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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Disgraceful NYT - I think the fundamental problem I have with the media coverage of Clinton v Trump is that neither candidate had "true" neutral coverage. That should never have been front page news (unless phrased as "FBI upend election"), just like Trump's fascist (((Globalist))) agenda was never covered properly in any way.


Even "responsible" media outlets like NPR were covering Clinton Foundation nonsense with "well there are a lot of allegations here maybe no fire but let's spend a lot of time talking how this might be a criminal enterprise." But heaven forbid they talk about how Trump's campaign was a hate movement.

I mean, there is blood on the press's hands. Without exaggeration. People are suffering from hate crimes right now because they refused to behave responsibly.
Just enough people didn't get that even after all pleading

Gonna make one last post and say that this is what really gutted me. The same people who refused to listen to reason even though people (many of whom were fearing for their lives) told them what was going to go down if we screwed up are now having an "I told you so" party.

If SC seats weren't on the line, I wouldn't be anywhere near as terrified as I am now.


All this prevailing argument about how Hillary should have run better ads talking about policy needs better proof than anecdotal experiences. I don't buy it. Also make a comparison between pro-Hillary and pro-Trump ads and show them.

Otherwise it feels like another one of those conclusions based the gut.

I will never doubt Nate Silver again y'all.

Believing someone is right just because they've been right before is a big reason why we're here.
Even "responsible" media outlets like NPR were covering Clinton Foundation nonsense with "well there are a lot of allegations here maybe no fire but let's spend a lot of time talking how this might be a criminal enterprise." But heaven forbid they talk about how Trump's campaign was a hate movement.

I mean, there is blood on the press's hands. Without exaggeration. People are suffering from hate crimes right now because they refused to behave responsibly.

The biggest problem with Hillary is that people thought she was a criminal.

None of her scandals made any sense, but people were just searching for her crime and would blow up anything that "raises questions."

It's sad, but we can't nominate someone who was tarnished by the vast right-wing conspiracy again because then any dumb shit will be turned into a "scandal."


Even "responsible" media outlets like NPR were covering Clinton Foundation nonsense with "well there are a lot of allegations here maybe no fire but let's spend a lot of time talking how this might be a criminal enterprise." But heaven forbid they talk about how Trump's campaign was a hate movement.

I mean, there is blood on the press's hands. Without exaggeration. People are suffering from hate crimes right now because they refused to behave responsibly.

I was pretty confused by the talk on the NPR politics podcast. There was one of them who very often ventures into both side-isms. Perhaps they thought it was acceptable for them to do it because the cable news media was doing it. In retrospect I should have been far more concerned about that.
All this prevailing argument about how Hillary should have run better ads talking about policy needs better proof than anecdotal experiences. I don't buy it. Also make a comparison between pro-Hillary and pro-Trump ads and show them.
I didn't follow all the ads of the campaign.
The only ones I remember right now are her closing ad, which I thought was quite good really, and positive, and mentions policies, and values...


It even has some farm people in it. And white people!!

I recall one about how "Our children are watching."


The issue is she didn't mention it TO THEM. She should have been in Shit Bay, Wisconsin, in Shittsburgh, PA, wherever that is, in Shitnt, Michigan, in Philthydelphia, in Madishit, in Turdsing, and those places, SAYING she would raise the minimum wage. But she didn't because those people are dirty and don't have teeth.

Considering Clinton won the Pgh and Philly areas by large margins (like 16% for Allegheny, 60% for Philly), no, she needed to be in the surrounding areas which were the ones that showed up in droves to vote against her/tip the balance (probably because they felt people focus too much on PGH and Philly and they were being ignored).


I love this game establishment GOPers are playing of being terrified of losing Trump's WWC-racist base while also trying not losing entire swathes of minorities and young people for generations.

Literally impossible, and I'm very happy they're now caught trying to work out which is better - possible mutiny of racists and WWC, or every minority moving en masse to the Dems. The GOP will fracture, it's just it's going to happen whilst they're in power.

I didn't follow all the ads of the campaign.
The only ones I remember right now are her closing ad, which I thought was quite good really, and positive, and mentions policies, and values...


It even has some farm people in it.

I recall one about how "Our children are watching."

I wonder how easy it would be to start airing ads about how the country has failed the children with this vote? Debatable if you'd want to if you're the DNC, but as an independent PAC, it could be powerful.


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Clinton's campaign schedule drives me nuts. How did she justify ignoring Wisconsin and non-urban Pennsylvania? Was this ever brought up by analysts during the race?


And people said not to worry about Bernie poisoning the well.

Come on, we can't say turnout didn't matter and then go if those people turned out it would have mattered. There's no conclusive proof that 3rd party voters would have turned the election either.

There's stupid people out there and so far they're an inconsequential force, let's not divert energy to them.
Even "responsible" media outlets like NPR were covering Clinton Foundation nonsense with "well there are a lot of allegations here maybe no fire but let's spend a lot of time talking how this might be a criminal enterprise." But heaven forbid they talk about how Trump's campaign was a hate movement.

I mean, there is blood on the press's hands. Without exaggeration. People are suffering from hate crimes right now because they refused to behave responsibly.

AP went nuts this cycle too.


Literally impossible, and I'm very happy they're now caught trying to work out which is better - possible mutiny of racists and WWC, or every minority moving en masse to the Dems. The GOP will fracture, it's just it's going to happen whilst they're in power
Wishful thinking. Plus the Dems are already in pieces so if the GOP can even appear to look better when they're really not it's still a plus for them. Dems lost ground everywhere. NC gov maybe being the one standout that can matter.


Clinton's campaign schedule drives me nuts. How did she justify ignoring Wisconsin and non-urban Pennsylvania? Was this ever brought up by analysts during the race?

Analysts during the race bought into the polls and thought she was running up the electoral vote count. So yes they saw what she was doing but interpreted it differently thinking there's no fucking way Trump could be ahead and the data said Trump wasn't ahead.
How close are Republicans to gaining enough of a majority that they can pass constitutional amendments? They have to be right on the cusp of that being possible.
How close are Republicans to gaining enough of a majority that they can pass constitutional amendments? They have to be right on the cusp of that being possible.
They would need 2/3rds majority in both houses.

They're about 15 seats away from that in the Senate and something like 49 in the House.

We're not even close to that.


Bill Clinton brought it up. Was ignored. Thought he was being vain.

Bill Clinton probably also said a ton of other things that didn't turn out right. If he was so convinced it would lose Hillary the election then we would have made it happen at any cost. Because who wouldn't?


Wishful thinking. Plus the Dems are already in pieces so if the GOP can even appear to look better when they're really not it's still a plus for them. Dems lost ground everywhere. NC gov maybe being the one standout that can matter.

Dems won 3 senate seats, and 9 House, I believe. Yeah, that's not great, but it also isn't "lost ground everywhere".
Come on, we can't say turnout didn't matter and then go if those people turned out it would have mattered. There's no conclusive proof that 3rd party voters would have turned the election either.

There's stupid people out there and so far they're an inconsequential force, let's not divert energy to them.

Wait, people are saying turnout didnt matter? When registered democrats were down 8-10m from 2012 to 2016, turnout doesnt matter?

This election cycle showed me how shitty democrat voters are. In Michigan 100k people voted democrat down ticket and for no presidential candidate because Clinton didnt speak to them/excite them. 8-10m decided not to show up and hope for the best because Clinton didnt excite them. Republicans dont do that, they recognize that its more important for the party that at least covers/supports most of their ideals/beliefs and has a shot of winning to be voted in and will vote top to bottom republican. Democrats, well, unless we love the candidate, we just dont even bother and hope to not lose. And voting 3rd party is also wrong because unfortunately this is and will always be a 2 party system (democrat or republican) as both the incumbent parties jointly established ways to make it virtually impossible for a true third party to actually win after the 92 election.


Wait, people are saying turnout didnt matter? When registered democrats were down 8-10m from 2012 to 2016, turnout doesnt matter?

This election cycle showed me how shitty democrat voters are. In Michigan 100k people voted democrat down ticket and for no presidential candidate because Clinton didnt speak to them/excite them. 8-10m decided not to show up and hope for the best because Clinton didnt excite them. Republicans dont do that, they recognize that its more important for the party that at least covers/supports most of their ideals/beliefs and has a shot of winning to be voted in and will vote top to bottom republican. Democrats, well, unless we love the candidate, we just dont even bother and hope to not lose. And voting 3rd party is also wrong because unfortunately this is and will always be a 2 party system (democrat or republican) as both the incumbent parties jointly established ways to make it virtually impossible for a true third party to actually win after the 92 election.

Your numbers are wrong. Overall turnout is up.


We need to wait for final numbers. Participation is crazy - 130+ million voted, last I read. But we don't yet know how many registered Republicans, Democrats or NPA. It may be that registered Dems are down by 2m, and 2m were registered Dems but voted Trump.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Considering Clinton won the Pgh and Philly areas by large margins (like 16% for Allegheny, 60% for Philly), no, she needed to be in the surrounding areas which were the ones that showed up in droves to vote against her/tip the balance (probably because they felt people focus too much on PGH and Philly and they were being ignored).

I don't know any other areas in PA because who would want to live there?!?!
Your numbers are wrong. Overall turnout is up.

Really? CNN says overall turnout is at its lowest in decades: Popular Vote Turnout 2016/

I cant link to the chart, which is a nice chart that shows both this turnout value as well as my previous lack of democrats showing up value, here is a pertinent quote:

While election officials are still tabulating ballots, the 126 million votes already counted means about 55% of voting age citizens cast ballots this year.
That measure of turnout is the lowest in a presidential election since 1996, when 53.5% of voting-age citizens turned out.

This is from Saturday, so they do acknowledge those numbers might change as more outstanding ballots are counted.

NPR also has a postmortem that touches on the drop in democrat voters from 2012 to 2016:

That, shows about a 4.8m dem vote between 2012 Obama and 2016 Clinton compared to 400k vote difference between Romney and Trump. In addition, 2012 3rd party votes were at 2.4m but jumped to 6.9m in 2016. If selfish and you assume that all 3rd party votes would have been Clinton, those gaps mirror what I said earlier (which admittedly I read about that gap on like Wednesday so new vote counts could have adjusted that gap down).


I feel like the Obamacare price hikes fueled a lot of the throw 'em out backlash. I know more than a few people that are losing their insurance at the end of the year because their employers are dropping coverage and they make too much money to qualify for subsidies. Hillary talked about fixing it but the other guy yelled he was gonna throw it all out and that was music to the ears to a lot of pissed off people.
Pretty much. I have no hope for 2018 or 2020. I think next best time Democrats can have a chance is 2024.

We need to start talking about policy again and what Trump will actually do.

Because if Trump doesn't bother to run again it will kill any of the momentum an "anti-trump" movement has. Anyone on the GOP ticket will look reasonable.


Low turnout always amazes me in US presidential elections. I get that with the electoral college it's not very motivating to go vote, but c'mon people.

In France we usually have around 80% of voters turning out for those.


Low turnout always amazes me in US presidential elections. I get that with the electoral college it's not very motivating to go vote, but c'mon people.

In France we usually have around 80% of voters turning out for those.

One of the many problems is US is a far larger country and that people are a lot more spread out.


Pretty much. I have no hope for 2018 or 2020. I think next best time Democrats can have a chance is 2024.
Dems could start by trying to run and help people win state leglistators.

I go though some of these small towns and you'll never see a dem sticker on a bumper.


I feel like the Obamacare price hikes fueled a lot of the throw 'em out backlash. I know more than a few people that are losing their insurance at the end of the year because their employers are dropping coverage and they make too much money to qualify for subsidies. Hillary talked about fixing it but the other guy yelled he was gonna throw it all out and that was music to the ears to a lot of pissed off people.


Dems won 3 senate seats, and 9 House, I believe. Yeah, that's not great, but it also isn't "lost ground everywhere".
They lost the WH and continue to get clobbered in state legislatures across the country. Vermont of all states has a Republican Gov now! They lost ground. Tons of it.

God help us. please don't be a loon.
Oh, it's going to be a loon. Brace yourself. The court is gone for the rest of your adult life once Breyer and RBG are out.

Also I think Trump is going to bend to the will of his party, not to mention his top advisors and cabinet. Case in point, this is what Kellyanne Conway just said:

A full repeal of the Affordable Care Act had been central to Trump's campaign. Over the past week, however, Trump said he would be open to keeping portions of the law, such as ensuring that people with preexisting conditions are covered and allowing children to stay on their parents' health plans through age 26.

When Wallace asked whether Obama had changed Trump's mind about a full repeal, Conway brushed it off as Trump being polite.

“I wouldn’t take it that far,” she said. “I believe that President-elect Trump is being properly respectful to President Obama. This is obviously his signature domestic legislative achievement, to hear Obama say it.”

We're doomed.
Pretty much. I have no hope for 2018 or 2020. I think next best time Democrats can have a chance is 2024.

I think people forgot how quickly things can change. It sucks right now. It's awful. But remember back after W was elected, and Dems were in a fetal position saying 2012 would be their next best chance since George Allen was being anointed as W's natural successor? Dems were in disarray, Dean was being branied about as the savior since Kerry was too milquetoast and cost everyone the election, and talking heads proclaimed that if Dems ever wanted to win again then they needed to make peace with religious voters and find another southern candidate.

And then W's second term started and voila. Policies matter. Cabinets matter. Hell, even SC appoinement matters. Bendark Kirik. Harriet Meirs. The Saudi Port flare up. Social Secuirty privatization. Alberto Gonazalez. The wholescale cleanup of U.S. Attorneys.

Democrats just need to be ready to pounce, recognzing that Trump and his team are an order of magnitude more incompetent and vindictive than W and his team could ever hope to be. The fuckups will happen, and soon.

We didn't lose this election by a landslide. We lost by a few hundred thousand votes mainly by shooting ourselves in the foot and some truly terrible campaign decisions. I honestly don't see the need to "blow up" they party. It does need to be rebuilt, preferably from the local level up, that much is obvious. But this will be a great time to hone in on some truly progressive ideals that prospective candidates can spar over the next four years.
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