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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Serious question: How well is governmental structure and procedure taught in US schools? Because I cannot understand how the Dems mid-term performance is so hit-and-miss, when so much law and legislation that affects the local-level is done through Congress and Senate.

As far as I'm aware it's not even an educational requirement in most state's public schools. Just American history, which kind of covers it, but not in actual depth.

I went to private school and "US Government" was an Advanced Placement Elective course that was combined with "Comparative Politics" which described different nation's government systems.


As far as I'm aware it's not even an educational requirement in most state's public schools. Just American history, which kind of covers it, but not in actual depth.

I went to private school and "US Government" was an Advanced Placement Elective course that was combined with "Comparative Politics" which described different nation's government systems.

I wonder why...


Because organizing Dems is like herding cats.

But... Why? Is this the Special Little Unicorn/Dems have to love their candidate thing again?

As far as I'm aware it's not even an educational requirement in most state's public schools. Just American history, which kind of covers it, but not in actual depth.

I went to private school and "US Government" was an Advanced Placement Elective course that was combined with "Comparative Politics" which described different nation's government systems.

That's fricking sad. I don't think UK schools go into the UK system that deeply (if at all), but the UK system of politics is so much simpler than the US - Councils and MPs. That's it.
Bobby Jindal to be part of Trump administration?
Former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is being considered for a possible Cabinet post in President-elect Donald Trump's administration, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

Trump's team are considering Jindal's name for the post of secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the report said.

Jindal was earlier secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.

Other names being considered include Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and former contenders during the presidential primary, Ben Carson and Chris Christie.
Bobbeh movin' on up in the world
I wonder why...

But... Why? Is this the Special Little Unicorn/Dems have to love their candidate thing again?

That's fricking sad. I don't think UK schools go into the UK system that deeply (if at all), but the UK system of politics is so much simpler than the US - Councils and MPs. That's it.

You pretty much get "this is the constitution, we have a bicameral legislature and electoral college because of the Great Compromise, the constitution has and can be amended, you should always vote."


Obama's team went top-down, but that just straight up doesn't work.


I truly think this speaks to Democrats core struggle of trying to grapple with such a diverse electorate. The Democratic tent covers so many different people who's priorities are unique. Sure, rightfully making a boogieman out of the right will gather us for general elections, but you need a stronger, localized ground game to produce turnout in midterms, where a lot of the REAL change happens.
there's a lot of great films out for easy escapism from the terror from tuesday. arrival completely helped clear my mind and i'm seeing moonlight later this week. the


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Serious question: How well is governmental structure and procedure taught in US schools? Because I cannot understand how the Dems mid-term performance is so hit-and-miss, when so much law and legislation that affects the local-level is done through Congress and Senate. So many Dem causes would be easier to sell to young people through local legislature. The Republican Presidential nominee campaigns on so little compared to the Democrats.
I think most students are going to have the basics taught, at least by way of learning about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but beyond that, yeah... it won't be given real deep dives in the core curriculums. In AP Government class, which will be an elective for some high school students, and I know I was fortunate enough to also be able to take a pure US civics course in high school, but that was also an elective.

But Democrats are worse than Republicans about getting involved in local and state elections... perhaps the need to fall in love and desires for singular saviors plays a part. It's why we're so fucked.

The Democratic Party I voted for labeled me a terrorist for my participation in Occupy. I went to court over their shit (and won, thanks ACLU). That's some tough love.

I mean that's inherently in the point I was making...

I wasn't saying everything is roses in the Democratic Party.
Serious question: How well is governmental structure and procedure taught in US schools? Because I cannot understand how the Dems mid-term performance is so hit-and-miss, when so much law and legislation that affects the local-level is done through Congress and Senate. So many Dem causes would be easier to sell to young people through local legislature. The Republican Presidential nominee campaigns on so little compared to the Democrats.

With some of the appalling viewpoints I've seen throughout this election cycle, I feel lucky that I even learned about the concept of checks & balances during grade school.

I truly think this speaks to Democrats core struggle of trying to grapple with such a diverse electorate. The Democratic tent covers so many different people who's priorities are unique. Sure, rightfully making a boogieman out of the right will gather us for general elections, but you need a stronger, localized ground game to produce turnout in midterms, where a lot of the REAL change happens.

Which if why we need a strong DNC. The campaigns should be working off DNC data.


With some of the appalling viewpoints I've seen throughout this election cycle, I feel lucky that I even learned about the concept of checks & balances during grade school.


How on earth are we suppose to get bottom-top...

So, I really want to do something to help, and short-term (within the next 2 years, say), there's not much I can do that would have an immediate impact. But it seems like there's a massive gap in the system that could be filled by an organisation that educates young people, older voters and runs a GOTV for mid-terms. Not just for Dems, but mostly, because they're so flaky. Something that talks about the reason why checks-and-balances and three branches of government exist.

Ignoring the "How do you do it", does this have potential? Widespread disenfranchisement is never a good thing, and having a non-partisan organisation that really kicks up a fuss about, say, GOP obstruction of voters rights can only be good. Right?

Which if why we need a strong DNC. The campaigns should be working off DNC data.

... Are they not already? Because if not... What in the ever-living fuck is it there for?
whatever the DNC does, it does need to Kanderize (or even Kosterize) - we need eyes, ears, and ground troops in rural and exurban America, and our current reliance on unions and various interest groups leaves us with nothing that far out (particularly with how badly unions have been decimated since the reagan years)

... Are they not already? Because if not... What in the ever-living fuck is it there for?

the data's good for cities and some suburbs. as cybit, i think, pointed out: we tended to hit our GOTV targets in the big cities (mostly in the big states).

but we ceded the rest to the republicans. and we ran out of states with sufficiently big cities.


I mean that's inherently in the point I was making...

I wasn't saying everything is roses in the Democratic Party.

Whatever, they'll treat you or anyone like garbage who has any sort of criticism of their policies. Don't matter how many they kill in far off lands or whatever.

And holy shit @ your avatar. You're going to build a left coalition broadcasting that shit? Honestly, just step back, take a deep breath, and quit going out of your way to alienate allies.

Take this as constructive criticism, please.
So, I really want to do something to help, and short-term (within the next 2 years, say), there's not much I can do that would have an immediate impact. But it seems like there's a massive gap in the system that could be filled by an organisation that educates young people, older voters and runs a GOTV for mid-terms. Not just for Dems, but mostly, because they're so flaky. Something that talks about the reason why checks-and-balances and three branches of government exist.

Ignoring the "How do you do it", does this have potential? Widespread disenfranchisement is never a good thing, and having a non-partisan organisation that really kicks up a fuss about, say, GOP obstruction of voters rights can only be good. Right?

Something needs to be done about the way people are educated about voting anyways. The GOP was able to trick people into thinking there is an epidemic of voter fraud sweeping the nation, when ideally everyone should have responded with "yeah yeah, but why the fuck do my polls close at 7pm?".
Its really disappointing how much Democrats suck at winning elections. We have a platform that champions tons of additional freedoms for tens of millions of disenfranchised peoples, and can't get them to fucking vote in their own interest. The DNC and Liberals as a whole have just been jaw droppingly terrible at running campaigns since LBJ left office. Was kicking Dixiecrats out really that harmful to the Democratic Party???


Something needs to be done about the way people are educated about voting anyways. The GOP was able to trick people into thinking there is an epidemic of voter fraud sweeping the nation, when ideally everyone should have responded with "yeah yeah, but why the fuck do my polls close at 7pm?".

Exactly! GOP plays on ignorance. Anyone who knows better goes "Wtf? What about X/Y/Z?", but the people who don't know better buy into their narrative. The DNC could argue against this, but it's the DNC - polarisation of politics means that if you're not with the Dems, chances are good you're against them, and won't pay attention to what they say.


Its really disappointing how much Democrats suck at winning elections. We have a platform that champions tons of additional freedoms for tens of millions of disenfranchised peoples, and can't get them to fucking vote in their own interest. The DNC and Liberals as a whole have just been jaw droppingly terrible at running campaigns since LBJ left office. Was kicking Dixiecrats out really that harmful to the Democratic Party???

For better or worse, the Democratic party for a while now has been the party of idealism. And idealists tend to not support anything less than...well, the idea.

The vibe within the Democratic party right now is extremely worrying to me. Admittedly, I'm more terrified by the possibility of a leftist tea party than I am a Trump presidency at this point. Too much of the left right now seems focused on fighting itself than looking forward and against the true enemy. It's really like watching the mess of the 2012 Republican party spill over into our backyard.

Exactly! GOP plays on ignorance. Anyone who knows better goes "Wtf? What about X/Y/Z?", but the people who don't know better buy into their narrative. The DNC could argue against this, but it's the DNC - polarisation of politics means that if you're not with the Dems, chances are good you're against them, and won't pay attention to what they say.

It's not just the GOP. The far left Bernie wing of the Democratic party does as well. I've never before been accosted by so many people who want to be taken seriously but can't be bothered to do basic research on how our government functions.

I'll never forgive that man for introducing right-wing politics to the left.


For better or worse, the Democratic party for a while now has been the party of idealism. And idealists tend to not support anything less than...well, the idea.

The vibe within the Democratic party right now is extremely worrying to me. Admittedly, I'm more terrified by the possibility of a leftist tea party than I am a Trump presidency at this point. Too much of the left right now seems focused on fighting itself than looking forward and against the true enemy. It's really like watching the mess of the 2012 Republican party spill over into our backyard.

It's not just the GOP. The far left Bernie wing of the Democratic party does as well. I've never before been accosted by so many people who want to be taken seriously but can't be bothered to do basic research on how our government functions.

I'll never forgive that man for introducing right-wing politics to the left.

Your first and second paragraphs tie into the third and fourth. Idealism is born out of ignorance, and ignorance fosters idealism. Fair-weather voters (which some Bernie voters seem to be) are to be educated or shunned. Preferably the former, for obvious reasons, but any Bernie voter who sat out this election because the stars didn't align and refuses to see what they wrought in the down-ticket is to be ignored.


I think the Dems are honestly fucked if this tea-party like tribalism I'm seeing online seeps through. Losing to Trump when all the data suggested otherwise is making people hate Hillary more than him. This is a bad situation and if cooler heads don't prevail we won't get anywhere at all.
Whatever, they'll treat you or anyone like garbage who has any sort of criticism of their policies. Don't matter how many they kill in far off lands or whatever.

And holy shit @ your avatar. You're going to build a left coalition broadcasting that shit? Honestly, just step back, take a deep breath, and quit going out of your way to alienate allies.

Take this as constructive criticism, please.

It's literally a joke dude....

When Clinton won the primary some folks celebrated with Clintonized avatars, my avatar for months had been Kitty Prude running in and saying Xavier is a Jerk, it's one of the most famous X-Men Comic panels, so I decided in humour to alter it, I kept it because I worked hard on it.

Gonna change it soon anyway.


And holy shit @ your avatar. You're going to build a left coalition broadcasting that shit? Honestly, just step back, take a deep breath, and quit going out of your way to alienate allies.
When was the last time anything political was organized on NeoGAF? This place is for nerds to chat and vent. We have Facebook and IRL for the real shit.


I think the Dems are honestly fucked if this tea-party like tribalism I'm seeing online seeps through. Losing to Trump when all the data suggested otherwise is making people hate Hillary more than him. This is a bad situation and if cooler heads don't prevail we won't get anywhere at all.

It strikes me that Robby Mook falling on his sword would do a lot to pacify both sides. Take the blame for failing to go for WI and MI, and it'll shift attention away from "Hillary failed" and more towards where it should be - class assumptions based on area and over-reliance on data are both bad.

It still doesn't explain PA voting as it did, but that needs a true post-mortem examination that's not explained by Hillary ignoring the State.

(This is currently based on that CNN article, so obviously if that's wrong, this assumption is wrong).
also, re: the instant push to discredit the "economically distressed" meme

comparing exits to exits, clinton did measurably worse among everyone making under $30,000 than john fucking kerry. there may well be a there there.

(but there's not as much of one as what an initial reading of this post would've told you. because racism.)


I'm appalled at how many democrats or left leaning people I've seen in this thread, OT, and elsewhere that think we lost because we focused on racial issues, instead of the feelings of "white working class" voters. Factory jobs are never coming back, you can't ban machines and robots from factories, what the fuck are democrats supposed to promise here?

We literally had a racist and bigot as our opponent, and you wanted Hillary to ignore that and focus on the feelings of his supporters?

Nah, I'm out if we're going to start tolerating racism and bigotry just to cuddle some voters to (maybe?) win elections.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Which is why you need generic platitudes at that level.

People want to be sold shinies. We need to give them shinies.

This attitude is incredibly patronizing and is going to make you lose. There was more to Obama than being a shiny.
i'm basically just wondering how much of that ~10% shift among ~*The Economically Distressed*~ is due to racism and how much is due to, uh, clinton barely setting foot outside highly populated areas

or, in other words, i want to apply empiricism to this, because i still think data can play a huge role in elections even if it failed miserably here

if a lot of it's that second thing? then 2020 becomes somewhat less herculean.


I'm appalled at how many democrats or left leaning people I've seen in this thread, OT, and elsewhere that think we lost because we focused on racial issues, instead of the feelings of "white working class" voters. Factory jobs are never coming back, you can't ban machines and robots from factories, what the fuck are democrats supposed to promise here?

We literally had a racist and bigot as our opponent, and you wanted Hillary to ignore that and focus on the feelings of his supporters?

Nah, I'm out if we're going to start tolerating racism and bigotry just to cuddle some voters to (maybe?) win elections.

There is an insane and absolutely mortifying push over the last days to normalize Trump's racist/bigot/sexist base and see them as people we need to respect, that their total intolerance towards minorities and non-white people is something we need to tolerate and even love. There was a very awkward moment on Morning Joe the other day when Michael Moore made sure to draw a fine line between the hard working people who voted for him out of pain, and the ones who voted for him out of racism and hatred. Joe basically clammed up because he's the one leading the charge on MSNBC for normalizing them or downplaying them completely.
There is an insane and absolutely mortifying push over the last days to normalize Trump's racist/bigot/sexist base and see them as people we need to respect, that their total intolerance towards minorities and non-white people is something we need to tolerate and even love. There was a very awkward moment on Morning Joe the other day when Michael Moore made sure to draw a fine line between the hard working people who voted for him out of pain, and the ones who voted for him out of racism and hatred. Joe basically clammed up because he's the one leading the charge on normalizing the racists or downplaying them completely.

tubie, if that post was directed toward me, this is basically what i'm getting at. i am basically approaching this from the MM perspective - that we need to suss out the racism-as-primary-cause from the actual economic pain, and then somehow persuade the latter group that trumpism isn't the answer.

(like, you can definitely do that without coddling racists, but it's an equally fine line.)

ain't gonna be easy in any respect, but it's at least a plan.


tubie, if that post was directed toward me, this is basically what i'm getting at. i am basically approaching this from the MM perspective - that we need to suss out the racism-as-primary-cause from the actual economic pain, and then somehow persuade the latter group that trumpism isn't the answer.

(like, you can definitely do that without coddling racists, but it's an equally fine line.)

ain't gonna be easy in any respect, but it's at least a plan.

It wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular. Sorry if it seemed that way.

I'm just horrified at the idea of liberals blaming "identity politics" for this loss.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
It wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular. Sorry if it seemed that way.

I'm just horrified at the idea of liberals blaming "identity politics" for this loss.

Nobody's saying identity politics is a problem - if they are, they're both wrong and immoral. People are saying that using identity politics to try and win white, working class votes is the problem. It offers nothing for them. You keep telling us not to go for 'purity tests', and then the purity test you set is that if people can't solely be motivated to vote against racism, we shouldn't compete for their vote at all. Well, how do we win, then?
glad we got that cleared up, then! no hard feelings.

and yeah, as a mixed + disabled man i'm getting increasingly pissed off by (predominantly white) liberals going down the same road - identity politics didn't cause this for the same reason that me being deaf didn't materially impact HFA phonebanking outside franklin county.

though at the same time i see crab's point - you don't abandon our issues, but at the same time you can't do one-size-fits-all campaigning like what i think he's critiquing the campaign for doing. i actually think those of us talking about Kandering completely agree with him, and that didn't entail jettisoning minority issues!

(in any event, i should probably finally go to sleep because i've got hangouts happening tomorrow. night, and i'll respond to anyone else when i wake up)


Nobody's saying identity politics is a problem - if they are, they're both wrong and immoral. People are saying that using identity politics to try and win white, working class votes is the problem. It offers nothing for them. You keep telling us not to go for 'purity tests', and then the purity test you set is that if people can't solely be motivated to vote against racism, we shouldn't compete for their vote at all. Well, how do we win, then?

This is another thing I've noticed too.

We are acting like we lost in a landslide, Hillary won the popular vote by over 1 million (maybe 2 when its all done). Hillary's message was not the problem, part of the problem was that she made mistakes as secretary of state, and that just confirmed the picture Republicans worked hard to paint of her for the last 30 years in the eyes of many voters from both sides.

We don't need to radically change our message, because our message is good and will help all Americans, we just need a candidate that can deliver that message in 2020.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
This is another thing I've noticed too.

We are acting like we lost in a landslide, Hillary won the popular vote by over 1 million (maybe 2 when its all done). Hillary's message was not the problem, part of the problem was that she made mistakes as secretary of state, and that just confirmed the picture Republicans worked hard to paint of her for the last 30 years in the eyes of many voters from both sides.

We don't need to change our message, because our message is good and will help all Americans, we just need a candidate that can deliver that message in 2020.

I think you have your politics all the wrong way round. People didn't dislike Clinton's message because they disliked Clinton, they disliked Clinton because they disliked Clinton's message. Her patent inability to have anything to say to the Rust Belt is what got her painted as an out of touch liberal elite and allowed her to be painted as a corrupt witch - it's hard to do that to someone who cultivates a person of the people message; see Trump's corruption being ignored because he was on the side of the little guy.

Clinton's message absolutely was the problem; and not enough Americans did feel like it would help them. As a test, in this thread I've asked lots of HillGAF what exactly they plan to do about the Rust Belt. Like, even supposing you did win without them, we still have a moral obligation to look after people. So what do you do? And the generalized response I've been has been: "There's nothing we can do."; which implicitly says: "Let them die."

Blimey, no wonder you didn't win.
Nobody's saying identity politics is a problem - if they are, they're both wrong and immoral. People are saying that using identity politics to try and win white, working class votes is the problem. It offers nothing for them. You keep telling us not to go for 'purity tests', and then the purity test you set is that if people can't solely be motivated to vote against racism, we shouldn't compete for their vote at all. Well, how do we win, then?

Folks have in this very thread and elsewhere on GAF just fyi... just so we don't pretend it's not being said.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Don't do this.

You lost. Lost lost lost. Don't tell me "it was close" when you lost to Donald Trump. Even a shallow win would have been fucking terrifying. There are smarter, slicker demagogues than Donald Trump. He's small league compared to Le Pen and Farage, who understand how to get even the middle classes dancing in tune. You think Clinton was just a bad candidate for your side? You need to understand Trump was not a great candidate for their side either. And now he's shown the way, every single up-and-coming Republican is going to start thinking "Hey, I should do that too!". And lots of them will be better at it than him. Tom Cotton ain't got no Trump size scandals.

If you act like this was just a close loss to a worthy opponent, and decide to keep fundamentally the same message but stick Booker in charge because reasons, you're going to get Kerry'd.


You lost. Lost lost lost. Don't tell me "it was close" when you lost to Donald Trump. Even a shallow win would have been fucking terrifying. There are smarter, slicker demagogues than Donald Trump. He's small league compared to Le Pen and Farage, who understand how to get even the middle classes dancing in tune. You think Clinton was just a bad candidate for your side? You need to understand Trump was not a great candidate for their side either. And now he's shown the way, every single up-and-coming Republican is going to start thinking "Hey, I should do that too!". And lots of them will be better at it than him. Tom Cotton ain't got no Trump size scandals.

If you act like this was just a close loss to a worthy opponent, and decide to keep fundamentally the same message but stick Booker in charge because reasons, you're going to get Kerry'd.

Righteously indignant trolling is not interesting and isn't stimulating a discussion. That's what I meant by "don't do this".


Folks have in this very thread and elsewhere on GAF just fyi... just so we don't pretend it's not being said.
The problem is that if white people start organizing w/ identity politics, they outnumber everyone else. It's a dangerous axes to use because of the reactionary part. (This doesn't mean that we shouldn't address minority concerns! Just that we unfortunately have to be very cognizant of the non-voters Trump was able to pull in.)

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Righteously indignant trolling is not interesting and isn't stimulating a discussion. That's what I meant by "don't do this".

I don't know, tell me then, what gets the message across? Because within, like, two days of the election loss, a lot of posters in this thread are back to form.


I think you have your politics all the wrong way round. People didn't dislike Clinton's message because they disliked Clinton, they disliked Clinton because they disliked Clinton's message. Her patent inability to have anything to say to the Rust Belt is what got her painted as an out of touch liberal elite and allowed her to be painted as a corrupt witch - it's hard to do that to someone who cultivates a person of the people message; see Trump's corruption being ignored because he was on the side of the little guy.

Clinton's message absolutely was the problem; and not enough Americans did feel like it would help them. As a test, in this thread I've asked lots of HillGAF what exactly they plan to do about the Rust Belt. Like, even supposing you did win without them, we still have a moral obligation to look after people. So what do you do? And the generalized response I've been has been: "There's nothing we can do."; which implicitly says: "Let them die."

Blimey, no wonder you didn't win.

So we lie to them, like republicans do?

There is no magic wand fix for those voters, and one of the few good things a Trump presidency will bring is to prove even he or any Republican can't fix it as he promised.

What else is there to do than what Hillary and even Obama have offered.

You know how some run down towns and cities have come back to life recently? Immigrants and refugees! they come here to work hard and start small businesses. This is something Hillary also campaigned on. The problem was that Trump made them all out to be terrorists or rapists from the get go and people just tuned out whatever good things democrats had to say.
I don't know, tell me then, what gets the message across? Because within, like, two days of the election loss, a lot of posters in this thread are back to form.

No one is saying Booker, no one is saying Hillary Clinton part II

What is being shared is an apprehension for going full on Sanders as well...


I think you have your politics all the wrong way round. People didn't dislike Clinton's message because they disliked Clinton, they disliked Clinton because they disliked Clinton's message. Her patent inability to have anything to say to the Rust Belt is what got her painted as an out of touch liberal elite and allowed her to be painted as a corrupt witch - it's hard to do that to someone who cultivates a person of the people message; see Trump's corruption being ignored because he was on the side of the little guy.

Clinton's message absolutely was the problem; and not enough Americans did feel like it would help them. As a test, in this thread I've asked lots of HillGAF what exactly they plan to do about the Rust Belt. Like, even supposing you did win without them, we still have a moral obligation to look after people. So what do you do? And the generalized response I've been has been: "There's nothing we can do."; which implicitly says: "Let them die."

Blimey, no wonder you didn't win.
Clinton was/is very, very disliked.

Run the campaign with Biden there in her place, he almost certainly wins. Clinton herself was the biggest problem. This doesn't mean that the Dems didn't have problems- we had many senate/house races running behind Clinton. But without her unfavorability issues, we are likely squeaking out those margins that we lost by here on the presidential level.
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