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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Where is he deflating?

I should have specified, I'm talking mostly among voters in the general. I don't even give a shit about the primaries anymore, it's a foregone conclusion that he'll be the nominee.

The people that love Trump will love him regardless of anything, that's already been tested. So he's gonna win the nomination cleanly (unless they take it away from him). But all the recent shit with the KKK-David Duke shit/John Oliver's Drumpf thing/the GOP superpacs going after him, are just serving to drive his unfavorables further up and make him an unacceptable option to any reasonable person. He's becoming completely incapable of really competing before the competition even begins.


I should have specified, mostly among voters in the general. The people that love Trump will love him regardless of anything, that's already been tested. So he's gonna win the nomination cleanly (unless they take it away from him). But all the recent shit with the KKK-David Duke shit/John Oliver/the GOP superpacs going after him, are just serving to drive his unfavorables further up. He's becoming completely incapable of really competing before the competition even begins.

Agreed. This is what I was saying yesterday. And I backed it up with action by buying Trump "NO" shares for the general. Those may go up in price after tonight but they'll be a good deal.

Obama is right. The American people are smarter than this. No way they make Trump President.

Funny thing is, I would've even voted for him (don't kill me GAF) if it wasn't for all this rascist stuff. Too much.


I should have specified, I'm talking mostly among voters in the general. I don't even give a shit about the primaries anymore, it's a foregone conclusion that he'll be the nominee.

The people that love Trump will love him regardless of anything, that's already been tested. So he's gonna win the nomination cleanly (unless they take it away from him). But all the recent shit with the KKK-David Duke shit/John Oliver's Drumpf thing/the GOP superpacs going after him, are just serving to drive his unfavorables further up and make him an unacceptable option to any reasonable person. He's becoming completely incapable of really competing before the competition even begins.

It's anecdotal, but there were about 10 people sharing that John Oliver video on my FB timeline (some of them saying they were Republicans and never would vote for the guy). Also some Clinton-hating Republicans saying they'd vote for Hillary over Trump on a political forum I read.

The Trump people in my office have been pretty quiet this week.


Not going to make state by state predictions as I don't watch the individual polls as closely but I think today will solidify Trump and Hillary as the frontrunners.

Bernie might win VT and maybe CO and/or MN but it really doesn't matter.

Man do I hate Rubio. I have never seen such an empty suit get so far in politics
It's anecdotal, but there were about 10 people sharing that John Oliver video on my FB timeline (some of them saying they were Republicans and never would vote for the guy). Also some Clinton-hating Republicans saying they'd vote for Hillary over Trump on a political forum I read.

The Trump people in my office have been pretty quiet this week.

Bloomberg had a cool article about the #NeverTrump Republicans:



Voted for MA QUEEN this morning!! Polling place was dead here with one lone Trump sign out front. I think VA is going Red this year.
There's an argument to be made, that the GOP is damaged anyway. Crowning Rubio on a brokered convention might be the lesser evil.
I don't agree with this at all.

They are basically denying people their voice and vote by doing this. Trump losing badly isn't nearly as damaging as essentially telling your voting base that their vote is irrelevant. It would be the ultimate breach in trust between the government and the people


Damn I hope this KKK stuff didn't hurt Trump. It had me freaking out. I need him to get the nomination first.
I think if anything, it might have helped him...
Mr. Trump’s support among white supremacists has been building from the day he announced his candidacy, when he characterized Mexican immigrants as “rapists.”

Since then, Mr. Trump — or “the glorious leader,” as one white-power writer is calling him — has only grown more popular with that constituency, which cheered his proposal to ban all Muslim immigration and his since-debunked claim to have seen “thousands and thousands of Muslims” celebrating the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in New Jersey.

Mr. Trump has amplified the messages of some white-power proponents himself: In January, he resent a Twitter message from a site called @WhiteGenocideTm. And he has done the same with statistics on black-on-white crime that were later shown to be false.

Nor was Mr. Trump’s CNN interview on Sunday the first time he had been pressed to repudiate his white supremacist supporters.

In January, when Mr. Trump was questioned about the robocalls made on his behalf in Iowa by white supremacists, including Mr. Taylor, he said that he disapproved of the calls, but that his supporters were animated by a legitimate anger over the violent crimes being committed by “illegal immigrants.”

Mr. Trump’s failure to distance himself more sharply from white-power adherents has been minutely observed in online discussion forums.

The American Freedom Party, a white power group, has a daily hourlong podcast devoted to him. And Mr. Trump will be a frequent topic at American Renaissance’s annual conference in May.

For people on the fringes of the American political right, Mr. Trump’s campaign has held out the promise of a white-power resurgence.

“The march to victory will not be won by Donald Trump in 2016, but this could be the steppingstone we need to then radicalize millions of White working and middle class families to the call to truly begin a struggle for Faith, family and folk,” Matthew Heimbach, co-founder of the Traditionalist Youth Network, wrote on the group’s website in October.
Let's say Bernie drops out by April. He's still going to get votes in the later contest like CA right?

Yeah. I'll probably vote for him here in CA regardless of whether he's still running or not. Anything to drive the point home that I'd like to see more progressive candidates propped up nationally going forward.


Looking at the schedule, is there anything that Bernie can be competitive in after today until Wisconsin in April?


Yeah. I'll probably vote for him here in CA regardless of whether he's still running or not. Anything to drive the point home that I'd like to see more progressive candidates propped up nationally going forward.

you still have family in WV? are they still Democrats who will probably participate in the primary?


Looking at the schedule, is there anything that Bernie can be competitive in after today until Wisconsin in April?

He's losing in all recent primary polls in primaries up til AZ on March 22. between March 3 and April 5 in WI he should be competitive in those caucuses.
This KKK line of attack makes the most sense for the GE. Turn attention to how vile his supporters are and force Trump to double down or turn on his base. Doubt it has much effect in the primary. It's just funny seeing the GOP go through the song and dance with overt racism after all the dogwhistles they use.
I guess those aren't showing Southern style advantages for Clinton right now, but looks like a steep uphill climb.

Michigan has been showing some good margins. Ohio is probably his best bet of the primary states that are coming up. I don't think he takes it, but he won't lose 2 to 1 like he may do in Florida and Illinois.

The problem is he spent too much time in Iowa. He had to, no question, but it cost him everywhere else. His lack of campaign supporters is hurting him too because he cannot be everywhere at once. Hillary can send herself, Bill, Chelsea or any one of the bajillion popular Democrats who support her.

On Good Morning America Trump said "There is no one who has done more for equality than I have."

Man what do I do for 8 hours at work. And I put my 17 month old to bed by 6 pm. Probably going to keep him awake so I can watch the results.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It would be all kinds of amazing if Cruz suspends (after winning TX and IA) while Rubio stays in having won nothing.

I'm thinking that Texas win will give the Cruz campaign the will to carry on.

When he loses Texas.

If he wins Texas and Rubio wins nothing why would he?

Nope, I'm betting Carson and Kasich do. No way Kasich stays in another 2 weeks.
What if he loses!

Kasich dropping tonight makes no sense. Especially if he thinks he can play a roll in a brokered convention.
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