Do people really believe that the Hillary conspiracy runs super deep yet somehow, despite being guilty and having access to the servers the entire time, she ran for president anyways?
Romney complaining about someone not disclosing tax returns. That's a bit rich.
"Protestor" said "We love Mitt"Did R-Money just get calloles out by a PROTESTOR?!?
"Protestor" said "We love Mitt"
Who thought this was a good idea?
Just like he is!
Who thought this was a good idea?
I don't like Trump at all but Romney's a piece of shit.
Was in the car.. Is this the waste of time I thought it would be?
Was in the car.. Is this the waste of time I thought it would be?
Was in the car.. Is this the waste of time I thought it would be?
Lol at Romney waiting for applause for his hat joke. Fuck off.
Do people really believe that the Hillary conspiracy runs super deep yet somehow, despite being guilty and having access to the servers the entire time, she ran for president anyways?
Hillary is a reasonably strong candidate, but she isn't a strong enough candidate for for the DNC to throw itself on the sword for given that the lack of broad appeal candidates on the GOP side has been known for years. Putting aside the absurd list of "facts" anti-Hillary people are throwing out in the OT, if she was guilty, I find it highly unlikely that either the DNC or Hillary herself would have just ignored it.
If you enjoy watching someone systematically embarrass themselves it's worth it.
It's a cluster fuck. I mean, I have no idea who okay'd this at the RNC. Someone had to's just insane. Literally insane.
Well.. The voters do I guess?Who the fuck knows
At what point does George W come out to denounce Trump?
No. But they hope it hurts her enough to prevent her candidacy or election. Look at the massive reaction to Bill Clinton at the polling booths in MA. People want the state flipped back around to Sanders. I mean, heck, they can have it, much good one less delegate for Clinton and one more for him is going to do for him.
But it's this tiny issue, in this state where Clinton and Sanders basically tied, and they're trying to make it this massive thing.
And I just don't see how this is going to end up being hung around Clinton's neck. I mean, she asked for this thing before she did it. Someone approved it.
At what point does George W come out to denounce Trump?
Biden hates Hillary more than all the redditors combined.
I'm hoping he knows she was in the clear and decided not to run
So, Trump released his health care plan. Is that new news? Might be threadworthy. I've seen one too many "Trump wouldn't be that bad, at least he supports single payer" posts for my lifetime, and I'd like it to stop.
I don't know why some people are getting upset I for one like the idea of Romney doing this, this would cause for friction within the GOP. Romney is trying to rally the troops, if he is e even partially successful it is a good thing.
So someone shouted "You're desperate" which is why people started chanting Mitt Mitt Mitt.