A 0.1 point rubio loss is damning. That's his state, ffs.
team Romney out there doling out excerpts of his speech hours before it begins. already getting hammered by donald. hilarious. this guy really thinks trump voters are going to give him a fair listen? delusional.
Can someone explain how the "most people didn't vote for trump" logic works when "most people didn't vote" for literally every other republican? Why isn't this being torn to shreds by every non morning joe commentator?They seem to be embracing that idea full out now. I keep seeing Republican talking heads keep claiming that if Trump doesn't have a majority you can't say they took it from him or it wasn't fair because "Non-Trump" would technically have more delegates combined.
They are already doing the PR spin on this on why it wouldn't be stealing it from Trump.
Probably that they are done for! 11 days left in the poobio campaign.Probably that he didn't spend enough time working.
A 0.1 point rubio loss is damning. That's his state, ffs.
Yup!A 0.1 point rubio loss is damning. That's his state, ffs.
That's k, he just needs to win.FL is going to be a 3 pt or less finish. Trump is going to under perform his polls.
FL is going to be a 3 pt or less finish. Trump is going to under perform his polls.
This should be used against Goldwater Girl Hillary Clinton.
At this point I am predicting a Trump loss in Florida.
FL is going to be a 3 pt or less finish. Trump is going to under perform his polls.
That's k, he just needs to win.
As someone in FL, I'm not sure what to think about how it will go. It doesn't help I live in liberal heaven South FL either.
But I feel like outside of Cubans in Miami, the optics in FL match states where Trump has dominated.
Per exit polls so far, % of party voters who would be satisfied with __ as their nominee:
Clinton 78%
Sanders 63
Rubio 53
Cruz 51
Trump 48
Do you know anyone that voted for Rubio? If so, are they happy they voted for him?As someone in FL, I'm not sure what to think about how it will go. It doesn't help I live in liberal heaven South FL either.
But I feel like outside of Cubans in Miami, the optics in FL match states where Trump has dominated.
Trump's going to absolutely romp along the Redneck Riviera (panhandle).
Nervous about tonight's debate. Hopefully Trump comes ready for the next wave of desperation attacks. We know he likely has another shiny object to dangle before the press on Friday.
If Rubes gets absolutely blasted in FL, by like 10%+, I don't know how he can go on. He's going to be torn to shreds by the media.
As someone in FL, I'm not sure what to think about how it will go. It doesn't help I live in liberal heaven South FL either.
But I feel like outside of Cubans in Miami, the optics in FL match states where Trump has dominated.
Not an expert, but this is what I have read about from the Economist. Basically, there is a huge scandal around Brazil's state owned oil company, Petrobas, about kickbacks to politicians or something along those lines. Most of the kickbacks involve the center-left to left worker's party (PT). The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, is from PT, but she hasn't been implicated. So at the same time that this investigation is ongoing at Petrobas, Brazil's economy has gone down the tubes, largely due to fall in commodities and to awful management by PT. Dilma, to her credit, realized that her previous economic policy was stupid and is supporting liberalizing center-right reforms to get the economy going again. However, the center right is refusing to support these policies, or anything else that the government does, because they are pissed about Petrobas, and that Dilma won an election in 2014 before the consequences of her economic stupidity had become apparent. The center right is also trying to impeach Dilma now on a technicality.
Do you know anyone that voted for Rubio? If so, are they happy they voted for him?
I'm not buying this line of thought that the Republicans are gonna throw the general election away. The Supreme Court is at stake, which could determine the direction of the country for the next 30 years.
When the primary dust settles, they will get dragged kicking and screaming into supporting Trump.
I used to read these threads in their entirety. But you guys and your insane Super Tuesday post rate have made that pretty much impossible. Thanks a lot.
What Hillary supporters need to understand is that the various Bernie supporters that include millennials, independents, and some republicans are literally holding a fucking deadman switch in our hand with a bomb strapped to our chest and we are yelling at Hillary supporters that we are going to fuck shit up in the general if you dont start listening to us.
Simultaneously the greatest and terrifying thing I've ever read.
You've already got one senator who is calling for a third party candidate, along with a number of conservative "intellectuals" like Bill Kristol. We may think Kristol's a joke but he has deep ties with right-wing financiers. They'll find someone to run and get them $, the question is does this person get 2% of the vote or 10?
re: grasping reality on the part of bernie supporters on social media - if nothing else, i've really done a good job of limiting the number of people on my own facebook that are like this
not from unfollowing or unfriending, though i've had to do that a couple times because a couple people just wouldn't accept it, but through frequent posts backed with data (that i've recently leveled up into full-length notes)
Yeah I had to give up trying.I used to read these threads in their entirety. But you guys and your insane Super Tuesday post rate have made that pretty much impossible. Thanks a lot.
I feel like beneath all the day-to-day craziness the pathway for this election is pretty clear. Trump gets the nom, and then the Republicans run a third party candidate against him, basically conceding the election. The real question is does that person get enough support for them to keep the senate or does Trump completely blow up the system and create enough bad blood that the party fractures?
I'm not buying this line of thought that the Republicans are gonna throw the general election away. The Supreme Court is at stake, which could determine the direction of the country for the next 30 years.
When the primary dust settles, they will get dragged kicking and screaming into supporting Trump.
But what's the point? Save face by standing up to Trump? This is all primary posturing and the Republicans will come around after the primaries like they always do.
Will help Joe Biden when he's nominated after Hillary gets dragged off to prison.214,000 jobs added in February. 71st continuous month of job growth.
It's not going to get any better in the next few days is it? What with Sanders set to win some small states. Clinton is going to extend her lead, but they'll be like 'BERNIE HAS WON ALL THESE STATES MOMENTUM'.
Mostly they're parroting Daily KOS, Huffpost, Young Turks articles. Someone was coming out with that nonsense about how 'Sanders is winning the Blue and swing states, and those ones are the ones that should count. The media won't tell you this secret though.'
Le sigh.
It's not going to get any better in the next few days is it? What with Sanders set to win some small states. Clinton is going to extend her lead, but they'll be like 'BERNIE HAS WON ALL THESE STATES MOMENTUM'.
Mostly they're parroting Daily KOS, Huffpost, Young Turks articles. Someone was coming out with that nonsense about how 'Sanders is winning the Blue and swing states, and those ones are the ones that should count. The media won't tell you this secret though.'
Le sigh.
Do they though? The last major party nominee I can think of to get this much hostility from sitting politicians was Goldwater and the Eastern Establishment Rockefeller-types never got behind him, even in the general.
King Obama!214,000 jobs added in February. 71st continuous month of job growth.
Will help Joe Biden when he's nominated after Hillary gets dragged off to prison.