problem is constant Republican kajigerring the institutions to make it difficult for Dems to get elected. Shit like gerrymandering, voter ID laws and the shit that the Republicans are attempting in North Carolina, imagine all that but on a federal scale.
Can you please post where you got this from?