He hasn't show up yet. Fox has it on split screen.
Lol, Rubio can't even win full screen access against an empty podium.
He hasn't show up yet. Fox has it on split screen.
Watch Carson stay in the race too and leave it completely unchanged.
MSNBC's split screen of Rubio on one hand, Trump's victories on the other...
Cruz wins Oklahoma...
What the hell is going on in Arkansas?
According to RNC rules, you have to win at least 8 states to be considered a nominee for President
Prebius after March 15th
If Rubio wins MN
They changed those rules to block Ron Paul, they'll change them again.
How did Bernie win Oklahoma? Wtf?
How did Bernie win Oklahoma? Wtf?
How did Bernie win Oklahoma? Wtf?
White voters that like Bernie's anti-globalization rhetoric.
No, Trump sweep will mean candidates start dropping out. We want them to stay as long as possible. Cruz solidified his position by winning 2. Kasich and Rubio overperforming their 2nd place. THIS IS GOOD!!!!!!Is this good? Wouldn't a clear Trump sweep be better?
I guess the delegates are close enough.
You should chill. Tonight is working out basically as good as it possibly could be. Rubio isn't even viable in VT and TN.
How did Bernie win Oklahoma? Wtf?
Can they change then midcycle?
Why has Cruz been improving against Hillary nationally? He's basically been exposed as an obnoxious cheater during the primary?
QUEEN pulling away with MA. This was my redline for bernie. If he doesn't win MA, he should leave the race and give the queen his money.
Rubio might not win a single state, he could fall behind critical delegates thresholds, finish the night 3rd in delegates and behind Cruz in several southern states and behind Kasich in MA/VT.